Consider Yourself Wooed (Part One)

Oct 04, 2007 18:36

[Takes place the morning after this and right after this, co-written by the muns]

It takes a few minutes for Mark's sleep-fogged brain to register the warm body plastered to his side. Definitely too big to be his daughter - and far too muscular - and he runs a curious hand along smooth skin, eyes still closed to block out the sunlight from the windows. When he encounters a solid, decidedly male ass, his first thought - Joaquin - is immediately dismissed. Joaquin had never felt this good sleeping beside him.

Then he remembers the night before.

"Jake," he murmurs, voice heavy and rough with sleep, and turns his head to nuzzle a patch of soft skin.

"Mmm..." Jake squirms, frowning a little at the tickling sensation. Then the voice filters through the layers of sleep, and he struggles to open his eyes. "Hey," he murmurs, voice close to matching Mark's.

"Hey..." Mark's lips find Jake's, the kiss light and soft. He can think of far worse ways to wake up.

When the kiss ends, Jake is smiling, eyes closed again. "Nice..." He looks at Mark and scoots closer, tangling their legs together. "Sleep well?"

"Like a babe," Mark replies, running his palm along Jake's back. "How do you feel?"

"Good," Jake says, and flashes another smile. "Perfect, actually."

"Not sore or anything, wasn't too rough with you?" Although, Jake does look pretty damn good - good enough that Mark's body is already having thoughts. Then again, Jake's probably used to much worse, considering his profession.

"You were no rougher than I wanted you to be." Jake lifts his head to kiss Mark again. Truthfully, he's a little sore, but it's a good ache, and he's certainly not going to complain about it.

Good, Mark thinks, and deepens the kiss, rolling Jake on his back and following, pressing him into the mattress. Jake feels damn good underneath him.

Jake coaxes Mark's tongue out and sucks on it. He's pliant beneath Mark, but not limp, and he wraps his legs around Mark's waist.

So much for taking it easy... Mark's hard now, cock pressing insistently against Jake's belly as he grinds down, fucking Jake's mouth with short, sleek jabs. The hunger from last night returns full-force, twice as strong now that Mark knows exactly how good Jake feels.

"Want you inside me," Jake whispers, arching up, shifting so his cock slipslides along Mark's. He tightens his legs and sinks both hands into Mark's hair, tugging as he pulls Mark in for another hard kiss that steals his breath.

Inside Jake sounds like the best way to wake up that Mark can think of. He growls his pleasure into the next kiss, angling his head to delve in even deeper, the kiss desperate, messy. With a free hand, he feels around the nightstand for the bottle of lotion, and presses it into Jake's hand as soon as he has hold of it.

Without breaking the kiss, Jake fumbles open the bottle and spills some lotion on his hand. He curls his fingers around Mark's cock, slides them up, shivering inside as Mark growls again.

"Feels so good..." and, any other time, Mark might be content to let Jake get him off just like this, with an assured hand and deep kisses. But now, he wants too much, wants to bury himself inside Jake and never leave.

"Roll over," Jake murmurs, slick fingers still sliding along Mark's length. "Wanna ride you."

"No objection," Mark groans, sliding off of Jake with reluctance and settling on his back, already reaching for Jake. He feels like an addict.

Taking his time, Jake straddles Mark, keeping his fingers curled around Mark's cock. "Hand me the lotion," he murmurs, and smiles when Mark presses the bottle into his hand. Spilling some onto his free hand, Jake lifts up and locks eyes with Mark as he slides that hand between his thighs.

"Could watch you do that all day," Mark replies, voice husky as he steadies Jake's hips with his hands, watching with greedy eyes as Jake's fingers disappear inside his body.

"Feels good," Jake breathes. He licks his lips, pressing deeper, then he gently squeezes with his other hand. "Not as good as this, though..."

"It's yours," Mark murmurs, and tangles a hand in Jake's hair to pull him down. "Take it..."

"All mine," Jake whispers, and sinks down, hissing slightly as his body stretches around Mark. His lips touch Mark's, and his tongue slides out, pushing past Mark's teeth as Jake starts to move.

Even though he'd had Jake in just about every possible way last night, Mark still hasn't had his fill - not by a long shot. With a low, deep-throated hum, he starts to suckle on Jake's tongue, pushing up with every downward movement of Jake's hips, sinking deeper and deeper into incredible tight heat.

Jake moans into the kiss, grinding down on Mark's cock. It's amazing the way Mark fills him, and Jake already knows that he'll never get tired of this. He rocks with Mark, finally breaking the kiss to sit up, hands braced on Mark's chest as they move together.

"Have I told you yet how good you look all full of my cock?" Mark gasps out, biting on his lower lip as he flexes his hips, thrusts up, losing himself inside Jake.

Jake nods, smiles, his hands flexing on Mark's chest, thumbs sliding along tattooed beads. "Nice to hear," he murmurs, body rising and falling in a slow pace, sparks skittering through his blood as Mark's cock brushes his prostate with each slow thrust.

"Then I'll just keep telling you," Mark promises, mesmerized by the look in Jake's eyes as they move together, slow and easy and perfect.

"Love how you feel inside me..." Jake keeps his eyes locked with Mark's. What he sees there is exciting and a little frightening. There's an intensity there that Jake isn't used to, but he likes it.

"Never wanna leave..." It's a breathless admission, ending on a groan as Jake tightens around him.

"Don't want you to," Jake whispers, feeling his defenses crumble under the onslaught of everything Mark is. He moves faster now, catching one of Mark's hands and moving it to his cock, fingers laced together.

"That's it," Mark murmurs, stroking Jake in time with his thrusts, each movement more erratic, stuttered, as his control splinters. "Move with me...come with me..." He's already so close.

"Please...need..." But Jake's not sure what he needs. He only know that Mark can provide it. He moves with Mark, faster, almost frenzied, and then Mark flicks his wrist and that's all it takes for Jake to spill over their joined fingers, Mark's name spilling from his lips in a low moan.

Need... It's broken way Jake says his name that drives him over the edge, and Mark pushes up, burying himself as deep inside Jake as he possibly can as he comes, leaning up to bury his groan in the back of Jake's throat.

Jake wraps his arms around Mark and holds him tight. His face is buried in Mark's hair, sweat-dampened strands tickling his nose. He loves the way Mark smells right now, sweat and sex and a warm scent that's all Mark combining as Jake breathes deep.

"Definitely keeping you," Mark mumbles, turning his head slightly to kiss Jake's hair as he wraps tight arms around Jake's back. No way anyone's going anywhere.

"Happy to be kept," Jake murmurs, and pulls back just enough to flash Mark a sweet smile.

"I'll take good care of you," Mark smiles, even though he's not sure he's actually teasing. He really would like to take care of Jake - as much as Jake would let him, that is. He's got a pretty strong feeling that Jake's far too self-sufficient to be kept by anyone for real.

"Don't tease." Jake smiles again, pressing a light kiss to the corner of Mark's mouth.

"I'm not." Mark's still smiling, but his gaze is serious. "I know we only talked about this room, while we're here, but I don't need more days with you to know I want to explore this. I want you, however I can have you."

Jake's smile fades, and he studies Mark's eyes for a moment. The connection is intense, almost too intense. Then one hand comes up to cup Mark's jaw. "I'd like that," Jake says, smile returning.

"I can't promise you much...I mean, I ain't talking love or anything, I know how you feel about Orlando...but I swear to you I'll always give you respect and honesty and whatever time I can spare." Mark knows it's far less than someone like Jake deserves, but it's all he knows he can give right now.

At the mention of Orlando, Jake's heart skips a beat. But he keeps smiling, fingers gentle as they slide over Mark's cheek. "That's all I ask," he says, quietly, and leans in to brush his lips over Mark's. "I ain't asking for love, not yet anyway," he finishes, with a wink.

Mark laughs, and brings Jake's hand to his lips for a quick kiss. "You don't want my heart, trust me. It's a small prize for a fella like you."

"No heart's too small," Jake murmurs, giving Mark's hand a gentle squeeze. "Not if it's given, anyway. That's a really big gift."

"It is," Mark agrees, eyes soft as his gaze roams over Jake's features. "Orlando's a lucky man to have yours. You make sure he treats it right, even if he and Joaquin are making a go of it."

"He will." Jake looks down at their still joined hands, then shrugs. "I'm happy for them, y'know? They totally different people last night."

"They were." Mark doesn't know if he's ever seen Orlando that happy. "But being happy for them don't mean you can't be sorry for yourself."

"Orlando never promised me anything." Jake manages a small smile as he rubs his thumb over Mark's knuckles. "I just want him to be happy. And Kitten'll be good for him."

"They'll be good for each other." Mark pulls Jake closer to him, enjoying his nearness and warmth. "And now you gotta do what's good for you."

Not sure I know what that is anymore... Jake smiles again and wraps his arms around Mark, snuggling in close. "Gonna help me figure that out?" he asks, letting his eyes close as the heat of Mark's body seeps into him.

"If you let me," Mark replies, and presses a kiss to Jake's forehead.

They both jump, startled, at the knock on the front door.

Jake frowns and untangles himself from Mark. "I'll get it," he murmurs, crawling to the end of the bed and grabbing one of the blankets to wrap around his body. Gotta be one of Kitten's men. Probably forgot something.

Mark takes the opportunity while Jake's gone to step into the bathroom and wash his face, take a piss. Wouldn't surprise him if the knock was from management, making sure that Jake and Mark kept their activities in the suite. The thought makes Mark laugh.

Minutes later, frowning, Jake wanders back into the bedroom. He finishes reading through the first note in his hand, then opens the other. His frown vanishes, and he bursts out laughing even as color floods his cheeks. "You might want to see this," he says, looking up to see Mark step out of the bathroom. "And breakfast is here."

"We didn't order breakfast, did we?" Mark's frowning in confusion - and from the way Jake's blushing - when he takes the two notes. The first one, from Orlando, makes him shake his head even as he chuckles trying to picture Orlando's reaction to their exploits. The second note, from Joaquin, is a bit more to the point. "Didn't take them long to find out, did it?" he muses, reading the notes again.

"Well," Jake says, with a broad grin as he starts back out the door, "we weren't exactly discreet. I imagine we'll both be called on the carpet later for it. Now, however...we have enough food to feed an army." He pauses to glance at Mark. "And the bellboy said the room is covered for another week."

"A week?" Mark blink, startled, and studies the note from Orlando again. "So that's what he meant." He's not certain if he could stand being away from his little girl for that long, but he certainly appreciates the offer. And the paid time off from work.

For a moment, Jake studies Mark. Then he turns to the food laden cart. "We don't have to stay that long," he says, quietly, moving to set food on the small table. "You have a family. Besides," Jake looks up and smiles, "I'll be happy with whatever time you'd like to give me."

Mark looks up from the notes, then sets them on the table as he turns Jake around and pulls him into a loose embrace. "Already told you I want more time with you. Maybe..." The idea, half-formed, starts to take shape in his mind, and he fumbles around for the right words. "Maybe she and Gran could stay up here for a night, we could show them the city. They've never been in a fancy hotel before. Gran'd probably get a kick out of it."

"Really?" Wide blue eyes stare at Mark, then Jake smiles. His arms slip around Mark's waist as Jake leans in to brush a soft kiss over his lips. "They could stay a couple nights if you like. I'll behave, promise."

"If you don't, Gran'll keep you in line," Mark grins. He likes Jake like this, all warm and happy. "They...I mean, she don't know about...I'll sit her down and tell her while she's here, I swear, but before that, is it gonna bother you if..."

"If?" Jake pulls back just enough to see Mark's face.

"I don't want to disrespect my family by sharing a bed with you with them around if they don't know," Mark clarifies, softly. "You deserve better than me sneaking you around like I'm ashamed of you. And so do they."

It's no more than Jake expected. He presses a soft kiss to Mark's forehead and gently pulls out of his arms. "I can sleep in Summer's room," he says, just as softly, turning back to the table. "You have my word that they won't know what's happened because of anything I do or say. I'd never disrespect you or them like that."

"I'll tell her as soon as I can get a private moment with her," Mark promises. "I won't be like that businessman that used you all those years ago."

Jake goes completely still at Mark's words, his breath freezing in his lungs. Then his eyes slide, find Mark's. "The fact that you're willing to tell her is enough," Jake says, after swallowing and taking a deep breath. "Would it be easier if I wasn't here when they arrived?"

Mark shakes his head, and pulls Jake back into his arms. "I want you here. I want you to meet them. I'm not ashamed of you or anything that we do together," he says, searching blue eyes, hoping he hasn't said the wrong thing or messed this up before it's even started. "Wouldn't have taken you down in the lobby like that last night if I'd been ashamed. You're not a whore to me, Jake. I'd never use you like that."

"No, I know you wouldn't." Smiling again, Jake rests his hands on Mark's shoulders. "I just thought it might be easier if you didn't have to answer any questions before you had a chance to talk to her, that's all."

"If she's got questions, then she'll ask them." Mark steps closer until he's brushing against Jake with his entire body. "Told you I couldn't promise you much, but you'll get all I can give you. That includes my honesty and respect."

"I'm not asking you to promise anything." Jake rests his forehead against Mark's and closes his eyes for a moment. "I didn't want to put you in an awkward position."

Mark's answer is low, soft, filled with promise. "It would only be awkward if you didn't mean all those things you said last night."

It's on the tip of Jake's tongue to say that he only says things he doesn't mean if he's being paid to. But he swallows the words and gives Mark a soft smile. "I meant every word."

"Then there's nothing wrong," Mark answers, and leans in for a soft kiss. He knows deep in his heart that he's moving too far, too fast, but he's never been one to take it slow when he knows what he wants. And he wants Jake, even knowing that Jake wants someone else. Not the first time he's played second fiddle.

"Mark..." When the kiss ends, Jake cradles Mark face in his hands. He looks into Mark's eyes, searching the dark depths for something he doesn't have a name for. "If we're going to do...whatever this is...yes, I love Orlando. But I also know that I don't have a future with him. That's Kitten's place now."

"I'm not asking you to choose." Mark's been around long enough to know that the human heart's capable of just about anything. And he's seen enough death in his life to know that you have to take whatever happiness life gives you however it happens.

"Just lettin' you know is all." Another fleeting smile, then Jake pulls away and catches Mark's hand. "Don't want you thinking that I'm wanting to be with him when I'm here with you."

"Only if you were thinking about him while I'm inside you," Mark answers, and squeezes Jake's hand as he sits at the table.

"Definitely not," Jake laughs, reaching for the silverware. He looks at the table and the still half-full cart. "We really do have enough to feed an army."

"Well, they're not invited," Mark grins, and pours himself a cup of coffee. "'Sides, we didn't eat nowhere near this good when I was enlisted."

"Should've stuck with Kitten if you wanted to get used to eating like this," Jake says, and takes the coffee from Mark, adding a touch of cream to his before reaching for the bacon.

"Nah, good as this food is, they got nothing on Gran," Mark laughs, and fills his own plate. "Maybe one day, if you're lucky, she'll make you her chicken and dumplings. Best flavors you ever had in your mouth."

"I'll definitely be on my best behavior then," Jake winks.

"You better be," Mark smiles, between bites. "Gran shares everything with my Mom."

Jake chokes on his bite of biscuit, then stares at Mark through watery eyes as he reaches for one of the glasses of orange juice. "Everything?"

"Wait now, you thought I wasn't gonna tell Mama about you?"

Swallowing his juice, Jake shakes his head. "I...I didn't expect you to tell anyone."

"That ain't how I am," Mark replies, and takes another sip of his coffee. "If we're together, then my family'll know it. Unless you'd rather they didn't." It'll be hard for him to keep Jake a secret, but he'll give it a try if that's what Jake wants.

"No, no, it's just..." Jake shrugs, unsure what to say. With the exception of Kitten, no one's ever really been concerned with him being a secret. "Guess I just wasn't expecting it, that's all," he finally says.

"No one's ever treated you like they should, have they?" Mark asks softly, mostly to himself.

Breaking his biscuit in two, Jake looks down at it and then reaches for the butter. "I'm a whore, Mark," he says, just as quietly, focusing on spreading the butter onto the hot bread. "Most people treat me exactly like I expect them to."

Mark drops his hand over Jake's and squeezes until Jake looks up. His voice is serious, soft. "Well, maybe it's time you started expecting something more. I don't care what you do for a living. You're still worthy of respect."

The silence is so loud it's deafening. Jake can feel it pressing in on him. "Thank you," he says, and manages a faint smile.

"Don't thank me for doing what's right," Mark replies. "If you act a certain way, people'll treat you that way. Ain't like I'm high-class or anything, but I expect people to treat me like a man."

Jake takes a deep breath, then another. He's calm when he looks up at Mark. "Do you think I act like a whore outside the club? Last night's the first time..." He stops and shakes his head.

"No, I don't, but I don't know you that well. What were you going to say?"

"Last night was the first time I did anything like that," Jake says, picking up his fork so he can scoot the eggs around his plate. "Not even with Kitten, and he's pretty open about what he does."

"Then I'm flattered that you trusted me like that," Mark says, and smiles. "Think it's safe to say that I've never done anything like that, either."

"I kinda figured that out," Jake replies, and his smile's a little firmer this time.

Mark shrugs a little, but his eyes are twinkling. "I think I handled myself pretty well for it being my first time in front of an audience."

"You were amazing," Jake says, softly, sincerely, and he twists his hand to lace his fingers with Mark's.

"So were you," Mark replies.

Jake flushes a little and smiles. Picking up his fork again, he gestures at Mark's plate. "Better eat before it gets cold."

"Sounds like a good idea." Reluctantly, Mark lets go of Jake's hand and picks up his fork. "Got any ideas on how we could spend our day today? Tell the truth, I don't know what to do with all of this free time."

Swallowing a mouthful of eggs, Jake laughs. "Now you sound like Orlando. Guess you don't get much free time, either."

Mark shrugs, but doesn't apologize. "I got a demanding job and a family. Like I said, it don't leave much time."

"Gotta learn to make time," Jake says, giving Mark a calm look as he reaches for another biscuit. "Not gonna do anyone any good if you exhaust yourself. Who'll take care of them then?"

"Here now, aren't I?" Mark says, and reaches for his own biscuit. They're not his Mom's, but the preserves can't be beat. "I mean, hey, if you don't wanna show a fella a good time or how to relax or if you think I'm too much trouble..."

Jake tilts his head and gives Mark a haughty look. "If you were too much trouble, I wouldn't be here." Then he sniffs and returns his attention to the biscuit in his hand, trying not to smile. "And I think we both know I can show you a damn good time."

"Inside the bedroom, sure, but I don't think it's much of a secret that you're the best I've ever had," Mark grins, and takes another bite of eggs. "Question is, what're you like outside it?"

Best I've ever had... The compliment makes Jake glow, and he flashes Mark a shy smile. "Never had any complaints outside it," he murmurs.

Mark's answering smile is wide, dimpled, and full of mischief. "Prove it."

"Anything in particular you'd like to do?" Jake nibbles at his biscuit and tilts his head to watch Mark.

"Get to know you better, maybe see a bit of the city. Not too picky, I just wanna enjoy my time with you."

"I'd like that," Jake says, quietly, and smiles. "Maybe one day this week, we could take your little girl on a picnic."

"She'd love that." Mark pops the last bite of biscuit into his mouth. "Figure she's old enough for the zoo now, too, what do you think?"

"Of course she is." Jake grins and lounges back in his chair, feet comfortably tangling with Mark's beneath the table. "We could have the picnic at the zoo."

"That'd be nice." Mark's curious to see what Ella makes of Jake, if she'll take to him. "Although I'll warn you now, if you're planning on using my daughter to woo me, it'll work," he winks.

A wadded up napkin sails across the table to bounce off Mark's head. "I just want to get to know her," Jake protests, laughing. "Though if using her to woo you will work..."

Mark tosses the napkin back at Jake's head. "Just said it would," he laughs. "Why, you aiming to? I got a weakness for posies..."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jake says, winking as he catches the napkin. "Maybe I'm planning on getting inside your head so you can't forget me."

"There ain't no danger of that happening," Mark assures him, and snags Jake's hand. "Even if I never saw you again, I'd never forget you or last night."

"Good," Jake murmurs. His fingers curl over Mark's, and he slips from his chair to straddle Mark's lap. "I already know I ain't ever gonna forget you."

"Sounds like we got a right nice beginning, then," and even though Mark's serious, he really does want to get to know Jake better outside the bedroom, it doesn't stop him from raising his lips to Jake's for a slow, thorough kiss. Jake's weight is warm, solid, and Mark doesn't want to let go.

When the kiss ends, Jake leans back a little, smiling when Mark's arms tighten around his waist. His teeth close over his lower lip, and he studies Mark's face. It scares him how quickly he could get used to this. "How'd you like to go to the zoo today?"

"Like a recon mission, check to make sure it's good enough for Ella?" Mark asks, leaning in to inhale Jake's scent. Nice, clean, pure male, all Jake.

Jake laughs a little, breathless as stubbled skin brushes against his throat. "Well," he says, sliding his fingers through Mark's hair, "kinda thought maybe we could take her today. Unless you want to wait."

"Trying to woo me already?" Mark teases, licking at a patch of skin just under Jake's jaw. Not that he's displeased with the idea - far from it. He's only been away from Ella for one night, and he already misses her.

"Yeah," Jake breathes, fingers tightening just enough to pull Mark's head up for another kiss.

When Mark finally lifts his head and licks his lips, cementing Jake's taste on his tongue, he lifts a hand to cup Jake's face. "Already told you I wanted to give this a shot," he says quietly. "No need to woo me if I'm already yours for the asking." Again, he wonders what the hell he's doing, why he's moving so fast, but he knows to his bones that Jake would never knowingly hurt him or his family. It's enough for him.

"I feel the same way," Jake admits, voice soft. He leans in to rest his forehead against Mark's, enjoying the closeness and easy warmth. This is all moving much too fast, and he knows it...but even with Orlando, it didn't feel this right. "Nothing wrong if we both woo each other a little though, right?"

"Not at all," Mark agrees softly. "What would it take to woo you, I wonder..."

"Dunno," Jake says, and bites his lower lip again before smiling. "No one's ever tried before...but you been doing a good job so far."

"I haven't done anything."

"You've done a lot." One thumb rubs over Mark's bottom lip. "Treated me like a real person the whole time."

"I can't imagine I'm the first to do that," Mark replies, kissing Jake's thumb before sucking on it briefly.

"No, you're not," Jake agrees, breath catching as Mark's tongue curls around his thumb. "But it don't happen often."

"Told you," Mark murmurs when he slides his lips off of Jake's thumb, "long as you earn it, I'll always treat you with respect."

Jake shivers and opens his eyes slowly. "Ain't ever gonna act the whore with you," he whispers. "Not unless you want me to."

"Want you, not a performer," and Mark leans in, brushing a light kiss across Jake's lips.

"Then that's what you'll get," Jake promises, returning the kiss. He scoots in until his cock brushes Mark's. "How about we order a picnic basket for this afternoon, then you call Ella and tell her...then we go back to bed for a bit."

"Sounds perfect." Mark can't think of anything else he'd rather be doing. "What'd you have in mind?"

"Just taking a little time for ourselves before we go back out in the world." The idea of having Mark all to himself, even if it's just for a little while, is intoxicating.

"Yours as long as you want me," Mark promises, brushing another kiss to full lips. "Today, this week, when we check out of the hotel and get back to our lives..."

"Maybe..." Jake takes a deep breath and tells himself to shut up now. "Maybe I might want you for a lot longer than this week."

Slowly, Mark smiles, soft and sure. "Maybe that's what I've been trying to tell you all morning."

"Yeah?" Jake's smile matches Mark's, and he feels like he's about to burst.

Man, if there's anyone alive that can resist that smile, then they must be the hardest sucker in the world. Because Mark's sure as hell not that man. "Thought I was being pretty obvious about it. Getting ready to tell my Mom and Gran about you. Hell, you think I do that with everyone I sleep with?"

"Dunno." Another smile, and Jake leans back to rest his back against the table edge. "Don't really know much about you, y'know? You might be more perverse than Kitten."

"Is he really perverse?" Mark slides his hands along Jake's chest as he thinks about the couple of times he was with Joaquin. It had been good - great, really - but nothing...out of the ordinary, as far as that had gone.

"He's Kitten Phoenix." Jake shrugs, and his eyes slide half-closed as Mark's hands move over his skin. "Though I think half of what he says is just designed to get a reaction."

"Could be," Mark muses, even though he's not really thinking about Joaquin. Not with the lure of Jake so close and real and warm, reacting to his every touch. "Wasn't like that with me at all. Not that it matters."

"No?" Jake lifts his head to look at Mark. "Why's that?"

"Because what he and I had is over," Mark shrugs. He'd have thought that would have been perfectly obvious, given Orlando and Joaquin's behavior yesterday.

"Think so?" Jake sits up and thinks that over for a moment. Then he looks at Mark again. "He really liked you, I think."

"I liked him." With another soft smile, he skims his fingers over Jake's cheeks. "Doubt I'd be here with you if he hadn't come along, shook me up some. I said last night, he needed a whole lot more than I could ever give him. Something I think he can only get from one person."

Jake nods, and the admission doesn't hurt as much now as the realization did last night. "They both do," he says, quietly, nuzzling against Mark's fingers. "Think they both need a lot more than...I dunno...a normal type person could ever give 'em."

"Good thing they got each other, then," Mark replies, and cups a hand around the back of Jake's neck to pull him close. "Thinking I got the better end of the deal."

"Y'think so?" Jake flashes a lazy smile as he allows himself to be pulled in close. His arms drape over Mark's shoulder, fingertips trailing over warm skin. "And why's that?"

"You're younger and better-looking," Mark winks, and parts Jake's lips for a soft kiss.

Pulling back at the end of the kiss, Jake keeps his composure for a few seconds, then dissolves into helpless giggles. "Kitten's a damn good-looking man, Mark."

"Never said he wasn't," Mark grins, pleased as punch to see Jake laugh. "But he ain't you. 'Sides, you trying to tell me you'd prefer it if I was to go after him again..."

"He wouldn't have you," Jake says, still gigging, head resting on Mark's shoulder now. "You saw the way him and Orlando were making calf eyes at each other last night."

"Well, I guess it's lucky for me I like 'em young and pretty, then," Mark murmurs, scraping light teeth over Jake's earlobe.

"Lucky for me, you mean," Jake says, shivering and pressing closer to Mark.

"Maybe we both got lucky." Mark slides his lips over Jake's. He can feel Jake pressing against him, hard, hot, insistent, and it takes everything he can to keep it light. "Know I feel that way."

Jake nods, breathless from the kiss, from the way Mark is pressed against him. "Me, too," he says in a voice just above a whisper, eyes wide as he stares at Mark. Be so easy...

"Think you could..." Mark licks his lips, tangles his hand in Jake's hair " me a little more of what you showed me last night?"

"Be happy to." Jake smiles, lashes lowering until he peers at Mark through them. "You want my tongue again? Or," he pauses, running his tongue over his lower lip, "maybe my fingers this time?"

Mark leans forward, mesmerized, by the sheen on Jake's lips. "Can I have both?"

Without looking away, without flinching, Jake nods. "You can have anything you want. Anything at all..."

"I'll take it," Mark replies, and covers Jake's lips in a hard, possessive kiss.

Jake whimpers into the kiss, tongue sliding along Mark's. His hands come to rest on Mark's chest, fingers lightly stroking, and the kiss is enough to have him rocking restlessly against Mark.

The need, bubbling under the surface since breakfast, slams into Mark with the force of a sledgehammer, and his teeth catches Jake's lower lip on the next kiss. "Back to bed," he groans, pushing his hips against Jake, needing more friction. "Wanna feel you..."

"All yours," Jake whispers, as he slides from Mark's lap. It's a vow, and his smile softens as he holds out his hand to Mark.

Mark likes the sound of that. But he likes the sight of Jake better as Jake tugs at his hand, walking backwards back to the bed. Mark lets his gaze roam over a muscled chest, strong thighs, a hard cock... "You really are gorgeous," he murmurs.

"Thank you," Jake murmurs, ducking his head as he feels a faint blush creep over his cheeks. When the back of his legs touch the bed, he sits down and pulls Mark to stand between his thighs. "So are you."

"Short and stocky," Mark corrects with a smile, feathering his fingers through Jake's hair as he steps closer, the head of his cock bobbing against Jake's chin.

"I think you're gorgeous," Jake says, with a small frown as he looks up at Mark. Then he bends his head as he slides his hands up Mark's thighs. "Absolutely beautiful," he murmurs, tongue darting out to slide over the head of Mark's cock.

"Take your...word for it," Mark gasps, and pushes forward slightly, watching avidly as his cock disappears between beautifully full lips.

His thumbs brush over the point of Mark's hipbones, and Jake relaxes his throat, taking Mark as deep as he can. He's already addicted to the way Mark tastes, the way Mark feels on his tongue. Each bob of his head is controlled, tongue sliding along the length of Mark's erection as Jake sucks just hard enough to hollow his cheeks.

Absolutely fucking beautiful, and Mark would cheerfully fight anyone that would disagree. Jake like this, all wide eyes and hollowed cheeks and red lips, is just about the prettiest thing Mark's ever seen. "Love watching you like how you love my cock..."

Jake just smiles around Mark's cock and starts to hum. He could do this for Mark all day, just like this, slow and lazy. One hand slides over Mark's hip, up the inside of his thigh, until Jake is cupping Mark's balls. Then he squeezes gently as he tips his head back just enough to watch Mark's face.

It's a struggle to keep his eyes open, but Mark doesn't want to miss a thing. Jake looks so good, feels so good around him, fingers gently squeezing. "Wanna learn this for you..."

Jake's movements stutter for a moment, and he stares at Mark. Slowly, reluctantly, he pulls back and lets Mark slip from his mouth. "Don't have to," he murmurs, sliding his fingers along Mark's now slick length.

"Of course I do," Mark replies on a breathless chuckle. "Wanna make you feel as good as you make me feel." And right now, Jake's making him feel pretty fucking good.

"You already make me feel good." Jake grins up at Mark, fingers continuing their slow glide. "But if you really wanna..."

"Don't say things I don't mean," Mark replies, taking a deep breath as Jake's fingers find some magic spot.

"Just do what feels right," Jake murmurs. His free hand slides between Mark's thighs, fingers teasing over his hole. "If it feels good on you, chances are it'll feel good on me."

Mark shivers again, knees buckling under the gentle onslaught of Jake's touch. "Everything you do feels good."

"It'll all feel good if you do it to me." Jake smiles, fingers pulling back to lightly press just behind Mark's balls. "Can do anything to me, y'know. Anything at all."

At Jake's words, Mark gets even harder. "Want to..." he moans, pressing back against Jake's finger. "Please, Jake..."

He doesn't have any lube, but Jake presses gently until just the tip of his forefinger is inside Mark. "Tell me," Jake says, voice soft and firm, fingers still moving along Mark's cock in a steady rhythm.

The words sound messy, stilted, thick on his tongue. Jake is going to be the death of him, but what a way to meet his Maker. "Wanna do everything," he moans, pushing into Jake's fist, back on his finger. "Want you to do everything..."

"We can," Jake murmurs, and smiles up at Mark. "Everything you want. Here." He catches Mark's hand and pulls him down to the bed.

This greed - overwhelming and all-encompassing - is scary as all hell, but Mark's been afraid before, and it's never stopped him. He falls on his back on cool sheets, reaching for Jake, needing skin on skin contact. When Jake just shakes his head and smiles mysteriously, Mark frowns a little. "What is it?"

"You said you wanted to learn," Jake says, and smiles again. He crawls up to press a light kiss to Mark's lips before sliding down, lips trailing over heated skin. Slowly, Jake twists around, pulling Mark over onto his side. "I want you to do everything I do, alright?"

"But you're..." Still confused, Mark looks down at Jake, where he's nuzzling the sensitive crease between Mark's thigh and hip. Slowly, his gaze travels back to Jake's cock, just out of reach of his own lips. "At the same time?" he breathes, wonder coloring his tone. He's never heard of such a thing.

"Can you think of a better way to learn?" Biting his bottom lip, Jake tries not to laugh at Mark's expression. Something else that's new to you... He slides his hand along Mark's thigh, over his hip, and leans back in to nuzzle Mark's groin. "This feels amazing, I promise."

"Doubt I'll be able to concentrate on doing anything to you," Mark warns on a low moan. "Mouth's too..." He moans again, and turns his head, inhaling musk and sweat as he parts his lips, licks at the springy hairs at Jake's groin.

"You'll do fine," Jake breathes, lips moving along the inside of Mark's thigh. He turns his head to lick across Mark's balls, keeping his touches light and easy so Mark can focus.

Mark does his best to mimic Jake's actions, sliding the flat side of his tongue across smooth skin, flattening crisp hairs. Definitely never done anything like this before, but he's enjoyed it when others've done it to him - especially Jake - so he thinks he could catch on pretty quick. Long as Jake doesn't distract him too much.

His hands continue to slide along Mark's thighs, each motion soothing. Jake licks along Mark's balls again, then draws one into his mouth, sucking lightly as one hand curls around Mark's cock. Musk and sweat dance over his tongue, and Jake can smell his own scent on Mark from earlier.

Jesus...definitely distracting. Mark takes a shaky breath as he gently, slowly, sucks one of Jake's balls into his mouth, running his tongue over the skin. Feels different, but good, and it gives him an even bigger thrill to know that he's giving Jake (hopefully) the same pleasure that he's getting.

One hand tightens on Mark's thigh, and Jake moans deep in his throat. Mark's inexperience is obvious, but what he's doing feels pretty damn good to Jake. He transfers his attention to the other side, teeth grazing gently over velvety skin, tongue pressing against the firm sac.

Jake is clearly a master, and Mark's just going along for the ride, but he aims to make it as enjoyable as possible. Jake's moans are music to his ears, and he laves attention on Jake's other side, nipping and licking and sucking, following Jake's lead, humming and pushing his hips to let Jake know how much he enjoys what's being done to him as well.

The way Mark moves against him has Jake smiling. Then Mark's teeth drag over his balls, and Jake gasps, pausing for just a moment to catch his breath. "Feels good," he murmurs, voice thick and low. He nuzzles Mark again, paying his balls a little more attention before sliding the flat of his tongue along the underside of Mark's cock.

Mark gasps, almost choking, before he gets himself under control. No way he's going to survive this. "So good..." he breathes, and wraps his lips around the head of Jake's cock, tongue flicking out to lick at the sensitive underside.

When Mark takes the initiative, Jake groans. His fingers tighten on Mark's leg again, and he can't keep from bucking forward. Keep it together, easy... Tongue still sliding along Mark's length, Jake pulls back a little and wraps his lips around the head, sucking lightly as he takes Mark deeper.

It's like a competition now, but with no losers at all. And Mark takes to it like a duck to water, rocking his hips forward, moaning around Jake's cock as Jake takes him deeper. He matches Jake's movements, tongue slipping and sliding along Jake's length as he bobs his head, trying to match Jake's rhythm. The part of him that's still coherent wonders why he's never done this before, but another part is fiercely glad that Jake's the one to show him this.

Jake can feel the pressure building, and he knows he isn't going to last much longer. Groping blindly, he manages to catch Mark's hand and lace their fingers together. With a gentle squeeze -- s'alright, right here, got you -- he increases his efforts, humming as Mark's cock slides down his throat with each bob, skin tingling and stretched tight with each slide of Mark's lips on him.

This is just about the most perfect feeling in the entire goddamn world - Jake's lips wrapped tight around him, his lips wrapped tight around Jake, both of them moving and sliding and making each other feel good. Already, Mark's addicted, knows he'll want this again and again. He holds tight to Jake's hand, choking out a moan as he takes Jake deep and Jake does some fantastic flutter thing with his tongue. When the first tremors start to wrack his body, he tries his best to relax, to bring Jake off with him.

Need... It all feels too good. Jake doesn't even try to fight it when his orgasm rolls over him, pulling him under. All he can do is hold on to Mark's hand and try to focus on what he's doing.

At the first thick sputter, Mark starts coughing, come dribbling down his chin as he tries to swallow as much as he can. The taste is somehow different, better, more, and he wonders if it's the same for Jake.

Jake rests his cheek against Mark's thigh, eyes closed, trying to control his racing heart. He can feel the tremor that runs through Mark's muscles, knows it matches the one running through his. "Fuck," he murmurs in a hoarse voice, mouthing the inside of Mark's leg. "Fuckin' amazing..."

"Yeah," Mark agrees, falling on his back and trying to draw breath into air-deprived lungs. "Never knew..."

"I'm glad." Jake smiles against Mark's thigh, then twists his body until they're curled together, face to face. "I'm happy that I was the one to show you."

"Not half as glad as I am," Mark smiles, lifting his head for a soft kiss. He can taste himself on Jake's tongue, taste the two of them mixed together. It's a heady combination.

"You were wonderful." Jake kisses Mark again, running his tongue over his bottom lip when he pulls back.

"Had a good teacher," Mark murmurs, smiling as he studies Jake's face. "Definitely working, by the way."

Blinking, Jake frowns in confusion. "What is?"

Mark lifts his hand and curves his fingers around Jake's jaw. "Consider me wooed."

Jake blinks again, then a wide smile appears on his face. "Yeah?"

"Definitely," Mark says, returning the smile easily.

[Continued here]
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