
Apr 23, 2007 18:09

- So...I saw Eragon the other night. Honestly, I will say that I was not impressed. (Though, psychicninja, I will wholeheartedly agree in that I basically want a baby!Saphira ^___^) Like, it was cool, and I basically would concede to having consensual sex with Murtaugh LOLZ, but it just wasn't up to par on so many levels. Imean, the acting was okay (zomg ( Read more... )

*grumble grumble*, harry potter, grr, meme, severitus, beta work, pimp, fics and the like..., squee!!!, happy me, alan the wonderful, rambles, shoutouts

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black_sound April 24 2007, 09:19:22 UTC
You have the same pasion as my friend amfigotion in distroing every scene from Eragon. I'm not like that, I mean there was a lot of things that I didn't like but it was OK ( never read the book so may be that will be a reason).

I know I shouldn't compare whit LOTR - nothing can't be compared whit LOTR but there were some things thatwere so ... Fo ex : Eragon ... Aragorn sounds famyliar? or the scene whit Durza that realy realy looks like the scene whit Saruman from TTT ... Ya we shoudn't compare ....


lovesnape April 26 2007, 03:49:59 UTC
Like, it wasn't bad when it came to adapting the story and all... (granted I haven't read the book in a bajillion years so yeah, I'm kinna with you on that ;P) It was just the way it was produced...the cinematography... Like, it just wasn't up to par on the other adapted-from-the-book movies, you know?

And omg if you read the book...there are SO many LOTR knock-offs it's almost depressing (okay, I LOVE the books, it just takes a while to get over the HUGE Tolkien influence). The Ra'zac (or however they're spelled) are like, "black hooded" ppls... Um, Nazgul anyone??? Even the MAP looks similar to Middle Earth... But yeah. I love the books, and I can't WAIT for the third one ^_^

Um...contrasting feelings much, saffron? xP


black_sound April 28 2007, 09:53:18 UTC
I plane reading the books, just because many ppl told me that they are good. But I saw the movie and ...the Tolkien influence was more than evident ... including the PJ influence. I'm not that critic whit adapting books from screen, but to be honest my book will be forever a book ... if you understand me :P


lovesnape April 28 2007, 20:22:37 UTC
You never know! Your book might end up becoming the next Harry Potter! :D Have hope, I'm sure i'll be fabulous *hugs*

I should definitely reread the books... Have they translated the books or will you read them in English? And do you speak English much in everyday life?


black_sound April 29 2007, 05:19:47 UTC
That's the same thing my publisher sais *blush* . I'm not that confident, just because ... this the first time I write something this big.

Yes they translated the book , it is a major book so it is translated, but after the experience of Harry Potter translation I'm afraid to read the romanian version. I don't speak english, never. I just used here on LJ , because I have to, but I never speak english. From time to time I read a book in english , just because is not translated in romanian or is Harry Potter.


lovesnape April 29 2007, 21:49:18 UTC
Oh, I understand totally. I'd probably feel the same way if I was in your place! *wishes*
What was the process of writing the book like? Imean I've always wondered... Sorry if I'm sounding too inquisitive. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. :\

Yeah I've heard the official translations are really bad... Or you know, so literal or whatever. You know what I'm trying to say? lol.

That's interesting. How long have you been studying English then? Is it taught in schools or something? And is it simply easier to write English than to speak it (I would think so, at least for me and Spanish), or do people in general just not speak/know it? (I'm so interested in this kind of thing it's crazy xD Again, if you're not comfortable with my questions or anything, you don't have to answer.)


black_sound May 2 2007, 06:49:14 UTC
The process ... well I didn't had for the beggining the story I just knew I want something whit wings (I love flying). And after 3 pages I knew that I was saying the story of an angel. There was time when I "wrote" 50 pages in my head , that never ended on paper, but the ideas from them made other pages. There was time when I saw everyone daing in the end, but no one dies :P. So is complicated. You just have to late the things hapen if you force then the story looks fake and ugly. I just see the story I don't make it. At least I feel that ( ... )


lovesnape May 3 2007, 00:45:46 UTC
Wow, that sounds so great… (That’s so weird, because my little novel I’ve got lurking in my mind has lots to do with Angels, or something like them o_o) Like, the “letting it happen, don’t force it” thing is really intriguing. This is so cool, I’ve never had the chance to talk to an author before… :D ”I just see the story, I don’t make it.” That is the coolest, most deep thing I’ve heard all day :O ^_^ Gah, I can’t wait to read this story. I’m just going to go up to all the major American publishers and be like, “DOODS! PUBLISH THIS BOOK PLZTHX!!” xDDD

Like, it was actually translated by a 15 year old girl, or it seems like it? And OMG LOL. That just completely takes away from Snape’s whole character. Imean just his name seems foreboding. I don’t think I can imagine him with any other… But you said you do read HP in English, right? Why don’t you just translate them to Romanian yourself, for yourself? It’d probably be clearer for you, wouldn’t it ( ... )


black_sound May 4 2007, 15:14:45 UTC
aaa ... aaa . Intriguing ... aaa , the thing is that for me fells that way. I know for a fact that I made the story, but it fells like I'm seeng it. Because there were times when I said why not make him do that ... and I start writing like 50 pages and after re-readeing them I saw it was so bad that I never could imagine I could write something as bad as that. Of course I riped the pages and write new ones this time only when I felt that the story speaks to me, whithout forcing it again. So I don't know how deep it is , in fact I know is not deep, I write like at 1 in the morning :P so is not deep is sleepy =))( may be that helped me, because I was sleepy I saw all the thing like in a dream ( ... )


lovesnape May 5 2007, 07:47:04 UTC
x) I love writing at one in the morning too. It is really when I feel the most inspired... ^_^ And you're lucky you can at least get down your ideas even if they don't turn out the way you originally planned... Imean, I'm such a perfectionist by nature, I'm never satisfied with anything until I've put my best into it. So writing is often difficult lolz. But I'm getting better at simply getting things done and then going back to read over what I've written. Revising my work is becoming a lot more satisfying now, especially considering I'm a beta x ( ... )


black_sound May 13 2007, 11:23:09 UTC
Sorry for this late ans, this week I have an exam and am so ... You know :P

If It was difficult to find a publisher? Very, but as I said this is not the first thing I publish. To be honest this is just a pre-contract, so nothing is sure for now.

I hate english gramm rules ( sorry but I do). As you can imagine romanian has her rules to, but is realy simple to write. What you hear is what you write and that makes it so much simple. That is why I studied russian, because has the same simple rule : what you write is what you hear ( as soon you learn the alphabet :P)


lovesnape May 14 2007, 05:35:11 UTC
Oh really? What else have you published? Fiction, nonfiction?

LOL so does everyone else who studies the language (myself included xD). I find them both interesting (probably only because I'm a native speaker lulz) and ridiculous. All the different sounds, spellings, and rules... God it must be a bitch to learn LOL.

And don't worry about late replies. It doesn't bother me at all, I'm just happy for your concsientiousness.


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