Fic: Love Will Always Find a Way (Prologue)

Sep 13, 2008 23:35

Title: Love Will Always Find a Way
Author: scarlet_angel03 
Pairing: Akame, HayaRyu
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Humor, AU, Incest
Author’s Notes: Here’s another fic from me. :) I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Ideas just struck me one by one and they are threatening me to be written. xDD LOL. But still, I hope you guys like this. ♥ This should’ve come after Okaasan? and In Time ended but I really wanted to start this already so…yeah. xD
Summary: Hayato was the eldest son of the Odagiri family while Ryu was the youngest. Despite being born from different mothers, both of them still treated themselves as real brothers and were closer than any of their other siblings. However, a shocking turning point made the head of the Odagiri clan to exile Hayato leaving Ryu all alone being bullied by his other brothers.

15 years later, Ryu decided to leave and look for his beloved long lost brother while being hidden under the name of Kazuya Kamenashi and, without him knowing, his brother under the name of Jin Akanishi. It may seem tough to be looking for someone that is under a different name but it wouldn’t really be when the only person you’re looking for is only 1 seat apart from your work room and is actually your neighbor in the same apartment building.

“Haya-niichan! Haya-niichan!”

A 6-year-old Ryu Odagiri was running around the garden desperately trying to look for his favorite older brother. He stopped as he turned to look around but no sign of his brother was seen.

“Mou…Where is he?” Little Ryu pouted as he continued to search for his missing brother. However, he heard little rustles from above and leaves fell down frantically. Ryu looked up with his big brown eyes and smiled wide when he saw his brother up the tree trying to sleep again.

“Haya-niichan!” He called again and he was lucky that his brother finally noticed him. The said brother smiled at him and waved. “Can I go up with you there? I want to show you something!” Ryu asked in glee only to frown when his brother declined.

“No Ryu-kun, you’ll get hurt. I promise when you’re old enough, I’ll bring you here everyday!” 8-year-old Hayato Yabuki promised looking down on his brother.

They were both aware they didn’t come from the same mother but from the same father. They didn’t actually care less about it; they just enjoyed being together as brothers and never considered themselves as ‘half-brothers’. There were 4 other boys in between Hayato and Ryu’s age gap and all weren’t really nice to Ryu.

Many of them were jealous saying that Ryu was always the favorite and everyone just loves him better than anyone else. This made the latter feel low of himself and tried to avoid others and was used to being alone. However, this loneliness inside him slowly disappeared when his eldest brother came to him and started hanging out him.

Hayato was aware that the other brothers also hated him for that but he didn’t care as long as Ryu was living his life happily. Although still being a kid, he had already vowed to himself (and to Ryu as well) that he would protect his youngest brother no matter the circumstances and would be there to always accompany him. He declared this proudly and Ryu loved him for that.

Little Ryu frowned. Hayato noticed this and asked, “What’s wrong, Ryu-chan? Are you okay?” Ryu just continued frowning. “But if I can’t come up, can you at least come down? I want to be with you so badly,” He whined making Hayato grin and jump down from the tree.

It always amazed Ryu how his brother could always jump down from the high tree without hurting himself. He knew it might’ve taken him so much practice and pain to do that but he still thinks he’s the best though.

“Okay, I’m done. What’s up?” The older brother asked as he looked at Ryu. The latter beamed as he walked up to the other and hugged him. “There! I just wanna hug you!” Hayato blinked and suddenly laughed. “That’s so gay of you, you know that?” He grinned but eventually held his brother back.

It was Ryu’s turn to blink and ask, “Brother, what’s gay?” This made Hayato sweat drop and shook his head. “You’ll know soon.” He patted the younger one’s head and grinned.

Ryu just pouted but decided to bring the subject down. “Nii-chan, I’m hungry,” He whined and Hayato just smirked at him. “It’s not dinner yet but I know we could find some food inside. Come on!” He got one of Ryu’s hands and guided him inside the mansion’s kitchen.


Although the maids were everywhere, Hayato decided that it would be more fun if he got the food himself for him and for Ryu. He sneaked into the kitchen with Ryu trailing him and pulled up a chair to reach the cupboard that wasn’t enough for him to reach. He then climbed up the said chair and opened the door to find boxes and jars of food.

Ryu blinked. “Nii-chan, why don’t we just get food from the refrigerator?” He asked thinking it would be a lot easier but his brother just looked at him. “Don’t you think it would be more exciting to get food this way?” He grinned and Ryu could never agree more so he just nodded eagerly.

Hayato was about to get down from the chair but somebody suddenly called making him almost fall from the said chair. “Hayato, what are you doing!” Little Ryo suddenly yelled when he witnessed what his brothers were doing. He didn’t care if Hayato was older than him and he didn’t even care more of Ryu.

“We’re getting food, what does it look like?” Hayato answered back as he got down the chair and Ryu ran up to him, suddenly scared.

“Don’t you know that you’re stealing? Those are not yours!” Ryo seethed even in his young age.

“Why? Does it have a name on it? Of course not!” Hayato glared and he knew Ryo didn’t have any retort to that. So the latter just decided to pick on little Ryu instead. “I’m sure this is your idea again, Ryu. You’re so going to get in trouble!” With that he scattered away to tell the mothers and his father.

After that incident, Ryu sniffled not wanting to be in trouble. He was always being treated like this by his brothers except by his beloved Hayato. The latter frowned when he heard the sudden soft sobs of his little brother so he just wrapped his arms around the little boy and cooed him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to let them to do, Ryu. I’ll protect you.” Hayato encouraged his brother and comforted him as well.

“I’m scared, nii-chan,” The younger one sniffed as he wrapped his arms around the other’s torso and cried. “They’re gonna yell at me again, I’m sure. I don’t want that.” He confessed and continued crying.

“Ssh, your big brother’s here for you, okay? Don’t be scared.” Hayato comforted him again and again. Although uncertain of what to do, he still tried to remain as calm about it as possible as he tried to calm his brother down.


Ryu’s mother died when Ryu was born and was left in the care of his father. He wasn’t aware that he was the most favorite son which was the reason they hate him in the first place. He only thought that they hate him just because of it. So in his young age, he not only avoided his brothers, he also avoided his mothers who were the mothers of his wicked brothers.

He grew up alone until his eldest brother, Hayato, suddenly came up to him after Ryu was beaten up by his other brothers. Ryu was crying under a tree that time and Hayato felt like he should comfort him. The latter was never part of any evil schemes against Ryu, he just didn’t care much until now. And he didn’t know what changed his heart though as he grew fond of his youngest brother.


The said person looked up but once he caught sight of his brother, he started to get scared even more and cried louder. Hayato smirked as he bent low and patted the younger one’s head. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. Tell me, when was the time I did?” Ryu shook his head not remembering anything.

“There. See? Come on, you’re my brother. Can’t you at least trust me?” Little Ryu looked up with tearful eyes and nodded. This made Hayato nod as well. “Good then.”

And that was the start of their happy half-brother relationship.


Everything went smoothly until a great thing happened that really separated Hayato from Ryu. The cookie issue was long ago solved but what happened now was something out of their hands.

“If Ryu didn’t leave, Jun would still be living right now!” Jun’s mother suddenly yelled.

Ryu stood there crying while Hayato’s arms were around his shoulders. “But I didn’t mean to-“


It seemed that after Jun surprisingly played with Ryu, (it was surprising because he’s one of the bullies in Ryu’s life), the older brother was suddenly gone after Ryu fetched the ball. He thought the other went back to the house and so he did too. It was only after a few hours later when they found out that Jun wasn’t able to come back and no one knew where he went.

The Odagiri Head stood there, arms crossed. He already called groups of people to look for his other son while he tried to solve this problem. “What do you suggest we do?”

“Exile, of course! Throw that Kazuya somewhere where he could feel the pain I’m feeling!” Jun’s mother said shocking Ryu, making him cling harder onto his older brother’s arms.

The other mothers were there, quite snickering about the idea while the other brothers were hoping hard that Kazuya would really be gone for good.

“But don’t you think that’s too much?” The Odagiri Father said but the other mothers agreed with what Jun’s mother had suggested. Each son had a different mother, you see.

Ryu looked up at his brother for help but this time, Hayato couldn’t think of anything else. He didn’t want his brother to feel pain. He was still young!

Odagiri sighed, not wanting to do this but it’d be fair though. “Okay, tomorrow morning, Kazuya would be-“

“NO,” All heads turned to the eldest Odagiri son, which was Yabuki’s son as well. “What is it, Hayato?”

“It was my fault Jun was gone!” Hayato suddenly yelled, surprising everyone, including Ryu himself as he looked up at his brother again. No, brother!

The other mothers snickered, this wasn’t part of their plan. “What are you talking about, Hayato?” Odagiri asks.

“I…I suddenly called Jun and asked him to get something for me. He left alone and that’s when I knew he would never come back. I didn’t expect it to happen because I never thought Jun would wander outside the palace.” Clearly, Hayato was making it all up but he was doing so well at lying and covering up for his brother.

“But Hayato-“ Ryu was cut off by Hayato’s palm covering his mouth. “I should be the one in exile!” Hayato declared and Ryu’s eyes widened at this. Nii-chan! Please don’t! His eyes were already tearing up, not wanting to accept what his brother was already saying.

“But you’re the next heir to the Odagiri throne, Hayato-“

“Oh please, if he says he did it, then he did it!” One of the mothers yelled out, followed by the others agreeing. The easier they get rid of Hayato, the easier they get the next throne for their son.

“Tsk. But there’s no enough evidence to prove it-“

“I saw him talk to Jun!” Ryo lied and yelled while Hayato bit his lip. He was already starting to get scared but he knew this was for his beloved brother so he was just going to go through with it.

“See? Exile!” One of the mothers said and Odagiri nodded. “Hayato, I hereby declare by tomorrow morning, you shall be in exile for the reason of being the cause of death by Jun!”

With that, Odagiri left the conference room while the mothers and sons snickered together and Ryu suddenly clinging to Hayato.

“Brother…” Ryu’s little palms went up to Hayato’s cheek and noticed that they were both already crying.

The older one still managed to smile. “I’ll be fine Ryu, we’ll see each other again, I promise.” He patted Ryu’s head and hugged him again.


Ryu slept in Hayato’s bed that night like he always does not wanting the day to end. “Brother…” The little one whispered. Hayato responded by wrapping his arms around the younger one’s body and kissed his forehead.

His eyes suddenly snapped open and sat up to get something from his bedside drawer. “What are you doing?” Ryu raised a brow as he watched his brother fumble something from his desk. Once Hayato found the thing he was looking for, he smiled as he went to lay back beside his brother.

“Here Ryu, wear this always so that you won’t miss me too much,” Hayato held up a shiny silver necklace with a ring attached to it. Ryu’s eyes started to tear up once again, still can’t accept the truth that his brother was going to leave him for good.

The older brother smiled sadly as he locked the ring necklace around his brother’s neck. “Wear this always and you know I’m always there,” He said. He then attached his own ring necklace around his neck. “See? We match.” He even managed to smile making Ryu suddenly hug him. “I’ll miss you. So much.”

“Me too.”

And they both went to slumber.


The next day, Ryu never witnessed Hayato’s exile. The older one wasn’t there when Ryu woke up.

And Ryu’s life became much more miserable than ever.


Author’s Notes:
Did you know that I wrote this after I wrote In Time’s update that was written right after the Okaasan? update? HAHA. I’m on a roll tonight.
So how do you guys like it? Comment please. (:
Thanks! :D

group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, x3, fic, fanfic: multichapter, kazuya kamenashi is love, fic: love will always find a way, johnny's entertainment, pairing: hayaryu

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