
Apr 23, 2007 18:09

- So...I saw Eragon the other night. Honestly, I will say that I was not impressed. (Though, psychicninja, I will wholeheartedly agree in that I basically want a baby!Saphira ^___^) Like, it was cool, and I basically would concede to having consensual sex with Murtaugh LOLZ, but it just wasn't up to par on so many levels. Imean, the acting was okay (zomg ( Read more... )

*grumble grumble*, harry potter, grr, meme, severitus, beta work, pimp, fics and the like..., squee!!!, happy me, alan the wonderful, rambles, shoutouts

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Comments 17

mearen April 24 2007, 01:55:55 UTC

I need to start getting into fanfiction again. I pretty much *only* read SS/HG. And pretty much only rated R+ stuff :]


lovesnape April 24 2007, 02:39:21 UTC
lmao, me too when I first saw it. It still does too xDD (laurel_tx is fucking hilarious YUP YUP)

Yes you should! :D I wish I wrote more, but I just don't have the time... So I just settle for beta-ing (and omg how fabulous is it that I'm beta reading for Severitus? Y HALLO THER INSTANT RECOGNITION!! xDDD) for the time being. :\

I don't blame you, though. What's NOT to love with SSHG?! :D (And YOUR icon makes me squee ^.^)


(The comment has been removed)

lovesnape April 26 2007, 03:54:37 UTC
WHO COULD?!?! There were SO many times I expected him to be all like... RAPE!!! fucking pg rating... *grumbles*

Durza. Yeah. He was supposed to be hot. Not look like a fucking demented clown who fell in some red paint T_T


But that's why we love you. :)


black_sound April 24 2007, 09:19:22 UTC
You have the same pasion as my friend amfigotion in distroing every scene from Eragon. I'm not like that, I mean there was a lot of things that I didn't like but it was OK ( never read the book so may be that will be a reason).

I know I shouldn't compare whit LOTR - nothing can't be compared whit LOTR but there were some things thatwere so ... Fo ex : Eragon ... Aragorn sounds famyliar? or the scene whit Durza that realy realy looks like the scene whit Saruman from TTT ... Ya we shoudn't compare ....


lovesnape April 26 2007, 03:49:59 UTC
Like, it wasn't bad when it came to adapting the story and all... (granted I haven't read the book in a bajillion years so yeah, I'm kinna with you on that ;P) It was just the way it was produced...the cinematography... Like, it just wasn't up to par on the other adapted-from-the-book movies, you know?

And omg if you read the book...there are SO many LOTR knock-offs it's almost depressing (okay, I LOVE the books, it just takes a while to get over the HUGE Tolkien influence). The Ra'zac (or however they're spelled) are like, "black hooded" ppls... Um, Nazgul anyone??? Even the MAP looks similar to Middle Earth... But yeah. I love the books, and I can't WAIT for the third one ^_^

Um...contrasting feelings much, saffron? xP


black_sound April 28 2007, 09:53:18 UTC
I plane reading the books, just because many ppl told me that they are good. But I saw the movie and ...the Tolkien influence was more than evident ... including the PJ influence. I'm not that critic whit adapting books from screen, but to be honest my book will be forever a book ... if you understand me :P


lovesnape April 28 2007, 20:22:37 UTC
You never know! Your book might end up becoming the next Harry Potter! :D Have hope, I'm sure i'll be fabulous *hugs*

I should definitely reread the books... Have they translated the books or will you read them in English? And do you speak English much in everyday life?


so_severus April 25 2007, 10:00:44 UTC
ok I actually laughed out loud at 6 am from your icon

must try and do work and not read ljssssssssss


lovesnape April 26 2007, 03:52:21 UTC
LMAO yes work is good DDDx
Er...you know...for living... Not so much for..um...enjoying life :P

I definitely did so as well for yours. You have such a hilarious sense of humor it's...um...hilarious. o.0


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