Translation notes;

May 01, 2014 09:53


So, I have just started making blog translations recently, and it's clear with me that my trans aren't that polished yet.
Everything was almost literally translated, and maybe you can roughly call it a clear translation. I am trying to translate blogs texts, which is way longer than a one or two-liner tweet, with the help of my kanji recognizer, japanese dictionary, google (for long kanjis), some STUCK (stock) knowledge and my killer instincts and wide imagination to solve those words like puzzles. I'm so sorry. I'm still learning, and I have no proper education in Japanese language YET, so please bear with me.

I do put notes in the end for the confusing parts, and for the characters which are used as 'emoji's or 'kaomoji's.

I do not put the word credits, but I never forget to put my name below the post. And that only means the work is mine. If ever you want to re-post anything, just leave a comment or something to tell me that you're gonna get it, and of course, don't forget to put my name for your credits. :)

That's all~

AHHHHH! PS: I have also fixed my introduction post and the tags on my sidebar. Masterpost here.

- lovepyyung -

!introduction, !masterpost, + translation, !announcement

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