Dec 02, 2011 22:01

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1~ healsforjustice December 3 2011, 22:15:38 UTC
[Considering all the empty rooms available, it was a bit unusual to see someone just sleeping under a sprig of mistletoe. Unfortunately, Amelia did not understand the significance of the plant, and was too late to realise anything until she had wandered too close. Unable to resist, she bent her head down, and gently pressed her lips on those of the unconcious young man, forgetting that he might wake up any moment, quite content to let warmth spread through her as she continued the kiss.]


healsforjustice December 5 2011, 23:36:41 UTC
[Wow, he figured that out from just her name? That was a first. Even so, she wasn't really comfortable with the need for titles, much preferring to be addressed as anyone would. Thus, she waved a hand, shaking her head to show there was no need.] Just Amelia is fine, honestly. I don't want a lot of fuss just because I'm a princess.

[Of course there was the more pressing matter of explaining all this. She just hoped he believed her.] Well, you wouldn't remember. This place in a whole different world, it simply takes people from their own homeworld and drops them in the building. Unfortunately, once you're here, you can't leave, unless the hotel allows it.


keeps_the_cross December 12 2011, 01:58:35 UTC
Oh, so I was right? [ Honestly, it was a shot in the dark. Eddy nods. ] Understood, Amelia. If that's the case, just call me Edward. [ A chuckle. ] Though sometimes people call me Eddy for short, too. I won't mind that much. [ They've already kissed, and she's helping him out, so that's familiar enough for his tastes. ]

[ But then the worry creeps back in. ] It sounds like some kind of maze. Is it magic or some other sort of supernatural power keeping us here? That's not good...

[ ooc: Sorry for the big delay! This week ate up all my time. ^^; ]


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 02:06:59 UTC
[She nodded in confirmation, and well as in understanding. It was nice of him not make a big deal of it, and as such, she was willing to drop the formality as requested.] Alright then, we can see how things go first Edward.

[Nodding again, she sighed softly, knowing the worst was yet to come, but he had to know.] No one is really sure, but it is likely, considering how there are huge open spaces and terrains of all kinds inside here. And...well, it's all to serve the building's purpose... [Inhaling deeply, she somehow forced out the last few words, bracing herself for a bad reaction.] a love hotel.

[ooc: Don't worry about it, these things happen. <3]


keeps_the_cross December 12 2011, 02:11:25 UTC
[ Long, slow blink. ] A hotel that can do things like that? [ <-- The point.

Eddy's mind. --> ] It sounds like it can manipulate reality. Something like that must take a lot of power. I wonder where the source is, and if there's any way to stop it. [ He puts a hand to his chin, expression pensive as his other hand snakes up and grips the cross around his neck through the fabric of his shirt. ]


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 02:16:29 UTC
No one had found one yet...[The musing trailed off, Amelia wondering how he managed to miss the implication, but still wanting to let him down as gently as she could, even though there was no nice way to say it. It would see she would have to be more blunt.]

Um, well, it's more like this place can give people sudden impulses...or just pump the air full of aphrodisiacs. [She bit her lower lip, hoping he knew what she was talking about now. As much as she didn't like this, it was better to tell him now before someone pounced on him, or he lost his senses to the drugs in the air and regretted things later.]


keeps_the_cross December 12 2011, 02:38:04 UTC
[ His jaw goes slack. He might not have known what a "love hotel" was, but aphrodisiacs? Yeah, that rings a bell.

A warning bell. ] Oh no...


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 02:42:16 UTC
[She honestly wished she could trust herself to just hold his hand or hug him to give some reassurance, but thought better of it.]

I'm afraid so. You...may want to think about how you want to deal with this. [With her experience, she knew it couldn't be avoided, but Edward needed a chance to calm down first before she started making any sort of offers to try and help. even if the impulse was still there, she did genuinely want to try and make this bearable for him.]


keeps_the_cross December 12 2011, 03:11:59 UTC
If that's true then... I can't stay here. [ It isn't safe. He can already hear that voice nagging him in the back of his mind. Hey, Eddy, don't ruin the mood. If you can't handle it, you can always just leave it to me!

The grip on that cross is tighter. ] Please! [ He steps closer, taking up one of her hands in his gloved ones. ] Take me to the center, if you know where it is. I have to look for the way out.


healsforjustice December 12 2011, 03:22:38 UTC
[Looking down at the hand holding hers, her expression saddens, trying not to let her mind wander.] If there was a way I could do that, I would. I'm sorry, but there isn't a way out.

[Tentatively squeezing his hand, she lifted her head to meet his gaze.] I know this must sound forward, but the best you can do is decide how you wish to proceed. If you wander around too long, someone might try to take advantage of you being new here. With the aphrodisiacs as well, it'll get to a point where you just act on urges, and have no control of yourself. [At the very least, it was better to be aware of what you were doing, at least she thought so, unaware of any inner turmoil he had to endure.] Your best chance might be to find some place comfortable, and find someone who you can trust.


/sob Zelgadis... I really need to watch this show. keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 02:07:59 UTC
[ Her words are disheartening, and he visibly sags under his cloak as if there was a great weight being rested on his shoulders. ] This is not good... Just how long have you been trapped here, to be that certain?

[ To say nothing of the advice she was giving him, either. He takes it all in and only looks more and more downcast at each passing word. Being taken advantage of was... well, it wasn't new, but it was not a pleasant thought. The opportunities it could present - well, they were what he was truly worried over. ]


You do. \o/ healsforjustice December 13 2011, 02:16:25 UTC
It's been almost six months since I came here, and I know people who have been here a good deal longer. [She really hated to be the one to give him this news, but lying would do no good. It would only make things worse in the long run.]'s up to you what you decide.

[Indeed, it wasn't hence why the semblance of an offer was given by her, underneath her initial suggestion. She wouldn't force the matter, but Edward needed to know at the very least had made one friend who was willing to help.]


If only I had S1 discs keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 02:24:37 UTC
Six months? [ Color him surprised. ] You seem so calm and poised for someone who has seen so much. [ It's not flattery, but a simple observation. A weak smile. ] I wish I could have the confidence to face the days, knowing even just what you've told me so far.


Would send you them if I could <3 healsforjustice December 13 2011, 02:31:04 UTC
[Honestly, she was a little surprised herself at how well she had taken things. Really, it could just be put down to her hopeless optomism.] Well, it helps to have people who you can rely and trust. It makes it easier to get through things, knowing you have people who understand and care around you.


keeps_the_cross December 13 2011, 06:22:32 UTC
Yes, I can imagine. If only I knew whether or not Father Albert was here, or the others... [ Though that's kind of an unsettling thought in and of itself. He shakes the thought clear, though some linger longer than others. ] You're very kind to give me so much guidance. Thank you, Amelia. [ Eddy bows his head. ]


healsforjustice December 13 2011, 08:46:55 UTC
Considering the size of this place, someone you know might be, but finding them would be the hard part. [Hearing him thank her, she shook her head lightly, smiling softly in return.] It's nothing, really, everyone who arrives here deserves some help. Have you decided what you're going to do?


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