Home Is Where The Heart Is

Jan 10, 2008 22:58

[Takes place a few days after this, co-written by the muns]

Orlando's still dirt-streaked from helping the gardener when he wanders into the main house, lured by the incredible smells. He smiles a little when he sees Joaquin at the stove. "I hope this means you're making what I think you're making."

Joaquin smiles, glancing over with appreciation for the way Orlando looks so relaxed, then he goes back to chopping basil. "I might be."

"Well, it certainly smells like mama Phoenix's marinara." Orlando grins, stepping close enough to brush a light kiss across the back of Joaquin's neck before heading to the sink.

"Wait'll you taste it." Joaquin allows himself a small smirk to hide the shiver that races up his spine at the feel of Orlando's lips, and dumps the basil into the bubbling sauce before turning to watch Orlando.

"Can't wait." He holds up wet hands and laughs. "But I'm filthy. I should shower." He eyes the pot, then raises an eyebrow at Joaquin. "Do I have time?"

"Time if you don't dawdle." Another smile, and Joaquin leans against the counter, arms crossed. "Haven't started the pasta yet."

"Well, I dunno..." Orlando ducks his head to hide his smile. "I might need help washing the dirt off..."

Joaquin puts a lid on the sauce and adjusts the heat, then starts towards Orlando, dark gleam in his eyes. "Need your back scrubbed, that it?"

"Maybe a few other parts, too."

"Few other parts, hmm?" A slow smile spreads across Joaquin's face, and he slides his hands beneath Orlando's thin, sweat-dampened t-shirt.

"Okay, maybe a lot." Orlando sighs, shivering a little under the assured hands on him.

"Look at that." Joaquin smiles as he pulls one hand from beneath Orlando's shirt and holds it up. "I seem to have gotten dirty as well."

"Shame that." With another grin, Orlando takes Joaquin's hand and starts to tug him out of the kitchen. "Guess I'll have to wash you as well."

"Guess so." Joaquin grins, following along without protest, still a little unable to believe that he's here, that this is all real.

Orlando lets go of Joaquin's hand long enough to start the water, then turns, peeling off his shirt and tossing it to the floor. He keeps his gaze on Joaquin's as he moves his hands down to the buttons of his old work jeans.

"Nice," Joaquin murmurs, stepping in to trail his fingers down Orlando's stomach, batting his hands away so he can hook his own fingers under the waistband. "You're absolutely filthy."

"Jimmy needed a lot of help." Orlando shrugs, busying himself by unbuttoning Joaquin's shirt. "Besides, what's life if you don't get a little dirty?"

"A little?" Amused, Joaquin looks up as he shoves worn denim over lean hips. "You look like you've been rolling around in the flower beds."

"Maybe I was." He slides the shirt down Joaquin's shoulders and grins, stepping out of his jeans. "Maybe I wanted to give you a lot dirt to wash off."

"Impudent brat." Joaquin smiles fondly, admiring Orlando's body as he stands still and lets Orlando start on his pants. "You just like my hands on you."

"You blame me?" Orlando asks, stepping close, shoving Joaquin's pants down. "I haven't been able to get enough of you since we ran into each other again."

"Feel the same way," Joaquin murmurs, kicking his pants aside, hands settling on Orlando's hips to pull him closer. "Don't think I'll ever get enough of you."

"Goes both ways," Orlando murmurs, and wets Joaquin's lips with the tip of his tongue.

"Good." Joaquin leans in just enough to settle his lips over Orlando's, thumbs tracing lazy circles on warm skin.

Orlando opens to the kiss, sighing his pleasure as Joaquin's lips conform to his. No matter how many times he and 'Quin are together like this, it still feels new. He hopes he never loses this feeling.

"Love you, baby," Joaquin whispers, lashes resting on his cheekbones as he smiles, so happy and content that he's not sure he can stand it.

"Love you, too," and Orlando knows he'll never get tired of saying it, hearing it said. "C'mon." He pulls Joaquin under the hot spray, plastering himself to Joaquin's body as he tilts his face up under the showerhead.

"Still hard to believe." Joaquin smiles again, reaching for the soap and washcloth, free hand sliding over wet skin as he holds Orlando tight.

"Yeah, it is a little." Orlando doesn't have to ask what Joaquin means; he already knows. He twists under the washcloth, under Joaquin's hands, dropping his head to watch the play of roughened fingers trailing over his skin "Hell, if anyone'd told me just last month that we'd be here like this, I'd have laughed at 'em."

"So would I." A soft laugh, and Joaquin ducks his head to watch as well, admiring the way his hands look against Orlando's body. "Glad, though."

"Yeah," Orlando agrees, brushing a kiss across Joaquin's forehead. "Suppose I should feel bad that I'm keeping you from Mark, though. You know I'd never...I don't want you thinking that I..."

A faint smile curves Joaquin's mouth, then he shrugs. "Mark is...I don't know." He lifts his head to meet Orlando's gaze, laying himself completely open. "I know you're not, but maybe..." Another shrug. "Maybe I want to."

"You..." Stunned, Orlando can only blink for a moment as the implications race through his mind. Joaquin can't be saying what Orlando thinks he is...can he? "You'd...are you saying you and him aren't...that you want...?"

Chewing his bottom lip, Joaquin rubs the soapy cloth in small circles down Orlando's arm, then he sighs softly, and looks up again. "He's not you."

"Thought you two had...thought you had something."

Joaquin takes a step back and runs the washcloth through his fingers. "I won't lie. I like him." He glances up, trying to gauge Orlando's expression. "But...not like that."

"I'm sorry," Orlando murmurs, trailing his fingers over Joaquin's jaw, sympathy making his voice soft. "He's been good for you. And I think you've been good for him."

Joaquin smiles, and the expression is tinged with sadness, but he meets Orlando's eyes. "I think he's good for me, too. But...it's all about being equal, yeah? And Mark...I don't know."

"Should talk to him before you go off making any decisions. Believe me, I speak from experience." Orlando returns the smile, fingers slipping to trace over the hollow of Joaquin's throat. "I just want you to be happy, man. However and with whoever."

"I'm trying." Joaquin doesn't look away, but he reaches up to curl his fingers around Orlando's. "But honestly, though...do you see a future for me with him?"

Orlando doesn't answer right away - he thinks about the kind of man Joaquin is, the kind of man he knows Mark is, about watching two of them together, how easy and comfortable...but he knows that's not what Joaquin means. "I think..." he eventually says, licking his lips "...I think he's one of the best friends I've ever had and he could be the same for you. As for the rest...I don't know."

Joaquin nods - it's no more than he expected "I can be myself with him, y'know? No need to put up a mask or pretend. But..." He shrugs, tries to smile as he waves one hand between his body and Orlando's. "I can't ever be like this with him, I don't think."

"I hope for your sake that you can," Orlando replies, rubbing a kiss across Joaquin's stubble. He has no jealousy about Mark and Joaquin, and knows he never will. He knows what he and 'Quin mean to each other, what they've always meant. "But if friendship's what you get out of it, I wouldn't consider that a bad bargain. Men like us...we don't get the luxury of friends."

"Don't much get the luxury of love, either." Joaquin smiles as he wraps his arms around Orlando's waist. No matter how things end up with Mark, Joaquin knows that he'll never feel this complete with anyone else.

"You'll never have to worry about that as long as I'm around," Orlando promises, pulling Joaquin close. The water continues to cascade around them, blanketing them from the world, and a large part of Orlando wishes he could keep them just like this.

"I know." It's a soft whisper, and Joaquin presses his face against the side of Orlando's neck. He knows they should get out, but a few more minutes won't hurt. "I just...maybe."

"Maybe?" Orlando presses a finger under Joaquin's chin, tilts his head up so he can look in Joaquin's eyes. "Tell me."

Quietly, not looking away. "You know I'd give up everyone else for you, yeah?"

"Yeah..." And Orlando knows what a gift Joaquin's giving him, knows exactly what it means that Joaquin's saying it. "Yeah, I do. And I'd never ask, even though..."

"Even though?" Now it's Joaquin's turn to wait patiently as he searches Orlando's eyes.

"Part of me wishes...even though I know it's not fair." Orlando takes a deep breath, steadied by Joaquin's hands on him, the love he sees reflected in jade depths, and makes his own confession. "I'd do the same for you, you know. I'd...I'd give up Jake. Hell, I'd do any damn thing you asked me, I always would."

"That's why I'm not asking." Joaquin allows himself a real smile as he cups Orlando's jaw in one hand, far more touched that he'd thought by Orlando's words. "But...I think...maybe...I'm ready, yeah?"

Orlando nuzzles Joaquin's hand, and returns the smile. "Can't deny the thought of having you all to myself is appealing. But I'm not gonna hold you to it. I'm happy with what we have." Happier than he'd ever thought he could be again.

"Not saying I'm gonna give up girls completely for you," Joaquin teases with a sly smile, thumb sliding along Orlando's lower lip. "Mama'd kill me if I didn't give her at least one grandbaby eventually."

"Your mama and mine both," Orlando says, tongue flicking out to taste Joaquin's thumb. "We need to give Danny some brothers and sisters eventually."

"Yeah." Joaquin nods, eyes darkening as he watches Orlando's tongue slide over his thumb. "That's in the future, though."

"Meantime, you know I like sharing girls with you." Orlando rubs his hips across Joaquin's, pulls him deeper under the spray.

Joaquin lets Orlando pull him, tipping his head back to let warm water wash over his face. "Think I'd like that...just you and a girl every so often."

"That'd be nice." Orlando thinks about that, about what it would be like, just him and 'Quin and sometimes sharing a girl...and while he feels a slight pang at the idea of giving up Jake, what they have, he knows there's no comparison. Jake had been the catalyst to get him where he is right now and he'll always be grateful, but long term? He just doesn't know.

"Hey." Joaquin waits until Orlando focuses on him, then he smiles. "Stop thinking, yeah? I'm not asking you to reciprocate, baby."

Orlando ducks his head and smiles. "I know." But when he glances up, his gaze is serious. "But I think I might want to... but I don't want to hurt him, y'know."

"Hurt him and I might have to whup your ass." Joaquin tempers the words with a fond smile, but he trusts Orlando to handle this better than the situation with Cate. "Jake's nowhere near as fragile. I won't ever ask you to give him up. He's good for you. And he's worth it."

"He is," Orlando nods, with a small, private smile. "But he'll want more than I can give him eventually and we both know it."

"'Lando..." Joaquin trails off with a soft laugh, shaking his head. "You'd be surprised to find out how little he might want."

"What do you mean?"

"He wants the same things for you that I do. To be happy and healthy."

"I'm working on it." Once again, Orlando drops his head to the crook of Joaquin's neck, resting his cheek on a wet shoulder. No place else he'd rather be than right here, safe in Joaquin's arms.

"I know." Joaquin drops a soft kiss on wet curls, and tightens his arms around Orlando. "And I'm so proud of you."

"No prouder'n I am of you," Orlando murmurs. "I just don't wanna hurt him. Hurt anyone."

"I think he'll understand. Long as you're honest with him." A slight pause, and Joaquin tilts his head to look at Orlando. "I still want him in New York."

"His family's here." But Orlando knows what Joaquin's really trying to say...come home, come back to New York. The idea is so tempting... "How would it even work, 'Quin? If I came back? I run things here. There...I'd be your lackey. At least, you know everyone would think that."

"Lackey?" Joaquin laughs, gentle fingers brushing Orlando's cheek before he reaches around to shut off the water. "No, you'd be no one's lackey. Split the city right down the middle, that's how it'd work. Me and you running things, reporting only to Lucky."

"Think Ridley'd have something to say about that, don't you? He's worked hard to get where he is."

"He got where he is because you and Josh left." Joaquin's voice goes a little flat, and he looks at Orlando. "Ridley...he doesn't have it in him to be number one."

"I know." Because Orlando doubts Ridley's changed all that much. "But he stuck by you, and that deserves more than me usurping him. Last thing you and Lucky need is a turf war." And Orlando will do anything to keep more blood from being spilled in his name.

Shaking his head, Joaquin steps out of the tub, pulls Orlando with him. "He's far too smart to have not realized why I'm not home yet. And he's nowhere near stupid enough to take me on in a turf war."

"He always was clever," Orlando admits, snagging one of the fluffy towels from the rack and wrapping it around Joaquin's back, stepping in for a quick kiss. "I want to," he says, almost whispering the words, "I want nothing more than to go back home. With you."

Joaquin shakes his head again, then smiles, pulling Orlando in for a proper kiss. "You already know what I want. But I'll wait 'til you're ready."

"Just a little more time. I'm not leaving Al out to dry." He owes five years of loyalty and trust that much.

Joaquin nods. It's no less than he expected. "Think they'll both appreciate it."

"Hope so." Orlando brushes another kiss across Joaquin's lips. "And you're gonna want to be careful how you break the news to Ridley anyway."

One eyebrow goes up and the towel slows. "Think it'll finally give him the incentive to find his balls and challenge me on it?"

"It might. He stuck with you, but if he thinks you're going to stiff him? Could get ugly. You know how he is when he's been crossed."

"After all this time? He knows better." Joaquin frowns and knots the towel around his waist. "He knows I take care of my own. Always have."

"Just make sure it's clear you let him know you still think that." Orlando grabs his own towel, briskly drying himself off as he keeps an eye on Joaquin. Feels good, discussing business with Joaquin. Like the way it used to be.

"You coming back'll be good for him." Joaquin leans against the sink, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches Orlando. Fuck, but it's been too long since they've done this.

"We always did work well together. And he loved the competition." Orlando grins. "You know I'd insist on Queens, right."

One hand pauses in the act of raking through damp hair, and Joaquin makes a face. "You can have it. But I get Brooklyn."

"We split it. No way I'm giving you all of the home turf."

Eyeing Orlando, Joaquin finishes raking his hair back. "We'll...negotiate."

"You can have the Bronx." Orlando runs quick hands through his hair and leans in to kiss Joaquin. "We split Brooklyn."

Making another face, Joaquin follows Orlando out of the bathroom. "Man, I've been trying to foist the Bronx off on one of the guys for years."

"Well...." Orlando rubs his hand over the ever-growing stubble on his chin - gotta remember to shave - and pretends to think about it. "Tell you what. I'll take the Bronx and Queens, but you gotta take Manhattan."

Joaquin just barely manages to hide his glee. "Manhattan and The Island, and we split Brooklyn. Deal." He leans forward, curling his fingers around Orlando's wrists, and tugs his hands away from his face. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" Orlando asks, a little confused. He just barely manages to hide his glee that he'd gotten Joaquin to take over Harlem.

"Rubbing at your face." Joaquin grins at the blank look he receives.

"Rubbing my...?" Orlando frowns again. "Well, I do need to shave, but I figured I'd wait until later tonight...what? Why're you looking at me like that?"

Tugging Orlando a little closer, Joaquin catches his chin in a gentle grip. Smiling, he turns Orlando's head to one side, then to the other. "Leave it."

"Leave what?" Orlando just resists the initial urge to pull out of Joaquin's grasp.

"This." Light fingers brush over the stubble covering Orlando's jaw. "Kinda like to see how it looks."

"What, you mean...grow it out?" Orlando's never given a thought of a beard, not even when he'd been younger and first starting to grow hair. He stops in front of the hall mirror, tilting his head from side to side. "Y'think so?"

Coming up behind him, Joaquin meets his eyes in the mirror and nods. "You can always shave it off if you don't like it."

"Well, if you think it'll look good..."

Another small smile. "I do."

Orlando studies his reflection for another minute, then meets Joaquin's gaze, returning the smile. "Then I guess I'm growing a beard."

"Think it'll look great on you." Joaquin's voice is soft, and his eyes never leave Orlando's

Orlando turns, pulling Joaquin to him. "Already know I'd do anything for you..."

"I know." There's a soft smile on Joaquin's face as he leans in to brush his lips over Orlando's. "Goes both ways, y'know."

"I dunno about you with a beard..." Orlando smiles, so happy that it feels like he's all but drowning in it. It's a weird feeling, but not unwelcome.

"I look ridiculous with one," Joaquin laughs, catching Orlando's hand. "Tried a few years ago to grow one. Rain told me I looked like a little kid with a dirty face."

"Rain's a smart lady." He brings Joaquin's hand to his lips for a quick kiss. "I've missed her."

"She's missed you."

"You really think it's possible? To go back?"

"Anything's possible." He tugs Orlando into the bedroom. "Isn't that what you've been trying to make me see?"

"Not fair using my words against me." Orlando tugs on Joaquin's towel, and runs light hands over Joaquin's back. He'll never get enough of touching Joaquin, being touched by him.

"Thought you wanted to eat." Joaquin looks up with an amused smile, fingers curling under the edge of Orlando's towel.

"You're the one pulled me in here, thought you wanted something," Orlando grins, running his teeth over Joaquin's earlobe.

Joaquin shivers a little, but keeps smiling. "Figured you might want to get dressed before dinner."

"Who says I don't?" Orlando murmurs, his towel falling to the floor, tongue whirling along the same path as his teeth.

"Sauce burns..." Joaquin's voice is breathless, catching in his throat as he closes his eyes and sways towards Orlando "...it's your fault."

"Not gonna let it burn." Orlando murmurs, and covers Joaquin's lips with his, the kiss slow and soft and sweet. The only sound Joaquin makes is a low hum of approval, one hand coming up to curl around the back of Orlando's neck.

Orlando takes his time ending the kiss, lips swollen and damp, fingers trailing along Joaquin's spine. "Needed that."

Eyes still closed, Joaquin smiles and continues to lean against Orlando. "Me, too."

Orlando smiles, and squeezes Joaquin's hip. "But you did promise me dinner."

"So I did." Joaquin grins and sniffs the air. "Smells like the sauce is just about ready."

"See? Plenty of time."

"You can make the salad while I do the noodles." Dragging on a pair of worn jeans, Joaquin smirks a little.

"I can chop vegetables," Orlando replies, snagging a clean pair of jeans.

"Enough to feed your boys and mine?" Joaquin laughs as he digs out a clean shirt.

"You suggesting I can't chop enough to feed everyone?" Orlando asks, shrugging into a clean wife-beater.

"Just saying you might want to chop a lot." Hooking his fingers through Orlando's beltloops, Joaquin tugs him close for a quick kiss.

"What'll I get if I do?"

"Me as your willing slave for the rest of the night."

"You're not already?" Orlando asks, even as his body tightens in response at the words.

"Not like this." His eyes darken, and Joaquin slowly smiles, noting the way the pulse throbs at the base of Orlando's throat.

"Tell me," Orlando demands, fingers curling into fists to keep from reaching out to yank Joaquin to him and drag him to bed, to hell with dinner.

"Anything you want," Joaquin murmurs, stepping in to run light fingers along Orlando's collarbone, eyes going dark as he fights to keep from touching Orlando any more than that. "And everything. Your deepest, darkest desires."

Every word hammers into Orlando's body, turning his blood to liquid fire. "I gotta lot of those where you're concerned," he murmurs, lust making his voice rough, thick.

Joaquin circles Orlando slowly, pausing behind him. He leans in to whisper in Orlando's ear, breath stirring damp curls. "You can have them all."

"Jesus, 'Quin..." Orlando swallows hard. He doesn't think he could move if someone pried him with a crowbar. He's trembling with need, lust, want, love, all of it swirling around him, so thick he can taste it, taste everything he wants to do to Joaquin. He can't even remember the last time he's been so hard, wanted so much...

With a slow smile, Joaquin lets his lips just barely graze Orlando's nape. He can feel the tension, thick enough to cut with a knife, and he knows the effect his words are having. "Tell me one of them."

"N-now?" The word is stuttered as Orlando shivers, leans back into Joaquin's heat.

"Just one." Another smile, lips curving against Orlando's skin. "Something to look forward to during dinner."

So hard to think, what with the way Joaquin's pressing against him, into him, taking up all of the oxygen in the room, but Orlando struggles to come up with something, anything. "Want to..." He clears his throat, shakes his head, twisting a little so he can look Joaquin in the eyes. "...want to force you to your knees so I can fuck your mouth hard and fast. Wanna gag you with my cock...no hands, just want your mouth, your tongue, your lips tight around me...and," then he leans in, rubbing his thumb across Joaquin's cheek, "wanna mark you with my come."

One hand curls just under Orlando's waistband, and Joaquin takes a half step back. He smiles, eyes glittering, so hard he aches, but he won't give in to the lust clawing at him just yet. "After dinner."

"After dinner," Orlando nods. He knows he won't even be able to taste anything tonight.

"You've got Mama's marinara to look forward to, first." The smile shifts, softens, and Joaquin gives in just a little, stepping into Orlando's warmth for a slow kiss.

Orlando's too far gone to make it gentle - his lips slant over Joaquin's, his tongue pushes past, body pressing in, giving in, just a little, to the need tearing at him. Joaquin groans into the kiss, fingers tightening on the denim under his palm, and he has to fight to pull back, pleased that Orlando's just as shaken. "Later."

"Long as you're not planning on dessert." Orlando smiles, pressing his palm to the front of his jeans to ease a little of the pressure. God alone knows how he's going to keep his hands to himself.

"No dessert." A quick grin, and Joaquin pulls completely away, putting a little space between them. "And the boys'll be happy to go out drinking."

"'Quin, man, I don't care if they settle back with a beer and watch at this point."

"I dare you to suggest it," Joaquin laughs, knowing exactly the reaction even the idea will get.

Orlando laughs. "I doubt they'd take me up on it."

"Yeah, but it'd be funny to see 'em," Joaquin winks.

"You won't even know they're in the room."

"Precisely my point."

Orlando takes Joaquin's hand, brings his palm up for a quick kiss. "By the time I'm done with you tonight, you won't remember anyone except me. That's a promise."

"That's what I want." Joaquin's voice is low and husky, and his fingers curl against Orlando's jaw, rasping lightly over stubble.

"Good." Orlando's smile seems to blossom from somewhere deep inside him, some place he never thought he'd feel again. After dinner can't come fast enough. He wants to make Joaquin his in every sense.

"Ready to go help me finish dinner?" Joaquin's smile matches Orlando's, and he can't recall the last time he felt this happy.

"After you. And this sauce better be as good as you claim."

"You won't be able to tell the difference." Joaquin curls his fingers around Orlando's and tugs gently, leading him out of the bedroom.

"That's a bold claim," Orlando says, heading straight for the cutting board and the knives once they get in the kitchen.

"I'll let the results speak for themselves." There's a small smirk as he pulls out a pot and sets the water to boil, but Joaquin thinks he's entitled.

"Well, you've never bragged without a reason, so we'll see." Orlando watches Joaquin out of the corner of his eye as he deftly chops tomatoes and cucumbers, fresh from his garden.

Joaquin reaches over to snag a bit of tomato, popping it into his mouth and grinning when Orlando frowns at him. "What?"

"Do it again, and I'll add a spanking," Orlando warns, waving a celery stick at Joaquin.

One eyebrow goes up, and Joaquin contemplates that threat. "You wouldn't."

"Test me."

"Well, I'm not gonna do while you're watching me," Joaquin grins and turns to check the water.

Orlando shakes his head and rips the head of lettuce into large chunks. "I'll pretend you didn't say that."

"Pretend away." Joaquin waves one hand, watching from the corner of his eye as Orlando transfers the lettuce to a bowl. Then he slides his hand over and deftly filches a stalk of celery.

Orlando smacks the back of Joaquin's hand without even looking up. "Guess you won't be sitting tomorrow," he says, conversationally.

"Promises, promises." Joaquin grins when Orlando glances at him. "Baby, even without a spanking, if I can walk tomorrow, I'll be disappointed."

"Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint..."

"Gonna hold you to that."

"Pasta about done?" Orlando asks, not even bothering to hide his impatience.

"Another minute or so." Joaquin smiles as he hears the front door bang open. "Salad ready?"

"All done." As if on cue, the bodyguards mill into the kitchen, exclaiming over the scents, fighting over who'll set the table, taking up too much room, and Orlando knows this is the most content he's felt in a long time.

"Drain the pasta, Moe." Joaquin grins at the indignant look Moe gives him as he moves out of the away and tugs Orlando with him, wrapping his arms around Orlando from behind.

Orlando leans back into Joaquin's warmth, tilting his head to nuzzle at Joaquin's throat. Feels so good to be free like this, to touch and kiss the man he loves in front of his family. "Love you," he murmurs.

"Love you, too." Joaquin's lips brush Orlando's cheek, and he looks up in time to catch Moe's smile, and fuck all, but this is the best feeling in the world.

Dinner is, predictably enough, a raucous affair, filled with boisterous noise and loud laughter and Lou taking the piss out of Moe at every opportunity ('Retaliation,' Lou'd told Orlando when he'd asked). Orlando can't remember the last time the house had held so much life, and he can't contain his grin every time his gaze meets Joaquin's.

Joaquin just listens to the bodyguards and smiles, letting it all wash over him. He hasn't been this content, this calm in a long time. And the love shining in Orlando's every time he looks up is humbling. It's only when Orlando pushes his plate away and settles back in his chair, that Joaquin leans forward. "Well?"

Orlando can't resist teasing Joaquin just a little. "Well...?" he prompts, raising an eyebrow.

Laughing, Joaquin wads up his napkin and throws it across the table. "Admit it. You can't tell the difference."

"You use slightly more basil." Orlando grins, and catches the napkin, tossing it back to Joaquin. Not that he'd ever admit it, of course, but the added basil actually makes it better than Mama Phoenix's.

Joaquin neatly catches the napkin and sniffs. "Even mama said it was perfect. Impudent child."

"Always," Orlando winks. "'Sides, y'know, it's been a few years since I've tasted her sauce, so..."

Moe props his chin up on one hand and looks like it pains him to say it. "He's right. Mama phoenix said it might be better'n hers. I heard her." Joaquin just sits back in his chair and smirks.

"Guess I'll have to wait 'til we get back home to compare," is all Orlando says, and offers a slight smile when Lawrence and Lou simply blink at him. This is right.

Moe stares at Orlando, mouth open. For a few seconds, Joaquin sits there, blinking, too stunned to react. Then he lets out a loud whoop of joy and vaults out of his chair, dragging Orlando up into a tight hug.

Orlando returns the hug, clinging tight, and this should feel at least a little bit odd. He's essentially just told everyone he's leaving his home of the last five years, his position, his life, but all he feels is a certain sense of calm. This is right. New York is where he belongs, where he's always belonged, and he can practically feel Josh's warm glow of approval alongside the real feel of Joaquin in his arms.

"Love you so much," Joaquin whispers, voice soft and harsh with unspoken emotions, arms so tight he's surprised he's not hurting Orlando. "Not gonna regret this, I swear."

"Never," Orlando promises, as much for himself as Joaquin, burying his face in Joaquin's neck. Home, love, security...everything Joaquin's always meant to him, even in the dark years. It's time. "I'll talk to Al first thing, do whatever I need to do, arrange to have Josh transported..."

"Whatever support you need." Joaquin lifts his head, hands framing Orlando's face, and his eyes are bright when he smiles, feeling like an incredible weight has just been lifted off him. "We'll all go home together."

"Together..." And nothing's ever felt so right in his entire life. He's still smiling when he leans in to cover Joaquin's lips with his own. He can hear Lou and Lawrence's whoops of joy mixing with Moe's.

It's one of the best sounds in the world, and Joaquin knows it's been far too long since he's heard it. He's still smiling when he pulls back, hands gentle on Orlando's jaw. "I, um...got a pretty big place back home now... Got a guest house out back, big enough for someone with a kid..."

Orlando's breath simply stops. "You think you could...you think she'd move?"

"Offer's been on the table for a year." Joaquin smiles softly, thumbs sliding over Orlando's cheekbones. "Just as soon as it's safe...we worked out a deal. I need a housekeeper, Danny needs to know his family, and they need a place they can't ever be evicted from." He pauses, searching Orlando's eyes. "Question is...will you accept the same offer you made me?"

Danny...home...getting the chance to help raise Josh's son... It's more than Orlando's even dared to hope for. He smiles, heart so full it's bursting, and then Joaquin's question filters, and he tilts his head. "I don't...what offer?"

Joaquin knows the bodyguards are hanging on every word, but he doesn't care. "Stay."

Stay...? But then, it all clicks, and Orlando swallows hard when it hits him. "You want...'Quin, are you asking me to...to move in?"

"Only if you're comfortable with it." He searches Orlando's eyes again, offers a small smile. "It's a big house, and I just rattle around it. And Danny'll be there..."

Orlando forestalls Joaquin's words by placing a finger against his lips. "The offer include a bed?" he asks, eyes glowing with love.

"Offer includes any bed in the house." Joaquin almost doesn't dare breathe.

"What if I don't want just any bed?"

So softly, Joaquin's not even sure himself that he's speaking, "What bed do you want then?"

So slowly it feels like it must be a dream, like all of this is a dream and Orlando will wake up, alone and aching like he's done every day for the past year, he curves his palm over Joaquin's jaw. "Whatever bed you're in," he murmurs, offering everything, knowing Joaquin will know exactly what this is.

Joaquin slowly exhales, feels a sudden stinging behind his eyelids as he holds Orlando's gaze. He knows exactly what he's just been given, what it means that Orlando's offering this. He makes a silent vow that Orlando will never have cause to regret it. "That'd be the big bed in the master bedroom. Sure you want it?" He smiles, turns his head a little to kiss Orlando's palm. "It's big enough to fit the clowns in it with room left over."

"They're not invited," Orlando replies, eyes bright with his own unshed tears. Somewhere, he knows in his heart, Josh is looking on with approval. "I only want you."

"You've already got me." Behind him, Joaquin can hear the quiet sounds of the bodyguards clearing out, knowing they'll return later to clean the kitchen. He doesn't even look around, not wanting to miss a single second of the expression in Orlando's eyes.

"Then I have everything I need." Orlando softly replies, not even daring to move, barely to breathe.

"That makes two of us." He's not at all surprised that his hand is shaking when he lifts it to run light fingers over Orlando's stubbled jaw.

"I mean it, 'Quin." Orlando places his hand on top of Joaquin's, holding it to his jaw. "I want what we talked about earlier. All of it. You and me and New York, the city at our feet, nothing in our way. I want to fall asleep with you every night and wake up next to you every morning and I want us to raise Danny right, to give him brothers and sisters, and when I die, I want to rest between you and Josh. I want everything."

Joaquin nods, letting the warmth of Orlando seep into him. "Then that's what you'll have. Every bit of it and more. My home, my bed...my life.." He smiles a little. "No one I trust or love more than you, 'Lando. Always have, always will."

It's more than he and Josh had even offered each other, and maybe they'd have gotten to this point in time...Orlando likes to think they would have. But it doesn't stop this moment from feeling like the rightest, most sure thing he's ever done. "Loved you all my life. And that'll never stop."

"No matter what." Joaquin pauses, then meets Orlando's gaze. "I bought this place after Liv. No one else has ever..." He trails off, then laughs softly. "Feel like I should be down on one knee."

"Lucky for you I don't need a ring," Orlando teases, voice gentle. "'Sides, we don't need any of that nonsense."

Without speaking, Joaquin lifts his hand and looks at the thin white scar crossing the palm. Then he catches Orlando's hand, holds it up to see the matching scar. "No, we don't," he murmurs, then looks up. "Got everything we ever needed right here."

"Be happy to do it again," Orlando says.

His eyes drop to the scar, and Joaquin runs a delicate finger over Orlando's. "Think we need to?"

"No," Orlando whispers, stepping close. "I don't think we need anything other than this."

Curling his fingers over Orlando's so the scars touch, Joaquin smiles. "I know we don't."

"Love you..." The words are still humming between them when Orlando covers Joaquin's lips with his own.

Joaquin sighs into the kiss, pressing in against Orlando, knowing that, finally, he can drop every barrier he's ever erected and just appreciate what he has.

With a happy sigh, Orlando opens into the kiss, fisting his hands in Joaquin's hair, silky strands sifting through his fingers. He knows he'll cherish this moment as long as he lives. "Bedroom?" he murmurs, softly.

"Lead the way." Joaquin leans in for another slow kiss, fingers still curled snug around Orlando's.

Orlando starts to back up, trading more kisses with Joaquin - it's like he can't get enough, like he's never tasted Joaquin's lips before, and maybe it is different now. "Might not let you out of bed for a few days," he says, taking each step slowly, pulling Joaquin with him.

"Like the way you think," Joaquin murmurs, happily following Orlando out of the kitchen, more than willing to trade lazy kisses every few steps even if he still can't quite believe that he's going to have this for the rest of his life.

It takes far too long to get up the stairs, and down the hallway, but once they reach the bedroom, Orlando wastes no time in flicking the lock behind them. "No distractions," he says, when Joaquin looks at him. "Not from anyone." He saunters forward, reaching for the buttons of Joaquin's shirt. "Wanna block out the world, just you and me."

"Sounds perfect." Sliding his hands under the edge of Orlando's shirt, Joaquin offers him a sweet smile. He lets his fingers trail over warm skin, eyes locked with Orlando's.

"How long do you think we can?" Orlando asks, sliding Joaquin's shirt off of muscled shoulders, stomach contracting under Joaquin's touch. Every part of his body is humming, throbbing with love and need.

"Long as we need to." Another sweet smile, and Joaquin works on easing Orlando's shirt off of his body. He knows the world will intrude soon enough, but that's later. Right now, it's just him and Orlando, and that's all he cares about.

"Hopefully it's a good long time." Orlando pushes Joaquin back on the bed, sinking to his knees to kneel between Joaquin's legs to start to unbutton Joaquin's jeans.

"I'll keep my fingers crossed." Joaquin smiles down at Orlando, letting his fingers sift through dark curls. There's so much love and trust here that he feels like he's drowning in it. Gentle hands tug his jeans down, and he lifts up to help, shivering a little as callused fingers slide along his thighs.

"Well, it is my city still..." Orlando smiles. "I'll see what I can arrange." He lowers his head, lips cascading along Joaquin's calf, sliding up to his knee, keeping the kisses light and easy.

"You do that..." Joaquin sighs softly, lashes drifting down to partially hide his eyes. He continues to watch Orlando, gentle fingers stroking his hair, his cheek, skin pebbling as soft lips move along his leg.

Just like the first time...only better. There's no aura of mistrust or betrayal or anger, only an unshakable faith that Orlando's exactly where he needs to be. After everything he and Joaquin have been through, he knows it's only made their bond stronger. He lets the knowledge of that seep into him as he braces his hands on Joaquin's thighs, licks a long, wet stripe up the underside of Joaquin's cock, wanting this taste more than he's wanted anything in a very long time.

Joaquin shudders hard, hips arching up. Both hands bury themselves in Orlando's hair with a gentle grip. "Please," Joaquin whispers as Orlando's tongue slides along his cock again, leaving a trail of fire that dances over his nerves.

Please...and the word finishes shattering the last shreds of control Orlando's ever had. He knows he'll never belong so completely to anyone the way he belongs to Joaquin. With a soft slide of lips, he takes Joaquin deeper down his throat, tongue flicking and curling, using every bit of skill he has, wanting - needing - nothing less than Joaquin's total surrender.

Joaquin groans and pushes up, seeking more of the wet heat of Orlando's mouth. This is all he's ever wanted, needed, and everything pales in comparison.

Orlando brings one hand up to carefully cradle Joaquin's balls, hollowing his cheeks as he laves attention on the head, then sucks down again, tilting his throat as much as he can. The heavy, thick weight of Joaquin's cock is just about the most perfect thing he's ever known.

"Love you..." Joaquin's voice is rough, broken, as need claws at him. He gives in to it, gives himself over to Orlando and everything they have together, one hand gently cradling the back of Orlando's head.

Orlando gags a little on the final thrust, choking on the taste as Joaquin's come fills his mouth. He swallows, reflexive and greedy, wanting nothing more than to gorge on Joaquin, on everything he has to offer.

he's warm and pliant and content, and Joaquin's not sure that the bed being on fire would convince him to move. Especially not with the way Orlando is dropping soft kisses across his skin. "C'mere..."

"Gladly..." Orlando smiles, standing only long enough to get out of his jeans, impatiently shoving them down, before draping himself over Joaquin like a blanket, soaking in Joaquin's warmth as he laces their fingers over Joaquin's head.

"Better." Again, Joaquin flashes that sweet smile, tangling his legs with Orlando's. "Love you."

"Love you..." Orlando murmurs, ducking his head to run his teeth over Joaquin's adam's apple.

"Good..." Joaquin shivers, his head falling back to give Orlando better access. "Need you..."

"Tell me." Orlando lifts his head, squeezing Joaquin's hands, rubbing every part of his body along Joaquin's.

His lashes flutter, then his eyes slowly open. They're dark, almost black, and it takes a second to focus on Orlando. "Yours." Joaquin murmurs, smiling again, lifting his head to brush his lips over Orlando's. "All yours."

"Always yours," Orlando says, and he means it with everything in him. "Always have me. No matter what."

"Forever." The word is soft, but Joaquin puts everything he is into it. Then he shifts a little, flexing his fingers against Orlando's. "Want you."

"Grab the lotion." Orlando's trembling so badly he's not sure he trusts himself. He's never wanted anything more than this, to give himself completely to Joaquin and have Joaquin give himself completely to Orlando.

One hand reaches out, flailing over the nightstand before Joaquin can grab the bottle. He keeps his eyes on Orlando's as he pours some onto his hand, reaching between them to curl slick fingers around Orlando's cock.

Orlando bucks into Joaquin's hand, biting his lip to keep from moaning as Joaquin moves over him, assured and slow. "Christ, 'Quin..."

Joaquin smiles, giving Orlando a gentle squeeze before pulling back. "Now."

Now... and the trembling's back, worse than ever, almost like Orlando's never done this, and maybe he hasn't, because it's never been exactly like this before. He braces one hand on the mattress and circles the other around his cock, guiding it between Joaquin's legs, unable to look away from the love and need in Joaquin's eyes.

"Love you." Joaquin smiles a real smile, and brushes the back of his fingers across Orlando's cheek. He's fully relaxed and ready -- eager -- for this, to take this step with Orlando.

Inch by slow inch, Orlando sinks in, nuzzling Joaquin's fingers, breath huffing out as he's enveloped by tight heat. "Never like this with anyone else..." he murmurs, rotating his hips as Joaquin wraps strong legs around his waist to pull him in even deeper.
"I know..." Joaquin's breath catches in his throat as Orlando presses deep. "Never thought..." He's on fire, burning up from the inside, and nothing else has ever felt so right.

"Yours..." Orlando whispers, echoing the sentiment, and he starts to move, shallow, then deep, thrusts, running a hand along Joaquin's side, needing as much skin on skin contact as possible.

Joaquin arches up to meet each thrust, legs locked tight around Orlando's waist. Nothing else they've ever done has felt this real, this perfect. His hands slide along Orlando's back, urging him on, as Joaquin lifts his head to brush his lips over Orlando's.

"Just like this..." Orlando whispers into the next kiss, lips slanting over Joaquin's as he thrusts deeper, harder, each movement assured and steady.

Joaquin can only nod, hands tight on Orlando's back as they move together. Each thrust shoves him closer to the edge, and he doesn't even try to stop it. Instead, he embraces it, dropping over the edge with Orlando's name on his lips.

One more shallow thrust, then Joaquin tightens around him, unbearably hot, and Orlando lets go, trusting Joaquin to catch him. He's never felt so alive, so complete.

They're a sticky, sweaty tangle of legs and arms, but Joaquin wouldn't have it any other way. He wraps his arms tight around Orlando, holding him close, and musters up the energy to nuzzle Orlando's throat.

"Notmovin'..." Orlando mumbles. His limbs feel like jelly and his heart's still racing in double-time, but it's all worth it. Just to feel Joaquin's arms around him, lips on him, the heated press of a beloved body underneath him.

"S'alright..." Joaquin nuzzles damp skin again, too tired to even smile, too content to even think about moving yet.

"Not, um, ever. Movin'. Uh uh."

"Never." There's a little smugness in Joaquin's voice, but he thinks he's earned it. They've both earned it.

Orlando lifts his head and raises an eyebrow. It takes some effort, but he's pretty proud of himself. "You want me to?"

"Move?" Joaquin smiles, one finger tracing spirals up Orlando's spine. "M'good."

"Better'n good." Orlando smirks, mustering up enough energy to circle his hips.

"Mmmm..." Joaquin exhales slowly, legs tightening around Orlando. "Guess m'not gonna be disappointed then..."

"About?" Another shallow thrust, and Orlando can feel his body start to come slowly back to life.

"Not being able to walk tomorrow," Joaquin grins, one hand gliding up to tangle in Orlando's hair "Think you said something about keeping me here, yeah?"

Slowly, Orlando smiles, and it's filled with promise and wicked glee. "Yeah, I did." He lowers his head, circling his hips, then thrusting deep, already aching. "Man of my word..."

"Like that about you," Joaquin murmurs, with a matching grin, and he tugs Orlando down for a blistering kiss, his hips rising to meet the next thrust.

It's just as slow and easy this time, each of them moving fluidly against the other like they'd been doing it all their lives. And maybe, in some ways, they've been leading up to this. All Orlando knows is this, what they have right now, is strong and deep and perfect and something that no one can ever take away from them. He loses himself in the rhythm of each thrust, meets Joaquin's lips for kiss after lazy kiss...and when he comes again, it's to the sweet sound of Joaquin gasping out his name.

For several minutes, the room is silent except for the sound of their harsh breathing mingled together. Then Joaquin mumbles something, turning his head to nuzzle Orlando's jaw. That's about all he's capable of doing at the moment, and he knows it, but that's just fine with him. There isn't any place he'd rather be.

"Better?" Orlando mumbles, or thinks he does, anyway. It takes most of his energy to slide to Joaquin's side and snuggle in close.

"Much." Joaquin manages one last burst of energy, just enough to roll to face Orlando so their legs tangle together. "You?"

"Oh yeah..." Orlando grins, draping an arm over Joaquin's waist. "Not sure about a round three yet, but...maybe in a minute..."

"Minute's fine." Joaquin flashes a lazy smile, in no hurry to do anything else because, really, this is far too enjoyable.

"Your turn, though."

Joaquin blinks slowly, then laughs. "Might take a couple minutes, then. My spine has turned to jelly."

Orlando chuckles and runs his hand along Joaquin's flank, across his hip, and curling comfortably over Joaquin's cock. "Not really interested in your spine, 'Quin."

Joaquin feels his body stir and lifts his head just enough to look down. "Hey, look at that," he murmurs, then smiles.

"Feels nice, too," Orlando replies, and starts to lazily stroke the tips of his fingers over Joaquin's cock.

"Mmm...it does." Joaquin smiles again, slow and lazy, and slides one leg up to press between Orlando's thighs.

"Want you inside me," Orlando murmurs, grinding down on Joaquin's thigh, scooting closer so he can claim Joaquin's lips in a slow kiss.

Joaquin rolls Orlando over, pressing him into the mattress. "My pleasure..."

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