shes in fashion

Jan 05, 2006 20:46

When I was younger I was magical.
I was completely filled with every imaginable inspiration, hope and happiness. I could do anything I wanted, I could do anything thats close to impossible in the whole wide world. I was unstoppable, totally connected and part of whatever makes the gears keep shifting.

I gave up what passions I had thinking theyd always be there.
I gave up good opportunities thinking they would come back because, after all, I was light and sound and movement and I would reach any goal id ever have. since the age of 8 most of that has died. My dancing faded, my writing blocked, people disappointed me and ive become more pessimistic and cynical than anybody under the age of 20 should be.

There is no more magic. nobody to really count on. not one thing i imagine myself doing forever. no one to turn me into fire. nothing to get my heart to feel like music. there is no inspiration. anywhere.

i dont know.

i liked being lost
in most cases i can say i liked being lost
but not in a heartbreaking 'what if im never found' type of way.


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