Consider Yourself Wooed (Part Two)

Oct 04, 2007 18:37

[Continued directly from here]

"We're still going on that picnic," Jake says, unable to stop grinning. Then, without warning, he wraps his arms around Mark and hugs him tight.

"Hey, now, what's this?" Mark asks, even as he returns the hug, pulling Jake close to him. Tell the truth, it's not like he needs an excuse to hold on. He likes the way Jake feels around him.

Jake just shakes his head, then buries his face against Mark's neck. He likes the way Mark smells, warm and a little spicy. "Never wooed anyone before," he mumbles, laughing quietly.

"Well, I've never been wooed, so we're still pretty even," Mark says, and kisses the top of Jake's head. "Still wondering how to woo you, though, don't think I've forgotten."

"Told you, doing a good job so far," Jake says, voice still muffled against Mark's throat. Then he lifts his head to look at Mark. "'Sides, you ain't gotta woo me."

"Well sure I do. Wouldn't be fair otherwise. 'Sides," Mark continues, stroking Jake's throat with gentle fingers, "I gotta feeling that no one's ever even tried, and you deserve it."

"No, no one's ever tried," Jake admits. His eyes slip closed as he enjoys the feel of Mark's hand on his throat. "But you ain't gotta woo someone you already got."

"Sure I do." Mark leans in, presses a light kiss to Jake's pulse. "Else I might not be able to keep you."

"All you gotta do," Jake murmurs, soft smiling curving his lips as he cups Mark's jaw, "is keep treating me like you been doing. Promise you ain't ever gonna get rid of me."

"Never," Mark promises, rubbing his lips across Jake's. It's a declaration, and they both know it, but Mark's not going to back down. He knows what he wants. "Always be your friend, and I'll be your lover as long as you'll have me."

Jake swallows. His eyes meet Mark's, and he doesn't look away. He can't. This is too important to hide or bullshit, so he drops all of the walls he's built. "That might be a very long time," he says, quietly. "A lifetime, maybe."

Definitely a declaration. Mark fleetingly wonders if Jake'll still feel this way once the hurt from Orlando wears off, then berates himself for the thought. Mark may be the bounce-back guy, he may not. What's important is that Jake means what he's saying right now. Mark owes him - owes both of them - nothing less than the same honesty. "Lifetime's an awfully long time for a young guy like yourself to saddle up with a regular joe. But I'll take you up on it," he says, searching Jake's eyes, "and I'll do my best to make sure you don't have cause to look elsewhere."

"I've had regular joes," Jake says, and manages to smile. "They leave money on the table when they're finished. I already know you ain't gonna give me reason to look elsewhere, Mark." His lips touch Mark's in a light caress. He can't remember the last time he felt this calm and relaxed. And truly happy.

At Jake's soft assurance, Mark feels a warm glow spread through him. That someone as experienced as Jake would consider him an equal is a heady thought. But, as nice as this thought is - and it's a very nice thought - Mark doesn't want to go into this without both of them making sure what's what. "How do you feel about girls?" he asks softly, running his hands along Jake's back, enjoying the feel of muscle beneath his fingers.

"What about 'em?" Jake's eyes half-close. He arches his back, silently encouraging Mark to keep doing what he's doing. "They're pretty and soft in all the right spots. And they smell good."

"You like being with 'em?" Mark takes the hint, slowly stroking Jake's spine, smiling at how feline-like Jake's acting.

"Love being with 'em," Jake murmurs. He lets out a happy sigh as Mark's hands move up and down his back. "Love being with guys, too, but girls...they're beautiful."

"They are," Mark agrees, thinking of soft curves and breathy moans. "And I'll be honest, being with you feels like nothing else I've ever had, but...I dunno's I could give up women for too long." He keeps running his hands over Jake, letting him know without words that he wants to make sure Jake doesn't take this the wrong way. "Is that gonna be a problem for us?"

"Only if you're not planning on sharing 'em," Jake says, and opens his eyes. He smiles at Mark, scooting a little closer until their legs tangle together. "Never ask you to give up women. I don't plan on it."

"Sharing?" Mark blinks, the words sinking in. "You doing a girl together?" He's heard the guys at the docks talking shit about two girls pleasuring them at once, but he'd dismissed it as so much talk.

Add another one to the list. Jake nods, grinning. "Double the fun," he says, hand sliding down Mark's side to rest on his hip. "Don't have to, though. Not if you're not cool with it."

"Well, I dunno. I might be." Actually, the more Mark thinks about it, the better it sounds. "Long as the girl don't feel neglected or anything, that wouldn't be fair to her." He chuckles a little to himself, and shakes his head. "You must think I'm greener'n a pasture, I guess."

"Think it's kinda nice, actually," Jake says. He presses a kiss to Mark's chin. Just the idea, man, that Mark is willing to even consider doing all of these things with Jake... "And if you ever think you might want to, I know a couple girls...they'd make sure we didn't neglect 'em."

"Alright," Mark nods. "Think I might like to...but not today," he adds, giving Jake a wink. "Right now I think I want you to take me around your neighborhood. Wanna see where you grew up."

"Your wish," Jake says, and snaps his fingers as he grins. Then he stops, giving Mark a thoughtful look as an idea occurs to him. "If you want...we could have dinner at my parents' could bring Ella..."

"You want me to have dinner with your folks?" It's a huge honor, and Mark can't stop the wide smile. "You bet. I'll make sure Ella's on her Sunday best."

Jake makes a rude noise and waves his hand. "Just tell her to try not to break anything. My dad's got a dog that loves kids, and they'll both be expecting her to act like a little girl."

"Well, she loves dogs, so we may have a hard time dragging her away," Mark replies. "Bring a lot of family men home do you?" he teases, nipping at Jake's fingers.

Tapping Mark's bottom lip, Jake flashes him a small smile. "Actually," he says, looking down at his fingers against Mark's mouth, "you're the first person ever."

"Ever?" Mark's eyes go wide at the implication. "Not even..."

"Not even," Jake says, quietly. "Never taken anyone home I've been involved with. Orlando..." He trails off, then shrugs and looks up at Mark again. "He wasn't around long enough."

In Jake's eyes, Mark can see love and sadness, and (incredibly, to him) hope. Won't let you down like he did, he vows silently, and rubs another kiss acros Jake's lips. "His loss," he says quietly. "My good fortune."

"My good fortune," Jake murmurs. He smiles. Just like that, it seems as if he's known Mark forever, been here like this with him his whole life. "Be easy," he whispers, mostly to himself as he studies Mark's eyes.

"What would?" Mark asks, smiling a little as he lets Jake in, hopes he's giving Jake whatever he needs.

Jake blinks and looks at Mark for a moment. Then the words sink in. "Oh," he murmurs, flush staining his cheeks again. His eyes shift away, then come back to Mark's. "Be easy to fall for you," he says, voice faltering on the last word as Jake realizes what he's saying.

"Good," Mark replies easily, cupping the back of Jake's neck. "That's the whole idea." He doesn't entertain any notions of replacing Orlando - hell, it's not like Jake could ever replace what Rhea had been to him - but it doesn't mean that there isn't anything there. "Be nice if I wasn't all by myself."

"You..." Jake's eyes widen as the import of Mark's words hits him. Mark can't mean... "You...oh..."

"What, you thought I's lying earlier or something?" Mark keeps his words light, even though he means all of them. "Thought maybe I's just saying it to get into you?"

"No," Jake says, quickly, a hint of his old, cynical smile reappearing. "You coulda had that without any promises." The smile fades quickly, and he looks at Mark. Really looks at him. And what he sees in those dark eyes humbles him. "Thank you," he whispers, fingers trembling a little when they touch Mark's jaw. "I promise you won't regret this."

"Wouldn't have offered if I thought I was," Mark answers, pressing a light kiss to Jake's palm. "We'll earn each other."

"I like that idea." With a light touch, Jake urges Mark in closer for a long, slow kiss. He's smiling when it ends. "Better warn you, though. My folks'll spoil Ella rotten."

Mark grins, both from Jake's words and the lingering taste of his kiss. "She won't mind."

"Good." Jake presses his forehead against Mark's and looks into his eyes. "They've always wanted grandkids...figure she might be the closest they get for a while."

"No plans to have any of your own?" Once, Mark couldn't imagine being a father. Now, he can't imagine life without his little girl. One day, he would like to give her a sister or brother to play with.

"One day, sure. Just gotta find the right woman, I guess." Not that Jake can imagine the right women. Hell, right now, he can't much imagine anyone that isn't Mark...and that definitely won't lead to children.

"They are hard to find." Not that Mark's especially looking right now - he wants to be sure he and Jake are solid before he starts down that road again. "Should get dressed, I suppose, if we're gonna get anything done today."

Jake nods, but doesn't move to untangle himself from Mark yet. "Got a picnic and the zoo waiting," he says, then kisses Mark again. Finally, he pulls back, reluctance obvious as he slides out of Mark's arms. "I'll order the food while you get dressed."

"Sounds good." Reluctant as Mark is to get back into the same clothes he'd been wearing all day yesterday, it's the only choice he's got. Least he's going home, so he'll have a change to get changed. "We should run by your place, get you some clothes for the week if we're gonna be here."

Reaching for the telephone by the bed, Jake smiles up at Mark. "Good idea. Have to remember to grab you some when we pick up Ella." His smile fades a little, and he sits there, clutching the phone. " you think she'll like me?"

"Of course she will." Mark snags his jeans and sits on the bed next to Jake, pulling them on before tugging Jake forward for a loose, one-armed hug. "Why wouldn't she?"

Jake shrugs even as he snuggles up against Mark. "Dunno," he murmurs, resting his head on Mark's shoulder. "Just...y'know...want her to like me."

"Well, if you treat her like a person, and are patient with her, then you'll do fine." Seeing Jake all nervous like this is endearing. Finally, Mark's got more experience than Jake in something.

"Of course she's a person." Jake's head pops up and he gives Mark an indignant look. "Just a lot smaller," he continues, as he settles back down. "Can't imagine I wouldn't be patient with she's an absolute angel most of the time, isn't she?"

Mark laughs, low and amused, and squeezes Jake's shoulders. "Sometimes, yes. But most of the time? She's a chatterbox, and a mischievous one. She keeps us all on our toes."

"Well, she's a kid," Jake says, and grins. "And I ain't met a girl yet who ain't a chatterbox."

"Now you're getting the idea," Mark grins, and kisses Jake's forehead. "Now c'mon and order the basket and get dressed so you can meet her already."

Making a face, Jake waits until Mark reaches for his shirt before sticking his tongue out. Then, smiling, he quickly places the order for the basket. "Hope she likes chocolate cake," he says, as he hangs up the phone and crawls off the bed. "The kitchen said they'd put in several pieces."

"Long as you volunteer to run after her," Mark replies, buttoning his shirt and watching Jake out of the corner of his eye.

"Be glad to," Jake grins, dragging on his jeans. He buttons them and puts his hands on his hips, facing Mark. "She's little. Means she's got short legs, so I won't have any problems catching her."

Mark doesn't even try to hold back the laugh as he searches for his shoes and puts them on. "You just keep thinking that, love."

"Not much more than a kid myself," Jake points out, sticking his tongue out again before grabbing his shirt.

"And I like that about you."

Startled, Jake looks up from the buttons of his shirt. "Oh? Why's that?"

Mark shrugs and sits on the edge of the bed to wait for Jake. "Got a lot of miles on me," he replies quietly. "But you...even as little time as we've spent together...well, you make me feel young again. It's a nice feeling."

For a moment, Jake just stands there, looking at Mark. Then he sinks to his knees in front of Mark, resting his hands on Mark's thighs. "I'm glad," he says, just as quietly.

"Me too," Mark replies, and smiles softly. "What're you thinking?"

"Just that I like your smile," Jake murmurs, with a smile of his own. "And if making you feel young again means I'll get to see it more, than I'm very glad."

"Mine's not as nice as yours." Mark traces Jake's smile with the tip of his finger. "I'm a hard man sometimes, Jake, I won't lie. Stubborn, too, so you'll have to smack me to get me to see things, but I swear, I'll do everything I can to make this work, long as you want it."

"That's all I ask." Another smile, and Jake kisses the tip of Mark's finger. "I won't smack you, though," he says, smile turning sly. "I have...other forms of persuasion that work better."


"Mmhmm..." Jake flashes a mysterious smile and stands up.

"Sounds intriguing," Mark says, and stands himself.

Jake just smiles and bends to grab his shoes. "Better call Ella," he says. "Don't tell her about the zoo, though."

"Nah, we'll just surprise them," Mark says. "I can't give Gran time to make up an excuse."

"We taking her, too?" Jake asks, finishing with his shoes and stretching as he straightens up.

"If she wants to go, she's more than invited. One doesn't tell Gran what to do," Mark grins.

"Well, no," Jake says, laughing. "Not if she's anything like my Grandma."

"Probably got a good idea, then," Mark says, following Jake out the door and locking it behind them. "Tough old broads. Guess they had to be, growing up after the War Between The States, y'know."

Reaching out, Jake laces his fingers with Mark's as they walk towards the elevator. After last night, he can't see any reason to hide how things are. "Your Gran tell you stories about it?"

"Not really." Mark nods to the elevator operator when they step inside, and squeezes Jake's hand. "Just said it was a hard time and dwelling on the past don't get no one nowhere."

"Sounds kinda like mine." Jake leans against the back wall of the elevator and watches Mark. "Sometimes she'll tell us bits and pieces, but never much."

"They might have the right way of it, I dunno." The doors open, and Mark and Jake stroll out, still hand in hand. Thankfully, the manager from last night is nowhere in sight. "Seems to me like a bunch of politics, same as now with Prohibition, I mean, not that I hold much for owning men, but wasn't like the North states weren't doing the same thing. I guess the important thing is learning from mistakes."

"I think so, too," Jake says, nodding as they push through the doors and step out into the bright sunshine. "Everyone sees things a little different, but you just gotta keep that in mind."

"Yeah." Mark couldn't agree more. "So...where do you live? Can we walk or are we taking the trolley?"

"We could walk it, but the trolley will be more fun." Jake smiles when he realizes that Mark's hand is still securely curled around his.

"Now you sound like my daughter," Mark laughs, and stops at the trolley station. The fella next to them gives their joined hands a curious look, but Mark pays it no mind. Anyone wants to fight him on it, he'd be more than happy to take 'em on.

"Told ya I'm a big kid," Jake retorts, and winks. He glances at the man nearby, then dismisses him. "It's not too far, though, so we can swing back by and pick up the food. Unless you wanna get Ella first."

"Ella and Gran first," Mark says, as the trolley rolls up. He drops a few coins into the box and takes an empty spot, Jake pressed against him. "That way we can drop off our clothes."

"Good idea." Jake smiles over his shoulder at Mark and wraps his hand around the overhead bar. The jerk of the trolley as it starts to move presses him even tighter against Mark. Then he laughs. "You can tell your Gran that she can meet my folks tonight if she wants."

"She'll probably insist on it."

A quick grin is followed by a wink. "Then I guess," Jake says, swaying a little with the trolley's motion, "you better tell her to go with us today."

"I'll let you invite her," Mark grins, and places a quick kiss on Jake's nose as the trolley takes another corner.

"I will," Jake says, flushing with pleasure under the public gesture. He leans back against Mark, smiling. "Next stop is mine."

Mark glances around when they reach Jake's stop and they step off the trolley. "Nice neighborhood," he comments, looking on in approval at the cleanly swept steps, the neat rows of houses and apartment buildings and the plants hanging from various window sills. "Lived here long?"

"Few years," Jake says, looking over his shoulder as he clatters up the stairs and through the entry door. Fishing in his pocket for his door key, he leads Mark up the stairs to the apartment. "Figured it was easier on my folks if I moved out, given my odd hours and all that."

"They know what you do?" Mark asks, a little surprised.

Jake nods, then pauses after he unlocks the door. "I don't have any secrets from my family," he says, turning to look at Mark. "It's not what they want for me, obviously, but they accept it."

"Bet they must be excited about the venture with Orlando," Mark says, stepping inside and looking around. Place is cozy, neat, with books stacked everywhere...and quite a few feminine touches. Mark wonders if Jake's mother comes over to clean.

"They're thrilled. It means I'll be semi-respectable." Jake grins, then gestures towards the sofa as he head towards the hallway. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll just be a minute. Maggie! You home?"

"Maggie?" Mark asks, mostly to himself, as he sinks onto the very comfortable sofa. "Who's Maggie?"

"My sister," Jake throws over his shoulder, disappearing through the door to his bedroom.

"Why d'you gotta come in yell...oh." Maggie comes out of the kitchen, frowning, and stumbles to a halt when she sees Mark sitting on the sofa. "Mark? What...?"

Sister... Sister? Mark stands, the motion automatic, and glances down the hall, then back at Maggie, who's standing there, kitchen towel in hand, barefoot, dress demure and a far cry from what he's used to seeing her in, brown curls framing her face in disarray. "You're Jake's sister?" he asks, shell-shocked. "I didn't even know he had a sister..."

"And I didn't know he knew you," Maggie retorts, leaning against the kitchen door and grinning at Mark. Well this is certainly unexpected. Last she knew, Jake had left with Orlando yesterday.

"Well, he didn't until a coupla days ago..." Mark's still on automatic, mind whirling with this new development. Maggie - his Maggie, his regular girl for as long as he's worked for Orlando - is Jake's sister. Fuck if that don't beat all. Abruptly, he shakes his head, and steps forward. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude, how are you, baby?" he asks, brushing a swift kiss to a smooth cheek.

"I'm good," she says, stepping into the embrace and catching Mark's head for a proper kiss.

Jake steps out of his bedroom in time to hear Mark's words, and he stops, staring as Maggie kisses him. Got an account at your club... Then Jake remembers everything Maggie's ever said about her dock worker. Jesus...

For a long second, Mark presses Maggie to him, the familiar soft curves of her, the way she fits against him, the sweet taste of her on his tongue. It's been awhile since he's had a chance to visit her... And then he remembers Jake, who she is to Jake, what they'd just promised each other not an hour earlier, and slowly, not wanting to insult her, he eases out of the kiss. When he opens his eyes, they collide with Jake's. Fuck...

"Well," Jake says, a little surprised at how calm he sounds. But then it's not like he really has any claim on Mark. He sets his small bag on the sofa and manages a smile as he looks at them. "Looks like you two know each other."

Maggie's eyebrow goes up, and she looks from Jake to Mark and back. "You could say that," she says, as she slowly starts to figure out this whole thing.

"She's..." Christ, this is going to be eighteen shades of awkward, and has the potential to end so badly, but Mark's not going to back away from this or whitewash it. It ain't like he'd known Maggie and Jake were related when he'd been with either of them. "You remember me telling you about Orlando setting up that account for me at Tartine's?" he asks, searching Jake's eyes, hoping he's not digging an even bigger hole by being honest. "Maggie...well, we took a shine to each other first time I was in there...she's been my regular girl ever since. I didn't know she had a brother."

"She's mentioned you a time or two," Jake says, quietly. He holds on to his smile as the words regular girl sink in. "You don't owe me any explanations, Mark."

"I'll just go finish the dishes," Maggie murmurs, twisting the towel in her hands as she takes a step back towards the kitchen.

"Maybe I don't, but I'm giving you one," Mark replies, and stops Maggie's retreat with a soft touch to her arm. "Don't leave. This concerns the three of us." He looks back and forth at the two of them, still floundering, unsure, knowing that he's hanging onto what he's got with Jake by a very thin thread. But they're going to start out honest or they have no shot at all.

He clears his throat, searching for any sort of words at all. He's not much for speeches. "Jake...I ain't gonna apologize, and I'm sure you're not expecting me to. What Maggie and me was comfortable, easy." He glances to Maggie for confirmation, and what he sees in her eyes encourages him. "But as easy and comfortable as it was...there was money involved. I haven't offered you a dime, and I won't." Hell, he's fucking this all up...

Jake doesn't say anything. He just slides his eyes to Maggie, who leans back against the wall.

"It wasn't what you're thinking," she says, because she knows Jake. "Mark's a good time, and he knows how to treat a girl, but I ain't in love with him. And he certainly ain't in love with me."

There's silence, and it stretches out as Jake looks at her. Then he nods, slightly, and his eyes shift to Mark. "I wouldn't take your money if you offered it," he says, still quiet. "If you and Maggie got an understanding, it's alright."

"Had," Mark corrects, and he doesn't need to look at Maggie to know she'd whole-heartedly agree. "We had one. I ain't the type to tussle with my man's sister...and that's what you are, right? What we talked about earlier, isn't it?" He can only hope that this new development hasn't messed up a promising beginning. But if Jake don't feel right about it...well, Mark would understand.

Jake takes a deep breath, then another. "I know we talked about stuff earlier," he finally says, eyes never wavering from Mark's. Of the things he'd imagined to be impediments to this thing they have, Maggie was never one of them. "I know we talked about seeing where this goes and all that. So I'm gonna ask you right now, straight up, and I won't never ask again, Mark, and if you say no, it's alright. Is a relationship with me what you really want?"

Mark doesn't even hesitate. "Yes," he answers quietly. "Without a doubt. I can't promise forever, it's too soon for that, but I want the chance. Whether I get it or not is up to you."

"Alright." Jake doesn't even try to hide the relief that washes over him at Mark's words.

"I'll just go finish those dishes now," Maggie says, smiling at them both. She brushes a kiss across Mark's cheek. "This part of the conversation doesn't concern me."

"Smart woman," Mark says, once she's out of the room. He takes a chance, takes a step, then two, towards Jake. "Told you I'd never disrespect you and I meant it. I'd never disrespect either of you."

"Alright," Jake says again, and nods. He watches Mark inch closer until he can reach out and brush his fingers against Mark's. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Mark curls his fingers around Jake's and pulls him into a loose embrace. "Way I see it, it's just...interesting circumstances is all. No need for the hairshirt."

"Acted like a jealous wife," Jake murmurs, wrapping his arms around Mark. "Didn't have a claim on you."

"Except I gave you the right," Mark replies, pressing a kiss to Jake's hair. "This is...a little awkward for me as well."

"I can imagine." Jake smiles and gives Mark a tight hug before lightly brushing his lips along Mark's jaw. "Didn't want to assume, y'know."

"Didn't want to assume what?" Mark holds Jake at arms' length, sliding his hands along Jake's arms as he looks deep into warm blue eyes. "That I meant what I told you? I know you don't know me, but I don't say things I don't mean. Ever. And I'll never bullshit you."

"Alright," Jake says, and smiles again. It's a warm smile this time, and he pulls Mark back in for another hug. "Alright. I trust you."

"And I'll trust you," Mark says, reminding Jake that this goes both ways. They've got a lot to learn about each other. "Now, I want you to be honest with me. Is the fact that I've had a thing with Maggie really going to bother you? Because I can't change what's gone on."

"It won't," Jake says, pulling back a little and sliding his hands down Mark's arms. "You said it's over, and I believe you. Won't hold your past again if you promise the same."

"Been a month since I've had time to see her, actually," Mark admits with a sheepish smile. "And I told you, man, your past? I don't care how you make your living. Gotta put food on the table. Not like you were out there hurting anyone."

"No, I wasn't." Jake offers Mark a small smile, then takes his hand and tugs him over to the sofa. "But the men who do hurt others...I helped them forget for a while."

"Their blood is their problem, not yours," Mark says, as he drops next to Jake, pulling him into a one-armed embrace. "I work for the same men you do, and I consider one of them one of my best friends."

"Orlando's a good man." Tucking his legs underneath him, Jake curls against Mark, glancing up when Maggie peeks out of the kitchen and smiles. "So's Kitten."

"Never thought he wasn't," Mark shrugs. "And I know Orlando's a good man. Don't mean I'm blind to what they do for a living, though."

Nodding, Jake leans in to nuzzle Mark's neck for a moment. "I know," he says, quietly. "Just glad I never got on their bad side."

Mark pulls Jake close for a hug. "Orlando's ain't pretty, I can tell you that firsthand."

"Seen it?" Jake sits up, interest piqued. He knows that both Orlando and Joaquin can be ruthless and cold-blooded, but to think that Mark has actually witnessed Orlando...

"More than once. Trust's not a road you want to go down." Even with all Mark's seen and done, he still gets chills when he thinks about Orlando's dark streak.

"No," Jake says, quietly, and snuggles back in against Mark with a small shiver. "I don't think I do."

"Anyway, enough serious talk," Mark says, and presses a light kiss to Jake's forehead. "We should say our goodbyes, get going. You have everything you need for the next few days?"

Gesturing towards the bag, Jake smiles. "Got clothes and stuff in there. Hotel will do laundry for us." He pauses, then looks at Mark. "Mind if I talk to Maggie for a few minutes before we go?"

"I'd be surprised if you didn't," Mark replies, and smiles. "I'll be out here when you're ready."

"Thank you." Jake leans in, and the kiss is soft and sweet. When he lifts his head, he licks his lips to catch the lingering taste of Mark's mouth. Then he slides off the sofa and heads into the kitchen. When he pushes through the door, he stops short, brought up by the sight of the enormous and colorful bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table. Roses, daisies, lilies, and a whole slew of others, and all Jake can do is stare. Then he sneezes violently.

"I'm trying to separate the roses from the rest," Maggie offers by way of apology, giving her brother an almost maternal look. Of all the things to be allergic to... "Figured I could put them in my bedroom."

He sneezes again, eyes already starting to water. One step, then two, and his back is pressed flat against the door, as far from the table as he can get without leaving the room. "Thanks," he says, voice thick and muffled as he fights off another sneeze. "Who sent 'em?"

A mysterious smile flirts across her lips, and she thinks about teasing him, but he looks so miserable, and Mark's probably sitting out in the living room waiting for him (she still wants, desperately, to ask about that, too), so she doesn't. Instead, she opens the window next to the small breakfast nook, to let in a bit of fresh air, and offers a delicate shrug. "Lawrence Mak."

"Lawrence..." Jake's eyes go wide and he sneezes again before he can stop himself. "Orlando's Lawrence? What..."

"He stopped by the club last night for a bit of R&R," she shrugs, and finally finishes arranging the roses into their own vase. Then she sets them out on the window ledge so the scent will carry out instead of inside the kitchen. "Guess he had a good time."

Jake rubs his eyes in an effort to relieve a little of the itchiness he feels. "Guess so," he says, still peering at the flowers in shock. Hell of a thank you, man. Then the rest of her words hit, and his head snaps around. "Lawrence...and you? That's, um, wow."

Maggie thinks about the night before - about Lawrence's assured hands on her, the feel of him deep inside her - and smiles another small smile. "You could say that."

"So" Jake trails off, then shakes his head rapidly. "No, nevermind, I don't want to know," he says, eyeing her smile. Then he remembers why he came in here and starts shifting his weight from foot to foot. "Listen, Maggie..."

She steps forward and places two fingers over his lips to still his words. "It's alright, Jake, you don't owe me an explanation," she says softly. "It's obvious that he's not just another good time for you."

"He's not," Jake says, just as softly, and reaches up to curl his fingers around hers. "He...last night...he treats me like I mean something, y'know? I didn't know about you and him, I swear."

"There was never any me and him," she replies, smiling into eyes so like her own. "Mark doesn't...well, he's a habitual man, and I just happened to be the one that he got along with. I never even saw him outside the club until today."

Jake takes a deep breath and wonders why he feels so nervous. "He understands me," he says, smiling a little, "in a way I don't think Orlando ever did...and he treated me real good last night. He...we...we're spending the day at the zoo today. With his little girl."

"You are?" Maggie can't help the surprised lilt to her voice. "Must be serious, then. He never lets anyone near her."

"That's what I thought." He nods, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze. "I think I want it to be serious," he says, then laughs a little nervously. "Kinda scares me."

"I bet." In their line of work, serious was a pipe dream that only suckers indulged in. "What about Orlando?" she asks.

"I love him, and he loves me..." Jake shrugs and looks down at their joined hands for a moment. Then he looks back up and meets Maggie's gaze, a sad smile on his face. "But I'm not what he needs. If you could see him and Kitten together...I can't get in the way of that."

"It's a helluva thing to be in love with someone you can't be with." Maggie's thankful every day that she's never been foolish enough to give her heart to anyone, but it doesn't stop her from aching for her brother and what he's going through. "You sure you wanna open yourself up again so soon?" She chooses her next words carefully. "Are you sure you're with Mark right now for the right reasons?"

"I don't know," Jake admits, quietly, looking down again. "But I'm sure I want to find out and see where this goes. He's a good man, and...I don't know, sis...I just...I like him a lot, and I think he likes me...I don't want to fuck this up, y'know?"

"Well, if you like him and he likes you..." She squeezes lightly on his hands until he looks up. "Then you owe it to yourself to give it a ride. But be careful - men like him don't do things halfway and I'd hate to see you get hurt again before you're even finished healing."

"Maybe he can help with that." Jake flashes her a small, sweet smile. "And who knows...maybe I can be what he needs. For a little while, anyway."

"Maybe you can." She laughs a little, and pulls him into a hug. "Although, I gotta say, I would have never pegged him as a swinger."

"I wouldn't have either," Jake says, grinning as he hugs her tight. "But then him and Kitten went a few rounds and all, and I thought why not."

"Mark and Kitten?" Now she really has heard everything. "I didn't think Kitten noticed anything that wasn't tall, dark and built like Dapper."

Jake blinks, then starts laughing. "You noticed it, too? Poor Kitten...I think he was the only one who didn't know." He shakes his head, still laughing. "I think Kitten was trying to prove something to himself maybe. He likes Mark, and Mark talks to him the way no one else will, but..."

"But he's only got eyes for Dapper," Maggie concludes with a grin. "And that ain't a secret to anyone with eyes."

"It was a secret to them," Jake snorts. "Way the two of them danced around it...guess they finally got things worked out though, least if yesterday was any indication."

"Ahhhh..." It all starts to make sense now. And to think, she'd missed all of it. Not that she's complaining at all - she can still feel the imprint of Lawrence's hands on her, and it's a nice feeling.

"He's moving Kitten into the house with him for the duration," Jake says, something close to little boy glee in his voice. Even knowing his relationship with Orlando is over, he can't help but be happy for the two of them.

"It's gonna be a sad day when Kitten has to go back to New York," Maggie observes with a smile, walking back to the flower arrangement and fingering the soft petals of the lillies.

"Yeah." Jake watches her for a moment, then walks over to wrap his arms around her waist from behind. "Orlando and his men'll still be here, though," he says, softly. "He's Capone's second, y'know."

"I know," she replies, squeezing Jake's arm as she leans back into him. "I had a really good time last night." She wonders if she sounds as surprised as she feels.

"Yeah? That's good." He smiles and kisses her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder. The, that must've cost Lawrence a pretty penny. Guess he must've enjoyed himself, too. "Maybe he'll come see you again."

"He...he asked me out dancing tonight. Taking me to Colosimo's."

For a moment, Jake doesn't react. Then he spins her around to face him again, hands on her shoulder. "A date?" He searches her eyes, a little surprised at the smile she gives him. "This is a real date? Not just 'cause he needs a bit of fluff on his arm for something?"

She nods, then smiles, wide and open. "An honest to God fella asking a girl out for a night on the town," she replies, unable to keep the amazement from her voice. She doesn't need to say that, in their profession, this is unheard of.

I'll be damned... Jake nods and smiles for her. "Alright," he says. "But you make sure he treats you right. He don't...I don't care what he does for a living."

"You know me," she says, and swats him playfully on the arm. "If I wind up on my back, it'll be bacause I want to be there and not for any other reason. Not taking clients anymore, remember?"

"Just so long as he remembers it," Jake says. He smiles again, ruffling her hair. "He offers you money, you kick his ass."

"I know just where to hit him," she replies, with a pert grin. She doesn't mention that he never offered money last night - and that she hadn't brought it up, either.

"Good," Jake says, and drops a kiss on the end of her nose. Then he steps back, just barely managing to get his hand up as he sneezes again. Too close to the damn window. "Better get those things outta here."

"I will. And you," she pokes his chest, "need to get out there with your man and enjoy your day. I take it that the bag means I shouldn't expect you home for a few days?"

"Kitten paid the hotel up for a week," Jake grins, unable to keep from sounding a little giddy. Just the idea of being with Mark for a whole week... "And Orlando gave Mark the week off the docks, with pay."

"Well, well, that is generous," Maggie replies, impressed. "I hope you both have sent around notes."

"Not yet," Jake admits. He flashes her a sheepish grin and rubs the back of his neck. "Kinda laying low right now. But we will, promise." He starts for the door, then stops as he remembers something. "Oh. Um...I, uh, kinda invited him and Ella home for dinner."

"You did?" Must be serious, she thinks. "Tell Mom and Pop yet that they're having company?"

Jake sighs and makes a face. "No, not yet. Haven't had time. I'll tell them, though. You know I ain't gonna spring guests on 'em unannounced."

"I'll tell 'em," she says, taking pity on him. "Gotta tell 'em I won't be home long for dinner myself. Lawrence is picking me up at 8."

"Tell 'em to have dinner at 6, then," he says, and presses another quick kiss to her cheek. "That way you can meet Ella, too. And thanks."

"Yeah, well, you owe me. Now get," she says, smiling, and returns the kiss.

"It's a deal. Love you," he says, and pushes back through the door, still grinning when Mark looks up.

"You ready?" Mark asks, standing and stretching his legs. "Everything alright?"

"Everything's great," Jake replies, grabbing up his bag and brushing his lips over Mark's. "Maggie'll be there for dinner tonight, so you gotta be on your best behavior."

"I always am," Mark grins, and squeezes Jake's hand.

"I'm sure I'll have ample opportunities to remind you of that," Jake laughs, and tugs Mark towards the door. "Now, we have a surprise date with a little girl."

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