Bodyguards' Night Out (Part One)

Oct 04, 2007 18:41

[Takes place the night of this. Co-written by the muns]

"So, wait, let me see if I get this right," Lou says, following Lawrence into the living room, "you're expecting George and I to babysit while you drop Moe off to get laid and you head out dancing with some whore?"

"Not some whore. Maggie," Lawrence corrects, stopping in front of the mirror to straighten his tie. "And yes, I do. You both owe us. You especially."

"You do owe us," Moe says, nodding, expression completely deadpan. "After all the times we've sat here, putting up with the lovebirds, while you two go gallivanting off with your girlfriends."

George quickly lifts his glass to hide his smile at the words, waiting for the explosion at Cate being labeled a girlfriend. "C'mon, Lou, it'll be an easy night. They'll lock themselves in their room, and we can play poker."

"Ain't my idea of a good time," Lou says, glowering at Moe.

"Well, I ain't much interested in your idea of a good time," Lawrence replies, with a wide grin. "How do you think I've felt the past coupla weeks, being on my own with Dapper?"

"Alright, alright." Lou flops on the sofa next to George, still glowering. Mostly because he knows they're right - he has been away a lot lately, either avoiding Orlando altogether by working at Colosimo's or out with Cate.

George pats Lou on the knee, then gets up to get another drink. "You want one?"

Moe just rolls his eyes and looks at Lawrence. "You'd think we'd asked them to take a bullet or something." Then he pauses and, with a carefully blank expression, studies Lou and George. "Though, come to think of it, that's part of their job, too, ain't it?"

"I'd rather take a bullet than watch Dapper and Kitten coo around each other," Lou replies. "Make it a double, George. Hell, a triple. Way they act around each other ain't natural."

"Beats 'Lando driving himself into an early grave grieving for Josh," Lawrence says. "'Sides, as long as he can still do his job, I don't much care where he spends his nights. He might be less sloppy now."

"I'd damn sure rather watch them be all sappy and lovesick around each other, even knowing what goes on, than watch one of 'em grieving over the other's coffin," Moe says, giving Lou a flat look. "Or would you rather watch 'em be miserable and get themselves killed?"

George adds another two fingers to Lou's glass, then looks up. When he meets Lou's gaze, he just shrugs. "Don't look at me. I'm staying outta this one. I gotta fiancée that'll be right pissed if I don't take care of her brothers."

"I've taken care of Orlando most of his life," Lou retorts, glaring at Moe. "Ain't gonna stop now, no matter where he's spending his nights. Looked the other way when he's with Josh, didn't I?"

"Well, better him being with 'Quin than deciding he'd rather try to win Cate back," Lawrence says, with a wink to George.

"Hey, now, that ain't funny."

"Why, you worried he might try?" Lawrence asks.

"No reason to be." Not if the way she'd acted last night is any indication.

"Then there ain't no problem," George says, and grins as he walks back to the sofa with the drinks.

"'Sides, we've all done our fair share of taking care of 'em," Moe says. He pins Lou with a look as he gestures towards the stairs. "And you trying to tell me that the way Dapper was last night...he had that with Josh? 'Cause I gotta tell you, man, Kitten ain't never been this happy with anyone. Not even Liv."

"They were different." Lou looks to Lawrence for help as he takes his drink with a grateful sigh. Talk like this, a man needs a drink to see him through.

"He's right," Lawrence shrugs. "Josh and Orlando were...well, they's a lot more private. They were never like last night with 'Quin and 'Lando." He shrugs again, then jerks his head at the door. "Bout ready, Moe? I gotta be at Maggie's at 8."

"I been ready," Moe says, and grabs his jacket. Sliding into it, he flashes a serene smile at George and Lou. "Don't let 'em go getting into trouble, alright?"

"Get out of here," George laughs, tossing a throw pillow in their general direction. Smug bastards, the both of 'em.

Lawrence bats the pillow out of the way and flips George off as he turns and heads for the door, Moe stepping beside him.

"Serve those two right if neither of us came home tonight," he remarks, once they're on their way to Tartine's so Lawrence can drop Moe off.

"Hey, you think I'm going home tonight, you're nuts," Moe laughs, fingers tapping on the dash as he looks out his window. "You go home, you know Lou's gonna head out to see Cate."

"Well, if my date's a bust, I'll just join you over at Tartine's," Lawrence grins, even though he doesn't anticipate that happening. "Best looking dames in the city."

Moe nods, wide grin splitting his face. "Gotta agree there. Lotta nice scenery when I was in there with Kitten."

"Anyone in particular you wanting me to introduce you to?"

"Well..." Moe draws the word out as he thinks about it. Then he grins again. "There was this one little Spanish looking gal with a great set on her..."

"Salma," Lawrence nods, and pulls up outside the club. "She likes 'em built and is a bit of a size queen, so...well, I guess you can do the best you can with what you got," he laughs, as he steps out of the car.

"Size queen, eh?" Moe looks Lawrence up and down after he gets out of the car, then shakes his head sadly. "Guess that means you never scored with her, then. Shame, that. I'll be sure to tell you how good she is."

"Ain't no one complained yet," Lawrence says, and cuffs Moe across the back of the head before opening the door to the club. As luck would have it, the first person he sees is Salma, busy holding court in the middle of the club, spectacular tits shown off to their impressive best in the lowest cut of fringed dresses. "Come on, I'll introduce you before I head off."

"Man, oh, man," Moe whistles, following Lawrence. "I just want to bury my face in her cleavage. I don't think that's too much to ask."

"You pay enough and flatter her the right way and she'll let you bury a lot more than your face," Lawrence replies, with a wink, then steps up to Salma's table, ignoring the gaggle of men surrounding her. None of 'em look old enough to shave. "Ms. Hayek, a pleasure as always."

Salma holds out her hand with a grin, and the smile widens when Lawrence bends over it for a kiss. "Don't you have a date tonight?" she asks, her gaze skittering to the attractive, bald, colored man at Lawrence's side. My, my, aren't we a morsel? she thinks to herself.

"On my way to pick her up," Lawrence replies, straightening. He inwardly smiles at Salma's look. Easy as pie, really. "But my friend here wanted an introduction, and I couldn't say no."

"Introduction, hmm?" Part of her is thrilled at the oh-so proper tone to it all, and she glances up at Moe through her lashes as she offers her hand to him. "Salma."

"Moe," he murmurs, taking her hand and pressing a lingering kiss to her knuckles. He smiles at her as he straightens up. "And I must say, Miss Salma, it is definitely my pleasure to meet you."

"Is it?" She smiles, slow and seductive, and pats the seat next to her. "Boys, be dears and make yourselves scarce," she says, never looking away from Moe. "Moe and I need to get better acquainted."

Lawrence barely chokes back the laugh as the boys - and really, that's what they are - all grumble, but do as she says.

"I like the way you think," Moe says, voice rumbling as he sits beside her. Getting better acquainted is at the top of his list tonight. And just thinking about what Lawrence said about her cleavage... "How about I buy you a drink?"

"I'd like that." She sidles up to him, legs tucked under her as she deftly plucks at his tie, loosening the knot. "Tell me, Moe, do you dance?"

Moe gestures at a passing waitress and quickly places an order. "I've been known to take a turn or two around the dance floor," he says, attention focusing back on Salma. Lord, she's a nice little handful, he has to say. And not at all shy, which just makes him wonder how bold she is behind closed doors. "I'd be happy to partner you if you're wanting to move your feet a little."

"I'll leave you two to it, then," Lawrence says, but he may as well be talking to himself for all the attention they're paying to him. He leaves them together, heads bent, touching each other, and he's pretty sure that, with the interest Salma's taken in him, Moe won't be able to move the next morning. Which he's sure will suit Moe just fine.


He's still chuckling to himself over how easy it had been to get them together when he pulls up outside of Maggie's apartment building. One last glance, just to make sure that his tie and hair's in place, then he snags his hat and heads up the stairs to her door.

Checking her hair in the mirror, Maggie pats a stray curl back into place, then goes to answer the door. A bright smile curves her lips when she sees Lawrence. "Punctual," she says, opening the door wider. "I like that. Care for a drink before we leave?"

"If you're offering, sure," Lawrence says, and steps in. He brushes a kiss to her cheek as he eases past her, inhaling the scent of her perfume with a small smile. "You look lovely." Every inch the lady, not that he says it out loud (he's not completely stupid), but the dress, while sassy, isn't risqué, and the pearls and jaunty hat make her look more like Ms. Ricci than the top whore at Tartine's.

"Of course I'm offering." She winks at him as she shuts the door. Every time she sees him, he's wearing a suit, but she takes just a moment to appreciate it before moving to the liquor cabinet. Lawrence always cuts such a dashing figure. "Neat, correct?" she asks, pouring two fingers of whiskey into a tumbler.

"Good memory," Lawrence murmurs, fingers brushing against hers when he takes the glass. The current between them zings with possibility.

"Among other things," she says, with a naughty smile as she reaches out to give his tie a little tug before straightening it, hands lingering to rest against his chest for just a moment.

"Miss Gyllenhaal, are you trying to seduce me?" he asks, smoothing a hand over her hip.

"I might be." She pats his chest, then steps away, giving her hips a saucy little twitch. "But not 'til after you take me dancing."

"Good to know." He smiles at her over the rim of his glass as he takes a sip. "Because I'm after showing you off tonight. Be the prettiest girl there."

"There you go with that flattery again," she laughs, making herself comfortable on the sofa as he sips his drink. One hand smoothes over the cushion beside her, and she smiles at him.

"Ain't flattery if I mean it," he says, and takes the offered seat, sitting as close as he comfortably can. Her place isn't quite what he'd been expecting - there are a lot more books, for one thing - but it's neat and obviously well-kept.

"Then I'll take it as a very nice compliment," she murmurs, twisting a little to look at him, legs crossed demurely. Then she gestures towards the coffee table and the large vase of flowers. "And thank you for those. They were a very nice surprise this morning."

"Wanted you to know I had a good time last night," he replies, then glances, frowning, at the flowers. "There were supposed to be roses. Red ones."

"Oh, there were," she assures him, one hand on his arm. "They're in my bedroom. Jake's allergic to them, poor thing."

Lawrence doesn't even try to hide his snort of laughter. "Your brother is allergic to roses?" Now he's heard everything.

"Yes," she says, smiling as she swats his shoulder. "And it's not nice to laugh at him. He gets around them and starts sneezing like crazy. Then his eyes get all red, and his head gets stuffy, and he's not a pretty sight."

"Shame too, seeing as how he makes his living." He tries to keep a straight face, but the thought truly is funny. When she goes to swat him again, he grabs her hand and presses a kiss to her knuckles. "Go easy on me now."

She gives him another bright smile and wags a finger at him. "Now you know better about how he's making his living these days," she says, then takes a moment to let her eyes roam over his body. "And you wouldn't want me to go easy on you."

"Depends on what you mean by easy," he replies, and returns her look, letting his gaze linger over the swell of her breasts under the clinging material of her dress. "For you, I can be as easy as you want."

"Mmm..." She smiles and gives him a lazy, sultry look from beneath her lashes. "Maybe I'll take you up on that later. After dancing."

He drains the rest of the glass and sets it on the coffee table, then stands, holding out his hand. "Then we should get out of here and get to Colosimo's before I decide I don't want to share you with the rest of the world."

"Not even if you strip down right now," Maggie teases, as she takes his hand so he can pull her up. "You promised me dancing, and I'm holding you to that."

"Oh, I plan on holding you all night," he replies, and tugs her into his arms. "Be lucky if I let anyone else near for a twirl."

"Talking like I want anyone else near," she murmurs, arms twining around his neck. Standing on tip toe, her lips almost brush his. "Better be going..."

"Yeah," he murmurs, and lowers his lips for a soft, slow, almost chaste kiss. Her lips are softer than silk.

"That's nice," she murmurs, when he lifts his head. Her eyes are still closed, and she smiles before she opens them.

She's the best sort of temptation, especially like this, lips red from his kiss, soft smile in her eyes. "Come on," he says, voice a little gruff as he offers his arm, just like a gentleman. Even though the last thing he feels like around her is a gentleman.

Curling her arm through his, Maggie beams up at him. "Play your cards right," she says as they step out of the apartment, "and maybe I'll let you take me out again."

"Well, I sure hope so." Hell, after last night, Lawrence is certain he'd like to get to know Maggie a lot better. He hasn't had so much fun with a dame in a long time.

"Guess you better brush up on your card playing then," she teases, walking with him downstairs and out to the car. She waits, patient, as he opens the door and then helps her in before going around to the driver's side.

He gives her a sidelong glance as he heads towards Colosimo's. "You really think my skills need some work?"

"Oh, sugar," she murmurs, patting his hand and flashing him a brilliant smile. "Your skills are just fine by me."

"What I thought," he grins, flipping his hand over to curl around hers as he manuevers through traffic. "Glad you said yes to tonight. Club's nice and all, but it ain't no place to get to know someone."

"Well, no," she admits, squeezing his fingers and settling back in her seat. "But then, most folks that come there ain't much interested in getting to know us. I'm glad you asked me out tonight."

"Interested in more than what you're selling," he shrugs, then glances at her again. "You said last night you weren't taking clients. Why'd you head upstairs with me?" The question's been on his mind all day.

"Because I wanted to." She shrugs, fingers toying with the fringe on her dress. "You're a good looking guy, y'know. And you didn't immediately ask me how much."

"I never did," he reminds her, wondering what she'd thought about the fact that money hadn't been brought up.

"I know. I didn't either," she points out, turning to face him. "You heard me. I didn't take any clients last night."

"Good." He squeezes her hand, and pulls into his parking spot behind the club, turning slightly to face her. "'Cause I ain't aiming to be a client. I know where to go to get tail."

Interesting. Maggie studies his face. "That what are you aiming to be, Lawrence? 'Cause I ain't got a whole lot of experience with anything except clients."

"Dunno yet." He's not going to lie to her or try to snow her. "Was hoping that tonight might help us both find out."

"Alright," she says, slowly, then nods. At least he's being honest with her. "Then I guess we're both in for a few surprises, maybe."

"Hope so." He smiles, and gives her hand a last squeeze before letting go. "Shall we head inside to dazzle the crowd?"

"Definitely." Acting on impulse, she leans over and brushes a quick kiss across his lips. "Thank you."

"Thank you," he corrects, and gets out of the car, heading over to open the door for Maggie. He holds out his arm again, smiling down at her when she takes it. "Definitely the prettiest girl here tonight."

"Keep that up, Mr. Mak," she says, dimpling at him as they walk towards the door, "and I'll start thinking you're trying to turn my head."

"Maybe that's just what I want." Johnny, the backup doorman, greets them with a tip of his hat and an appraising look at Lawrence that he just returns with a benign smile. "Don't get any ideas," he says, wrapping an arm around Maggie's waist. "I'm not in a sharing mood."

"Would dream of it, boss," Johnny replies, then winks at Maggie. "But if you was to feel like ditching the lug for someone with moves, you just let me know."

"You're trying to get me in trouble and we just met," Maggie laughs. "I haven't even seen his moves, yet."

"I won't step on your toes, I promise," Lawrence says, and shakes his head with a smile at Johnny as he leads Maggie inside the club. It's a little early yet for the main crowd, but the place is already hopping, and the house band is playing a lively tune. "Well, what do you think?" he asks, using the noise as an excuse to pull her in closer.

"Nice place," she says, looking around as she snuggles up against his side. She feels positively tiny next to him. One foot taps along with the beat, and she takes advantage of their positions to wrap an arm around his waist.

"Thanks." Even though it's technically Orlando's place and Lou's the manager, Lawrence has spent more than his fair share of time here, making sure everything runs smoothly. He takes a lot of pride in the joint. "Dance floor first, or would you like a drink?"

"Dance, then drink." Looking up at him, Maggie smiles and bats her lashes. His answering smile makes her all warm inside, so she gives his waist a gentle squeeze, then tucks her hand into his.

"Whatever the lady wants," Lawrence murmurs, and takes her hand to lead her to the semi-crowded dance floor. He can see the regulars and the employees all giving him the same appraising look that Johnny had, and he takes a different sort of pride in knowing that he truly does have the best-looking gal in the joint. Word'll be all over town by morning about Orlando's man and his 'mystery' lady. It's an amusing thought that he might be in the society column without Orlando's name being mentioned.

"Such a mysterious smile," Maggie murmurs, turning to slide her free hand over his, body already moving to the music. She looks up at him through her lashes, admiring how handsome he is. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Just thinking I'm the envy of every man here," he replies, truthfully, gliding her across the dancefloor. She fits as well as she had last night - all but melting against him.

"And here I was, thinking how jealous of me all these high-class ladies are right now," she tells him, with a wink. He's an excellent dancer, but then she remembers that from last night. And she likes how she feels in his arms.

Lawrence laughs, easy and light, as he slowly dips her, then pulls her close again. "High-class ladies only give me the time of day when they're wanting an introduction to Dapper."

"Lucky me, then," she replies, brushing a quick kiss to his jaw as he whirls her around the floor. "They don't know what they're missing."

"No, but then I don't feel like I'm missing out either. Especially now."

"Oh, sugar..." She cups his jaw in one small hand and dimples at him again. "You ain't missing out on nothing, trust me."

"I know." He smiles back and turns his head, pressing a soft kiss to her palm. Between her wide, unguarded smile and the way she feels against him, he already knows he wants to see more of her, know more about her.

"'Sides," Maggie continues, with a wink and a sly smile. "Every one of them high-class ladies would faint dead away if you were to flip her over and ride her like a thoroughbred at the Derby."

"Is that a hint about what you'd like me to do to you?" he asks, skimming a hand along her back as he leads her into the next turn.

"It might be," she replies, grin turning saucy. "Don't be thinking I was just talking when I said anything you want. I love it all."

"That why you got in the game?" Most times, in his experience, girls go to their backs for money, but he's heard all kinds of things in his time.

She shakes her head, still smiling for the benefit of the people watching them. "No, my dad got hurt and couldn't work, and my mom couldn't take enough to feed us. So I figured I had one thing to sell, and I did." She shrugs a little, gliding into another turn, hand resting easily on his shoulder. "Stayed in it as long as I did 'cause I enjoy sex. Ain't nothing wrong with that."

"I'm the last person that'll call you to the carpet for how you make your living," he tells her, pulling her even closer. "And you certainly won't hear me complaining about how you act between the sheets." The idea of anyone thinking of him as the morality police makes him smile.

"Good thing, or I'd have to call you a liar," she teases, laughing as she smiles up at him, body shifting to rub against him. "Considering all the things we did last night."

"There's a lot more where that came from," he murmurs, and dips his head to brush a light kiss across her nape. "But I ain't just interested in your skills."

"Good, 'cause I ain't interested in just yours, neither." There, she's said it.

The song ends, and he just stands there, holding her in a snug embrace, reluctant to end the contact. "How about that drink, then? I'll tell you anything you wanna know."

"I'd love a drink." She presses against him, both arms wrapping around his waist. So what if people are staring? "And I'll make a deal with you. For everything you tell me about yourself, I'll tell you something about me."

"You gotta deal," he replies, and lowers his head for a soft kiss to seal the bargain.

Maggie's lips part under his, and she continues to press against him, tongue lazily tangling for the briefest of moments. When the kiss ends, she slides her tongue over her bottom lip, then smiles up at him. "Keep that up," she murmurs, "and this'll be a short date."

"There you go tempting me again." He toys with one of the pearls resting against her collarbone, giving her a private, slow smile. "Should be obvious I'm angling for an invite back to your place tonight...but I did promise you a night out."

"Consider the invite extended." Another smile, and her fingers slide up his tie to give it a gentle tug. She thinks about telling him that Jake is out for the rest of the week, but there's plenty of time for that.

"Consider it accepted." He can't resist the temptation of her lips again, but the kiss is just as soft as the last one. Wouldn't do to get too worked up while they're here.

"Good." Her dimples flash at him, and she steps back and curls her arm through his. "Now what d'you say we get those drinks?"

"What'll you have?" he asks, as he leads her to Orlando's booth. Somehow, he just doesn't think Orlando'll be using it tonight.

"A martini," she promptly answers, sliding all the way into the booth to make room for Lawrence. "Dry, please. With two olives."

"Coming up," he winks, and walks over to the bar.

Tony finishes polishing his last glass and throws the towel over his shoulder. "Who's the looker on your arm tonight?" he asks, already reaching for Lawrence's usual bottle of whiskey.

"Name's Maggie," Lawrence replies. He doesn't mention where she used to work. "And a martini for the lady, dry, two olives."

"For a glimpse of legs like that, she can have all the olives she wants," Tony winks.

"I'll be sure to tell her," Lawrence replies, with a good-natured grin.

While Lawrence is gone, Maggie looks around the club. It really is a nice joint. Nice crowd, even if most of them are a little too hoity-toity for her tastes. Ah, well. At least Lawrence isn't like them.

The curtain rises on the stage, and Maggie watches, wide-eyed, as a tall, willowy blonde steps out and starts to sing. Heaven's sake, that girl is good...far too good to be stuck in Chicago, if you ask Maggie.

Lawrence slides back into the booth just as Cate starts her first set. Voice of an angel, really, and it's a shame that she settled for Lou, but oh well. Least she don't seem to be mooning over Dapper anymore, which is a good thing. He hands Maggie her glass and clinks his to it in a small toast. "Relax and let Cate dazzle you," he murmurs in Maggie's ear, and wraps an arm around her shoulders.

"She's amazing," Maggie whispers, taking a sip of her drink before cuddling up close to Lawrence. Cate's voice is whisky smooth and there's a touch of emotion in it that tugs at Maggie's heart. "What's she doing working in a speakeasy?"

"That, my dear, is a long story," Lawrence replies softly. "For right now, let's just say it has something to do with a man."

Maggie sighs and shakes her head. "Doesn't it always?" She leans forward enough to prop her elbow on the table, chin in her hand. Her drink is forgotten for the moment as she loses herself in the sad song that Cate is singing.

Lawrence settles back, sipping at his drink as he lets Cate's smooth voice wash over him. She's holding up right well on her own, too, which he's proud to see. Maybe it's a good thing in more than one way that Lou's stuck at the house with the cupcakes. Cate needs to learn to stand on her own again.

By the time Cate is finished, Maggie's drink is warm, but she doesn't care. She sips it, thoughtful eyes still on the stage as Cate blows kisses and disappears behind the curtain. Then Maggie looks at Lawrence. "How come Dapper ain't snapped her up yet? With them legs, I'd imagine she's just his type."

Figures that Maggie would have observed Orlando's preference for leggy woman, Lawrence thinks, and smiles. "You remember that man I's telling you she stuck around for?"

Maggie nods, then blinks. Her eyes go wide as her mouth drops open. "You mean..."

"I mean," he affirms, and hopes she won't ask for too much in the way of details. That Cate was Dapper's girl for awhile is pretty common knowledge, but he won't betray either his boss or Lou's confidence by saying how and when the affair ended. He's fairly certain that, in Maggie's line of work, she understands discretion. "You want an introduction?"

"I'd love one," Maggie says as she finishes her drink. Then she leans in and pins Lawrence with a calm look. "And your boss is a damn fool if he let a bird like that slip through his fingers."

"He had his reasons." And that's about as far as he's prepared to go in defending Dapper. Instead, he signals Claire to him, and pastes on his best smile. "Could you tell Miss Cate that my lady here would like to meet her?"

Claire smiles at Lawrence and Maggie, then looks around. "Don't suppose that big lug is here with you tonight?" she asks, still peering at the crowd. "Or your boss?"

"No, it's just us," Maggie says, giving Claire a conspiratorial wink. "We're on a date."

"Oh?" Claire's eyebrows go up and she gives Lawrence another look. A date, is it? "Well, I won't make any promises, but I'll tell Miss Cate that you're asking after her, Mr. Mak."

"I'd appreciate it," Lawrence smiles, and signals (?) for another round when Claire walks off. "The big lug's Lou," he explains. "But you probably guessed that already."

"She didn't sound like she had a real high opinion of him," Maggie giggles.

"Well, you've met him," he shrugs, even though his eyes are twinkling. "I also have it on good authority that she fancied him awhile back and he wouldn't give her the time of day. She wanted a ring," he explains, when Maggie raises an eyebrow. "Lou ain't exactly the marrying kind."

"No, don't suppose he is," Maggie says, giggling again as she thinks about it. "He wouldn't even give her a tumble, though? That's awful mean of him, I think. Least he didn't do nothing stupid like get involved with her best friend, though..." She trails off and looks at Lawrence's face. "Did he?"

He doesn't want to lie to her, but then, it's not his story to tell. He's saved from answering when Cate strides up to the table, still shimmering in her stage dress. "Miss Cate," he says, with a touch of relief in his voice, as he stands and offers a light kiss to a smooth cheek. "Pleasure to see you tonight."

"We don't usually see you in here by yourself, Lawrence," Cate says, smiling as she returns the kiss. "I was beginning to think that you and Lou were a matched pair, at least in here."

"I finagled a night off," he winks, and turns to the table, smile still in his eyes for Maggie. "Miss Cate, I'd like to introduce you to Maggie Gyllenhaal. Tonight's her first night here and she just had to meet you after hearing you sing."

"Flatterer," Cate murmurs, tapping Lawrence's arm before turning to Maggie with a wide smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Maggie."

"It's my pleasure," Maggie says, sitting up straight and smiling. "You've got a beautiful voice. Join us for a drink?"

"Thank you." Cate slides into the booth across from them, noting the way Maggie cuddles up to Lawrence when he sits back down. There's something about her name... "You wouldn't happen to be related to Jake, would you?"

Maggie nods, eyes wide. "He's my brother? How d'you know Jake?"

"Oh," Cate says, smiling when one of the girls brings her a glass of wine. "He was in not too long ago for a meeting with Mr. Capone and Mr. Bloom."

"Last night for dinner, too," Lawrence reminds her, giving Maggie her fresh drink. "You sounded great tonight."

"Yes, well..." Cate blushes at the reminder of last night and takes a large swallow of her wine. "Thank you. The crowd certainly seemed to approve."

"They've missed seeing you onstage."

"Oh, I'm sure the other girls kept them well entertained," Cate says.

"Bet none of them sing half as good as you do, though," Maggie chimes in, grinning across the table.

"True," Cate admits, then she leans in and drops her voice a little. "But I don't dance nearly as well as they do."

"All you gotta do is stand there and let your voice do the work," Lawrence says, taking a sip of his drink. Feels nice sitting here like this, with his arm around Maggie, talking to Cate like they're friends again. He certainly hopes, now that the business with Orlando and Lou's been settled, that they can all go back to being friends.

"Now you sound like your partner," Cate says, laughing as she eyes him over the rim of her glass. "All big talk and flattery."

"Ain't flattery if it's true now." He brushes a kiss to Maggie's hair. "Something I was just telling this one."

"Oh, everything Lou tells me is true," Cate says, hiding a smile as she watches them. Never thought she'd see the day that Lawrence was smitten. "Doesn't mean I don't call him on his big talk."

Lou and... Maggie's eyes fly to Lawrence. Well, now if that don't beat all. "Well, he is a man, Miss Cate," she says, flashing Lawrence a sweet smile. "Most of 'em are just good for big talk."

Lawrence just winks down at Maggie. "Lucky for me I'm not most men."

"No, you're definitely one of a kind," Cate laughs. She finishes her wine, then smiles at them again. "Now, I need to run to get ready for my next set. It was a pleasure meeting you, Maggie, and make this fella bring you in again."

"Oh, I will. It was lovely meeting you as well!"

"I'll tell Lou you send your regards," Lawrence says, standing when Cate does to brush another kiss to her cheek.

"Thank you," Cate murmurs, squeezing his fingers as she kisses his jaw. "And tell Orlando...tell him I said hello, alright?"

"Of course." With another smile for her, he watches her head back towards the dressing room, and slides back into the booth next to Maggie. "So...that answer your questions?"

"Good Lord," Maggie says, shaking her head. "You expect me to believe that she was with Dapper and now is with Lou? That's...I don't know what that is."

"It's been a fun few months, I'll say that," Lawrence says, in a deadpan voice.

Maggie stares at him, then dissolves into giggles. A fun few months indeed. she has to wonder just where Jake fit into that whole equation. "You poor man," she says, between giggles. "I bet you been going crazy."

"You don't even know the half of it." His grin is rueful as he takes another sip of his drink.

"I'd ask, but I gotta feeling you wouldn't tell me." She watches him for a moment, then picks up her drink and tosses back the rest of it. "Drink up, sugar. My feet are itching to move again."

With another smile, he drains his glass, then slides out of the booth, offering her his hand. "The night is yours, my lady."

"No," she says, smiling at him as she takes his hand. "The night is ours."

[Moe and Salma's part continued here]
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