Fic: Unhearted (Chapter 1)

Mar 08, 2009 03:09

Title: Unhearted
Pairing: Akame
Rating: NC-17
Author’s Notes: *gets bricked* I’m sorry for starting another fic if I haven’t finished the other 2 multichaptered fics yet! I can’t help it! TTT^TTT Anyway, this fic was requested by lavenie_2619

from the very helpful akame_req community. :D The title was really hard for me to think about and I even asked the help of some people. But then I saw this song from my playlist entitled Unhearted so I thought it would be nice for this fic. :D But this is not based on that song though. LOL. I'm just desperate for a title, okay? xDD
Summary: Troubled from his past, Kazuya Kamenashi enters as a prostitute and ceased to believe the existence of true love. Jin Akanishi, who is frustrated with all his work, tries to let out his agony and problems and was led to a prostitute house where he meets Kazuya and finds himself being a regular to that place and always asks for the same person. However, when their feelings became involved and they finally got together, Jin became protective and asked his new lover to finally end his job as a prostitute but the other refuses to do so. What happens then?


Kazuya groaned as the man hovered above him gave a thrust for one last time inside him and finally collapsed, slightly crushing Kazuya’s frail body. He couldn’t say anything; he couldn’t complain or react negatively or violently. It’s his job. And his job is to obey whoever paid him says. His job is to give comfort or give his body away to any person-man or woman-as long as he gets paid for it. It’s either he do it or he wouldn’t get any money for living.

Truly enough, it’s one of the dirtiest jobs one can get into but no one could deny how it’s easy to get money, even if it means risking your health and life for it.

But for Kazuya Kamenashi, there’s another thing that pushed him to do this kind of job. And it’s because of his horrified past. He never told it to anyone else, it was just a secret between him and him alone. Well, him and of course the one who did it to him in the first place. It was a very dark secret he was never ready to tell to anyone. Not even his parents, or his closest friends. They never even knew that he was doing this kind of job!

So what is this dark past? Well, he was raped. Or at least he thought he was. He never remembered anything that happened during that incident. And that made him feel dirty all over and felt like a big whore and it was the thing that actually gave him the idea of becoming a prostitute. At least I could make money out of it. He usually thinks.

“You’re skinny, but at least you’re obedient. I like you.” The current customer commented as he smirked and without warning, thrusted again inside Kazuya’s already abused hole making the other man groan in pain but not so loud as to not disappoint the customer.

“T-Thank you,” Kazuya managed to say as he tried his best to ignore the pain he was already feeling. He felt tired and wanted sleep, but it seemed that his customer wasn’t feeling the same. So he’s now trying to keep himself awake and alive at the same time and also tried to satisfy his customer.

It wasn’t long when his customer was already feeling tired and collapsed beside Kazuya’s tired body and went fast asleep. The younger man groaned as he tried to stand up with the remaining strength he had in his legs. He got the money that was already waiting for him from the bedside table, changed into his clothes and left the room silently.

Thankfully the next day, the customer last night was drunk as to not remember Kazuya’s face and name and so he took another prostitute for another night of desperate satisfaction.


“Don’t forget that this is due tomorrow, Akanishi. You also have a meeting with the boss later this afternoon.”

Jin Akanishi frantically ran his hand through his hair and just glared at the pile of documents that was seemingly glaring at him back, almost annoying him on purpose.

Darn it! Does God hate me this much? I’m so tired! Jin thought as he banged his head on his table and closed his eyes for a moment.

His co-worker, Tanaka Koki, who was seated beside him chuckled and said, “Having a rough schedule, Jin?” Jin turned to him, still glaring but then his face softened and his mouth turned into a pout. “I’m so tired, Koki! It’s been days that I haven’t rested a good night’s sleep with all this mess and every time I think I’m already done with my work, another pile comes up again. It’s not fair!” He complained which made his friend chuckle louder.

“That’s the point. A lot of people think that you’re so hardworking that they throw all the work for you. Try to relax a bit, man. I bet you’ll never get a girl being like that-so cranky and work-obsessed.” Koki chuckled and patted his friend on the back. Jin just sighed, admitting defeat.

Seriously, since when did he last get a date? Or did he stop looking when his girlfriend broke up with him? But him not looking for another doesn’t mean he hasn’t move on yet. He just decided to focus on his work more and won’t let himself be distracted again. And that also doesn’t mean that he’s not going to find love anymore, he’s going to let love find him and he’ll never refuse to accept that love.

Jin Akanishi is actually being admired and love by anybody and everybody. Girls would always love him to have him on their beds but apparently, none of them seemed to be good enough for him. He’s a hardworking man and many of his co-workers look up to him and everyone thought he deserved the position his in right now: respectable and trustworthy. Little did they know that beyond that hardworking man lays a lonely heart that shouldn’t be just given away to anybody. He wants it to be with someone deserving and loyal for him. He’ll never let himself be fooled again.


“I know what could cheer you up, Jin!” Nakamaru Yuichi, another one of his co-workers, exclaimed during their lunch break. Apparently, Koki told him about Jin’s situation about being stressed and all frustrated with his work

“What?” Jin perked up about hearing an idea from his friend. “I’ll take you somewhere with us tonight where we usually take our stresses out.” Nakamaru grinned at that and Koki laughed about it.

“Oh? What kind of place?” Jin asked, seemingly interested.

“We’re going to a bar and go drinking!” Nakamaru exclaimed and Koki nodded in agreement.

“A bar, huh?” Jin said. Sounds good to me. “Alright then. Count me in.” He said. He never actually knew what kind of ‘bar’ they were going into. And will be surprised when he finds out.

That evening, the three of them drove out into the city lights to find themselves a perfect guy’s night out from a stressful day. After Maru parked his car, they went inside and were welcomed by loud music and the smell of alcohol everywhere.

“We’re going to have so much fun here!” Maru yelled as he let himself be swooned by all the excitement in the place. Koki grabbed Jin’s arm and led them to a table and ordered for a couple of drinks.

A few minutes later, they found themselves drinking to their hearts’ content however Jin wasn’t that all drunk yet unlike the other two.

“Hey, hey! They’re coming already!” Before Jin could ask who, a line of guys and girls wearing sexy lingerie suddenly entered the stage making everyone in the building suddenly hoot with excitement as they watched with entertainment.

Jin’s eyes grew as he suddenly realized the kind of place they were in. They were in a prostitute house! Now why didn’t he even notice the sign before they entered the bar? Holy crap.

Just as he was about to leave, his eyes landed on a very feminine looking human that was currently on stage and dancing very seductively it should be illegal. Music grew louder as the line of prostitutes flirted with everyone from their position. Many customers and audiences were already growing hard with what they were seeing and Jin couldn’t deny that he was already one of them.

His eyes were glued to the same person with dark colored hair with piercing eyes that he just couldn’t take his eyes from. It wasn’t long before that man smirked when he felt that he was being stared on and walked towards Jin. The latter gulped when this person sat on his lap and started dancing on him, finally realizing that the other was a man.

“What do you say we get out of here?” The other man whispered huskily leaving Jin no time to retort as they dragged both of them out of that place and drove them both home. His house was only a few minutes away, and he was very thankful for it since he can’t control his urges any longer.


He then dragged the other man to his room and onto his bed and started ripping their clothes off.

“Tell me your name,” Jin asks as he trailed his tongue on the other man’s neck and groaned.

“Kazuya,” The other man groaned as he felt the older man on top of him.

Jin never felt this way before. He guesses it was the alcohol that was already getting to him and made him do these things. But right now, he just doesn’t care anymore. All he knows is that he needed release and this Kazuya was doing a pretty good job in seducing him.

“Well Kazuya, I hope that you’re ready with whatever happens tonight,” Jin smirked as he trailed his tongue lower the younger man’s body, slightly leaving marks on the way. He could feel the other trying his best to suppress his groans. “Don’t worry Kazuya; you’re free to express what you feel. I won’t get mad. I promise.” He added and noted the sigh of relief coming from the other.

“Yes,” was the only response Kazuya gave as they continued with their doings.

“Tell me if it hurts, okay?” Jin warned and honestly enough, Kazuya was touched when he said it because no customer or client has ever said those words to him before. Since when did his feelings matter for his clients? But still, he kept this as professional as possible.

“Yes,” Kazuya said again making Jin chuckle. “That’s all you can say? Okay.” And without warning, he swallowed the younger man’s member wholly into his mouth making the other groan in the sudden action with pleasure.

“Oh God!’ Kazuya groaned as he felt Jin’s hot and wet mouth around his member and he was being sucked madly. It wasn’t long until he finally came into the older man’s mouth and Jin drank everything eagerly.

Jin kissed Kazuya’s forehead and cheeks trying to make him relax and slowly entered his hole with two fingers making Kazuya’s eyes grow wide. He moaned at the intrusion but for once, he never felt being treated like this before. He moaned again when another finger was added and was already thrusting him.

The older man already felt that Kazuya was ready so he pulled out his fingers and entered his own member in. Half at first and then his whole member was in and both of them groaned in pleasure and pain alike. Jin didn’t move first but the tension was killing him and Kazuya so he moved. Slowly at first but then he increased the tempo as the bed rocked under both of them.

“Kazuya, Kazuya…” Jin moaned as he grabbed one of Kazuya’s legs and placed it on top of his shoulder. Kazuya groaned as he felt being entered deeper and deeper with every thrust that also hit his spot that made him go crazy.

“God!” Kazuya groaned as he finally came and Jin came seconds later as well. The older man collapsed on top of Kazuya, both of them panting heavily. Jin was too tired from that round and suddenly slept on top of Kazuya’s body.

The younger man didn’t know what to do so he also let himself sleep on that bed as well not knowing what would happen the day after that when they wake up.


Author’s Notes: I missed writing. :-| Seriously. But I think this chapter sucked? LOL. Don’t you think so too? Haha. Anyway, I shouldn’t even be writing this since it’s already our final exams on Monday and I haven’t studied yet and it’s already 3:06 AM and it’s Sunday already! HAHA.

I missed you guys. :D So what do you think of this new fic?

I would’ve also updated In Time and Love Will Always Find a Way but I’m already so tired so maybe I’ll update them later once I wake up. After that, it’s studying for me for Algebra. Bummer. :|

Tell me what you think, alright? :D Oh and since this is an NC-17 fic, this will be f-locked after three (3) days to this community. :P


lavenie_2619 : Sorry this took so long! ^^;;

genre: au, fic: multi-chaptered, genre: romance, genre: drama, rating: nc-17, group: kat-tun, pairing: akame, fic: unhearted

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