Too Pink to Handle

Jun 09, 2015 22:34

Title: Too Pink to Handle
Pairing: Jongin/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Genre: canon, smut, fluff
Length: ~2.6k
Summary: Canon fic where Jongin can’t keep his hands off Joonmyun on national television. Also Jongin’s lips and hair are too pink for Joonmyun to deal with.
A/N: Inspired by this sukai momentWarning: Bottom!Jongin and bottom!Suho. Everyone gets a ( Read more... )

length: oneshot, genre: smut, genre: fluff, genre: canon, !fanfic, rating: nc-17, pairing: kai/suho

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Comments 30

bluedreaming June 9 2015, 15:25:52 UTC
Commented on shiritori but I think it's beautiful!!


lotusk June 9 2015, 15:34:49 UTC
Thank you, ansabear ;;;


anonymous June 9 2015, 15:36:41 UTC
/wheezes/ touchy sukai. lovey dovey sukai. why are they like this tho. (why is joonmyun hair like that.......)

im just /wheezes/ very /flails around//hand gestures/ trainessss nooooooo

(sorry for the incoherency i was supposed to sleep but then bedtime story.)
(please let me dream of sukai with matchy pink hair doing dirty filthy things. thanks.)



lotusk June 9 2015, 15:48:12 UTC
dammit, I should have changed things around and given jm pink hair in this fic LOL


thesockmonster June 9 2015, 17:00:00 UTC
I'm kinda in love with how much you incorporated PINK! JONGIN'S PINK HAIR AND LIPS ARE LIFE!


lotusk June 9 2015, 17:04:34 UTC
Whispers: don't forget the pink n**p**s cough


thesockmonster June 9 2015, 17:05:02 UTC
Trust me. Those are never forgotten.


lotusk June 9 2015, 17:10:29 UTC
Likes your reply 782 times lol


read0write June 10 2015, 05:24:21 UTC
aww~ so cute and sweet
heeheehee very nice

i do like the pink on jongin too ^^ quite nice~ and joonmyun's hair isn't that bad i thought :3


lotusk June 10 2015, 06:09:51 UTC
Thanks for reading, Tiffany! And I can't with the Beatles hairdo LOL


canadaphile June 12 2015, 15:15:29 UTC
There's so much pink in this. I love it.



lotusk June 12 2015, 18:44:31 UTC
Thanks so much for reading, Amanda! I couldn't resist all the pink because Jongin's pink hair is just too much perfect ;;;;;


canadaphile June 12 2015, 21:51:12 UTC
He wears it so well! It's kind of amazing how good these guys look with pink. There's a shade for everyone. uwu


lotusk June 13 2015, 04:08:58 UTC
And pink is the shade for jongin yes please!


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