The ORGY Meme

Oct 15, 2011 08:18

the ORGY meme
This was supposed to be a normal party with music, drinks and pleasant conversation. And it would be, y'know? Except some jerk spiked the punch and filled the balloon animals with aphrodisiacs. Now people are making out everywhere you go, the music is drowned out by moaning and hey, that's not tango on the ( Read more... )


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Comments 4151

Hermione Granger ♥ Harry Potter ♥ F/M preferred, but she's in no position to say no to a lady loyal_granger October 15 2011, 07:36:54 UTC
[Hermione doesn't know how she got to be at the party, nor does she know how long ago she'd arrived and when she'd first noticed when she was drugged. All she knows is that, by the time she had taken it to mind to get out of her seat, she had almost toppled over from how aroused she was. There must be a particularly strong aphrodisiac in the air, she decides, and she begins to awkwardly shuffle off to find a restroom. She means to 'take care of her problem' in the privacy of a stall, completely unaware that watching just about everyone in the room shagging one another senseless already made her ball a hand in her skirt, hitching it up so high that it wouldn't be difficult to notice that her white knickers are virtually soaked through ( ... )


knightinsilk October 15 2011, 17:59:20 UTC
Johnny has been here awhile, and he knows how the hotel works. Getting caught up in this Orgy is fun, and he has been wandering, taking part here and there. When he spots the young woman, he smirks, and moves up behind her. Body pressing against hers from behind, completely naked, one hand slides to join hers in her underwear, and the other tries to slide up her shirt to grope and caress her breasts.

"Looks like you need a little help, beautiful. Why don't you just let me bend you over and take care of everything..."


loyal_granger October 16 2011, 05:08:49 UTC
Hermione gasps sharply when she feels another body pressing up against hers, hands over her flushed skin, feeling and groping. She turns her head slightly, but even if the room had been brightly lit, she's too far gone thanks to the aphrodisiacs to even make out his features properly, deciphering only that she doesn't know him.

"I-... I shouldn't-..." is all she manages to say, but her voice comes out breathless and uncertain. She's all but dripping wet, and he feels so firm behind her, and his suggestion is so, so tempting....


knightinsilk October 16 2011, 05:31:06 UTC
His hand caressing her breasts manages to get past her bra, and strokes her there, tweaking the nipples lightly. His other hand curves two fingers into her.

"And why not? You want it, and I do, and I'm not going to chase you down and make you follow me or something. We both need something. Do you honestly want to face it alone?" He presses against her more, his cock hard as a rock as he rubs it along her back.


matt, death note- m/anyone & multiple people in a thread is fine mjeevas October 15 2011, 07:41:23 UTC
The music was still hiding under the voices. Lust threaded between bodies, lurching in its aimless search, and he was breathing in the sex around him with every inhale. Letting it drag out was pointless but he still waited, sucking down nicotine and the sweat hanging heavy in the air. The room was large but the amount of people moving inside it made the intensity of need feel contained and tense. Life pulsated with the music, pounded through his veins in blood, strangling thoughts and making them not quite as important as following the urge to press closer to one of the naked bodies, to pull the cigarette away and run his mouth along the person's neck. Fixation existed in single touches, blatant temptation in every sense, and it urged the desire to press forward and drag his own need against the other person's skin with a careless breathless wrought by the lights and heat.


keyflower October 15 2011, 12:33:03 UTC
There was a sense of waiting urgency drawing tighter the longer she stayed pressed between so many bodies. For the most part she kept her eyes closed because open it was dark and breathless anyway, people mostly just unknown outlines, the lights too dim to really see faces. Maybe that was how it was meant to be. With her eyes clothes she didn't notice or really care how she moved, and motion felt communal, anyway, it felt like being part of one beast along with everyone around her. Someone's hand ran down her bare stomach to her hip. She permitted the caress for a little while and then eased back from it. There was a mouth pressed to her neck from behind, someone's nakedness brushed against hers, desire losing itself in anonymity. She shivered and sighed and reached back to grip that person's hip.

((ooc: THIS MEME.))


mjeevas October 15 2011, 19:43:27 UTC
He took her wrist and spun her to face him. Stepping forward was pushing her back against the person who'd touched her first, resting her against someone else's frame as he pressed his mouth to her suprasternal notch and kissed it. Kisses crawled back along her neck in perceived slow motion to her mouth, his hand letting go of her wrist to grip her waist in this whirlwind of moans and drugged air.

It wasn't until he kissed her that he thought he knew her. Her skin pressed warmly to his and the urge to just have her was louder than everything. The way the slow party had degenerated to this was absurd but he didn't care enough to think about it. It was this here or there and no one was paying attention to them anyway. Kisses strayed around her lips, as if he couldn't concentrate enough to find her mouth, and he muttered the question, "Kairi?" despite the fact that the light wasn't bad enough to hide who she was.

[ooc: I want to threadjack something but idk what. Also, what an ugly word. :'(]


keyflower October 15 2011, 22:38:56 UTC
She felt a little lost here, between someone who felt and smelled like Matt and another person that was still a stranger, and she couldn't remember why she had come to this party or why she had let someone's hands undress her a little while before. Her clothes had been lost in the sea of people around them. Hands ran exploratory over her ass and she edged forward into the weight of kisses scattered across her skin. Someone else's frame was holding her upright and Matt's mouth was making her lightheaded, and she made some sound of agreement when he made a question of her name, almost lost to the beat of music and the other voices around them. Her hands went to Matt's hips and she pulled him closer a little tentatively.

((ooc: Jack, hee hee. Also I just noticed all my typos in the last tag. /blush))


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca | Final Fantasy XII | F/Open dynast_seraph October 15 2011, 07:50:24 UTC
[Ashe had simply been enjoying the music out on the dance floor, at least to begin with. After all, she did genuinely like dancing, even if she hadn't actually come with anyone.

But the change in the party had been gradual over here, and Ashe was far from immune to the aphrodisiacs, and as the dancers had begun to press closer to each other she'd been swept up easily enough. By now she was grinding up against someone else, her breath coming in heavy pants as their hands wandered over each other.]

((OOC: Open to threadjacks/groups here! If you aren't, plz to say so in your initial tag.))


hailtothelight October 15 2011, 15:05:52 UTC
[All he had wanted to do was leave. Really.]

[Unfortunately, between him and the exit was an undulating mass of dancers, and he had chosen to attempt to pass through them, rather then edge around--and if he still wanted to leave, that had been a mistake. However, in the press, in the swaying, the groping, the mass of hands on each other and on him, he had forgotten what he wanted; in the air filled with aphrodisiac and the time it took for the spiked punch to get into his system, he had forgotten where the exit was. Right now he was part of this mass of anonymous "dancers", and his groin was being pressed into quite pleasantly by a woman with an absolutely fantastic ass, and his hands were fumbling for the hem of her shirt.]

{ooc: threadjacking also ok with me!}


dynast_seraph October 15 2011, 17:24:48 UTC
[Ashe groaned softly as she pressed back against him, and she arched her back a little, giving him an opening to slip his hands under her top if he wanted - either to get it off, or just to feel. She was beyond caring at this point whether her clothes stayed on or not, though she was leaning a bit towards 'not' simply because they were in the way.

She slipped a hand to the back of his neck, drawing him down into a heated, passionate kiss. The need behind it was obvious, especially as her other hand slid down to his ass and squeezed it shamelessly. Dignity had gone out the window all too easily as the aphrodisiacs took effect.]


hailtothelight October 15 2011, 21:09:44 UTC
[All he wants at the moment is to feel. She feels different, interesting; a firm stomach but somehow still a bit soft--different from him, all trained and hardened and well-used muscle. And then there are her breasts, under another layer of lacy fabric that is also a treat to feel, with every sense heightened and stimulated by the aphrodisiacs.]

[Then she's drawing him down for a kiss and he has to crane his neck, for he is tall and she small, but it's worthwhile all the same, lips meeting at strange angles. He jerks as she squeezes his ass, breaking the kiss and giving her a surprised look. Not disapproving, just surprised...and maybe a little intrigued. He wasn't expecting something that forward (though perhaps he should have).]


Erk | Fire Emblem | M/F | Threadjacking welcome! dontcallmeerky October 15 2011, 08:03:14 UTC
[Erk... may actually have been panicking slightly here. He was fairly sure the punch was spiked, but if it was he hadn't had nearly enough to cope with the party having turned into an orgy. He was currently attempting to find somewhere to look that didn't leave his line of sight cluttered with people in varying stages of undress and failing rather spectacularly.

His best bet seemed to be fleeing, but that was easier said than done when the room was full of orgy. Of course, it was only a matter of time before the aphrodisiacs had their intended effect, and at the moment his confusion left him vulnerable to being snagged and pulled into something...]


blue_whitewing October 19 2011, 16:49:07 UTC
[That something was a deep kiss by an unarmored Pegasus knight. The Whitewing had discarded her chest plate and shoulder armor, as well as her thigh high boots. All she had on was her tunic and gloves.

She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew that she wanted someone and she wanted him now. She had spotted Erk trying to leave and she had wanted to follow, but when she had caught up to the mage, all she could think of to do was pull him into a kiss. She was stronger than she looked.]


dontcallmeerky October 19 2011, 16:57:05 UTC
[Erk's cloak had disappeared off... somewhere. He wasn't too concerned about it - he could come back and retrieve it later if he had to. Probably after washing it quite thoroughly, but still.

He wasn't entirely surprised that he was accosted before he made it to the exit; what surprised him was the source - when he saw her moving to follow him, he thought she was trying to get out as well.]

Oh, Catria - mmph! [He turned red at the sudden kiss, starting to pull away... but even if she hadn't proved stronger than him, the heat he'd been trying to deny was starting to boil up inside him.]


blue_whitewing October 19 2011, 17:56:12 UTC
[She had been trying to get away, but when she got close to him, all reason fled. She let him go as he tried to pull away. Her face was flushed and she couldn't deny the heat that she was feeling. She didn't understand this place too much, but she knew she couldn't deny this.]

My apologies, Erk. I just...don't know what's going on.


Erika | Pokemon Special/Kingdom Hearts AU | F/F | Threadjacks welcome archer_flower_9 October 15 2011, 08:20:24 UTC
[Erika was perfectly happy to go along with this new direction for the party. She'd known the punch was spiked, but had been fine with having a drink or two; as a result, she wasn't completely drunk, but she was loosened up enough that once the aphrodisiacs hit she'd sneak up behind a pretty girl and wrap her arms around her, leaning in to nibble at her ear.]

Hello there~


adarkdress October 15 2011, 16:01:41 UTC
Maya lat out a small gasp as she felt someone come up directly behind her. She jumped, teeth pressing against her ear. Maya had decided to stick to her chair, holding herself back if need be. However the pounce from behind broke her guard and she shivered violently, her back curling into those arms. Half of her wanted to run, the other half wanted to stay.

"H-Hi?" She said, eyes wide. "U-Umm - wh-what are you - "


archer_flower_9 October 15 2011, 17:08:53 UTC
"Mm... I was hoping you'd join me," Erika murmured, giggling a little at the other girl's nervousness. It was cute, really, especially the obvious division in her desires - maybe she could manage to tip the balance. "I'm feeling a bit lonely, standing here all by myself..."


adarkdress October 15 2011, 17:19:06 UTC
Maya let out a quick sigh, rubbing the back of her neck. "M-Me?" She said, closing her eyes. She pressed back, tongue pressed against her teeth. ".I guess if you're lonely, I could help." She was surprised how easily that came out.


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