{Drabble} Kissing helps prevent tooth decay

Feb 23, 2009 12:04

Title: Kissing helps prevent tooth decay
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They're not mine. 
Author's Notes: Just a quick drabble for Kame's birthday. Happy birthday to our very Turtle! :D
Summary: Jin hears something very amusing from the radio.

Jin was currently sitting on their couch, waiting for his lover to come home in their shared apartment. He was there, reading a magazine thinking of something, anything that he could do for his overworking boyfriend.

The radio was just beside him so he turned it on just so his boredom would at least lessen. It was already 6:30 in the evening and Kame promised that he'd be home around 7. This means that Jin still has time to kill while trying everything to wait patiently. He smiled after hearing their single, RESCUE just being played.

After the song ended, he now heard the DJs talking with one another, letting the public hear their thoughts and opinions about anything and everything. Suddenly, the topic about "kissing" came up.

"Did you know that kissing is a good way of preventing tooth decay?"

"Seriously? That's kind of ridiculous don't you think?" One of the DJs said and both of them laughed. "But of course it shouldn't be an excuse for you to not brush your teeth anymore or else you won't be able to kiss anybody ever again after that." this left both of the DJs laughing as they introduced the next song they were going to play.

The thought, however, left a great mark for Jin. Kissing actually helps in preventing tooth decay? Why didn't I think of that?

Suddenly, the door unlocked and came Kame. "Jin! I'm home!" Jin suddenly turned to the voice and had a huge grin plastered on his face. This made Kame look at him weirdly not knowing what happened to the older man. "What is it, Jin?"

The latter however just went towards the younger man. Kame blinked continuously and asked, "Is there something on my face? Does my breath still stink?" Seeing as there was no reply from Jin, he turned to the direction of the bathroom and called out, "Fine! I'm going to brush my teeth now or something just to make you stop staring at me that way."

But Jin suddenly held the other's wrist, turned him around and kissed him with all his might. This left Kame shocked at first but after a few seconds of Jin still not stopping, he let the other do what he wants which in turn gave Jin the opportunity to let his tongue wander around Kame's mouth. Mouths battling each other's teeth, tongue and gums made both of the man moan in pleasure until they broke apart for air.

"Is there any celebration for you to do this, Jin?" Kame asked breathlessly as he stared into the older man's orbs.

"You shouldn't waste your time in brushing your teeth anymore, Kame." Kame looked at him thinking that it was stupid for him to say that. "And why's that?" He asked back.

"Because kissing actually helps in preventing tooth decay," Jin grinned and pulled the other man closer to him again and whispered, "So this means that you should give your time in brushing your teeth and instead kiss me often."

Kame pulled the other man away from him and cried, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!" And went back to his plan of going to the bathroom and do his routines.

"But it's true! I heard it on the radio!" Jin called out once the bathroom door shut.



Author's Notes: Hey ya'll! :D It's been awhile since I posted anything, right? LOL. I'm really sorry about that. Anyway, I just wrote this drabble while I'm still in my friend's house for our play practice and we are given a 10 minute break so I used that break since I had this inspiration. Wee~

About the kissing thing, yeah, I actually heard it from the radio and I found it real funny so I managed to write something about it.


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