Too Pink to Handle

Jun 09, 2015 22:34

Title: Too Pink to Handle
Pairing: Jongin/Suho
Rating: NC-17
Genre: canon, smut, fluff
Length: ~2.6k
Summary: Canon fic where Jongin can’t keep his hands off Joonmyun on national television. Also Jongin’s lips and hair are too pink for Joonmyun to deal with.
A/N: Inspired by this sukai moment
Warning: Bottom!Jongin and bottom!Suho. Everyone gets a turn and it's best not to read if you're not okay with this orz.

The green strobe lights are distracting as they swirl around the room at dizzying speeds-but the obnoxious lights are the least of Joonmyun's worries. Hot breath is licking at his nape and his ears...

length: oneshot, genre: smut, genre: fluff, genre: canon, !fanfic, rating: nc-17, pairing: kai/suho

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