Richard/Kahlan Pairing Nomination List 2011

Feb 15, 2011 00:12

 The Nominations list for the Richard/Kahlan Pairing. Let us know if any links are broken or if we've made any mistakes. Any concerns about the integrity of the nomination process should be directed to serendipity513   . Please comment in the correct thread. Comments are screened. ^_^ Note this is not the place to vote. An announcement will be made when the voting posts are up.


  1. Aydindril, the Early Years by confessorlove 
  2. She'll Eat You Alive by bmaniavids  
  3. Storm Born by morgenwrites 
  4. Unexpected by bmaniavids  

  1. The Awakening by jlyncss  
  2. Forfeit by jlyncss  
  3. Linked by lotslovercss 
  4. Tears of Glass by Lord of Kavaka

  1. Beyond Tears by confessed4life  
  2. Far Among the Ancient Trees by alyse 
  3. The Guardian by jlyncss  
  4. Master of D'Hara byjlyncss  

  1. All Roads Lead Here byconfessed4life  
  2. Compromise; Or, Five Times Richard Wanted Something He Couldn't Quite Have by hjea 
  3. Final Ruling by confessorlove 
  4. Redemption by jlyncss  
  5. Returning Home by virkatjol  and phoenix_cry  
  6. Space by thefallingapple  

  1. Master of D'Hara by jlyncss  
  2. Prince of Darkness by confessed4life  
  3. Unexpected by bmaniavids  

  1. Blind, Deaf, and Dumb by pristineungift 
  2. The Cat Conundrum (or That Time Richard Got Turned into a Kitten) by hibernate 
  3. Just An Article by virkatjol 
  4. The Suit of Swords by meridian_rose 
  5. Unexpected Company by lotslovercss 

  1. The Chair by mcc2040 
  2. Falling For You by virkatjol 
  3. Flows the River by alyse 
  4. Set Yourself on Fire by morgenwrites 
  5. Snowbound by confessorlove 
  6. Starts by miera_c 

  1. Beneath the Rock Lies Stone by midnight_glade
  2. Here We Go Again by shimmeryshine 
  3. Home to You by collinsamnell 
  4. A Land of Dreams by hjea 
  5. To Be This Happy by collinsamnell 

  1. I am a Pilgrim on this Journey by hoperomantic 
  2. A Life in Leaves by speckleberry 
  3. Storm Born by morgenwrites 
  4. Unbound by ndnickerson 

lotseekerfic awards: spring 2011, nomination list: 2011

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