Feb 16, 2010 17:26
The March Challenge will have the theme "Mad as a March Hare". Stories should include a character who seems "mad" or is acting strangely or out-of-character-- for a reason! Your element will be a type of weather, which you will include in the story.
The March challenge stories will be due the weekend of Friday,March 12, and will be revealed on Monday,March 15. Please tag your story "mad as a march hare". Please remember to use the header template on the community profile page, and to put the name of your story and your name in the subject line.
To request your elements, please leave a comment to this post. If you have not participated before, please leave an email address so that I can send you your elements. Or you can email the mods at aelfwina@gmail.com or virginia_lee_redcat@yahoo.com
I hope we'll have lots of participants for our March challenge!
announcement: challenge,
month: 2010 march,
challenge: mad as a march hare