Enjoy It While It Lasts

Jan 10, 2008 22:55

[Takes place the night after this and this, co-written by the muns]

Shirt unbuttoned and hanging open, Jake finishes toweling his hair and looks in the mirror. A few flicks of his fingers settles his hair into place, and he gives his reflection a nod. It'll have to do, seeing as he's running a little late. Just then he hears a knock at the door. Orlando.

Looking at himself in the mirror again, Jake takes a deep breath and goes to answer the door.

"On second thought, maybe we should stay in," Orlando says in greeting, leaning against the doorjamb and letting his gaze run appreciatively over Jake's chest and the sprinkling of hair that runs down his stomach, disappearing into his slacks. "I'd hate for you to get dressed on my account."

"We can if you'd like," Jake replies, smiling. He won't be able to resist temptation if they do, but looking at Orlando like this, Jake can't complain.

"We best not. We'll never see the house otherwise." But Orlando slides an arm under Jake's shirt when he steps inside, nuzzling the warm, still damp skin at Jake's neck. "I'll just peel you out of these clothes later..."

"Maybe I'll let you," Jake murmurs, eyes closed, shivering at the touch of Orlando's lips on his throat. He can't -- won't -- deny that he wants this, wants Orlando.

"Only maybe?" Orlando chuckles, and slides his lips up to Jake's. As good as things are with Joaquin right now, part of him has missed this, missed Jake. He's thankful beyond measure that God has sent him two men who understand each other so well, and have no jealousy between them.

Keeping his eyes closed, Jake smiles when the kiss ends. "I love you," he murmurs and finally opens his eyes.

"I love you, too." Funny now that the words come easier, now that he knows where he and Joaquin are. "You know that, right?"

Jake flashes him a sweet smile. "I know. Now just give me a minute to grab my shoes."

Orlando flicks Jake's nose and steps back. "Might wanna think about buttoning your shirt, too. Just to be safe."

"So you're saying you don't want me looking thoroughly debauched and hedonistic tonight?" Jake arches an eyebrow and grins as he steps back and begins to button his shirt.

"Not until after I've thoroughly debauched you," Orlando replies, with a grin. He steps in, tying Jake's tie with another smile. "It'll be like unwrapping a gift."

"Something to look forward to then," Jake murmurs. His smile has just a touch of sadness in it, but then he presses a light kiss to Orlando's lips and moves to grab his shoes. "So would you like to eat first, or see the house?"

"House first. We can build an appetite." Orlando keeps the words light, even though he wonders why Jake seems off tonight.

"House it is." Jake flicks the curtain aside so he can look down at the street. Then he bends to slip on his shoes. "By yourself tonight or do we have a driver?"

"Just me. Had a helluva time telling the boys to get lost, too, so you better take good care of me."

"Don't I always?" Jake's smile is just this side of coy as he steps in to straighten Orlando's tie. His hand lingers, resting over Orlando's heart. "There's a quiet little cafe near the house we can have dinner at afterwards."

"I like quiet," Orlando says, brushing a kiss across Jake's lips. "Been looking forward to tonight all day."

"Yeah?" Another sweet smile, and Jake reaches out to take Orlando's hand. "Tell me."

Orlando waits for Jake to lock the door behind them. "I've missed you. It was nice seeing you last night." When they get to the landing, Orlando flashes Jake a sly grin. "Did you ever give Mark his reward for helping you out?"

"Of course. I always follow through on my promises," Jake says, with a haughty sniff. Then he casts a sidelong look at Orlando. "You looking for details or something?"

"You sound just like 'Quin," Orlando says, smiling, as he throws an arm across Jake's shoulders. "Only if you feel like giving them to me."

"Kitten asks for details?" Jake is startled for a few seconds before he really thinks about it. Then he shakes his head. "Perverted bastard," he says, with a smile as he glances at Orlando. "How is he, anyway? He looked happy last night. You looked happy."

"I am. We are." Orlando takes a moment to nuzzle Jake's neck before they step outside onto the sidewalk. "Thanks, in part, to you. Still haven't thanked you for that, really."

"No need to thank me," Jake murmurs. He brushes a quick kiss across Orlando's lips and smiles. "Anyone with a brain could see that you two were fighting the inevitable."

"Anyone but us," Orlando chuckles. He gestures at the car. "Feel up to testing out your new driving skills?"

"Can I?" Jake feels like a little kid at Christmas, but he can't help it. With a gleeful grin, he faces Orlando, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his trousers. "Feeling brave tonight?"

Orlando just smiles. "I trust you."

"Thank you." Jake knows what it means to have Orlando's trust. He makes a silent vow that Orlando will never regret it.

"Now, hop in, and let's get a look at this house." Orlando slides into the passenger's seat, and waits for Jake.

Jake slides behind the wheel and keeps in mind everything Orlando told him as he starts the car. "The house is big," he says, carefully easing away from the curb and out into the thankfully light traffic. "I mean really big."

"Isn't that the point? Plenty of room for everyone?"

"I think we'll have more room than we can use," Jake replies with a faint smile. He's too busy concentrating on driving to even glance at Orlando.

"You're doing fine," Orlando murmurs. "And more room is also good. Gives you a place to expand, if need be."

"You really think I'll need it?" Jake stops at the corner and looks at Orlando for a moment. He's snapped back to the business of driving when the car behind him blows its horn.

"I think this club has the potential to be something special, yes."

"It's a really big house," Jake smiles. "I can't wait for you to see it! The guy that owns said it was built back before the Civil War."

Jake's enthusiasm is infectious, and Orlando can't help but respond to it. "Does it have an underground railroad?"

"It might. I didn't think to check," Jake laughs. He turns off the main street, heading for the outskirts of town. "It has a ballroom, though. And plenty of room on the grounds to construct a maze."

"Good. How many floors?"

"Three." Jake takes another turn, this time down a winding road. "And all the upper rooms are nice sized and not cramped."

"Probably need to put in more bathrooms, though. Suites should each have their own, I'm thinking."

"That should be easy enough, I would think. Hire a few builders..." He taps the steering wheel as he thinks. "Maybe only turn the third floor rooms into suites?"

"Sounds like a plan." Orlando takes a look around - even in the dark, he can tell this is a good neighborhood. A wealthy one. Capone's money should keep the worst of the squawking at bay. "It's your house, though. You make the calls."

"Actually, I was thinking..." Jake shifts a little. "The first floor will be strictly for entertaining purposes. And...maybe the third floor...if we turn all the rooms into suites...maybe enlarge them, turn one room out of three into bathrooms, that could be reserved for visits with special clients. There are plenty of rooms on the second floor for the girls."

"I like it. Even more exclusivity."

"Right!" Jake nods, his enthusiasm surging up again. "And we'd talked about only a dozen or so girls. That leaves plenty of room for everyone...and the people we want to attract are more likely to visit the first time if they know they'll get special treatment in one of the suites."

Jake turns off the road onto a winding, tree-lined drive. Orlando glances around again, impressed at how good the grounds look, already envisioning the gardens and the maze. The house, when he finally gets a look at it, is impressive, stately. "It's nice," he comments.

Nice? Jake deflates a little. Pulling the car to a stop, he peers at the house through the windshield. "It's better in the daylight. Not enough light to see the outside of it properly right now."

Orlando just manages to stifle his chuckle. Sometimes, Jake makes it too easy. "Let's have a look at the inside."

"Lucky for you I talked the guy into giving me the keys," Jake says, giving Orlando a look as he slides out of the car. Digging the keys out of his pocket, he jingles them and grins. "C'mon and I'll give you a guided tour."

"Sounds like fun." Orlando curls his hand around Jake's, allowing Jake to lead him up the front steps.

It's dark enough that Jake fumbles with the door for just a moment before he gets it open. "The good thing is that the guy recently had it fully rewired," he says, sliding his hand along the wall until he finds a switch. "So there are lights in every room."

"I like the foyer," Orlando says, stepping inside. "Nice moulding in the corners."

"I was thinking about pulling this wallpaper down," Jake says, fidgeting a little and shoving his hands back in his pockets to hide it. "I think a dark paneling...maybe cypress...would look good in here. Keep the lighting dimmer to make it more intimate from the second they step in the door."

"Good idea. Dim lighting masks a lot of flaws."

Flaws? Jake turns his head, peering at the walls. Then, suspicious, he looks at Orlando. "What flaws?"

Orlando flashes a grin at Jake, finally letting him in on the teasing. "The men who will be coming, of course. It's a beautiful house, Jake. You should get it."

Blue eyes narrow, then Jake exhales in a loud huff. "Stop teasing," he says, curling his fingers around Orlando's wrist and giving a gentle tug. "Or I won't show you the rest of the house."

"You drive a hard bargain." But Orlando steps willingly into Jake's arms. "You need to relax, love. It's just me."

"I know." Smiling, Jake slides his arms around Orlando's waist. "But you'll still be the one writing the check for this place. I just want to be sure you like it."

"I trust you," Orlando says, and places a soft kiss on Jake's lips. "The grounds look good, the foundation solid. I'll get a man out here with you to estimate the cost of whatever you'd like done to the place, and to look it over, make sure it's solid, but it's your place. If you like it, it's yours."

"I do like it." Jake looks around the foyer, already picturing it with the changes he'd like to make. Then he looks back at Orlando. "I want it."

"Then it's yours."

"You haven't even seen all of it," Jake says, with another smile. He takes Orlando's hand and pulls him out of the foyer. "At least come see the ballroom."

"Yes, dear," Orlando teases, keeping hold of Jake's hand.

Jake makes a rude noise, but drags Orlando into the ballroom and flips on the lights. Watching Orlando, Jake smiles. He knows how impressive this particular room is.

"Now we're talking," Orlando says, and steps into the room, looking around. "Those glass doors open to the gardens, I assume?"

Nodding, Jake moves to open the doors. "There's a veranda here that overlooks the gardens," he says over his shoulder. "They're a bit of a mess right now, but a good gardener could make them into a paradise. Put some benches out there in secluded spots with lanterns..." He shrugs, waiting for Orlando to join him.

"I like it. The illusion of romance." Orlando steps behind Jake, wrapping strong arms around his waist, chin on his shoulder as he looks out over the darkened grounds. "Sounds like you've been busy with plans."

"Mark gave me his input," Jake admits, hands covering Orlando's as he leans back. "Said he'd be willing to help out, too, on the weekends."

"He's handy to have around, knows his stuff." Orlando brushes a kiss to Jake's nape. "Hope you'll pay him overtime."

Jake smiles as a shiver runs up his spine. "Oh, I'm sure we'll work out some sort of payment," he murmurs, turning in Orlando's arms.

"I'm sure he'll want a little more than just the pleasure of your company in payment," Orlando smiles, humming softly as he sways, Jake firmly in his arms. "He does have a family to feed."

...your company in payment... Jake stiffens a little. "Paying him won't be a problem," he says, moving with Orlando. "I'll make sure it's factored into the budget."

Orlando pulls away, puzzled. "What is it?" he asks, searching Jake's eyes.

Jake shakes his head, then looks down. "I wasn't talking about sex," he says, quietly.

"I don't understand..." Then Orlando thinks about what he said, and how it must have sounded. He takes another step back, keeping his eyes on Jake. "I was teasing you, Jake. I don't think you're whoring yourself out to Mark for free work on the house. What sort of man do you think I am that you'd think I would suggest such a thing?"

"I don't think you were suggesting it." Jake shrugs, not looking up. "I just thought that you thought I..." He stops, wishing he'd just kept his mouth shut. "I'm sorry."

"Alright." Gentle fingers reach out, cup Jake's chin until they're looking eye to eye. "Finish what you were going to say, love."

For a few minutes, Jake just stands there and looks at Orlando. Then he swallows. "I thought that you might have thought that I was offering that," he finally says, skin tingling under Orlando's fingers. "It's not that uncommon in my profession."

"You're a businessman, Jake, and as such, we're all whores in some way. But I don't think what you have with Mark is business." Orlando's smile is soft. "In fact, I'd be willing to bet it goes beyond just a good time for both of you."

Jake smiles and ducks his head. "He's a good guy. And he likes me for me." Leaning back on the veranda's stone railing, he looks at Orlando. "And Ella adores me."

"Careful, now, I saw her first," Orlando teases, stepping between Jake's legs, and smiling. "You can have him, though. Long as you're not distracting each other from work."

"We're not. We won't," Jake promises, voice low as his hands reach out to settle at Orlando's hips. "Thank you for giving him the week off."

"Least I could do," Orlando smiles, rubbing his lips across Jake's. "I like making you happy. And if he makes you happy..."

"He does." The sweet smile reappears, and Jake pulls Orlando closer until their bodies are touching. "You do, too. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Another soft kiss. "Everything better now?" he asks, quietly. "You seemed...troubled earlier."

"I..." It's the perfect opportunity to talk to Orlando, to tell him that they need to end this, to discuss why it's not fair to any of them. And Jake can't take it. With Orlando right here, touching him, looking at him with so much concern in those dark eyes... "Yeah," Jake says, softly, smiling as his fingers brush Orlando's jaw. "Everything's fine."

"You sure? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Orlando nuzzles Jake's fingers, not looking away.

"I know." Jake keeps his smile, fingers curving around Orlando's jaw. His lips touch Orlando's in a brief caress. "It really is fine now, though."

"Ah, but it wasn't earlier..."

Jake looks down, then shakes his head. "No," he admits, "it wasn't." He knows if he says more, he'll end up telling Orlando, admitting to everything.

Orlando waits a beat, then lets out a slow breath. "Alright. You know where I am if you feel like talking it out."

Head still down, Jake stands there for a moment. Then he sighs. "I just...I don't know if this..." He waves a hand between them, eyes fixed on his feet. If he looks at Orlando, he won't be able to do this. "You and Kitten...I don't want to come between the two of you."

"You...you're worried about me and 'Quin?" Orlando's torn between shock and a wave of love so deep he's surprised he's not staggering from it. That, after everything, Jake wants to be sure that he and 'Quin are happy... "Look at me, Jake." He keeps his voice soft, waits until Jake lifts his head. "I love you. 'Quin knows this. Encouraged it. I promise you...I don't know how to explain it other than to tell you that what he and I have is big enough to let the world in. You'll always be welcome, as long as you want to be with me."

"Alright," Jake murmurs, eyes locked with Orlando's. He nods, still not sure he understands, but he'll accept it. "I just don't want to be the cause of any problems between the two of you. And Mark..."

"Has Mark asked you to stop? Is that what this is about?" Orlando can't say he won't miss Jake if that's the case, but he'd never compromise his friendship with Mark by continuing where he wouldn't be comfortable. Doesn't sound much like Mark to be possessive, but he's got a lot more at stake than Orlando.

"No," Jake says, rushing the word out as he shakes his head. The idea that Mark, of all people would ask...God. "He told me...it's my life, y'know? He'll support whatever I do. It's just...there's something there with him, I think, and I don't want you...well..."

"To feel jealous that you have a shot for happiness with someone else that can give you something I can't?" Orlando asks, gently, stroking the backs of his fingers across Jake's cheek. "Why would I begrudge you a moment of any happiness you can find?"

"You wouldn't." Jake smiles and ducks his head, hand coming up to curl around Orlando's. "Silly of me to even think that, huh?"

"A little bit." But Orlando returns the smile. "Jake...we're together at your whim. If you want to end it right now - even though I'd prefer otherwise - I would have no regrets at all about what you've given me and I hope you wouldn't have any about what I've given you."

"I don't." At that, Jake looks up, smile fading as he meets Orlando's gaze. For a moment he just looks at Orlando, wondering when his life got so complicated. "I was going to, you know," he says, quiet and low, squeezing Orlando's fingers. "End it, I mean. Tonight. I can't."

Orlando squeezes back, hoping to impart at least a little of the love and affection he has for the man in front of him. "I won't lie. I'm happy as hell to hear it, but, if and when that day ever comes, and I hope it won't for a long time, you have to know you can come to me. And that we can still be friends."

"We'll always be friends." Twisting his hand to lace their fingers together, Jake pulls Orlando in for a slow kiss. "And you'll always have my loyalty," he says when they part. "You gave me a chance to be something when most people would have just laughed."

"I'll always have your back," Orlando replies, leaning in for another kiss. "So...what would you like to do for the rest of the evening?"

"Well, dinner was mentioned." Jake grins as he rests his forehead against Orlando's. "If you're hungry now, that is. The rest of the evening...no one's expecting me..."

"They're not, are they?" Orlando's voice drops as he tugs on Jake's hips, pulls them flush against his own. "Is that an invitation, then?"

"It might be." Shifting, Jake deliberately grinds against Orlando. "Anyone expecting you?"

"Not at all. In fact..." Orlando groans a little in appreciation as his fingers dig into Jake's hips, "I happen to know where 'Quin's spending his night, and I doubt he'll be thinking much about me."

"Oh?" A small smile curves Jake's lips at Orlando's reaction. His lips trail up Orlando's throat to his ear. "Tell me."

"Oh, I think you'll know why he won't soon as I tell you who," Orlando says, shivering a little at the gentle onslaught. "He's with Rose tonight."

Jake blinks, then grins as he nips Orlando's earlobe. "Is he now? And you're not worried she'll eat him alive?" Granted, this is Kitten they're discussing, but Jake knows Rose.

Orlando turns his head, slides a kiss along Jake's chin. "Let's just say she might not be fully recovered tonight and leave it at that."

Another blink, and Jake pulls back just enough to stare at Orlando. "You...fair enough," he says, dismissing the suspicion that comes to mind because this is Orlando. Then he smiles again, fingers working Orlando's shirt free of the waistband of his trousers. "Did you say you were hungry?"

Orlando's teeth catch on Jake's ear, tongue swirling over the lobe. "Depends on what we're talking about..."

"Tell me what you'd like." Jake's voice is soft, but commanding, and he shivers at the feel of Orlando's teeth against his skin.

"Whatever you'll give me..."

"Anything you'd like..." And Jake knows it's true, knows Orlando knows it.

"Then I want it all." Orlando buries his hands in Jake's hair, pulls him forward for a blistering, hard kiss.

It's yours... Jake groans into the kiss, tongue slipsliding along Orlando's as Jake tries to press closer, hands smoothing over warm, firm skin as they slide beneath Orlando's shirt.

Perfect, Orlando thinks, sliding his hands down Jake's back, pressing him even closer as they trade kisses. It's been awhile since he's been able to taste Jake like this, take his time.

Shifting with and against Orlando, Jake moans softly, trying to catch his breath. His lashes flutter a little as his eyes open, and he stares at Orlando, dazed. It still amazes him that, with everything he's done, everything he's been, Orlando can still wring this reaction from him.

Orlando licks his lips, eyes dark as they roam over Jake. "Stay with me tonight?"

"Gladly." With a soft smile, Jake leans in to run his tongue over Orlando's lower lip. "Where?"

"Some place we won't be interrupted." Orlando groans into the next kiss, pressing against Jake in one long line, aching to be as close as possible.

With a soft laugh, Jake unbuttons the first few buttons of Orlando's shirt. "Then it's here or a hotel," he murmurs, nibbling at Orlando's lower lip. "Maggie's going to be home later."

"Lawrence'll probably be with her, too," Orlando chuckles, the sound low, private. "Don't know as I'm up to running into one of my men like that. No bed here, though, I'm betting."

"Unfortunately, no." Jake grins, his eyes sparkling with wicked glee. "Though if you don't mind getting a little dirty..."

"What'd you have in mind?"

"Just that maybe dinner could be a little later..." The last button slips free, and Jake pushes Orlando's shirt open.

"Late as you want," Orlando promises, reaching for Jake's tie. "We'll find a quiet hotel, maybe order room service..."

"How do you want me?" Jake whispers, lips brushing Orlando's ear as nimble fingers flick open the buttons of his trousers.

"I didn't bring...Jake, we don't have..." Then Jake brushes against the head of his cock, and Orlando's breath stops, shakes.

"Mark didn't in the lobby, either..." Smiling that slow, wicked smile again, Jake sinks to his knees, fingers tucking under the waistband of Orlando's trousers to tug them down over lean hips. The second Orlando's cock springs free, Jake's lips are around the head.

"Jesus..." Hands tangle in Jake's hair as Orlando looks down, watches with avid greed as Jake's lips stretch around his cock. Too long...

Humming softly, Jake starts to move. His tongue flickers along the length as he swallows it, slowly pulling back to focus on the head. Orlando's hands in his hair are tight, but not too tight. Not yet.

Orlando's knees buckle, and he sags against the railing, pushing his hips up, body begging for more. "Jake...killing me here..." His hands spasm when Jake's tongue slides against the underside, igniting sparks under his skin.

Jake pulls back, reluctantly letting Orlando's cock slip free. "Tell me what you want," he murmurs as he nuzzles Orlando's groin, lips moving over his balls.

"You..." It's a plea and a groan. "Just want you, all of you, please..."

"You've got me..." Jake drags his tongue up Orlando's cock in one long, slow swipe. "Yours, love," he says, voice a near-whisper as he sits back on his heels and looks up at Orlando, fingers curling around Orlando's cock.

"C'mere." Orlando tugs Jake up, slanting his mouth over Jake's, fumbling with the buttons of Jake's trousers so he can slide his fingers around hard, hot flesh. "Missed this...missed you..."

Jake groans into the kiss, body arching against Orlando's fist, on fire from assured touches, possessive kisses. His own hand tightens, sliding up, then back down in a smooth motion. Missed you...please...

It's not what Orlando craves, but he's not about to say no to the way Jake's fingers feel around him, the way Jake responds to his touch. He pours all of his love and need into the kiss, matching Jake's rhythm, wishing they had something, anything. Wishing he could slide into Jake's willing body. Patience...

The kiss -- the intensity of it -- leaves Jake shaking when he lifts his head. "Love you," he whispers in a ragged voice, not giving Orlando a chance to reply before catching his lips in another demanding, heated kiss.

Orlando feels greedy, drunk with it, as he lifts his head. "Wanna be inside you...want you inside me."

Jake just nods, fingers spasming around Orlando. "It's all yours," he finally murmurs, unable to catch his breath as Orlando's hand continues to move over him.

One more hard stroke, then Orlando reluctantly pulls his hand away, pulls away from Jake's hand. It would be so easy - too easy - to come like this, but it's not what he wants. "C'mon," he says, with a shaky smile. "We need to get out of here, get someplace with a bed."

"Before dinner?" Jake smiles, batting Orlando's hands aside and deftly rebuttoning his trousers.

"Only thing I want for dinner is you, laid out and open for me," Orlando grins, kissing Jake's nose as he buttons up Jake's trousers.

"You'll have that all night," Jake promises, smiling as he catches Orlando's hand. It's a little scary how easily they slip into this when it's just the two of them. "Sure you don't want dinner first?"

"You hungry?" Orlando asks, walking back through the ballroom with Jake, taking another look around. He likes the place, the look and feel of it. It'll make a fine house.

"A little bit." Jake looks around, reaching to flip off the lights as they pass. Then he glances towards the stairs. "Did you want to take a quick look around the rest of the house? There are a few out buildings, but they're best viewed during the day."

"We can. Or we can wait until the morning, and do it then."

Jake looks around again, then grins. "In the morning," he says, reaching to turn off the lights in the foyer when they stop at the front door.

"We'll christen it properly," Orlando says, waggling his eyebrows, and stepping in to give Jake a slow, lingering kiss. "It's a great choice, love."

"I fell in love with it when I saw it," Jake says, voice soft as he locks the door behind them and looks up at the house. "I'm glad you approve."

"Glad you found a place," Orlando says, pulling Jake close as they walk back to the car.

"Gonna take a lot of work to get it ready. I'd like for it to be open for New Year's, but..." Jake shrugs, arm slipping easily around Orlando's waist. "I don't want to rush the construction on those upstairs rooms."

"Quality's more important. If we're not open by New Year's, we'll throw a St. Patrick's Day party."

"Or Valentine's Day." A quick grin crosses Jake's face at the idea that crosses his mind. "We could have a lover's ball."

"That would certainly be one way to announce the joint," Orlando smiles, sliding into the driver's seat.

"That's what I was thinking." Jake slides into the passenger's seat, mind whirling with plans. "Put out the word that all attendees should have some sort of shade of red somewhere in their outfits...it could be the start of the themed balls..."

Orlando listens as he drives, entranced by Jake's obvious enthusiasm, his love for this new venture. He has no doubts that the place will be a rousing success. "Have you been in to see Tom yet?"

"Not yet," Jake admits after a few seconds of silence. Then he flashes Orlando a rueful smile. "I was afraid it would be a little awkward, all things considered."

"Thought you and Maggie showed him a good time?" Orlando asks, glancing at Jake. "He didn't indicate that there'd been a problem."

"Well, he certainly enjoyed himself," Jake says, his smile more than a little smug. "I don't think he expected to, especially not with me."

"Love, I think a person'd have to be dead not to respond to you. Tom, contrary to popular opinion, is far from dead."

Jake laughs. "True, but I wish you'd been there to see his face when he realized he wasn't getting just Maggie."

"How long did it take for him to get in the swing of things?" Orlando doesn't normally give in to gossip, but he's been curious as to what exactly happened that night. Tom, true to form, had barely mentioned it beyond a short word of thanks. However, he had been more relaxed lately, so the night had done its job.

"Took maybe half an hour to get him fully relaxed," Jake says after he thinks it over for a moment. The memory of that night makes him grin again. "The wine helped. Though, I did think he was going to swallow his tongue when Maggie told him my mouth was more talented than hers."

"I've never had the pleasure of Maggie's mouth. But I can certainly vouch for yours."

One hand slides up Orlando's thigh, and Jake flashes him a sweet smile. "I think you're biased."

"I know I am," Orlando replies, hand falling on top of Jake's. "But I also know talent when I feel it. Mouth like yours was made to suck cock. I'm just thankful you like sucking mine."

Jake smiles, sliding closer so he can whisper in Orlando's ear. "Could suck yours right now if you wanted..."

"That's just cruel," Orlando replies, even though his body is very enthusiastically in favor of the idea. "Wouldn't be able to concentrate solely on your mouth..."

"After dinner then," Jake murmurs, fingers gliding over Orlando's inseam, pressing lightly against the bulge there.

"Sure you don't just want to order in?" Orlando's only half-joking. Feels like it's been forever since he's had Jake.

"And have dinner in bed?" One eyebrow goes up, and Jake shifts his hand to cup Orlando's erection through his trousers. "That is a nice idea..."

"Got any place in mind? Any place in the city, it's yours," Orlando says, flexing up into Jake's touch.

"Hmmm..." Pressing his palm firmly against Orlando, Jake moves it in a small circle as he nips Orlando's earlobe. "The nicest hotel in town."

"The, uh, The Drake...we've...God, Jake, we've been there. With...with Joaquin."

"I remember," Jake murmurs, voice dark and low. His breath touches Orlando's neck, stirs dark curls there. "Just the two of us this time."

Just the two of us... "Sounds perfect." Orlando bites back another moan, weaving through traffic on auto-pilot. "Want you..."

"Straight to the hotel then..." Jake's lips touch just below Orlando's ear and curve into a smile before he pulls away. "We'll order food to be sent up to us."

"Long as you don't expect me to claim you in the lobby," Orlando smiles, making his way towards downtown, and the hotel.

"No," Jake says, with a soft laugh as he settles back into his seat. "That was...special circumstances."

"I bet you loved it, though. Everyone watching as Mark made you his..."

"I loved every minute of it," Jake says, not bothering to deny Orlando's words. Why should he? He watches Orlando from the corner of his eye. Smiles. "I wanted everyone to know I was his."

Orlando returns the smile as he drives up to the hotel, stops for the valet. "You are his," he says softly, no jealousy in his voice, only certainty. "But I'm just as happy that you're also mine."

"For as long as you want me." Jake squeezes Orlando's hand briefly before letting go and getting out of the car. "Orlando..."

"What is it?" Orlando asks, quietly, stopping Jake before they get to the front desk.

"I just...I'm going to explore this thing with Mark," Jake says, just as quietly, calm as he meets Orlando's gaze. "There's something there, y'know? And I love you, you know that, right?"

"I do know." Orlando smiles. He's the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, and he knows it. "Just as you know I'll always love you, even though I'm with 'Quin now."

"I just wanted you to know." Jake smiles in response, fingers brushing Orlando's for a second. "I'm glad you're happy."

"And I'm glad you are happy. You deserve all of it and more."

"He's a good man," Jake says, that shy, sweet smile gracing his face for a moment. He's still a little in awe over the fact that Mark wants to be with him. "I should thank you, you know."

"Why's that?"

"For introducing me to him." Jake follows Orlando into the hotel and looks around. He didn't notice much the last time he was here. He was far too focused on the things that were going to happen that night. "Did you know he was one of Maggie's regulars?"

Orlando nods, and smiles at the concierge. "Who do you think set up his account?" he asks, then swiftly requests the best suite, with another smile.

"Should've known," Jake murmurs, shaking his head as he laughs quietly. His fingers dance up Orlando's spine for a split second, then Jake turns to look around again. "So...there's been a few rumors around the club."

Orlando takes the key from the bellhop with a murmured thanks and a generous tip, then turns and gestures Jake towards the elevators. "What rumors are those?"

"Oh, just that a couple of the top girls are off the market now," Jake says, smiling as he steps into the elevator and turns to face Orlando.

"Well, one of them's your sister," Orlando grins. "But I'm going to assume that you're talking about Moe making Salma his mistress."

"So it's true?" Jake's eyes widen. Of all the things... "He got what it takes to take care of her?"

"He seems to think so." Another generous tip for the elevator operator, and Orlando steps beside Jake as they head down the hallway to the suite. "Actually, I heard today that he's taking her back to New York with him when they get sent home." Not that he's allowing himself to think about that too much.

"Oh? Bet she'll love that." Jake's shoulder bumps against Orlando's as they walk, and he stops beside the door. Part of him wants to ask if Orlando's made a decision yet, but one look at his eyes makes Jake swallow the words. Orlando will go home, even if he hasn't admitted it to himself yet.

Orlando takes a breath, relaxes. Tonight's not a night for what might be or for introspection. "Moe doesn't watch out, he'll wind up marrying her by the end of the year," he smiles, and presses a hand to the small of Jake's back to usher him into the foyer. He flips the lock behind them when they step inside, pressing against Jake's back, letting the world outside fall away.

"Be the best thing that ever happened to her," Jake says softly, one arm reaching around to curl behind Orlando. He tips his head back, smiling a little as he glances at Orlando. "Hey there."

"Hi," Orlando murmurs, leaning his head to press a soft kiss to waiting lips.

"Penny for your thoughts." Another smile, accompanied by a light kiss, then Jake twists in Orlando's grasp to slide both arms around his waist.

"Just thinking that I'm happy you said yes to tonight," Orlando answers, looking deep into Jake's eyes, relaxing into the love and trust he sees there.

"Don't think I could say no to you," Jake smiles, resting his forehead against Orlando's.

"Makes two of us." No matter what happens, Orlando will always be grateful for Jake. "Makes us pretty fortunate, I imagine."

"Yeah, it does." Looking deep into dark eyes, Jake smiles again. His hands frame Orlando's face. "I love you," he murmurs, putting everything he feels into the words.

"I love you, too." No, it's not what he has with Joaquin, not what he had with Josh, but it's real and true and Orlando knows he'll fight to the death to keep it, that he'll do anything Jake asks. "No matter what, I'm always gonna love you."

"I know. And I appreciate it," Jake says. It's faintly bittersweet, wondering where it might have gone if Jake hadn't pushed Orlando back to Kitten, but it's no more than he can live with. He smiles, brushing a soft kiss to the corner of Orlando's mouth. "Dinner first, or shall we order later?"

"Want you," Orlando replies, nuzzling Jake's lips. Everything else can wait.

"Then take me," Jake murmurs, nimble fingers already at work on Orlando's shirt buttons.

"No." At Jake's surprised look, Orlando just smiles, and shrugs out of his shirt, unbuttoning Jake's. "Want you to give yourself to me."

Jake chuckles, shaking his head as Orlando slides his shirt down his arms. "You already have me," he says, but he steps in anyway, chest rubbing against Orlando's.

"So I don't have to take you, then," Orlando smiles, running his hands along the muscled planes of Jake's back.

"Shall I put on a big red bow?" Jake teases, arching into the touch, eyes slipping closed as he presses his hips against Orlando.

"My birthday's not until January." His hands slip between them, ease aside the buttons of Jake's pants. "But I'll take an early gift."

"It's yours," Jake breathes, hands sliding along Orlando's arms as he enjoys the feel of Orlando's hands on his body. "I'm yours..."

"As I'm yours..." Gentle lips slide across Jake's throat as he pushes Jake's slacks down his legs. He doesn't want to feel anything other than bare skin under his fingertips.

Jake shivers under the gentle assault, body twisting to follow Orlando's hands. "Want you inside me," he says, fingertips tracing the crisscross of scars on Orlando's shoulder.

"C'mon..." Orlando shivers, then starts walking backwards, towards the bedroom and the waiting bed. Feels like it's been forever.

Unbuttoning Orlando's trousers, Jake follows. His fingers slide over each inch of skin as it's revealed, relearning it. He doesn't say anything as Orlando tugs him towards the bed, but then, Jake knows he doesn't have to.

Orlando kicks off his slacks, and follows Jake to the bed, pressing against him from toes to shoulders. Their lips meet in a long, slow kiss, tongues lazily dueling as Orlando runs his hands down Jake's sides, mapping every inch of heated skin.

"I'm going to relearn every inch of you later," Jake murmurs between kisses, shivering again as Orlando's cock slides against his. "Every. Single. Inch."

"Looking forward to it," Orlando groans, rotating his hips, need racing through him. "Need you..."

"So have me..." Jake sinks onto the bed, pulls Orlando with him. He lifts up into another kiss, hands gliding down Orlando's spine to cup his ass.

One hand reaches for the bottle of lotion on the nightstand, and Orlando braces himself with the other, lowering his head for more drugging kisses that steal his breath and thought. It takes him a few tries to get the cap open.

Jake laughs softly, shifting, stretching. His thighs fall open in silent invitation, and his hands move along Orlando's back, urging him on. "Now," he murmurs, breath stuttering in his chest at the first touch of slick fingers.

"Shhhh..." More soft kisses, each one longer than the last, and Orlando just manages to hold it together as he presses one finger, then two, inside Jake's body. So good...

It's not enough. Jake groans, pressing down on Orlando's fingers as he tangles his hands in dark curls. He aches with need, body humming in anticipation as Orlando's fingers work deep inside him.

"That's it, open for me, God..." Orlando sucks hard on Jake's tongue, swallowing his whimper of protest when he pulls his fingers out. A moment later, he presses in, breaking away from the kiss so he can watch the slow slide of his cock inside Jake. The sight, the feel, of tight muscles clamping around him almost undoes him.

"That's it..." Jake hisses softly as Orlando sinks into him. His body tightens, and he pulls Orlando down for a blistering kiss, moaning his appreciation into Orlando's mouth as Orlando presses deep.

Feels so good, better, really, and Orlando returns the kiss as he starts moving. Each thrust is slow, deep. He feels like he could make love to Jake just like this all night, hell, all week.

Jake wraps his legs around Orlando's hips as they move together. Each thrust sends Jake spiraling closer to the edge in a slow dance that he's convinced is going to drive him insane.

"Love you like this..." Another thrust, then another, each one harder as Orlando flexes his hips, sinks even deeper. "...full of my cock...move with me, c'mon, more..."

"Please..." Jake's words are broken, breathless, and he feels as if he can't control his body any longer. It moves with Orlando's, arching to meet each thrust, to pull Orlando deeper inside him. His hands slide over sweat-slicked skin, grip tight to Orlando's shoulders to pull him down for another kiss.

"Wish I could keep you like this," Orlando murmurs, breathing the words across Jake's lips before they slide together for another kiss. He reaches between them, slides his hand over Jake's cock, timing the strokes with each thrust, watching the play of emotion across Jake's face.

Jake arches up, breathing Orlando's name as his orgasm hits, sweeping him under in lazy waves. All he can do is grip Orlando tight and ride it out, body trembling.

"Love you," Orlando whispers, keeping his eyes on Jake as he lets go.

Smiling, Jake pulls Orlando down for a slow kiss. "Love you," he murmurs, gentle fingers brushing damp curls from Orlando's forehead.

"Feeling better now that you've had your wicked way with me?"

A slow blink is followed by a laugh. "Me," Jake says in protest. "You were the one who couldn't wait for dinner!"

"Because I knew how impatient you were," Orlando answers, with as straight a face as he can manage. "I'm very accommodating."

"You are," Jake says, with a sage nod. Then his fingers dig into Orlando's ribs, searching for any ticklish spot he can reach.

"Brat!" Orlando laughs, squirming out of the way of Jake's questing hands, trying to trap them with his own.

Jake grins, doing his best to evade Orlando's grasp. "No more than you," he says, still trying to tickle Orlando as they squirm around the bed.

"I'm not a brat, I'm a well-respected businessman." One who's currently rolling around on the bed with his male lover, but Orlando's prudent enough not to mention that. Besides, it seems a little obvious.

One eyebrow goes up at that claim, and Jake smirks. "Bet Kitten would say different."

"Oh, he definitely knows I'm a well-respected businessman," Orlando replies, with a wink, as he pulls Jake back on top of him.

"I was talking about you being a brat," Jake grins, straddling Orlando's hips, hands sliding down his arms to circle his wrists.

"I'll always be 8 years old to him, he doesn't count," Orlando replies, wiggling around enough to get comfortable. He doesn't try to break free of Jake's hold.

Jake's smile is slow and knowing. "I think he knows you're just a little older than that."

"Maybe part of him does," Orlando concedes with a grin, flexing his hips, half-hard cock nestled between Jake's cheeks.

"I think a big part of him does," Jake murmurs. He shifts against Orlando's cock, his movements slow, deliberate.

"You're just trying to distract me so I'll agree with you..."

"You know it's true." Another smirk as Jake reaches for the bottle of lotion, eyes dark and intent as they fix on Orlando's.

Orlando watches Jake's hand out of the corner of his eye, but keeps most of his focus on Jake's eyes. "It's taken some time to get there..."

"Not surprising," Jake murmurs, pouring some of the lotion onto his hand. "Maggie still looks at me like a little kid sometimes."

"Well, you're definitely not," Orlando murmurs, surging up for a slow, thorough kiss.

Reaching behind his back, Jake curls his fingers around Orlando's cock, hand starting a slow glide over the hard length. Their tongues tangle together, and he shifts his body, gradually easing Orlando inside him again.

"God, Jake..." The rest of it's lost as Orlando slides steadying hands around Jake's hips, letting Jake set the pace.

"Tell me," Jake says, small smile curving his lips as he starts to move. The pace is slow and steady, his hips rocking easy against Orlando's.

"Love you...love you like this...loving me like this..." Orlando keeps his eyes on Jake's, struggling to keep them open as Jake rides him, nice and easy.

"I'm glad." Jake's voice is soft, a little breathless as he holds himself to that same pace, each move deliberate, lazy. "Because I love you like this."

"Yeah?" Orlando smiles softly, wrapping his hand around Jake's cock.

"Yeah..." Jake arches his back, rocking up into Orlando's fist, down onto his cock. "Love...having you at my mercy..."

"So prove it..."

Every muscle goes still, and Jake looks down at Orlando. Prove it... "What...?"

"Got me here..." Orlando leans up, wraps a hand around the back of Jake's neck, pulling him down. "Can do whatever you want..."

"I know..." Then Jake smiles, stiffening his back just enough to keep their lips a few inches apart. "That a hint?"

"A promise," Orlando corrects, softly.

Jake smiles again. "Alright," he murmurs, finally closing the distance between them, lips touching as he starts to move again.

Orlando sighs into the kiss, into the gentle movements. Now that the edge has been taken off, he can enjoy the hot, tight feel of Jake clamping around him, of the soft slide of perfect lips over his, the way Jake's cock feels against his fingers.

"Gonna make love to you next," Jake whispers, lips trailing along Orlando's jaw to his ear, movements still slow and steady even though he can feel the tension mounting in Orlando's body.

"Want you to...want you inside me..." Orlando shivers, trembles, moves his hips in time with Jake's. He needs so much...

"In a bit," Jake promises, teeth catching Orlando's earlobe before he pulls back. Hands braced on Orlando's chest, Jake starts to move, faster now, eyes locked with Orlando's.

It only takes a few more thrusts before Orlando can feel his control splinter, then shatter. He comes with a muffled moan, burying himself deep inside Jake's body, fingers tightening around Jake's cock.

At the first twitch of Orlando's body beneath him, Jake lets go. It takes all his control to keep from collapsing as he spills over Orlando's fingers, body shivering as he fights to keep his eyes open.

"C'mere." Orlando tugs on Jake's neck again, pulling him down for another soft meeting of lips. He feels lethargic, sated, like he may never move again.

"Mmmm..." Jake hums his approval into the kiss and smiles. "Feel better now?"

"Much. And you?"

"Always feels good when I have you like this." Shifting his weight, Jake slips off of Orlando and curls around him.

"Always feels good no matter which way I have you," Orlando replies, pulling Jake close to him.

"Just wait'll we fight for the first time," Jake says, grinning as he kisses Orlando's shoulder.

"Define fight." Somehow he doesn't think that Jake's talking about the types of fights that he and Joaquin have.

"Oh, I don't think we'll ever come to blows." Jake smiles, resting his chin on the hand splayed across Orlando's chest. "But I also don't think it'll always be smooth sailing."

"Of course not. It hasn't been up to now." Orlando smiles down at Jake, smoothing a hand over his back. "I like that you stand up to me. Not a lot of people do."

"That's because most people are scared of you," Jake points out, grinning even as his skin pebbles under Orlando's hand.

"With good reason, most of the time," Orlando points out. "I'm not always a very nice man."

"You're no worse than most," Jake replies, propping up on one elbow. "And you're far better than some I've met."

"To you," Orlando replies, and lifts his head for a soft kiss. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you of my reputation." One that has been thoroughly earned.

"Your reputation isn't who you are," Jake says. He settles back down, chin resting on his hand once more. "Your job doesn't define you any more than it does Kitten. You're both good men."

"I'm glad you think so."

"I know." Jake gives Orlando a soft smile. "A bad man wouldn't have cared about my dreams. A bad man wouldn't care what happens to a girl like Salma."

"Everyone deserves happiness. Or the shot at it. After all, it's why I'm in business, to give people what they want." And if it happens to break a very stupid law, it wouldn't be the first time he's gone against the grain.

Jake's smile widens. "There, see? You've just proven the point for me."

Orlando laughs, then shakes his head. In a flash, he rolls over, trapping Jake underneath him. "I suppose you think you're very clever."

"Oh, I don't think it," Jake replies, looking entirely too smug as he grins up at Orlando.

"And you call me a brat," Orlando murmurs, skimming his lips across Jake's chin.

"I fully admit to it," Jake laughs, tipping his chin up in silent invitation as he shifts beneath Orlando.

"Mmmm...nice." He takes the hint, running the flat side of his tongue along a stubbled jaw, grinding down. "Wasn't it supposed to be your turn?"

"It is," Jake admits, voice soft, eyes dark as he looks up at Orlando. "You saying you don't like this position, then?"

"Not at all." He grinds down again. "Like being on top of you just fine."

"Is that so?" Jake grins, fingers digging into Orlando's hips. "Don't think you've ever been in this exact position with me."

"Is that what you want? Me riding you like this?"

Jake nods, licking his lips as he eases his grip on Orlando. "Yeah," he murmurs, eyes going dark at the prospect. "I'd like that a lot."

Orlando shifts just enough to grab the bottle of lotion, and he presses it into Jake's hand, returning the look with his own hot gaze. "Get me ready, then."

Gladly. Without speaking, Jake takes the lotion. Within seconds, slick, assured fingers slide between Orlando's thighs, pressing gently against his opening. "Love the way you feel around me," Jake murmurs, watching Orlando's face as he eases two fingers into tight heat.

"Love the way you...feel in me..." Orlando bites his lower lip, pushes down on Jake's fingers, rides them nice and easy and slow.

"Do you?" Jake smiles, works his fingers deeper. He slowly adds a third, free hand curling around Orlando's cock, eyes still locked on Orlando's face.

"Fuck yes..." A harsh groan, and Orlando sits up, rocking forward, then back. Already, everything feels too good, too much...

Jake eases his fingers out, smiling a little at Orlando's groan of protest. "Shhh," he murmurs, shifting a little to start a slow push inside Orlando, swallowing his own moan as Orlando tightens around him.

"Feels good," Orlando manages, each breath labored as he eases down until Jake's fully seated inside him. Slowly, he starts to rock, hands braced on Jake's shoulders.

Swallowing hard, Jake nods. His hands grip Orlando's hips again, steadying him as they start to move together. Orlando's heat is an inferno, burning him from the inside, but Jake wouldn't change a thing.

Nothing exists outside of this. The thick burn of Jake moving inside him, the way nimble fingers close over his hips, the look in clouded blue eyes...this is all Orlando knows, all he can see. He moves with Jake, losing himself.

"C'mere," Jake murmurs, reaching up to tug Orlando down. The kiss is slow, easy, both of them giving and taking as Jake pushes deeper into Orlando. So easy to give in to this, to revel in the way Orlando makes him feel.

Kiss bleeds into kiss, and Orlando's not sure how long they've been like this, the two of them glued together, moving as one. Could be ten minutes, a hundred, a day. He just knows that Jake feels pretty fucking perfect inside him.

"Love you," Jake whispers, arching up and giving himself over as his orgasm ripples through him, one hand finding Orlando's cock and sliding along it.

"Love you," Orlando murmurs, shuddering hard as he comes, spattering Jake's stomach and his. He collapses, drained and sated, nuzzling just under Jake's jaw.

Jake wraps his arms tight around Orlando, breathing in the scent of sweat and sex as he nuzzles damp curls. His breath shudders through his chest, his heart gradually slowing as they lay there, tangled together.

"Alright, now I'm hungry," Orlando mumbles. Not that he moves at all.

There's a slight pause, then Jake bursts out laughing. It's weak and breathless, but he can't help it. "Guess...we should order...then..."

"In a minute..."

"No hurry," Jake murmurs, still grinning as he nuzzles Orlando's hair again.

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