RENEWAL PRICES: 1.50 for 1 Month 3.00 for 3 Months 5.50 for 6 Months 10.50 for 1 year 25.00 for A Permanent Pass Not Currently Sold
&& PERKS: Dino-Tastic Members: * - * May request any offer I post, no matter if it is full or not. [unless otherwise stated] * - * Will be able to request any loved only freebes posted [going for at least 1 a month!] * - * Has the opportunity to be examples for freebes. * - * May request UP TO: 3 Past Freebes a month. * - * Every 3 months, I will make a post for Loved List members to request any kind of graphics they want from me.
Dino-Myte Members: * - * May request any offer I post, no matter if it is full or not. [unless otherwise stated] * - * Will be able to request any loved only freebes posted [going for at least 1 a month!] * - * May request UP TO: 1 Past Freebes a month. * - * Every 3 months, I will make a post for Loved List members to request any kind of graphics they want from me.