Dec 02, 2011 22:01

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1~ healsforjustice December 3 2011, 22:15:38 UTC
[Considering all the empty rooms available, it was a bit unusual to see someone just sleeping under a sprig of mistletoe. Unfortunately, Amelia did not understand the significance of the plant, and was too late to realise anything until she had wandered too close. Unable to resist, she bent her head down, and gently pressed her lips on those of the unconcious young man, forgetting that he might wake up any moment, quite content to let warmth spread through her as she continued the kiss.]


keeps_the_cross December 4 2011, 00:18:35 UTC
[ Eddy doesn't stir for a good long moment. He might be moving against that kiss on a subconscious level, but that's just the result of his dreams were taking an interesting turn.

Very slowly he begins to open his eyes, groaning softly as he wakes. ] -mm?


healsforjustice December 4 2011, 00:44:43 UTC
[Amelia is far too caught up in the actions herself, merely enjoying the sensations as she felt the kiss returned, not questioning how someone who was asleep could be responding.]

[That little sound snapped her back to reality, causing her to draw back sharply from the kiss. She stepped back, face flushed and hand covering her mouth, looking guilty as realisation dawned on her.] I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...disturbed you like that.


keeps_the_cross December 4 2011, 01:46:52 UTC
[ The young boy presses himself back against the wall as best he can once realization sets in, as if trying to sink deeper into his priestly attire. ] O-oh my! I'm... That is...

[ Calming himself, he gives her an odd, self-deprecating smile. He's woken up to worse things (at least he's not tied up...) ] I-it's fine. Truly. [ Eddy touches a hand to his lips. It is difficult to ignore that sensation at present. ]


healsforjustice December 4 2011, 01:55:54 UTC
[The sight of him back away made her frown deepen, not blaming him for the bad first impression she had given.]

I'm still sorry, even if it was a hotel impulse. If there's any way I can make it up to you, well, feel free to ask. [She offered her own soft smile in return, clearly apologetic and wanting to prove she hadn't meant any harm, or that she wasn't attempting to take advantage while he slept.]


keeps_the_cross December 4 2011, 02:59:15 UTC
[ The boy gets to his feet. She certainly doesn't seem as if she is after him, but what she says has him worried. ] An... impulse? [ Furrowing his brow. ] I don't understand, but are you saying you had no control over yourself?


healsforjustice December 4 2011, 03:06:57 UTC
[She nodded, finding it easier to stare at the floor as she managed to force the next sentence out of her mouth.] I'm afraid not,'s still not gone entirely. [Honestly it was taking a good bit of will power to not close the gap between them again. Granted she was more interested in taking things slowly, rather than usual hotel insistance on haste, but the thought of moving on from that kiss was still lingering.]


keeps_the_cross December 4 2011, 03:28:35 UTC
[ Now that he was full conscious and standing, he blinked at her. ] Come again...? [ There is a strange sensation digging into the back of his mind. Eddy thought it had been perhaps lingering thoughts of that dream, but no, it's the source that caused him to have that dream in the first place that is making itself known to him. ]


healsforjustice December 4 2011, 03:33:26 UTC
[She was quite thankful at this point that her bowed head hid how red her face was turning. Even with the time she had grown to expect this sort of thing, explaining such feelings to complete strangers never got any easier, especially when they were as nice as the young man in front of her.] W-Well...I still feel like...doing more than what I just did. If you wish to avoid that, you best leave while you have the chance. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to.


keeps_the_cross December 4 2011, 04:44:08 UTC
[ As she kept talking it dawned on him what she was talking about. He blushed profusely and brought up his hands. ] Oh, n-no! I couldn't... [ That sounded like he didn't want to; that something was wrong with her. He waved his hands. ] I mean... I shouldn't. I'm from the Vatican, and I've taken an oath!

[ Though right that he slouched forward, arms loose at his sides. ] Not that it's stopped anyone in the past...


healsforjustice December 4 2011, 12:14:11 UTC
[Amelia finally did look up, a little confused, but still very much regretful. While she was unfamiliar with the establishment he meant, considering his reaction and the mention of an oath, it was an important matter that he not succumb to such things. The fact he had obviously struggled with that already made her all the sadder.]

I'm sorry, this place doesn't really think much on anyone's personal restrictions. Like I said, you might want to leave if you really need to avoid this, I don't want to force you. I much prefer anything to happen with both our consent. [That wish was obvious in how hard she was digging her heels into the floor, trying to prevent herself from stepping closer.]


keeps_the_cross December 4 2011, 22:37:29 UTC
[ That would be all well and good, but it sadly did nothing to quell his uncertainty. After all, a quick look around the hall shows him that no one else is around and the environment looks wholly unfamiliar. Just what had happened to him...? Is this Diabolos' doing? ]

But if I leave, who else is going to answer my questions? [ Unaware of the temptation it creates, he takes a step closer. ]


healsforjustice December 5 2011, 02:21:43 UTC
[Oh dear, he was new on top of all this, not good. If she didn't have such a hopelessly helpful streak, Amelia would have simply sent him off anyway. Of course, she couldn't turn down someone in need, especially when he looked so lost and confused. She just dug her heels in harder, sighing heavily hoping for the best.]

Alright, ask what you need to, and I'll do my best to answer.


keeps_the_cross December 5 2011, 05:54:12 UTC
[ She was kind and did not seem threatening in the least. That is why he feels at ease and seems to brighten up a bit at the prospect of her offering assistance, completely moving past the silly "kissing me while I'm asleep" business...

Eddy smiles, moving a bit closer still, drawn to that kindness. ] Thank you very much, Miss! I-

Oh, before that, I should introduce myself. I am Brother Edward Lorentine. [ A bow from the waist. ]


healsforjustice December 5 2011, 10:28:42 UTC
[As much as she knew it was unwise, she didn't move back. She didn't want to appear rude, not when he seemed so much more relaxed at the prospect of help. He would already be in for some unpleasant news, he didn't need her being distant on top of it, she would just have to resist the urge for now.]

Nice to meet you Mr Edward, I'm Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun. [She smiled at him, feeling it only fair to give a humble bow of her own. So, you've just arrived in the hotel I take it?


keeps_the_cross December 5 2011, 18:11:22 UTC
[ The name trips him up, because it sounds long and fancy and thus he assumes she is royalty or nobility of some sort. Maybe. Possibly. ] That's right. Miss Seyruun.


...Your Highness? [ Confusion abound. ] I don't even remember entering this... hotel, you said? Maybe I was more tired than I thought.


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