The February Challenge stories, with the theme of "Send It In a Letter" have now been posted. Each author was given a particular kind of letter to use as a central element in the story. We’ve had nine entries so far.
The February "Send It In a Letter" Challenge
Slipped under the Door of the Master Bedroom, September 25, 1444 by Celeritas A heated argument with her father leads Elanor to some serious self-examination.
Letter of Eviction by Larner How word came to the folk of Bagshot Row that they were being displaced by Lotho Sackville-Baggins.
Before it was Broken by Linda Hoyland Arwen has a difficult letter to write.
Farewell to Dol Amroth by nautika Imrahil returns from his daughter's wedding in Rohan to find the following on his desk.
Go Not to Aunt Dora for Advice, for She Will Give It at Great Length... by Dreamflower Frodo's Aunt Dora reacts to a very welcome Bit of News!
A Most Sterling Recommendation by Antane Gandalf writes a letter to Thorin recommending Bilbo to the
part of the Company
In Deepest Sympathy by WendWriter Thranduil struggles with the wording of a letter to Elrond after Celebrían sails to Valinor.
The Haunting of Bag End by WendWriter A flurry of anonymous letters prompts Bilbo to discover who sent them - and put a stop to it.
Yew, Chapter 11 by Pearl Took Yew and the Tooks are at Bag End the day of The Party and Frodo is in for a couple of surprises.
I hope you will check out the stories, and let the authors know how you liked them!
And authors, remember that late entries are always welcome!