That's One Way To Pass The Time

Jan 10, 2008 22:52

[Takes place right after this, co-written by the muns]

"I'll have a much better use for your mouth than talking anyway," Orlando calls after them, and leans his head on Joaquin's shoulder, looking after them. "Didn't take them long at all, did it?"

"Doesn't look like it," Joaquin says, giving in to the urge to laugh. He squeezes Orlando's knee and turns his head to nuzzle soft curls. "Better watch it, or Jake won't have time for you anymore."

"Think I'd be afraid to take Mark on," Orlando chuckles, eyes shining with laughter when he looks up at Joaquin. "What did you and Mark have to talk about while Jake and I were...occupied?"

"Just did a bit of catching up." Joaquin grins at Orlando as he pushes the iced tea across the table. "He was telling me about Ella and how she took an immediate shine to Jake."

"He seems like he'd have a good touch with kids," Orlando agrees. "Almost funny how it's working out, isn't it?"

"How's that?" Joaquin asks, temporarily distracted as one of the girls walks by, low cut dress revealing magnificent cleavage. Once she's gone, he refocuses on Orlando.

Orlando doesn't even bother to hide the grin. "That would be Rose. You wanting an introduction?"

"Wouldn't turn one down," Joaquin says, wide grin firmly in place. "Once you tell me what you meant, that is."

Some things never change, Orlando thinks, and smiles. "Just meant that we both tried so hard to...push the other one towards Jake and Mark, and now here they are together, and looking pretty happy about it."

"The very definition of irony," Joaquin says with a soft laugh, leaning in to nuzzle Orlando's curls again. "They should be happy, though. Think they'll suit each other nicely."

"I think they will, too." It's nice to know that Jake's also moving on, living his life. There's so much for the two of them to talk about tomorrow, but Orlando feels a lot better about it after seeing Jake and Mark in action. "You want that invitation now?"

"Maybe..." A slow smile crosses his face, and Joaquin's hand slides up Orlando's thigh. Jake and Mark are big boys and will sort themselves out. Right now, Joaquin has far more important things on his mind. "You don't fuck the help, do you?"

"Not unless I'm looking to promote them up and Ian needs a second opinion. Why, you wanting us to share her?" Orlando asks, his voice a husky murmur. He can't say as he'd mind at all. Rose is certainly beautiful enough, with porcelain skin and great legs and a husky voice that makes a man think all kinds of naughty thoughts.

Joaquin recalls the cool look in dark eyes, the faint twist of a smile to full red lips, the swell of her breasts over the top of her dress. Share her? Oh, yes... "Love to," he murmurs in Orlando's ear, fingertips dancing along Orlando's inseam. "Fucking her together, taking turns...yeah?"

Orlando's cock makes its enthusiasm for that idea known, and he groans, flexing against Joaquin's fingers. "We do this...I'll have to give her over to you in New York permanently." Eyes dark with love and lust seek Joaquin's. "Gotta promise to take care of her."

"Take the best care of all my people," Joaquin says, free hand lifting to brush Orlando's jaw. He meets Orlando's gaze without flinching. Then he smiles. "Even the ones I'm not fucking."

"I trust you." Now and always, with everything in him. He gives Joaquin another soft smile, then beckons one of the servers - Becky - over to the table. "Be a love and send Rose over...and bring a glass of that Chardonnay she likes."

"Sure thing, Mr. Bloom," Becky grins, giving both him and Joaquin a flirtatious grin before sauntering off in Rose's direction.

"There's one that wouldn't mind crawling into bed with us," Joaquin says, chuckling. He sprawls back in the booth, hand still resting possessively on Orlando's thigh. His eyes glitter as he watches Rose approach the table, hips swaying seductively with each step.

"You wanted to speak to me, Mr. Bloom?" she asks, sliding into the booth like liquid sin. Orlando notes her gaze flickering towards Joaquin, then down at his hand, the movement taking only a second, before she looks at him, every inch the cool businesswoman.

"I did, and thank you, Becky, that will be all for now," he says, smoothly taking the glass from Becky's tray and leaving a crisp 20 in its place. "For you," he says, sliding the glass across the table.

She accepts it with another smile, this one curling at the edges. "I'm flattered that you remembered."

"I never forget what a beautiful woman likes to drink," Orlando replies smoothly, playing the game. They both expect it. "May I introduce you to my companion. Rose, this is Joaquin Phoenix."

"You're better looking than your picture in the papers," Rose says by way of greeting, and offers her hand.

"Thank you," Joaquin says, sitting up smoothly and taking her hand. Picture in the papers... He'll have to ask 'Lando about that later. Flashing a wicked smile, Joaquin brushes a light kiss to Rose's fingers, his own fingers sliding over her wrist for a brief second. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise. I seem to be the envy of the other girls," she comments, even though her gaze never leaves Orlando and Joaquin.

"Do you like being the envy of others?"

"When it suits me." The shrug is elegant, and has the strap of her dress falling down a creamy shoulder, exposing even more of her magnificent cleavage. Oh yes, Orlando thinks, she'll do just fine in New York.

"You've been with us about a year now, correct?" he asks, eyes dark on hers.

"That's correct."

"Well, then, I'd say it's past time we moved you up."

"A promotion." Joaquin smiles slowly, eyes even slower to move from her now bare shoulder up to her eyes. His hand tightens briefly on Orlando's thigh. "Congratulations. Tell me, Rose...would you like to make the other girls even more envious?"

"I might." Her eyes are still cool, but there's amusement lurking in the dark depths now as she watches him.

"Do you dance?"

"Of course." She takes a sip of her wine, mulling over the conversation. It's clear that Mr. Bloom had called her over her to keep his childhood friend happy and occupied (and yes, she knows exactly who Kitten Phoenix is and about his long-standing friendship with her boss), but why offer her to New York? Certainly, she's pretty and talented and ambitious, but she's not the only one looking to get in on the trades between Lucky and Al, get noticed by one of the upper-crust, become some wealthy man's mistress. She's always thought it was a pity that Orlando never took mistresses from his own people or even dallied with them. She knows more than a few of the girls, herself included, that wished they'd be the one to change his mind. "Are you offering?" she asks, turning her attention away from Mr. Bloom and back towards his equally attractive companion.

"I am," Joaquin admits with a tilt of his head. He likes the way she carries herself, each move given a regal air that will serve her well in New York. Already, he's going over names in his head, making a small list of men who would be willing to pay top dollar -- or concede anything -- just for an hour of her time. His eyes shift to Orlando, and he smiles. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," Orlando says, sliding out of the booth so Joaquin can stand. "I look forward to watching the two of you."

"Then watch closely," Rose replies, putting just the proper amount of sass into it.

"Feisty," Joaquin says. "I like that." His lips brush Orlando's cheek as he slides past him to take Rose's hand. "Like the lady said, little bro, watch closely. You might get an education."

"Like you could teach me anything," Orlando laughs, settling back in the booth. He opens his cigarette case, drawing out a clove, and gives them a negligent wave. "Go on now, dazzle me."

Rose lifts an eyebrow, and slides her hand under Joaquin's elbow. "He is still my boss. I have to obey." But her eyes are twinkling under the regal expression.

"There are a lot of things I could teach him," Joaquin says, loud enough for Orlando to hear. He covers her hand with his, smiling down into her eyes and taking a moment to again appreciate her cleavage. "He just hates to admit it."

Time to see if her homework's paid off. "He's younger than you are, correct?"

Leading her out onto the dance floor, Joaquin turns to face her. "By about three years," he replies, smiling when she moves into his arms. "Taught him a lot of what he knows about doing business."

"You've taught him well. He's built quite an empire for himself." He moves as smoothly as he talks, and has nice muscles under that finely tailored suit. His eyes, up close, are an impossible shade of green, and filled with mischief. She's thankful (and grateful) that Orlando singled her out for this honor.

"He always was a smart kid." Joaquin twirls her around the floor, relishing how light she is in his arms, feeling Orlando's eyes on them. "What about you? Any brothers or sisters?"

"Two younger sisters. Putting them through school." And whenever she goes to visit them, she feels a well of pride and love that she's been able to give this to them, give them a shot at a normal life.

"Yeah?" He looks down at her, impressed. Her feelings for her sisters is obvious, and he can't help but admire that. "And your parents?"

"Mom died when my sisters were still little and my Dad...well, three girls were too much for him." Been a long time since she's thought about her past, but talking about it doesn't bother her the way it once did. She's come to terms with her demons. "An aunt raised us."

Joaquin nods, his impression of her ratcheting up a few notches. She's incredibly poised for someone so young who's been through so much. Yeah, she'd definitely do alright for herself in New York. "How do you think your sisters will like New York?" he asks, searching her eyes.

"I'm sure they'll find it a grand adventure," she replies, moving easily in his arms. "Should I ask you or Mr. Bloom for a list of schools?"

"You can ask me." They spin around the floor again, and Joaquin's reluctant to let her go when the song ends. "I'll just need to know how old your sisters are and if you prefer that the good sisters teach them."

"I'll be sure to let your man of business know all of the details." She stops him on the edge of the dance floor with a hand to his arm. "Tell me, Mr. Phoenix, are you and Mr. Bloom so kind to all of the girls you exchange or was there something special you were expecting?" Not that she has any problems with anything they would ask of her, but she'd like to know up front.

No nonsense. He likes that. "Call me Kitten," he says, a trifle absently as he tries to decide what to tell her. "I take good care of the people who work for me...but I don't think that's the answer you're looking for, is it?" When she shakes her head, he smiles. No, didn't think so. "Very well then. Orlando's...habits are too well-known in Chicago. After tonight, you'll have to go to New York."

"Mr. Bloom wants me for himself?" It takes every bit of training and poise for her not to stare at Joaquin like some sort of green girl. "So why allow you to squire me if..." The pieces all fall into place, then, and she shakes her head. "Silly of me not to have seen. You'll have to forgive me. Orlando's reputation never speaks of this, or I wouldn't have been so slow. You want to share me."

"Yes," he says, softly, simply, eyes locked with hers. "Only if you agree to it. Neither of us will try to persuade or force you."

"I appreciate that." But she also knows that if she says no, she won't be going to New York, either. It's not as if she's repulsed by the idea - quite the opposite, in fact. It's just a little surprising that Orlando Bloom, famed for his refusal to dally with his own girls, is willing to move her up just so he and his best friend can have her.

"Even working girls have the right to say no," he murmurs, one side of his mouth lifting in a smile as he holds his arm out to her. "Why don't we have another drink or two and chat, yeah?"

"Just the three of us, nice and cozy?" Her smile matches his, lazy and flirtatious, and she takes the offered arm, letting him lead her back to the table, and Orlando.

"Of course," Joaquin replies with a chuckle as he waits until she slides back into the booth. As Becky starts to pass him, he catches her arm and murmurs quietly in her ear, sending her on her way with the new order. "Just one," he says, low and clear, when he catches Orlando's look as he settles down beside him.

Orlando just raises an eyebrow, but slides over so Joaquin can sit next to him. He's not going to make a scene over one drink. "You two made a dazzling couple," he says, directing his smile at Rose. Strange that he'd trained himself not to think of the girls in a sexual sense, but now that he knows she'll be leaving, he's having a hard time thinking of anything other than how her skin would taste under his tongue.

"Mr. Phoenix...Kitten," she corrects herself, with a small smile, body reacting, in spite of itself, to the way Orlando's sprawled against dark leather, tie loosened, curls in disarray, "has quite a few nice moves."

"You've got a few yourself," Joaquin tells her, smiling at her as his thigh presses against Orlando's. "Should take her for a twirl, 'Lando. She dances like a dream." He pauses, looking up as Becky returns with their drinks. Once she's gone, he focuses on Rose, smile dark and lethal. "And she smells divine."

"Too much flattery will turn my head," Rose replies quietly, eyes darkening at the look in Joaquin's.

"Wouldn't want that," Orlando murmurs, dragging his nails along Joaquin's thigh before picking up his own glass.

"Oh, I'm being very sincere." Joaquin continues to smile as he takes a sip of his drink, savoring the burn as it slides down his throat. His thigh flexes, pressing up against Orlando's hand. "I was actually wondering if you smelled that good all over..."

One dark, neatly groomed eyebrow lifts, and she gives him a small smile. "My soap and shampoo match."

"Is that so?" Another dark smile, this one for Orlando as well.

The temperature in their booth has just risen to an unbearable degree. Orlando glances between the two of them, fingers trailing along the ridge behind Joaquin's inseam. "Do you taste as good as you smell, I wonder."

When Rose leans forward, her strap falls down again, exposing her breast almost to the nipple. She doesn't bother to pull it up, and, even though Orlando knows the move is calculated, his body reacts to it all the same. "Is that your fancy way of asking me what my answer is, Mr. Bloom?"

The sexual tension is so thick that Orlando thinks he could swallow it. "It might be."

"I've been told that I do," Rose replies, a small shrug accompanying the words. The movement causes her other strap to slip and only her upper body pressed against the table keeps her dress from falling. "I couldn't say for sure, you understand. I've never...tasted myself..."

"A shame," Joaquin murmurs. "One that could be corrected, however..." His hips flex, press up against Orlando's hand, and he takes a deep, shuddering breath. Eyes on Rose, he leans over just enough to whisper in Orlando's ear.

Orlando shivers, biting his lip to bite back the moan at the softly worded suggestion. "I'd like that," he murmurs, tightening his fingers around Joaquin's cock.

"Secrets already?" Rose asks, lifting an eyebrow at Joaquin.

Joaquin takes a swallow of his drink, tongue flicking out to catch a stray drop at the corner of his mouth. "That your fancy way of saying you'd like to know what I told him?" he asks, smiling at her.

"Possibly," she replies, voice cool, chin lifting slightly.

It's a gamble, given Orlando's position and reputation, but Joaquin's noticed that she hasn't shied away from their actions at the table yet. "I told him," he murmurs, sliding his hand up Orlando's thigh, noting how her eyes flicker to follow the movement, "that I'd like to find out what you taste like on his tongue...would you like to find out as well?"

So, that's the way of things. She has to say, given Orlando's well-publicized reputation with the ladies, that she's a little surprised that he takes both sides of the fence. But then, given Kitten's reputation for crawling in to bed with anyone, male or female, it would stand to reason that Orlando wouldn't be as straight and narrow as he appears. The knowledge makes him even more attractive. She can't wait to see what they're like together. "I have a suite upstairs," she replies, sitting back, allowing them both a glimpse of her breasts before she pulls the straps back up across her shoulders. "Why don't we find out?"

"Are you sure about this?" Orlando's voice is rough with lust, but his gaze is kind, searching. Even if Rose hadn't been certain, his look would have decided it.

She reaches across the table, placing her hand atop their joined ones. The heat sends a delicious shiver down her spine. "Mr. Bloom, you and your friend are offering me a rare gift of a night with the both of you, and the rarer gift of your trust. Not to mention, you're sending me to New York. I'd be a fool to turn this down, and I believe we all know that I am not a fool."

"You'll do well for yourself in New York," Joaquin says with a soft laugh. His eyes, dark with lust, sweep over her as a twinge of remorse flashes through him when she settles her dress back into place.

"I have high standards," she says, another small smile curving her lips as she injects just the right amount of primness into her voice. Her smiles widens when they both laugh.

"I hope so." Joaquin squeezes Orlando's thigh again, then swallows the rest of his drink. "The gentlemen I have in mind expect the highest standards."

"Let's just hope they meet mine, then," she smiles, and slides out of the booth. "Give me ten minutes, gentlemen." She winks and puts an extra sway in her hips as she walks away, calculating everything she'll need to get ready.

"I like her," Joaquin laughs as he watches her walk away. She'll do very well for herself in New York. Stretching, he slides his gaze to Orlando and smiles. "Ten minutes..."

"Might not last that long," Orlando replies, eyes twinkling. "She really is something else. I didn't even realize how much."

"That's because you never look at the help once they actually start working for you," Joaquin says. His thigh presses against Orlando's as he shifts. "And I was actually thinking that ten minutes is just enough time..."

"Enough time for what?" Although Orlando's got a pretty good idea.

"To take the edge off," Joaquin murmurs, fingers curling around Orlando's wrist as he slides out of the booth. "Come on."

Orlando presses against Joaquin as they stand. "Have I told you lately that I love the way you think?"

"Not recently." Joaquin smirks, fingers dragging against Orlando's inseam before he starts towards one of the back rooms. "So I'll let you show me right now."


Rose finishes lighting the last of the candles and arranges a holder just so, silk robe flowing around her as she moves. The nightdress under the robe is a rich purple, held up by the thinnest of straps. It's one of her favorites, but if it becomes a casualty of the night, she's certain that one of the two men would see about replacing it. Besides, she's looking forward to their reaction to the gown itself.

The knock is right on time.

"Love you," Joaquin whispers, nuzzling Orlando's neck, skin warm against his lips. He doesn't even try to hide how close they are as the door opens. Then he gets a good look at Rose, soft glow behind her from the candles, and his jaw drops before he can control himself.


"Wow." It's all Orlando can think to say. His cock, so recently sated by the fast, hard handjob Joaquin had given him, instantly comes back to life as he looks his fill of her. She looks like a goddess.

Her smile is wicked, full of secrets, and purely female. "Won't you both come inside?" she says, holding open the door.

Wisely deciding to keep his mouth shut for the moment so he doesn't trip over his words, Joaquin steps into the room, still feeling Orlando's heat down his side as they separate. "Nice," he finally says, voice low and rough, as he gives in to the impulse to trail his fingers along her arm, fingertips gliding over silky smooth skin.

"Nice?" she asks, arching an eyebrow as she turns her head to follow his movements. The look on her face sends all the blood racing to his crotch, and it's as if Orlando didn't just have his hands all over Joaquin.

"What he means is, you look incredible." Charm, bred into Orlando's bones, comes to his rescue, when all he really wants to do is start at her toes and work his way up those magnificent legs of hers, and then make her scream. "You were born to wear silk."

"Yes, I suppose I was," she teases, lips curving as she accepts both the flattery and the apology. "Did you both use the time I gave you wisely?"

"You could say that," Joaquin says, flashing a wicked smile to Orlando. His hand continues to slide up her arm, dragging the sleeve of her robe, touch still light and gentle. His eyes are drawn to her breasts and the way they move with each breath.

"I could, hmm?" Another cool smile even as her skin pebbles under his touch. When Orlando steps closer, the temperature around her rises by several degrees.

"Why, did you want to watch?" It feels both odd and exhilarating to be so open about Joaquin in front of another, to step close and tangle his fingers with Joaquin's as they move over warm, smooth skin.

"I might..." The reply is breathless as Rose watches them both from partially lowered lashes.

"Might?" Joaquin's laugh, soft and dark, shivers through the air. Then his lips brush the side of her neck as he crooks a finger at Orlando and murmurs, "C'mere..."

Orlando obeys without question, lips parting as they slide over Joaquin's, the kiss a tease, both of them showing off a little. Rose has just enough control not to moan out loud at the sight, although she can't resist tangling her hands in two sets of dark curls. To think that, tonight, all of this is hers...

"Shameless..." Joaquin laughs softly, eyes dark when Orlando pulls back, and his gaze focuses on full lips, still red and wet from the kiss. Then he turns his head to focus on Rose, eyes skimming over flushed cheeks, parted lips. "Did you like that?"

She nods. Her hands drop to drift across their napes, fingers still slipping through soft hair. "Do it again?" she asks, breathless and soft, stepping a little closer so she can just rub against them both.

"And you call me shameless," Orlando laughs, but leans in again. This kiss is harder, tongues slipping and tangling together. Orlando can feel the warm weight of Rose's breast against his arm, the soft touch of her fingers as they comb through his hair. He wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her even closer, inviting her into the kiss. The first taste of her lips against theirs is heaven.

Joaquin shifts a little, arm sliding over Orlando's to pull her in against them. His tongue darts out, teasing Orlando's, teasing hers, and he savors the wine-and-strawberries taste of her lips. "You are shameless," he murmurs when he lifts his head for a moment to watch the two of them. And fuck, it's a beautiful sight, one that makes his cock twitch.

Orlando would answer, but he's a little busy at the moment. Rose tastes as exquisite as she looks, exotic and rare, and he deepens the kiss, letting her feel a little more of his need. They have all night - hell, as much time as they want, really - and he plans to make every moment count. One hand spans her hip, slides up until he can cup the heavy, perfect weight of one breast. Her stifled moan against his lips is one of the sweetest sounds he's heard in a long time.

"Two of you together are beautiful," Joaquin whispers. He pulls Rose closer, presses against her back in one long line of heat. She feels incredible against him, soft and warm, and he slides his hand up to cup her other breast, thumb circling the taut nipple. When she moans again, the sound muffled in Orlando's kiss, Joaquin smiles and bends his head to press soft kisses up the side of her neck.

Rose has been around long enough that she's not impressed by much. But the way Orlando and Joaquin feel against her, surrounding her in heat and warmth and love, has her trembling like this is her first time. Her skin feels like it's on fire. And the two sets of lips moving over her are driving her mad with want. She wants to beg for more, but she's embarrassingly certain that she wouldn't be able to form the words.

"You're quiet now," Joaquin murmurs. Her skin is so soft that he could spend hours touching and kissing every inch of it.

"I can't..." She sucks in a breath as Joaquin's fingers slide under one strap of her gown and slide it off her shoulder. The breath is held as his lips follow his fingers.

"Can't?" A soft laugh is puffed across her skin as Joaquin toys with the other strap.


"Not nice to tease the lady," Orlando murmurs, eyes sparkling as he grins at Joaquin over Rose's shoulder. He bends his head, nuzzling her nipple through the nightgown, suckling the tip in his mouth.

Her spine bows as she sucks in a shaking breath, head turned as she blindly seeks Joaquin's lips. The contrast of Orlando's mouth and the silk of her nightgown has her gasping, desperate.

Gentle fingers grip her chin as Joaquin catches her mouth in a hard kiss. Their tongues tangle. One arm slides around her waist, pulling her firmly back until his erection is pressed against her. She gasps again, and the sound spurs him on, free hand tangling in Orlando's hair as her hand lifts to slide through Joaquin's hair.

Orlando takes the hint, nudging the nightgown out of the way, tongue curling over a coral-tipped nipple. She tastes as sweet as she smells, and her muffled moans are like music. He can't wait to strip her down and lay her out, explore every inch of her lush body.

"So beautiful," Joaquin murmurs, eyes dark with lust and need when he ends the kiss. His nostrils flare as he looks at her, the way her teeth delicately catch her bottom lip, the flush that stains her cheeks while she shifts against him. Brushing her hair out of the way, he nuzzles just behind her ear, cupping her free breast in one hand and watching Orlando's tongue slide over her skin.

"Please..." She hasn't begged in years, and now she feels as if she'll never stop.

"Anything you want," Orlando assures her, moving to her other nipple and laving it with the same thorough attention. "Tell us..."

The words come tumbling out of her, driven by need. "Want you...both of you...please..."

"You have us..." Joaquin starts to move backwards, pulling her with him, smiling when Orlando follows, the movement not affecting what he's doing at all. Fumbling one-handed with his shirt buttons, he shrugs out of it, then slips his hands beneath her gown to slide it down, admiring the way it floats down her legs. "Your willing slaves for the night," he murmurs, sitting on the edge of the bed and pressing kisses down the length of her spine.

"Ohh..." Her hands clutch at Orlando's shoulders, bunching soft fabric beneath her fingers as his lips and tongue continue their torment of her breasts. Joaquin's lips blaze a path of fire down her back, and she shivers, body arching.

Definitely a goddess, Orlando thinks, leaning back just enough to admire how flawless her skin looks in the candlelight. "Perfect," he whispers against her skin, sinking to his knees so he can nuzzles the dark curls between her legs.

At the first touch of Orlando's tongue, Rose whimpers brokenly, arching into him, then back onto Joaquin. She won't survive more - hell, she might not survive just this.

"He's got a gifted tongue," Joaquin says, laughing softly as he pulls her down to his lap, using his knee to nudge her legs apart for Orlando. Watching over her shoulder, aching at the sight of Orlando's head between Rose's thighs, Joaquin cups her breasts, teasing the nipples, and kisses along her neck.

"Oh, God," Rose moans. Her head falls back to rest on Joaquin's shoulder, one hand dropping to grip his thigh. His hands tease her nipples into stiff, aching peaks, and each flick of Orlando's tongue over her sends fire racing through her blood.

"Relax," Orlando murmurs, glancing up just long enough to wink at Joaquin and give Rose a small smile. "Let us take care of you..." He nudges slick folds apart, tongue spearing deep. He can't get enough of her. He can't wait to watch Joaquin take her.
"Easy...for say..." Rose whimpers again, hips lifting, nails digging into Joaquin's thigh through his pants. She's going to die from this, she just knows it.

"Let go," Joaquin whispers, tongue circling her ear. One hand slides over her stomach, down until his fingers brush damp curls. Then his fingers press her open, other arm circled snug around her waist as he catches her earlobe between his teeth. He could watch Orlando do this all night, imagining how good Rose is going to look with Orlando planted deep inside her.

It's as if Joaquin's voice is hard-wired to the deepest part of her. She shivers in his arms as Orlando's tongue flickers across her clit, and she comes brokenly moaning both of their names, nails raking along Joaquin's thighs. She can't remember the last time she's been able to let go and just enjoy herself, worry about only her own pleasure.

Orlando eases her down with soft kisses and soft words, kissing his way up her torso, teeth lightly scraping each nipple, then along her shoulders. When he meets Joaquin's hooded gaze, his smile is wicked, lips glistening. "C'mere," he says, tugging on the back of Joaquin's neck so he can taste her, taste them together.

Joaquin just smiles and leans in. His tongue flicks over Orlando's lower lip, then delves inside as their lips touch. The first taste has him harder than he imagined he could be, groaning his appreciation into the kiss when Orlando's hand tightens on the back of his neck. When he finally pulls back, his breathing is ragged, and one hand is clamped tight enough on Rose's hip to leave marks. "Taste even better than you smell," he murmurs as his lips touch Rose's throat.

"Do I?" she manages to ask, eyes dark and smoky as her lashes flutter open so she can look at Orlando.

"Definitely." He should feel odd about being here like this, about kissing and touching and looking at Joaquin in front of a virtual stranger, of opening what they have to another, but all he feels is a sense of rightness. Of want. He wants to share Joaquin like this, even to show off a little. He knows there are still things that he and Joaquin will never do in front of another, but he also know Joaquin would never expect it or ask. He's free to relax, and skim light hands along Rose's skin, learning her curves.

"Up to your standards?" Now that she's had a moment to catch her breath, some of her natural arrogance begins to reassert itself. They hadn't chosen her because she's a wallflower - they'd chosen her because they'd thought she could match them.

Warm lips settle on hers for a quick, sharp kiss. "Exceeded them, even."

She licks her lips, catching traces of the muskysharp flavor that lingers on Orlando's lips, then flashes him a wicked smile. "Good," she murmurs as she stretches. "Now, the question is are the two of you up to mine?"

Joaquin's laugh is soft and low, rippling over her skin, curling around the three of them. "Sweetheart, we could probably ruin you for other men," he says with a wink for Orlando. Gentle fingers slide up the inside of her thighs, ghost over slick folds before trailing up her stomach. "How would you like us to prove it?"

She stretches against him like a cat, and directs a sultry gaze at Orlando. "Well, for starters, I'm the only one not wearing anything. And that's a damn shame, if you ask me."

"Oh, is it a show you're seeking, then?"

"Might be."

Orlando rises to his feet, hand stretched out. "C'mon, 'Quin, the lady's made a request."

Another soft laugh as Joaquin slides his hand over Orlando's and stands. "I was actually starting to think you weren't ever gonna get naked," he murmurs, giving Orlando a brief kiss before starting to work on his shirt buttons.

"Can't be because he's shy," Roses teases. She scoots up the bed and stretches before settling back on the pillows to watch.

"Ain't a shy bone in his body," Joaquin replies, winking at her as he pushes Orlando's shirt open, revealing golden skin and lean muscles.

"Not where you're concerned," Orlando replies, shrugging out of his shirt and reaching for the buttons of Joaquin's pants. He unthreads each one slowly, putting on a show as much for his own benefit as for Rose.

"It's mutual," Joaquin murmurs, eyes dark as his fingertips skim down Orlando's ribs. He eases the top button on Orlando's trousers free as he leans in for a slow, lazy kiss, drawing it out when Rose makes a soft sound.

Now that is a fair pretty sight, Rose thinks, satin sheets rustling as she shifts, watching every movement with greedy eyes. Both of them dark-haired and beautiful, touching and caressing each other in reverence and love. She wonders how long they've been together.

Orlando steps out of his trousers and rubs against Joaquin, chest to chest, thigh to thigh, burying his hands in Joaquin's hair as he takes over the kiss. "Love you," he whispers across full lips, the words a secret for the two of them alone.

"I know," Joaquin whispers in reply, knowing he doesn't need to say the words. He kisses Orlando again, losing himself in the taste and feel as his hands drop to rest at lean hips. The fact that Rose is watching fades away for a few minutes.

Rose continues to watch, silent, afraid to speak lest she break the spell that seems to have come over them. They have the rest of the night, she knows, and the knowledge that they're willing to share this part of themselves with her is humbling.

Gradually, Orlando pulls away, smiling into glittering green eyes, small smile flirting across his lips. "There, that should last me for the new few minutes."

Joaquin blinks, then laughs. "Greedy brat," he says fondly, brushing a stubbled jaw with the backs of his fingers. He catches sight of Rose, sprawled wantonly on the bed, from the corner of his eye. "We're neglecting our companion..."

"I don't mind." Smiling, she sits up and stretches again, back arching to perfectly display her breasts.

"You might not, but we do," Orlando winks, snagging Joaquin's hand to pull him towards the bed. "Such beauty shouldn't be left to itself."

Full lips curve in a smile as she watches both men settle on either side of her on the bed. "Oh?"

Orlando skims a hand along her ribcage, then cups her breast. "Tell us how you'd like us to pleasure you."

Her arms slide around their shoulders, and she lowers her lashes, gives them a smoky look. "I want you both."

"Ah, but how?" Joaquin smiles, cupping her other breast and skimming his lip along the top.

"In every way imaginable," she murmurs, and licks her lips, back arching to press her breasts against their palms.

Orlando meets Joaquin's grin with one of his own. "That leaves us with a lot of options, love."

"That's the idea." Her back arches again, hands tangling in Joaquin and Orlando's hair.

Orlando licks across her nipple, then blows cool air, smiling at the resultant goosebumps. "Has a man ever taken that?"

"Once or twice." She shrugs, then moans when Joaquin's lips move over her. "It wasn't unpleasant."

"Wasn't unpleasant..." Joaquin chuckles, breath puffing over her nipple, resulting in a tiny squirm from Rose. "Now there's a ringing endorsement."

"Are you saying..." She swallows a moan as she grabs two fistfuls of hair and tugs not so gently. "...that you could do better?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." With a smile for Orlando, Joaquin dips his head to flick his tongue over her nipple. "Have you ever had two men take the same time?"

"N-no..." she breathes, and Orlando's eyes threaten to glaze over at just the thought of his cock rubbing against Joaquin's while inside of Rose's tight warmth. "Have you ever...?"

"No," Joaquin admits quietly. It's one of the very few things he hasn't done. His eyes, silently questioning, meet Orlando's.

"Me neither," Orlando says, softly. "Taken turns, or, y'know, she's had her mouth on me while...but never...been the same time."

"Something new for all of us, then." Rose peers down at both of them, wet and aching at the prospect.

"You sure about this?" Joaquin watches her, studies her eyes. His hand slides down her stomach to tease damp curls. "It's liable to..."

"Shh," she whispers, pressing her lips to his to silence his words. Then she pulls back, looks at both of them, legs shifting restlessly against theirs. Her hands leave their hair and move down until slender fingers can curl around their cocks. "I'm sure. Want you both inside me."

Orlando jerks, then groans. " of us'll have to be under her," he tells Joaquin, skimming kisses along her neck.

"Who..." Joaquin clenches his jaw and groans when her hand slides up his length. His fingers slip between her legs, slide over slick folds. "Fuck, 'Lando...

"Want you," Rose breathes, and takes the decision into her own hands. Shifting her weight, she pushes Joaquin over to his back. "Now."

"Guess that answers that," Orlando laughs, but it's breathless, heated. He watches, lazily palming his cock, as Rose leans over Joaquin, tongue slipping in and out of his mouth as they trade hard, hot kisses. When she pulls back, her lips are bruised. Then Orlando loses his breath entirely when she straddles Joaquin's hips, facing away from him, biting her bottom lip as she sinks onto his cock.

"Jesus," Joaquin breathes, voice shaky. His hands skim her spine, settle at her hips to help steady her as wet heat envelops his cock. Given what she does for a living, he's amazed at how... "Tight, fuck..."

When he's fully inside her, Rose pauses, panting slightly as she opens her eyes to look at Orlando. "Now you," she murmurs, holding her hand out and licking her lips.

"In just a second," he tells her, and kneels forward, tongue flickering along her clit, then over the base of Joaquin's cock. Just as he'd thought - they taste exquisite together...

"Christ!" Joaquin can't stop the yelp, body jerking at the first touch of Orlando's tongue. His fingers dig into Rose's hips, and he's gratified to hear her breathless moan as the jerk pushes his cock deeper into her as Orlando's tongue teases her.

"Orlando..." Definitely new. And the most erotic thing she's ever felt. She grabs hold of one of Joaquin's thighs, and holds onto the back of Orlando's head with the other hand, all but whimpering as Orlando's tongue slips and slides over her, then curls around where she and Joaquin are joined.

Joaquin thrusts up again, his control slipping a little as Orlando's tongue darts over his cock, pushing just inside Rose to tease along the underside before retreat. "Baby," he murmurs, head back on the pillow, eyes closed tight while Rose shifts over him, muscles tightening along his cock.

Long as Orlando lives, he'll never get tired of the way Joaquin says that, turns the endearment into a plea. "Shhh," he murmurs, to both of them, kissing a trail up her stomach, then to her chest and neck as he moves in closer, settling between them. "Lean back, love," he tells Rose, rubbing soft lips over hers, letting her taste herself and Joaquin together.

She obeys without question, quivering with need, Joaquin's strong arms holding her as she leans back, head dropped so she can watch the slide of Joaquin's cock, watch as Orlando positions himself, hand curled at the base of his cock as he slowly pushes the head inside her.

Oh, Christ... Joaquin's nostrils flare as he struggles to breathe, to hold himself still at the first rub of Orlando's cock against his. The pressure increases to an almost unbearable ache with each slow thrust. He barely notices Rose's nails digging into his thighs almost to the point of drawing blood.

Rose licks her lips, whimpers as she feels Orlando's cock pulse just inside her as he presses against Joaquin. He stretches her more, pushes just a little deeper, and she lets her head fall back, feeling Joaquin's hot breath on the back of her neck as he struggles to maintain control.

"Relax," Orlando murmurs, to all of them, muscles trembling with the effort of going slow, not slamming into her. Jesus, she's so hot, so tight, and the friction of Joaquin's cock against his... He lets out a shaky breath, finds Rose's lips, the kiss distracting them both as he slides almost completely out, then back in again, setting a slow, steady pace.

She's not going to survive this. No human could. The heat, the pressure, the fullness inside of's unbearable, exquisite, too much. She moans into Orlando's mouth, rocking her hips in time with him, keeping firm hold on Joaquin as they move.

Joaquin tries to move, tries to keep rhythm with Orlando. Then he realizes he doesn't need to. The motion, the friction, of the two of them moving on him, against him, is more than enough. He lifts up just enough to trail his lips along Rose's shoulder, his hand sliding over her hip, Orlando's, touching as much of both of them as he can reach.

Rose moans into the next kiss, feeling the slow splinter as Orlando presses deep, cock shifting against Joaquin's. Then her orgasm hits, stealing her breath, leaving her trembling, trapped between their bodies as they continue to move inside her.

"Again," Orlando murmurs, the sound broken, heated, pushing inside as far as he can, holding onto his control by the thinnest of threads. His gaze roams over the high flush on Rose's cheeks, the way Joaquin stares back at him, eyes bright with love and need. When she shudders against him one more time, Orlando finally lets go.

The sensations overwhelm Joaquin, drag him under as his eyes hold Orlando's. With a low groan that he muffles against Rose's shoulder, Joaquin lets go. A shudder travels down his spine as his fingers tighten on her hips and she whimpers, limp against his chest.

It takes every bit of energy that Orlando can muster to slip out of Rose and flop back on the bed, chest heaving with the effort of sucking air into his lungs. He's never, in his life, experienced anything quite so intense. "Christ..."

"Mmmm..." Rose makes another soft noise, too boneless to even think about moving. As far as she's concerned, she can stay right where she is.

"Think m'dead," Joaquin mumbles, eyes closed. One arm wraps snug around Rose's waist while the other reaches for Orlando's, fingers lacing together. Rose's soft laugh ripples through him, over his skin, and he turns his head just enough to smile at Orlando.

"Heart's racing too fast for dead," Rose comments.

"Looking a little too smug, too," Orlando adds, bringing Joaquin's hand to his lips for a soft kiss. Then he directs his gaze to Rose. "How do you feel?"

"Surprisingly good. Aside from a few twinges."

"No pain?" Joaquin relaxes when she shakes her head.

"None." Shifting a little, she sighs and smiles. "Probably be sore tomorrow, but I'm good right now."

"Good," he says, kissing her shoulder as he squeezes Orlando's hand. Then he takes a deep breath and flashes a wicked smirk at Orlando. "That was intense."

"Very." Orlando sits up, tries to shake off the light-headedness. "Bet a bath would probably help you."

"Aren't you sweet?" Rose honestly can't remember the last time anyone she's been with that's been as concerned about how she feels as these two men. "Girl could get used to this type of treatment."

"Only the best, ma'am," Joaquin says, with a grin and a wink as he helps her slide off of him. Cool air hits his skin, causing it to pebble as he sits up and runs a hand through his hair. "Tub in there big enough?"

"You looking to join me?" Rose tries to give him a haughty look, but it's ruined by the tiny smile that curls his lips.

"Only if 'Lando comes, too."

"Sounds awfully cozy." Not that Rose is exactly displeased at the prospect.

"Maybe we should join her after she's had a soak first," Orlando suggests. "Think she needs it more than we do."

"You're right," Joaquin admits with another wicked smile. He bends to press a hard kiss to her lips, one hand sliding up her side. "Off with you, then. Should we come draw the water for you?"

"I think I can manage," she replies with a saucy wink, lips still tingling from the kiss. "Just mind that you don't leave me alone too long."

"Oh, we wouldn't dream of it," Orlando assures her, caressing her with his eyes as she heads towards the bathroom, hips swaying provocatively with each step.

"Now that," Joaquin says, flopping back onto the pillows with a lusty sigh, "is a woman. Jesus."

Orlando can only nod his head in agreement. "I think it's a good thing that we're both here is what I think."

"Oh?" Curious, Joaquin glances at Orlando, then rolls to face him, propping up on one elbow. "Why's that?"

Orlando trails a finger along Joaquin's stubble, down along his throat. "She'd wear us out individually."

"True." Joaquin chuckles as he catches Orlando's finger and gently nips the end of it. "Want you," he murmurs, tugging Orlando to him for a slow kiss, knowing they don't have time for much more.

"Want you..." Orlando can't imagine a time when he won't want Joaquin, to be honest. He scoots closer, slick bodies sliding together. "How far?"

"Far as you're comfortable," Joaquin says, voice low, intimate, and he nuzzles the underside of Orlando's jaw, tasting faint remnants of his soap mingled with sweat and smoke.

"What..." So hard to concentrate with Joaquin's lips on him, driving coherent thought aside. "What" He forces his eyes to open, focus. "How much are you comfortable with?"

"Taking my cues from you, baby." Joaquin lifts his head long enough to smile at Orlando. His fingers start a delicate glide over Orlando's ribs, across his stomach. "Never did this before, y'know? Been with another guy and a girl at the same time."

"It's a first for me, too. Only girls Josh and I were with together, it was...different. I mean, we didn't touch each other, y'know?" Orlando skims a kiss across Joaquin's shoulder. He can hear the sound of water splashing in the next room, and his body reacts to the thought of Rose, naked and wet, water sliding over those perfect legs. "Some things, though...some things I don't wanna share."

"I know." Shifting a little, Joaquin presses against Orlando, rubs their cocks together. "Never gonna let anyone know what you look like when I'm deep inside you."

"Yeah..." Their lips cling together in another soft kiss. "What you look like when I'm inside you...that's mine. Ours alone."

"Just us..." Another kiss, this one longer, and Joaquin's hand slips down Orlando's stomach to brush through crisp curls, fingers just brushing the proud curve of Orlando's cock.

Orlando grabs onto Joaquin's hip, fingers digging into hard flesh. "God, 'Quin..." He knows this isn't the time or place, but a part of him can't help but wish that it was just the two of them so he could roll Joaquin on his back and sink inside a willing body.

"Relax and let me..." Knowing he's got a while before Rose even thinks of coming out, Joaquin gently pushes Orlando over to his back and slides down his body, leaving a trail of kisses as he goes.

"Anything you want..." Anything at all, it's all Joaquin's, and they both know it. Orlando fists Joaquin's hair in his hands, arches into the touches and kisses, offering everything.

"Love you," Joaquin whispers. His tongue flicks against the base of Orlando's cock, slides up to the head in one slow swipe. He can taste the three of them mingled together, the muskydark flavor exploding across his senses as his lips close around the head.

"Love you," Orlando murmurs, fingers threading through soft curls as he relaxes, pushes his hips up. Joaquin's mouth is pure magic.

Joaquin uses every bit of skill he has as he starts to move, lips tight around the shaft, fingers gently cupping Orlando's balls and stroking them. The hands in his hair invite more, encourage him to continue, and he sets about making Orlando moan his name.

"C'mere..." Orlando tugs at Joaquin's hair until he looks up, lips swollen and red from Orlando's cock. "Same time," he manages, licking his own lips.

"You want..." Joaquin smile is slow and dirty. His tongue slides over his lower lip while he watches Orlando for a moment before twisting his body around. "Alright."

Orlando rolls onto his side, tongue curling around Joaquin's cock almost immediately, pushing until he's swallowing Joaquin whole, gasping as he chokes on the length. He can feel the slick, tight slide of Joaquin's lips around him, and he hums his pleasure as he settles into a rhythm.

Joaquin moans his appreciation for Orlando's mouth, the sound muffled and choked as he takes all of Orlando, tongue curling along the length. His hips press forward, pleasure spiking through him as a skilled mouth moves him while Orlando moves, pushing his cock deeper down Joaquin's throat.

It's slow and perfect and exactly what Orlando wants. Just the two of them, taking pleasure in each other, giving pleasure to each other. Orlando hollows his cheeks, taking even more of Joaquin's cock, pushes forward, needing Joaquin to take more of his. There's nothing else like this in the world.

It's as if he hasn't already come twice. Joaquin can feel himself slipping closer to the edge with each slide of Orlando's tongue, each slow glide of his lips. Humming deep in his throat, he takes all of Orlando's cock, nose brushing crisp curls, musky with the mingled scent of the three of them, and this is just how Joaquin wants it.

Orlando's orgasm almost takes him by surprise. He shudders, moaning around Joaquin's cock as he comes, his own cock still buried deep down Joaquin's throat.

The first hot splash makes Joaquin choke a little, then his throat works around Orlando as he swallows. The taste, the feel of Orlando trembling against him, is enough to trigger Joaquin's orgasm.

Orlando nuzzles Joaquin's cock, then the wiry curls, before rolling onto his back, mouth still full of the bitterhot taste of Joaquin. "Fuck," he breathes, wondering if it's possible to die from too much pleasure.

"Later," Joaquin promises, voice muzzy as he crawls back up the bed to flop beside Orlando. Well, partially on him to be honest. He has just enough energy to lift his head and press a soft kiss to Orlando's lips.

"Love you," Orlando murmurs, then smiles, running his hands along Joaquin's back. "Think we're good to concentrate on her now?"

"For a while," Joaquin mumbles, grinning against Orlando's shoulder as he scoots closer, plastering himself on top of Orlando.

"We're here as long as you want to be."

"Hmmm..." Kissing Orlando again, Joaquin considers that. "Think we can wear her out?"

"Absolutely," Orlando grins, wrapping tight arms around Joaquin. "Especially now that we've taken the edge off again."

"Then what do you say we set about doing that?" With a grin and a wink, Joaquin presses a hard kiss to Orlando's lips and nuzzles his throat before untangling himself from Orlando's embrace.

Sounded like a great plan to Orlando. He stretches as he stands, admiring Joaquin's ass as he walks towards the bathroom. "Mine, all mine," he murmurs, pinching one cheek before stepping past Joaquin into the steam-filled room.

It takes all of Joaquin's control to keep from reacting to the pinch. He merely gives Orlando a look that promises retribution. Later. "Brat," he murmurs fondly, then flashes a bright smile at Rose. "Thought you might be missing us."

Rose lifts one leg out of the tub, running damp fingers over silky skin. Orlando fights to keep his tongue in his mouth. "I might have missed you." Her breasts bob under the water when she takes a deep breath. "Maybe a little bit."

"Just a little bit?" Joaquin glances up long enough to give Orlando a wry smile. Kneeling beside the tub, he reaches out to trail his fingers from her ankle to her knee. "We could go back out there if we're bothering you..."

She gives him a wide smile. "I don't think either of you were thinking about me."

"We were," Joaquin protests, unable to keep from laughing.

"I don't believe you," she says, still smiling.

"Well, I did ask 'Lando if he thought we could wear you out." Joaquin gives her a wicked grin, fingers slipping higher to rest on her upper thigh.

"And what did you say?" Rose asks Orlando, inwardly shivering at Joaquin's light touch.

"I believe the word I used was absolutely," Orlando grins, leaning a shoulder against the wall as he watches the two of them.

"Now that sounds like a challenge."

"It's meant to be."

Joaquin laughs softly, hand slipping under the water to curve around her leg. "Kinda thought you might like a challenge," he murmurs, eyes flashing as he glances at Orlando, then back to Rose.

"Oh, I do." She gives him an earnest look with more than a hint of mischief lurking in her eyes. "I'm not sure the two of you are up to it, though..."

"Now, that? Is definitely a challenge," Orlando states, dropping to kneel beside Joaquin. The water is still warm when he dips his hand in, slides it along her other leg.

"Definitely," Joaquin agrees, eyes dark as his hand slides higher up Rose's thigh, fingers brushing Orlando's.

Rose stretches and leans back against the tub, smiling lazily at them even as her body shivers under their combined touch. "I'm looking forward to you boys proving me wrong, then..."

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