Meme: Anime Challenge Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)

May 05, 2011 03:57

Meiko Akizuki
Marmalade Boy, Episode 13

In the universe of anime characters, Meiko Akizuki of Marmalade Boy is the closest mirror I have. Meiko is not an object of my admiration or aspiration - she is simply the character I have the most in common with. Hopefully. She is much better than me, of course. Meiko is an intelligent and highly-capable writer and student... a wise counsel and confidante to her best friend Miki... deeply loyal and passionate in love and friendship... calm and rational in all other things. She is beautiful... and spoiled to a nice lifestyle... but quiet, humble, dedicated, and hard-working. Naturally, Meiko is a Myers-Briggs INFJ, like me.

The list of daily topics is in my 30-Day Anime Challenge post.

anime, meme

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