Fic: Love Will Always Find a Way (Chapter 1)

Mar 15, 2009 00:49



“Haya-niichan! Haya-niichan! Where are you?”

Little Ryu was running around the palace, frantically looking for his older brother. He ran everywhere his little legs could take him but to no avail, he couldn’t find Hayato. He couldn’t find anyone in fact.

The palace was so big and it had a very lonely atmosphere around it. He couldn’t see any other people and he was already starting to get scared. He was already getting tired so he sat down on the floor, hugged his knees and started sobbing.

“Haya-niichan, I need you,” He sniffed as he continued to cry.

He buried his head between his knees, hoping, praying that he would be with his brother soon. His physical pain from the bullying he got was nothing compared to the loneliness he felt when his brother was exiled.


A voice called the younger one making the latter look up.


He was called again making Ryu stand up, opening up to the voice he knew all too well. “Haya…niichan?” His eyes widened when he saw, not far from where his standing, was his beloved brother with wide-arms, smiling at him.

“Ryu,” Hayato smiled and the other one instantly ran up to him.

“Haya-niichan!” Ryu cried as he ran towards his brother only to be welcomed with nothing but thin air, making him fall hard on the ground. ‘Hayato’ disappeared and everything turned dark and lonely again.

Ryu cried again after knowing it was just an illusion and went back in sitting down, hugging his knees again.

“Haya-niichan, I need you,”


Ring. Ring. Ring.

The alarm clock buzzed annoyingly as it tried to wake its owner up-which fortunately for it, its owner did.

The owner groaned as he tried to reach for the annoying piece of technology however he always missed making the alarm clock buzz louder than ever.

Ugh! Oh come on. I don’t want to get up yet. Jin whined as he tried to cover his ears with his pillow but sadly failed as his clock buzzed happily as if teasing its owner. The man finally gave up as he tried to sit up from his bed and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

I knew I shouldn’t have let those bastards talk me into drinking with them last night. He felt for his head which was still feeling a bit heavy but he tried to muster up all of his remaining energy to freshen up and go to work. He then left his room apartment to see his neighbor, Kazuya Kamenashi, doing the same thing as well.

“Good morning, Akanishi-kun,” Kazuya flashed him a smile which Jin tried to return. The former noticed this and decided to tease the latter. “Had a rough night?” Jin could only nod and ran his fingers through his dark hair.

“Apparently Koki and Maru had their time pestering me last night about going to a bar. You’re new in the company right? I suggest you just ignore those two lunatics whenever they ask you to do something…inappropriate.” Jin chuckled and Kazuya did the same. “Alright then, Akanishi-kun,” He replied.

They both walked into the elevator and decided to go to work at the same time. After all, they were already co-workers since Kazuya just got hired the week before. At that time, Jin suddenly felt a huge connection with the younger man which was what he thought the reason why he wanted to be close with him at once. Usually he wasn’t like that but he felt something very different with that Kazuya-like he has already been part of his life.

“I told you, call me Jin. Akanishi-kun’s too formal,” Jin grinned. “And besides, it seems that we’re going to see each other for a really long time.” He ended which Kazuya seemingly agreed to.

Days before Kazuya got into the job, he also managed to get the room beside Jin’s since the couple who lived there before had already moved out just in time Kazuya was looking for a place to stay. He never told anyone the real reason why he went there though. It wasn’t because he doesn’t want to; he just felt that his secret-of being raised into a family of high power and wealth-would cause a great dilemma among people.

And besides, he just didn’t change his name from Ryu Odagiri to Kazuya Kamenashi for that single purpose only. No. He also have one great goal in mind: to find his long lost brother whom he have been searching for the past 15 years and being under the name Ryu Odagiri, it was just too troublesome carrying the great Odagiri name which is why changing his identity would at least lessen the trouble of finding his brother, or at least that’s what he thinks.

At first he was at lost what to do after entering the big city alone but he was lucky that there were people who were willing to help him (or maybe because the amount of money he brought was attracting them). He was even luckier when he managed to find a job quickly! Talk about connections, right?

So now he only has two dilemmas in life: stabilizing his job and looking for his brother. The latter was harder though. He doesn’t know what he looks like now in the present, he’s not sure if he’s really here, and he doesn’t know if he’s still using the name Hayato. He could’ve changed his name like he did but he thought of going to Tokyo because he was aware of the different kinds of people who are in here.

“Yes Aka…I meant, Jin.” Kazuya smiled as they got to work together.


Jin Akanishi, Kazuya admits, has already become a great part in his life. The first time he got to work, he felt piercing eyes staring at him and when he turned to those eyes, he can’t help but get attracted as well while he was being introduced by the boss.

Those eyes, they were dark and there was something different about them…in a good way. It’s as if it was staring right through his soul that this guy would want to protect him with all he has or something like that. And somehow, in that moment, Kazuya felt that that guy could be his brother. Suddenly shaking that idea out, he bowed down and stated his name and everybody in the room welcomed him and applauded for him.

“There Kamenashi, you can sit beside Akanishi,” the boss said and suddenly turned to Jin. “Akanishi, please stand so that Kamenashi here will know where he’s going to sit.” Jin was suddenly surprised at the idea and immediately stood up and watched as the newcomer walked towards him and sat at the vacant seat beside him.

Awkward silence engulfed both of them until Jin decided to ease the tension a bit.

“Hi. I’m Jin.”

And that’s how they managed to talk already; starting with a greeting and a smile. And Kazuya felt a sigh of relief for that. At least he doesn’t have to trouble himself with getting alone with his seatmate. And for the second time around, he felt his brother’s presence just around the area.


“Good morning!” Everyone greeted each other as they entered the building and got into their own workplaces. Jin immediately slumped on his table and rested his head on his folded arms. Kazuya took his place next to him and looked at the files he was supposed to work on that day.

Just on cue, Yuichi Nakamaru and Tanaka Koki passed by their area and nudged Jin again and again. “Good morning, Jin! Are you ready for another night of fun tonight?” Both of them cheered as they tried to wake the tired Jin up. The latter could only groan while Kazuya just chuckled at them.

“Jin, come on! Wake up!” Koki pushed him but he still didn’t budge.

“Don’t say we warned you,” Maru said and suddenly poked Jin’s collarbones causing the latter to shriek and slip from his chair. This made the duo laugh harder while their victim just glared at them.

“You guys are the reason why I’m like this in the first place! Get away from me.” Jin stared at them with piercing yet tired eyes and Koki and Maru just grinned at him. “Oh come on, Jin. I’m sure you enjoyed last night. It’s been awhile since you drank and stuff. We were expecting that you should’ve hit a girl already.” They keep on teasing poor Jin.

Jin just ruffled his hair and pouted at Kazuya, silently seeking for help. The latter just smiled at him and shrugged. It was worth a try to help his friend out.

“Ano, Nakamaru-kun, Koki-kun,” Kazuya called making Koki and Maru turn to him. “Uh…I think it’s best if you leave Jin alone. He’s really tired and all,” He tried making the two blink at him and suddenly huge grins appeared on their faces.

This time, they advanced closer to Kazuya and poked him and ruffled his hair. “Hey Kamenashi, you’re new here, right? What about drinking with us later? It’s worth a celebration.” Koki grinned while Maru nodded eagerly.

“What?” Kazuya looked at them innocently, causing amused looks on the two. “Oh come on. It’s worth a shot right? It’s completely harmless.”

“Yeah, Kazu-chaan, we’ll take care of you. We promise.” Maru blinked at him. Jin unconsciously twitched and his ‘brotherly instinct’ suddenly came into action and pulled the two away from harassing their new co-worker.

“Will you two stop it? You’re making the guy uncomfortable,” Jin warned and glared at them. Maru and Koki frowned at him and whined. “We’re not making him uncomfortable! We’re making him the other way around actually. We’re showing him how friendly workers from this company are!” Jin just shook his head at them.

“No. It’s not working. Now go back to your workplaces before the boss finds out about this and we’ll all be in trouble,” Jin pushed them away.

“You’re so mean, Jin!”

“You’re so possessive of Kazu-chan!”

Jin just sighed and went back to his place. He was surprised his seatmate was currently laughing. “What is it?” He asked, raising a brow.

“Nothing,” Kazuya shook his head. “Are you guys always like this?” He asked. Jin smiled at him. “Unfortunately, yes. Just kidding. But yeah, ever since we got into this company, we were already friends and it’s nice like that.” He explained and Kazuya nodded.

“But don’t worry Kazuya, I’ll beat those guys up if ever they get in your face!” Jin exclaimed proudly making the other laugh harder. “What’s so funny this time?” Jin pouted cutely.

“Nothing, it’s just that…you remind me of my brother so much when you said that,” Kazuya replied but immediately the smile on his face disappeared and turned into a frown. The older man noticed this and asked, “What’s wrong?” Kazuya smiled sadly and shook his head, reassuring the other that he was okay.

“I just miss him at all. We weren’t able to see each other for a really long time now, you see. And I just want to meet him again.” Kazuya said. “Well, I’ll help you look for him, then!” Jin said making Kazuya look at him oddly. “What? You think I can’t do it?” This made the younger man chuckle softly and just agreed. “Of course you can. Thanks Jin,”


“I think it’s best if you two start on your work now, isn’t that right, Akanishi, Kamenashi?” Their boss suddenly stated making the two of them halt their laughter and turn to their work.

“Yes sir!”


“Haya-niichan! Haya-niichan! Where are you?”

Kazuya immediately sat up with his eyes wide open. He looked around and saw that he was still in the office and everyone else seemed to have left already. He rubbed his eyes and saw that his last paperwork was still unfinished causing him to immediately end it.

It’s the same dream all over again.

He shook his head and tried to focus and ended his last paper. As he was doing so, a man suddenly came up to him and placed down a bottle of water beside him. This halted Kazuya’s work as he looked up and found Jin’s grin in front of his face.

“Jin? What are you still doing here?” Kazuya blinked, not expecting the other to be there late at night. “I’d ask you the same question but I remembered that you fell asleep while doing your work. You see, I forgot something very important from my table so I have to rush back here to get it. And it turns out you’re still awake so I gave you my bottle.” Jin explained.

“Oh,” was all Kazuya could say. “Thanks.” He muttered and ended his work.

Once Jin saw he was finished, he suddenly asked the younger man, “Hey, want to get some dinner? It’s time for that already anyway. My treat!” Kazuya smiled at him and nodded. “Thank you, I’d like that.”

They packed their things and went out of the building.

Where are you really, brother?


Author’s Notes: OH YEAH! It’s summer time already! *dances* And that means updates, updates and more updates! Expect that from me people! Wee~

So how’d you like this one? (: I’m really starting to love this fic already. LOL. Tell me what you think, alright? *chuu*

genre: au, fic: multi-chaptered, genre: romance, genre: drama, rating: nc-17, genre: angst, group: kat-tun, fic: love will always find a way, pairing: akame

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