Dec 02, 2011 22:01

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1~ healsforjustice December 3 2011, 22:15:38 UTC
[Considering all the empty rooms available, it was a bit unusual to see someone just sleeping under a sprig of mistletoe. Unfortunately, Amelia did not understand the significance of the plant, and was too late to realise anything until she had wandered too close. Unable to resist, she bent her head down, and gently pressed her lips on those of the unconcious young man, forgetting that he might wake up any moment, quite content to let warmth spread through her as she continued the kiss.]


keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 16:46:58 UTC
So large... [ He sighs a bit. ] I'm still not sure. You said that I should find somewhere comfortable. Like where?


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 17:14:45 UTC
Well, namely a room of your own, somewhere you can always go to rest. You're allowed to take any of the empty ones. [It was just a pity all of them were the same shade of excessive red.] If you want, we can go look for a place just now for you.


keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 19:52:09 UTC
Oh! I didn't know that. [ Sort of strange to just take a room like that without payment, but... ] If you don't mind, I'd like that.


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 19:59:17 UTC
[The hotel had no use for money, considering they took much more out of the actions of it's patrons. Regardless, she nodded, tugging gently at his hand for him to follow her. She knew there was probably a vacant room where they were, but she moved further down the halls instead, finding a vacant room easily.] This should do, and I'm a few doors down the other side, so you can always come and find me if you need anything. Do you need any more help right now? [The smile was still there, but the princess worried the urges from before would still catch up with her.]


keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 20:14:38 UTC
[ Eddy follows easy, finding comfort in her grip and being quite used to being dragged around from time to time for different reasons. ]

Ah, wow! Um, that is... [ Turning back to her after he gives the room a once-over, he gives her a sheepish smile. ] I don't mean to be picky, but isn't there anything less... lavish? [ Yes, in spite of everything, he is worried about looking materialistic. ]


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 20:18:36 UTC
I'm afraid they're all pretty much the same. They are all designed for purpose unfortunately. [Still, it was pleasant to see he was one for the simpler things. It just made telling him the other unfortunate truths of the situation all the worse though.] Often that means the door will unlock at times on it's own, so people can't just avoid meeting others.


keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 20:25:59 UTC
[ Taken aback. ] It can do that?! [ Eddy examines the door handle from the front and back. ] So many foul tricks. There must be some way to secure it. [ And he'll leave that door after shutting it to try and find a chair or something he might be able to prop against the handle; just to prove it can be done. ]


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 20:31:08 UTC
You can certainly try, but I haven't heard of anyone being successful in doing so. Even if you lock yourself in, they could just as easily make someone appear inside, trapping you until...well, you can guess. [Her frown deepened, feeling all the worse for having to tell him all this, dashing any hopes he had of trying to maintain himself.] So...I don't mean to pressure you Edward, but you'll have to make some choices before the hotel makes them for you.


keeps_the_cross December 14 2011, 01:30:03 UTC
Just... transporting themselves right in? [ He sets down the chair in the middle of the room and then sits on it, slouching forward. ] Is this place even leaving me with any choices at all? [ What he wouldn't give for some wisdom or guidance right about now. ]


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 01:35:33 UTC
And often the other person is just as surprised. I've found myself waking up in someone else's room with a locked door more than once. [Approaching him carefully, she rested a hand on top of his as she met his eyes, not wanting to be too withdrawn, nor too forward. It had to be just right.] I's afraid the best thing I can say is that, if you're lucky, there are kind, understanding people who try to make it as tolerable as possible, because they've been through what you have. Honestly, as unpleasant as things can get, sometimes the intimacy is a comfort, knowing you don't have to face problems by yourself.


keeps_the_cross December 14 2011, 01:47:41 UTC
That sounds awful. F-for you, I mean. [ And maybe the other people, too, but for whatever reason he is focusing on her. In fact, all his thoughts are about her right now. Maybe she isn't so much at the forefront, but every bit of rationalization or every stray thought traces its way back to how it might affect her, or be viewed by her, or how she might otherwise react.

It's very strange. Her hand is certainly not helping, but he cannot shrug off the warm feeling. ] I've never been that good at facing problems on my own, so I feel fortunate to have you to tell me all this right now.


healsforjustice December 14 2011, 01:55:44 UTC
It is for anyone, but all we can do is try hard to bear it and make the most of it. At the very least, I can be grateful I got to meet certain people here, if nothing else.

[With any luck, Edward would be as fortunate, and she could count him amoung those she was happy to get to know. Of course, that meant in any friendly sense, even if it was hard not to think back to how it felt to kiss him.] It's no trouble. I know how I felt arriving here, so I want to help others in that position as much as I can. [Shifting to straighten herself up, she offered a warm smile as her hand slowly began to draw back. She didn't have the heart to push him, so thought it best to back off unless there was any other indicator to stay.] Should I let you get settled then? I know this is a lot to take in.


keeps_the_cross December 15 2011, 00:43:25 UTC
[ A shake of his head. That kiss isn't all that's on his mind, though he's still a bit too innocent to catch on to why the use of the word "position" has him a little red in the face. Or has he been like that for some time, now...? ] I'm not sure how "settled" I can get, to be honest. [ Eddy gives her a weak smile. ] Though whatever nap I was taking didn't leave me very rested, so maybe I'll try to sleep and... hope I don't have a nasty surprise waiting for me.


healsforjustice December 15 2011, 00:49:47 UTC
[She nodded in understanding, knowing full well how hard it was to adjust.] If it'll ease your mind, I can wait around while you sleep. It's less likely anything will happen that way. [It was still risky, but at the very least she was a better option than a total stranger, even if they had only just met. She'd just have to look away in case those impulses came back.]


keeps_the_cross December 15 2011, 01:00:19 UTC
W-while I slept? [ That made him nervous for a couple of reasons. ] I don't want to take up so much of your time...


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