shes in fashion

Jan 05, 2006 20:46

When I was younger I was magical.
I was completely filled with every imaginable inspiration, hope and happiness. I could do anything I wanted, I could do anything thats close to impossible in the whole wide world. I was unstoppable, totally connected and part of whatever makes the gears keep shifting.

I gave up what passions I had thinking theyd ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

apathyoncanvas January 6 2006, 03:24:13 UTC

i can reccomend lots of books. can i just bring you some instead of trying to remember names?

but first, have you ever read the perks of being a wallflower?


lovely_revision January 6 2006, 04:36:03 UTC
I have not read it but would very much like to
that would be wonderful!


thatscheap January 6 2006, 05:14:16 UTC
this inspiration you speak of... yes, it takes effort to find that sense of drive to take you someplace relevant and extraordinary in life, but there's a right kind of effort and a wrong kind of effort. at the moment you are deliberately forcing life to hand you inspiration, and all it's doing its draining your time and energy. that's bad effort; there is no use in forcing a track when you don't know how or where your fate is leading you.

i think the reason why there seemed to have been more conviniency as a kid was because the world didn't expect you to know your full potential and emotional capability yet. your authorities were your umbrellas, pushing you in different directions ensuring your enjoyment and expanding your creativity to it's fullest. it just seemed like there was more spark and inspiration then, but it was really because you were just looking for excitement rather than long-term expectations. and that's what you've got to do now. focus on what makes your heart sing at the moment and flourish it just for that time ( ... )


suthnoli January 6 2006, 19:01:11 UTC

*regains (some) dignity*

Through a Glass, Darkly by Jostein Gaarder is amazing.

and, you'll be fine. People usually are, we're odd like that.


gastrectomy January 6 2006, 19:23:55 UTC
catalyst (author of speak. if you havent read speak, read that too... but first.)
the burn journals (about a kid who sets himself on fire)


shortykay January 7 2006, 01:03:00 UTC
Tithe was an amazing book. There's a sequel, but I don't think it's with the same characters.

I also recommend "The Lovely Bones" as it's amazing. So is "A Great and Terrible Beauty."


gastrectomy January 7 2006, 04:41:24 UTC
Yeah, I loved Tithe so much. I still do. But yeah. I didn't like the sequel as much, so I wouldn't reccomend it. It's not with the same characters.

Yes! The Lovely Bones!


shescontagious January 7 2006, 01:22:32 UTC
hairstyles of the damned.


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