Castle - I'll Be Surprisingly Good For You 4/5

May 11, 2009 23:05

Sorry about the delay. I was in London the weekend before last and got caught up in real life afterwards. Although the last chapter isn't finished yet but I didn't want to you guys wait any longer. It's extra lengthy to make up for it :)

Title: I’ll Be Surprisingly Good For You
Fandom: Castle
Pairing: Beckett/Castle
Setting/Spoilers: set after “Nanny McDead“, mild reference to "Always Buy Retail"
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A curious detective, a spontaneous date and maybe a little too much wine.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except for the naughty mind that brought up this fic. The title is a song from ‘Evita’.
A/N: Big big big thanks go out to oneloveonelight for beta'ing. It's the first fic I started for this fandom and if it hadn't been for her encouragement, it would not be here.

I’ll Be Surprisingly Good For You 4/5

The bedroom door clicked shut behind Castle. He didn’t turn on the light, the lights from the street dipping the room in a gloomy half-light.

The same curiousity she had felt upon entering his office washed over Kate as she now stepped into his bedroom. This time though, the sensation was much stronger.

Her eyes darted about as though she meant to memorize every little detail. Rich textures dominated the room: a deep, plush carpet, heavy wooden furniture and deep-red sheets.

Castle stepped up behind her, handing her the wine glass.

“Still trying to lower my inhibitions?” She cast a glance over her shoulder, gladly accepting the drink to drown the sudden rise of nervousness. Of course, she had been in bedrooms before, she wasn’t a nun. But this wasn’t just anybody’s bedroom.

Richard Castle was known for his somewhat wild lifestyle. She had read the stories in the tabloids, and seeing him at that release party had comfirmed some of them. And now she was here.

“Only if you want me to,” he replied as though he had read her thoughts, had somehow senses her anxiety.

He was so close to her, Kate could his voice vibrating in his chest. She twitched as he placed his hand on her shoulder, gently brushing away her short hair. A chilll ran down her spine as his fingertips grazed her skin.

“My safe-word is peaches.”

As he let out a low chuckle, she could feel his breath moving her hair. “I’ll even pinch your nose if you want me to.”

Kate couldn’t help but laugh at that, the tension easing out of her shoulders. Of course, she wanted to be here. She wanted this and hell, she needed it too. Still, she couldn’t quite shake of that hint of uneasiness

It had been such a long time since someone had tried to seduce her, she had all but forgotten what it felt like. Damned good was what it felt like.

His hands were everywhere. Trailing the lines of her hips and waist, tugging on her blouse, fumbling with the buttons.

She leaned into him, leaned into the touch, her body becoming pliant underneath his fingertips. She gave into the sensation just merest touch caused her, a sensation elicited by someone but herself. Her eyes flickered shut and her breath became ragged as he slowly started peeling the blouse off her shoulders. The ground was slipping from underneath her feet and it slipped quickly.

With a gentle push, Castle nudged her forward, motioning her to sit on the bed. He knelt down at her feet, looking up at her. It almost seemed as though he was trying to make sure, she really wanted it. Answering the unasked question, she nodded. He pushed up the legs of her pants, unzipped her boots and pulled them off her feet, along with her socks.

Kate watched his every move… watched how his fingers slid along her calf, disappeared underneath her pants and moved up behind the back of her knee. As he reached a particularly sensitive spot, she all but jerked her knee back.

“Too rushed?” he glanced up at her.

“Too ticklish.” To illustrate her words, she wriggled her toes where he had placed her foot on his thigh.

A smile swept across his mouth. “Duly noted.” He rose and pulled her to her feet again, his hands immediately continuing their exploration - down the plains of her stomach to the button of her pants.

Without her heels, Kate was several inches shorter, feeling strangely insecure beside his towering frame. He quickly erased that insecurity with a series of open-mouthed kisses along the line of her neck, his tongue dipping into the hollow between her collarbones.

She tilted her head back to give him better access, not noticing that he had already unbuttoned her pants. Only when his hands closed over her lace-clad butt, did she look up at him and realize what he had done. A seductive little smile crept on her lips as she wriggled her hips to help get rid of the hampering garments.

Kate stepped out of the pool of pants around her ankles, her fists closing on the collar of his shirt as she pulled him down for a kiss. In a tangle of groping hands and exploring lips, they tumbled on the bed. Castle found himself on top of her, holding himself up on the bed with his hands, stopping to admire her.

Kate spoke first. “You are wearing too many clothes,” she said, matter-of-factly, glancing down at his body.

“Your deductive skills are superb, Detective Beckett.”

She flashed him a grin.

He pressed an almost harsh kiss to her lips and then withdrew from the bed. She almost whimpered at the loss of his weight on top of her. Her disappointment evaporated as she watched him undress.

He wasn’t a poster boy for fitness. He liked the good things in life far too much not to indulge in them just a little bit. Still, Kate couldn’t help but stare at him when he pulled the shirt off his shoulders.

For a fleeting second, she was that girl again. The one who would stand in line at the bookstore with the latest Storm novel in hand. She would read the back flap, trying to make a guess as to how things would unravel throughout the book. Then she would take a glance at the inside of the dust cover which was always adorned with that smug mug she had come to get… annoyed by in the past few weeks. She had always wondered who the man was who kept her awake even after long hours at work. Now she knew. Part of her still wished it wasn’t so, and yet she was here.

“Second thoughts?”

Kate blinked, realizing she had been staring at him. Even her mouth was slightly agape; she clamped it shut with a popping sound. “What?”

“You look like you’ve got second thoughts.” If that statement was made in disappointment, he didn’t let it show. Instead, he continued: “Which would be bad ‘cause once you got the engine revving…” He propped his hands on his hips, giving her a pointed look.

Self-consciousness wasn’t a word Richard Castle seemed to have in his vocabulary. She realized that when she noticed that he had already stripped down to his boxers, his smooth skin gleaming in what little light came in from the street. Shadows fell into the dips beneath his collarbones and his throat. Expensive dinners and good wine were visible on his frame but it wasn’t enough to entirely cover abs that must have taken just as much effort to build as it took to construct one of his intriguing plots.

Kate licked her lips. No, she didn’t have second thoughts. Not in the least.

“No, but seeing you standing about there makes me think you might not be… up for it,” she teased him.

He took the bait. He was on her in a flash, bruising her lips with a fiery kiss.

Kate’s fingers went into his hair, fingernails slightly scratching his scalp. The moment she locked her legs around his waist, she knew there’d be no stopping now. She wanted this too much to stop. She hadn’t even realized how much she missed this until she felt his skin brush against hers, his fingertips exploring her exposed flesh, eager for more. She didn’t realize how hungry she was for this until she got a taste.

She leaned back on the mattress as Richard moved down her body, leaving a series of open-mouthed kisses down the side of her neck. Her breath hitched in her throat again as he reached the valley between her breasts, thanking whatever inner voice had advised her to wear one of her finer sets of lingerie.

She arched her back, pressing up into his palms as he cupped her breasts. Her nipples hardened under the touch, and she let out a whimper when he pulled the fabric aside to suck the little bud into his mouth.

One of his hands - she somehow had lost track of which one - slipped underneath her, lifting her up, increasing the friction of his body against hers. She felt him hardening against her, but her hands were too busy raking over his back to further explore that at the moment.

His ministrations drove her almost insane with the want for more. If he stopped now, she probably would shoot him after all.

She opened the lock of her legs around his waist, propped one foot on the bed and used her martial arts skills to flip him on his back. A wicked little smile twisted his mouth as she came to sit astride him.

“You know, you look gorgeous taking charge like that,” he teased her, running his hands up her thigh.

“Your deductive skills are superb, Mr. Castle,” she mimicked his words, matching his grin as well. She reached around her back and unhooked the clasp of her bra.

His hands covered hers as she was about to brush the straps off her shoulders. All of a sudden, his eyes were unusually serious. Taken aback by the sudden change of mood, she let him strip off the bra, her breasts falling into his palms.

Kate’s eyes dared to flicker shut as his thumbs grazed her nipples and a wave of lust rushed through her. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he was doing it well.

Claiming her mouth with another searing kiss, Richard sat up. He let a hand slide between their bodies, seeking out her most sensitive spot.

A low, almost guttural moan escaped her mouth when his finger brushed over her clit, dipping into the wetness beneath the delicate fabric of her panties. Just like that, with those little touches, he would be able to make her come. It had been such a long since anybody had touched her like that; it almost felt like the first time, minus the awkward fumbling.

Her body responded on its own accord, arching up in his lap and then sinking back down on his finger. If this was any promise of what was to come…

She rode his hand in eager anticipation, clinging to his shoulders, their lips mashed. They broke apart as a chuckle bubbled up his throat.

“What?” she asked, slightly annoyed by the interruption.

“I was this close to saying ‘condoms in the bathroom’ again.”

“Way to spoil the mood, thank you very much.” She kissed him again, hard and quick. “Besides, I’m safe.”

“Still.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m just playing good boy scout. ‘Always prepared’, stuff like that.” He paused, maybe a little too long. “I just want you to be…”

“You never were a boy scout,” she interupted him. She looked at him for a long moment. From his reputation (and his rep sheet) she had expected just about anything. That kind of consideration hadn’t been on the list.

This time, the kiss was slow and sensual. “Hurry,” she murmured against his mouth before sliding off his lap.

As he padded off to the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom, Kate reached for one of the wineglasses to take a sip. Almost on instinct, she crossed her legs and an exiting tingle shot up from the pit of her stomach, making her shift to savor the friction.

“You’re beautiful, Kate.”

She flinched at the words and turned to him where he stood in the door to the bathroom. Even only in his boxers with his arousal all too visible, he managed to pull off that strange mixture of casualty and sincerity.

Shadows in the dim room hid her violently blushed cheeks but the absent gesture with which she brushed her hair behind her ear gave her away. After a moment or two, she rose from the bed and turned to him.

They approached each other in silence until they were close enough to brush up against each other. She looked up at him, into those bright blue eyes.

Almost too gently, he cradled her face in his hands. He fixed her gaze a moment longer before he leaned down to her for a slow-motion kiss.

Her hands went up to his hips. She could feel goosebumps erupt beneath her fingertips as they made their way to the waistband of his boxers.

A breath escaped his mouth along with a low, deep moan as she let her hand slip under the fabric, her fingers wrapping around him.

“No doubting that I’m up it for now, huh?”



“Shut up.”

Richard’s hands found her hips, fingers hooking into her panties. He went down on one knee as he pulled them down her legs. On his way back up, he peppered her stomach with a series of kisses. One kiss landed a breath shy of her neatly trimmed hair, one below her navel, two more until he reached the valley between her breasts. The next found her mouth, which trembled in anticipation.

Now it was her turn. She mimicked his motions, carefully - and teasingly - avoiding touching his erection in the process. She used to feel self-conscious being stark naked like this, but somehow those doubts seemed to evaporate in his presence. The way he looked at her now made her believe his words.

Gently, she pushed him backwards until he had to sit down on the bed. He smirked but remained silent. She sat astride his knees and snagged the little tinfoil pack from where he had dropped it on the mattress. Her hands trembled a bit as she ripped it open. His palms closed over her hands once again, not taking control but assisting her, guiding her fingers down his length.

Their gazes never broke as she sat up on her knees, then let her body sink down on him. Her lips closed around a soundless ‘oh’ and her eyes lost a good part of their focus.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her even closer, his fingers delicately playing down her spine.

Kate let out a shuddering breath when she had fully taken him in. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, leaving little claw marks in his flesh.

Slowly, she started to move in his lap, riding him at a relaxed pace. And he let her. He let her take control, let her set the rhythm.

She had expected that he’d made this about himself, about him conquering the fortress that was Kate Beckett. But instead, he made it about her, let her do what she wanted, and how she wanted it. He submitted himself to her without a word, without so much as a gesture. He was her conquest.

Kate claimed his mouth as her pace quickened by a fraction. Her arms went around his neck as his slid down her thighs, kneading the smooth muscles of her legs.

“Touch me,” she heard herself whisper, her voice husky and heavy with desire. “Please.”

Her wish was his command.

An indelicate curse escaped her mouth as his fingers found her clit again. He circled the little bud in sync with her rhythm, drawing a moan with every turn.

Kate knew she wouldn’t last very long. It had been too long and it felt too good for her body to withstand the kind of pleasure bubbling up from her pit of her stomach. Her senses were already in overdrive and, with the pressure he applied to her clit, he almost sent her over the edge.

Her breath became erratic, catching in her throat every now and then. She began to ride him a little harder, to seek friction against his body in every way possible.

His free hand seemed to be everywhere. On the back of her neck… sliding down her back… cupping her breast… pinching her nipple. Fire trailed in the wake of his fingertips, consuming her.

She bit down on his shoulder when she came.

White hot pleasure welled up from deep inside her, making her entire body quiver. She clung to him for dear life - a little scream escaping, making way for her ecstasy. Her hips rolled against his, riding out the orgasm against his hand.

Her inner muscles clenched around him, and she drew him along. His moan was a low rumble in his chest, his breath hot against her sweat-coated skin. He pulled her flush against him with his hips bucking up to meet hers.

Richard’s hand was still trapped between their bodies as Kate slowly came down from her high. Whenever he moved, even for the slightest bit, a violent shiver erupted through her, drawing little whimpers from her lips.

Slowly, he sank back on the mattress, pulling her with him. The change of position caused another wave of pleasure to course through her body, almost making her come again.

He kissed her slowly and pulled away gently. As he gazed at her, he brushed her damp hair from her face, a lopsided grin sweeping his mouth. “I had no idea.”

She flashed him a grin, slowly disentangling herself from his embrace. She let out a breath when he slipped out of her, her body still tingling. With an exhausted and satisfied sigh, she flopped down on her bed next to him. “Hate to say I told you so.”

He chuckled at that, turning on his side to look at her. “Remind me to never doubt you again.”

“Oh, I will.” Her grin spread even wider.

He kissed her on the corner of her mouth, rising from the bed. “I’ll be right back.” Once more, he padded over into the bathroom.

Although her body felt entirely too heavy to move, Kate scooted back on the bed to pull the covers out from under her. She was only thirty but was too exhausted to reach for the wine.

She hadn’t felt this good, this… sated in a very long time. She was asleep even before Richard returned.

castle: castle/beckett, castle: c/b: surprise

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