J2 Fic: Underneath This Texas Sky

Feb 08, 2008 16:55

Title: Underneath This Texas Sky
Author: lostt1
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 24,500
Warning: Language, mostly.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I just like to play with them every once in awhile.
Summary: Money can buy popularity but... For Jensen, he just wanted to be a part of the cool crowd. When star quarterback Jared needs help, Jensen sees his chance. What he gets is more than he bargained for.
Notes: For abouttwoboys, I changed up Can't Buy Me Love. Basic structure and plot is the same. But a lot has changed. Thanks to __tiana__, keepaofthecheez, and affectingly for acting as my sounding board and reading things over as I went along. I love you guys!

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Poster

Jensen wiped a hand across his brow as he pushed the mower into the garage. The last yard before school started was finished and Jensen had more than enough money for the Collings guitar he'd been eyeing. All he had to do now was tell Max to place the order and it would be his.

The summer, like all the summers before, had been sweltering hot and extremely uneventful. Jensen had mowed the lawns of nearly everyone in town under a blistering hot sun, dreams of something more drowned out by the roar of the engine.

"You finally done?"

Jensen jumped, startled by the familiar voice. Chris smirked up at him from his perch on the stool, fingers hard at work restringing his guitar.

Jensen flushed, embarrassed by his reaction. It's not like it was unusual for Chris to be waiting for him in the garage. Best friends since the third grade, the two were nearly inseparable. Chris spent more time tinkering with his music in Jensen's garage than he did anywhere else.

Chris grabbed a towel from the shelves next to his head and tossed it in Jensen's direction. After a minor fumble, Jensen used it to wipe the sweat from his face.

"Last yard of the year," he mumbled into the cloth before tossing it aside. He felt disgusting, his clothes sticking to him like a second skin.

"'Bout time, boy," Chris set his guitar down gently on its stand and stood up, brushing his hands on his jeans. "Now we can focus on the good stuff."

Jensen quirked an eyebrow. "Oh yeah, like what?"

Chris grinned his Cheshire grin. "It's senior year, man! We're gonna be livin' the life. Hell, the fall play this year is gonna be a musical and you know you'll get the lead. You're the only one who can pull it off. And Mr. Reynolds asked me to help out with the music so it's sure to rock."

Jensen just grunted his response. He couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was missing out on something big. A rite of passage just slipping by while he was busy doing other things.

The low rumble of an engine filled the air and Jensen glanced over his shoulder at the road just as Chad's pickup swung into the driveway next door. Jensen bit his lip as he watched Jared hop out of the back, his long legs swinging up and over with ease. Jared tossed his head back, laughing at something one of the guys said. Jensen swallowed, admiring the other boy, jealous of how he was always at ease in his own skin.

"Looks like the jocks are back from cock camp," Chris grumbled, moving to stand at Jensen's shoulder.

Jensen shrugged, hoping Chris didn't notice his fascination with his neighbor and company.
Unfortunately, Chris never missed a thing. He frowned, eyebrows drawing together. "Please tell me you're not still wishing you were one of those losers."

Jensen looked down at the ground, digging the toe of his sneaker into the concrete. "Of course not."

It was obvious Chris didn't believe him. "Those guys aren't going anywhere in life, you know. You'll be living your dreams and headlining on Broadway and they'll still be here, stuck in this two horse town, pumping your gas when you blow through on your way to bigger and better things."

Jensen sighed and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He and Chris had the same argument at least once a week. "Don't you feel like we're missing out on something? That there is something better than this?"

Jensen swept his arm out, indicating their cluttered surroundings. Sweat ran down the side of his face and dripped onto his neck, causing him to shiver. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up, attempting to wipe his face.

"Damn Ackles, who knew you were hiding that under all those baggy shirts."

Jensen flinched as Chad's voice carried across the yard. He dropped his shirt, feeling his face burn as the other guys whistled and catcalled. Chad smirked as he backed out of the driveway.
He couldn't leave well enough alone, though, and stopped, hanging his head out the open window. "No wonder your boyfriend never leaves your side."

Jensen saw Chris flip Chad off, his face showcasing barely contained fury. Chad just laughed and turned back to Jared. "Yo Jared, see you at practice tomorrow. Game against Jamison is Friday so you better be ready!" He put the truck into gear, tires flinging rocks behind him as he took off down the street.

Jensen pushed his glassed up the bridge of his nose and spared one last look in Jared's direction. His face was on fire. Jensen didn't know why he let Chad get to him. He'd been yelling a variation of the same insults at him for years now.

Jared was watching Jensen, an indecipherable look on his face. When he met Jensen's eyes, he simply mouthed 'sorry' and turned toward the house.

"They're all just a bunch of assholes," Chris muttered, startling Jensen from his thoughts. "So no, I don't think there's anything better than this for us here."

"Yeah," Jensen sighed and flopped down on a lawn chair. His voice sounded empty, hollow, to his own ears. Deep down, he wanted nothing more than to be accepted by the very same guys who made his life a living hell. But Chris was right. They were all assholes. He heard Jared's door shut behind him.

Well, maybe not all of them.


Jensen made his way down the long hallway, cringing as his shoes squeaked on the grimy tile. Each step echoed, bouncing off the boring white walls. In less than a week, those same walls would be painted with brightly colored paper, fliers and posters and announcements all hoping to catch the attention of passing students. But right now, the school was empty, lacking the character and color it had during the school year.

Jensen's meeting with his guidance counselor, Ms. Abrams, had gone well. He'd managed to get into all of the classes he needed to graduate and was still able to fit drama into his busy schedule. Jensen knew that most of his fellow classmates were planning on taking it easy during their senior year. They saw it as their last hurrah, a chance to relax and party before growing up. But not Jensen. He had dreams. He knew he'd have to work hard in order to make his escape from the small town.

But just because he had to work hard, it didn't mean he wouldn't be able to have some fun, too.

Jensen pulled his cell phone out of his pocket as he traded in the cool, quiet hallways for the sweltering Texas sun. He could feel the excitement bubbling beneath his skin as he punched in the familiar number. This was the moment he'd been waiting for all summer.

"Hey Max, it's Jensen. Listen, you know that Collings I've been hoping to get my hands on? Well, let's just say-"

"Where am I supposed to get $3500, Kevin?"

Jensen frowned as he turned the corner, nearly running into six foot plus of frantic quarterback. Jared was the picture of frustration, one hand buried in his shaggy hair, lower lip bitten blood red. He was pacing back and forth, talking to someone on his phone.

"I don’t have that kind of money and you know I can’t tell my dad." Jared heaved a heavy sigh.
"Look, I’ll figure something out. Your uncle can keep it at the garage for now, right?"

Jensen watched as Jared finished his call and slumped down on the sidewalk, legs bent awkwardly and face buried in his hands. He was so wrapped up in Jared’s apparent drama that he forgot about Max until he heard his name through the tinny speaker.

"Hey Max...I’ll have to call you back." He didn’t wait for an answer before snapping the phone shut. Jensen wasn’t an idiot. He recognized that this could be his chance to get to know Jared better. There was no one else around, no one to get in the way. No one to point out that Jensen really didn't belong there.

Jensen walked towards the other boy, taking a deep breath to reign in his nerves. "Problems?" Jensen inwardly rolled his eyes. That was stating the obvious.

Jared glanced up, eyes faintly rimmed with red. "Oh, hey Jensen."

Jensen didn’t say anything as he sat down next to Jared on the boiling concrete. He could feel the heat seep through the thin cotton of his shorts and shifted uncomfortably, leaving as little skin touching the ground as possible.

Jared rolled his head, neck popping, and leaned back, stretching his legs out in front of him. Jensen resisted the urge to stare as Jared dropped his head back, neck muscles lengthening, eyes squinting against the bright sunlight. He tilted his head to the side, glancing at Jensen again.

"Guys from Jamison did some work on my truck."

Jensen frowned. Jamison was a rival school. He knew whatever work they did on Jared’s truck, it couldn’t have been good. "What kind of work exactly?"

Jared sighed. "Keyed up the side real good. Smashed headlights. Minor body damage. That sort of thing."

Jensen was appalled. "Why didn’t you go to the cops? That’s destruction of private property! And I know the sheriff would help you out in an instant." Jensen shook his head to himself. That was an understatement. The football team was treated like superstars in their small town. And Jared, the quarterback, was the second coming. There wasn’t anything anyone in town wouldn’t do for him.

"No proof," Jared finally replied, digging through the grass with one hand, not meeting Jensen’s stare.

"Then how do you know it was Jamison?"

Jensen could see Jared’s muscles coiled tight with rage. "They called to gloat."

"Seriously?" Jensen frowned. He knew the rivalry between the two schools was intense but he couldn’t imagine why the other team would mess with Jared’s truck.

Jared shrugged. "Yeah. It’s so juvenile. They trashed my truck and then called to make sure I knew it was them. They’re just trying to rile me up for the game on Friday. They know we’re the better team."

"So did they mess with any of the other guys?"

"Nah, just me. Guess I’m lucky."

Jensen leaned forward and thought about Jared’s situation. Something didn’t quite add up but he wasn’t sure what it was.

"Now I just have to figure out where to get the money to fix it. I have about $1500 in savings but it’s going to cost a lot more than that." Jared stared at his feet, looking tired and defeated.

"How much more?"

Jared turned to give him a strange look. "A couple thousand probably. At least, that’s the estimate."

Jensen chewed on his lip, a plan quickly forming in his mind. He decided he had nothing to lose and everything to gain. "What if I loaned you the money?"

"Are you serious?"

Jensen could feel Jared’s intense gaze on him. He rushed on, afraid he’d lose his nerve if he didn’t get the words out soon. "Just hear me out. I could lend you the money. But in exchange, you agree to help make me popular."

Jensen could feel his face heat up. He glanced over at Jared.

"How do I do that?" Jared spoke slowly, carefully choosing his words as he thought about Jensen’s proposal.

"Just hang out with me. I’d be cool by association." Jensen couldn’t believe he was actually making the offer. Jared was always nice to him, never said anything mean. Never pushed him around. But they weren’t friends. They never were.

"You don’t need to do that, Jensen," Jared picked at a loose thread on his shorts. His eyes were focused on a spot far across the football field.

Jensen followed Jared’s gaze, surprised to see the cheerleaders out practicing. He hadn’t noticed them earlier. "Look, you need the money, right?"

Jared nodded.

"Then let me do this. It’s a good deal for both of us."

Jared sighed and his shoulders fell. He closed his eyes. "Ok."

The agreement was so quiet, Jensen almost didn’t hear it. When he realized that Jared had just gone along with his crazy plan, his smile grew. This was going to happen. Jensen was going to be popular. After all these years of being tormented or ignored, it was finally his turn to be part of the cool clique.

He clapped his hands, standing up. "Awesome. We can figure out all the details later. But how about we head home for now?"

Jared glanced up at Jensen, squinting his eyes against the sun. He responded with a small smile, a pale imitation of his normal grin. "You gonna walk me home?"

Jensen laughed at the teasing tone. "Well, as your sugar daddy, it’s the least I can do."

Jared’s smile dimmed slightly. "Jensen, you really don’t-"

Jensen waved his hand, stopping Jared before he could say too much. "Don’t mention it, man. Trust me. I want to help and if I get a little something out of it, then that’s even better."

Jared stood up and brushed off his shorts. He tilted his head to the side, indicating the road. "Shall we?"

"Yeah," Jensen couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face as he and Jared headed toward home, walking side by side in the blistering heat. His skin was tingling with anticipation at the coming year.

This year, things were finally going to be different.


"So what time do you want me to pick you up for school tomorrow?"

Jensen sighed, the phone digging into his shoulder as he dug through his closet, looking for his backpack. "Actually, I thought I'd walk. It's not that far."

Chris snorted. "Walk? Why the hell would you want to do that? It's a million degrees out there."

"I'm walking with Jared."

"That jock from next door, Jared?" Chris's voice had a sharp edge and Jensen cringed. He hadn't expected his best friend to understand. But then again, Chris was happy with who he was and his lot in life.

"It's not like that," Jensen argued. "He's cool."

There was a moment of silence before Chris spoke again.

"Whatever, man. Enjoy your walk."


"You ready?"

Jensen squared his shoulders and tried to ignore the fluttering in his stomach. He turned to Jared and gave him a small smile. "It's now or never, right?"

Jared chuckled and reached for the door. "It's just school, Jensen. Not like you're facing the firing squad or anything." He held the door, ushering Jensen inside before following close behind him.

Jensen felt eyes on him almost immediately. He resisted the urge to glance down and check his clothes. Groups of students stood around in small clusters, many of them wide-eyed and whispering.

"Just hold your head up and look them in the eyes."

Jensen started as Jared ducked low, whispering words of encouragement in his ear. He gave a small nod and followed Jared to his locker. He pressed his back against the cool metal as Jared spun the dial on the lock, muttering the numbers to himself under his breath.

"How do you handle it?"

Jared turned to him, brows drawn together. "Handle what?"

"This," Jensen replied, motioning to the crowd congregating in the halls. "All the attention. I feel like everyone is looking at me."

Jared glanced around at the other students and shrugged. "I guess I've never really noticed. You probably feel that way, though, because all eyes really are on you."

Jensen swallowed, feeling the panic rising in his chest at Jared's words. He turned to the side, pressing his shoulder into the lockers, trying to block out the curious stares.

Jared laughed, clapping a hand down on his shoulder. "Relax, man. They're watching you because you're new. They'll get over it soon enough."

"But I'm not new," Jensen muttered. "I've been going to school with these people since elementary."

Jared pulled out a couple of books and sighed. "You know what I mean. They're trying to figure you out right now. It could have something to do with me, I s'pose."

Jensen snorted. "Jared, it has everything to do with you. Most of these people never gave me the time of day before now."

"It works both ways, you know." The locker door shut with a metallic clang. Jared faced Jensen, his back to the crowd, his eyes serious. "Look, you were the one who wanted to be accepted. You want to be popular, don't you?"

Jensen exhaled and dragged a hand through his hair. "Of course. So what do I do?"

Jared shook his head slightly, as if he had been hoping for another answer. The corner of his lips raised in a slanted smile. "You're not going to listen to me if I say just be yourself, are you?"

Had Jared lost his mind? Jensen had been nothing but himself for years and it had gotten him exactly nowhere. No, if he wanted to be accepted by the cool kids, he had to make some changes. He had to become one of them.

Jared sighed. "That's what I thought." He sounded disappointed but Jensen couldn't figure out why. "Stare them down. Don't let them intimidate you. You belong here. Remember that."
"Right. I belong here," Jensen repeated. He stood up straight and schooled his features into a mask of indifference. He could do this. He was an actor, after all.

"Come on, man. I'll walk you to your locker."

Jensen laughed. "Aw, Jared, are you sweet on me?"

"Sweet on you?" Jared scoffed. "Dude, I hate to tell you this, but you ain't no Southern gal."

"You mock me now-" Jensen headed for his locker, just down from Jared's.

"Yeah, yeah." Jared fell into step beside him, shortening his stride to match. He turned and tossed Jensen a wide grin. "Now if I were asking to hold your books-"

"You'd be all mine?" Jensen couldn't keep the answering smile from gracing his lips. He turned his attention to his locker, hoping to hide his burning face from Jared's prying eyes. There was a faint flutter in his stomach as Jared leaned casually against the lockers, ankles crossed and fingers tapping an uneven rhythm on the cool metal.

Jensen flipped through his books, trying to remember his new schedule. His mind was full of static, anything other the feel of his fellow students' eyes on him and the heat of Jared's body was lost in the noise. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm his pounding heart.

"I can't believe you have to start the day out in AP History. Man, that's just mean."

Jensen glanced over at Jared, eyes wide with surprise. "You remember that?"

"Sure," Jared shrugged and ducked his head, hair falling across his face. "I've got a good memory."

History book in hand, Jensen slammed the door of his locker shut. "I'll say. I'm lucky if I can remember my own schedule, let alone someone else's."

Jared bit at his lip, cheeks a faint red. "So we have a couple of classes together this year, but I probably won't see you until lunch. Want to meet me here then?"

"What for?"

Jared gave him an odd look. "I thought we could have lunch together. I mean, if you'd rather-"

Jensen shook his head. "No man, that's cool. Just unexpected. Wasn't exactly a part of the deal."

"Jared! What the hell, man? I've been looking all over for you."

"Well here I am," Jared drawled, rolling his eyes in Jensen's direction. Jensen smiled and turned toward the disruption, cringing slightly as he saw Chad and Tom heading in their direction.

Chad gave a matching roll of his eyes as he drew near. "Yeah, I can see that. Why?"

Jared stared hard at Chad before giving a small shrug. "Just wanted to hang here with Jensen. That a problem?"

Jensen could hear the firm edge to Jared's voice and tried not to grin. There would be no arguing with him about the decisions he made.

Chad frowned and glanced at Jensen, as if seeing him there for the first time. "No man, that's cool. I just…hey Ackles."

"Hey," Jensen echoed, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. He felt awkward around the football players, always imagining himself as the chubby thirteen-year-old with bad acne he used to be. Jensen could still hear the taunting laughter ringing in his ears.

Chad turned his attention back to Jared. "So we were thinking about heading to Romero's after practice. You in?"

"Sure, we'll catch up with you there." Jared stood up straight and looked at Jensen. "Come on, dude, let's get out of here before we're late."

Jensen spun the dial on his locker one last time and followed Jared down the hall, ignoring the two guys behind them.

"Wait. Who's we?" Chad’s voice chased after them.

Jared just laughed as Jensen trailed after him. They stopped just outside the room to Jensen's class and Jensen turned to give Jared a look. "You walked me to class?"

Jared shrugged. "Seemed only right. It's on my way, anyway." He stepped back as a couple of students pushed past him, making their way into the classroom. With a nod to another football player, Jared swung his empty arm up and tapped a hand to the top of the door frame, his other arm hanging at his side, book in hand. "So? See you at lunch?"

"My locker?"

Jared grinned. "Yup. Meet you there."

Jensen watched as Jared headed off to his class, shouting greetings and tossing smiles to everyone he saw. Jensen shook his head to himself, a rueful smile on his lips. Jared was something else. He was completely different than Jensen had expected him to be.

Jensen moved across the classroom and slouched low into a seat in the back corner, trying to ignore the curious whispers all around him. He closed his eyes and grinned to himself. He could already tell things were going to be different this year. This was his year and he was going to make the most of it. Good-bye Jensen Ackles, shy boy geek extraordinaire; hello Jensen Ackles, somebody.


“I’m so hungry I could eat a cow.”

Jensen tried not to jump when he heard Jared’s voice behind him. He could feel the heat of Jared’s body against his back as Jared leaned a shoulder against the locker next to his. Jensen turned and quirked an eyebrow. "A whole cow?"

Jared wrinkled his nose, mulling it over. "Nah, not the whole cow. Just everything but the hooves. Those are a little rough on the stomach lining."

Jensen snorted and pushed his books into his locker, shutting the door with a metallic clang. "Well then, let’s go get you fed."

The two of them made their way down the hall, joining the crowd of students heading towards the cafeteria. Jensen still wasn’t used to all of the stares and whispers but it was getting easier with every passing minute he spent with Jared.

Jared grabbed a tray and headed for the hot lunch line. Jensen tossed a wistful glance over at the packaged sandwiches, the only food he had ever deemed safe enough to be edible, before following after the football player.

"Hey Greta! How’re the grandkids doing?" Jared immediately started chatting up the elderly lunch lady.

Greta smiled, her eyes soft as she looked at Jared. "They’re a bundle of energy. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up with them. They remind me a bit of you, now that I think of it. Always running your poor mother ragged."

Jared laughed. "A feisty girl like you? I’m sure you have no problems. Those kids are lucky to have you."

Jensen watched, amused, as Greta piled an extra helping of spaghetti onto Jared’s plate before handing it over to him. Her cheeks were flushed, obviously pleased with the compliments. She gave Jared one last smile before turning her attention to Jensen. "And who do we have here?"

Jared reached over and wrapped an arm around Jensen’s shoulders. "Greta, this is my friend, Jensen. Jensen, this is Greta, the best lunch lady in the whole world."

Jensen gave Greta a small smile, highly aware of the arm draped across him. "Pleased to meet you, ma’am."

"Call me Greta, dear," she replied, fixing a plate of pasta for him. Jensen’s eyes grew wide as she added extra noodles and sauce, his plate soon rivaling Jared’s. She leaned closer, handing Jensen his food with a wink.

"Thanks Greta," Jared gave Jensen’s shoulder a final squeeze and pulled him away. They grabbed some bread and water and paid for their food before heading outside.

Jensen noticed Chris and his other friends sitting at their usual table, right outside the door to the cafeteria. Chris narrowed his eyes when he saw Jensen with Jared, tilting his head in a silent question. Jensen gave a small shake and followed Jared.

Jared suddenly stopped, nearly causing Jensen to crash into him. "Do you want to sit with your friends?"

Jensen was surprised by the question. He glanced over his shoulder at his usual table and frowned. It was safe and familiar but it was situated in social Siberia. "Nah," he finally said. "Let’s sit with yours."

Jared gave him a strange look before finally nodding and continuing on to the table next to football players’ table. Jensen sat down across from him, releasing the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

"Jared, what’s up?"

Jensen rolled his eyes. Chad. Of course.

Jared took a bite of his spaghetti before answering. "Not much. How about you?"

Chad gave Jared a hard look. Jensen knew what Chad had really meant by the seemingly innocent question. He also knew that Jared was fully aware of it, too. "Why you sittin’ over there, man?"

Jared shrugged. "More room." He stretched his legs out in front of him, as if to make his point.

"Never bothered you before."

"Well, I want to sit with Jensen here. Figured we’d sit with the girls for once. They're prettier."

"Whatever," Chad muttered, glaring at Jensen.

Jensen dropped his gaze and focused on his food, unable to look any of the football players in the eyes. It was strange having Jared stick up for him, acting like he really wanted to be around him. Jensen had to remind himself that it was only because of their deal. But even telling himself that didn’t stop the warmth from pooling in his stomach.

"Hi Jared," a feminine voice called out as a group of cheerleaders made their way across the patio. They took the seats next to the two boys, smiling and giggling as they did so. "Hey Jensen."

Jensen stared at the pretty brunette as she took the spot next to him and pulled out her sack lunch. "Hey Sophia."

A petite blond took the spot next to Jared and tossed him a sly grin. "So Jared, now that Sandy’s away at college-"

Jared sighed. "Kristen, just because Sandy’s away doesn’t mean I want to play. And definitely not with you."

"You say that now." She sing-songed.

Jensen noticed the tight clench of Jared’s jaw and the way he stared hard at a spot far above everyone’s head. He felt oddly protective of the other boy, wanted to wipe that strained look off of his face and bring back the bright smile.

"So Jensen, I heard you got Casey for Calculus. That’s rough," Sophia broke into his thoughts.

Jensen dropped his gaze down to his tray again, face flaming at the possibility of being caught staring. "He’s not so bad, I heard," he mumbled.

Sophia leaned over, elbowing him lightly in the side. "You’re just saying that because you don’t want to scare me."

Jensen gave her a curious look. "You got Casey, too?"

Sophia laughed. "Don’t sound so surprised."

Jensen's eyes grew wide, fearing he'd put his foot in his mouth. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded, I swear."

"Relax boy, I'm just teasing you." Sophia shrugged. "I'm just good at math."

Jensen noticed the opening and jumped in, figuring he had nothing to lose. "Well, then you can help me out if I have problems."

Sophia gave him a small smile, taking a bite of her apple. "Maybe, but you'd probably be better off talking to 'Mr. I'm-Way-Smarter-Than-I-Get-Credit-For' over there." She indicated Jared with a point of a perfectly manicured nail.

Jared suddenly seemed very interested in his meal. Jensen gave him a look of disbelief. "Jared?"

"Don't let his jock status fool you," Sophia nudged Jensen's shoulder with her own. "He's practically the top of our class."

"So Jensen, I talked to Kevin's uncle and he said my truck is done. I was planning on skipping out of practice to go pick it up. You want to go?"

Jensen noticed Jared's change of subject and thought it was odd but decided to let it slip. "Um, sure, I guess so."

"Great!" Jared smiled and dug into the last of his food with enthusiasm.

"Hey Jared, are you worried about Sandy being surrounded by all those hot college guys?" Kristen twisted and leaned in towards Jared, pushing her chest out. "I mean, those guys are real men. You worried she'll find herself a man and leave you all alone?"

Jensen paid quiet attention to the conversation going on while he ate his lunch. He had forgotten all about Jared's girlfriend, Sandy. They had been the high school's golden couple the past couple of years but Jared hadn't mentioned her since they'd been talking. Jensen had to admit that he was curious.

Jared gave a pained sigh. "No, I'm not worried. Whatever happens, happens. I'm secure in my relationship, though."

Kristen pouted and ran a finger up Jared's arm. "Well, just don't forget that you have options, too."

Jared pulled away from her touch. "Let it go, Kristen. Not now, not ever. I don't know how many times I can say that."

"Kristen, leave the poor boy alone," Sophia interrupted. "Can't you see that he's missing his girl right now?"

Jensen frowned and looked at the other boy, trying to see what Sophia saw. But all he saw was someone who desperately wanted to be left alone.

Jared pushed his empty tray away from him and leaned back, stretching his arms above his head. "Well, ladies, it's been fun. But lunch is just about over and Jensen and I need to get to Chem. Ready to go, Jen?"

Jensen nodded his head, his heart triple-timing over the casual use of his nickname. He liked the way it sounded when Jared said it.

They stood up and grabbed their trays. Sophia smiled up at Jensen. "Join us for lunch tomorrow?"

Jensen could feel the blush race up his cheeks. "Yeah, I guess."

"Great!" Sophia grinned and turned to Jared. "See you in Calc, Jay!"

Jared gave a nod and headed across the patio, Jensen on his heels. "So you've got Calc with me, too?"

Jared didn't turn, just gave a clipped affirmative. Jensen frowned, unsure if he should press the issue or just let it go. He decided on the latter.

One thing was certain. There was more to Jared Padalecki than met the eye. And Jensen was determined to learn everything.


The rest of the school day passed in a blur. The first day of school was usually nothing more than introductions and endless free time but of course Jensen ended up with the instructors who believed in jumping in head first. He already had a couple of reading assignments and some problems to work through for Calculus. Jensen's head hurt just thinking about it.

"So who'd you get for English?"

Jared shifted his backpack over his shoulder before answering. "Ferris. How about you?"

The two of them made their way down the quiet street, the bulk of students having already made their escape for the day. Tony's Auto Body was only a few blocks away but Jensen's shirt was already sticking to his skin. He ran a hand through his hair, cringing at the moisture clinging to each follicle. "I got Taylor. I was hoping I'd get your mom again, though."

Jared nodded. "Taylor's pretty cool. Sandy had him last year."

Jensen glanced over at Jared. "Doesn't Ferris only teach the honors English classes?"

"Had her for all four years."


Jared looked at Jensen, eyebrows drawn. "What?"

Jensen grinned. "How come I never realized you were such a brain?"

Jared shrugged, face turning red. "I don't know. No one ever does, really."

"I guess I'm just surprised is all."

Jared shook his head but kept his eyes forward. "Jensen, you seem to think being invisible only happens to one group of people in school. Truth is, it happens to everyone."

Jensen rolled his eyes. "Please. You're the high school superstar. You never go unnoticed."

Jared shot a quick look in Jensen's direction. "No? Did you know that Sophia and I have both been in your math class every year in high school?"

Jensen frowned, thinking about his past classes. He pretty much kept to himself, always losing himself in the work. He never really paid much attention to what went on around him. "Seriously?"

Jared nodded. "Seriously. But the classes have always been filled with brains and Sophia and I don't quite fit in. So she and I have always stuck to the back corner and just kept to ourselves. Jocks can be brains, too."

Jensen wanted to say something to defend himself, but before he had the chance, Jared called out to the man in the shop.

"Hey Tony! My truck ready?"

Tony lifted a hand in greeting. He pulled out a rag and wiped his hands on it but some grease lingered behind on his fingers. Jared paid it no attention and grabbed the man's hand, giving it a firm shake. Tony grinned and pulled Jared into a tight hug.

"Man, they really did a number on your truck, didn't they?"

Jared groaned. "So what's the damage?"

Tony sighed. "Well, new paint job, new headlights, new sideview mirror, some body work...it came to $3800."

Jared's face drained of color and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Tony watched Jared closely. "I did the best I could, Jared."

Jared sighed. "Yeah, I know. It's just-"

Tony nodded. "I know, man. It sucks."

Jensen cleared his throat. "You take Visa?"

Jared opened his eyes and gave Jensen a worried look. "Jen, you sure?"

Jensen just waved him off and pulled out his wallet. He handed the mechanic his debit card. "Already told you, Jay. I got it covered."

"I'll pay you back, you know." Jared's voice was quiet, uncertain.

Jensen glanced at him and smiled. "I know you will."

Fifteen minutes later, the bill was settled and Jensen found himself sitting in Jared's truck parked in front of Romero's. The pizzeria was a popular after-school hangout for all the cool kids. Jensen had always wanted to be a part of the group piled inside but he'd never been welcome. He and his friends stayed as far from Romero's as possible.

"Hey Jen?"

Jensen startled as Jared tapped him on the shoulder. He had been lost in his thoughts, unaware that Jared had been trying to get his attention. "Huh?"

Jared chuckled. "You planning on going in with me or you wanting to sit out here and bake?"

Jensen gave him a small smile and just shook his head, climbing out of the truck. Jared followed and together, they pushed their way inside the small diner. Jared headed directly over to the table packed with his teammates, each of them hollering, trying to be heard over the other guys.

"Guys! Silence!" Jared yelled in greeting. Immediately, some of the noise died down as the players turned to welcome their friend.

"Jared, man, Coach is so unbelievably pissed at you right now," Chad leaned closer, wrapping an arm around Jared's shoulders. "Where the hell were you?"

Jared shrugged. "Had to pick up my truck."

Tom, overhearing the conversation, piped up. "You should let us take care of that. Those guys deserve some payback."

Jared shook his head. "The only payback they're getting is on the field. This rivalry thing has gotten out of hand. And I'm putting a stop to it." Jared glared at his teammates, looking each one of them in the eye. "If I hear that any of you guys act on my behalf, there will be hell to pay. Got it?"

Jensen watched as each of the guys nodded his head in agreement. He couldn't help but smile at the way Jared commanded attention of others. Jensen just hung back, silently watching the exchange.

"You want to be friends with these guys, you have to actually talk to them." Jared ducked down and whispered in Jensen's ear, keeping his voice low so not to be overheard.

Jensen swallowed and nodded.

Jared turned back to the group. "Shove down, Tommy. And Kevin, hand some of that pizza down this way." The guys shuffled seating and Jared motioned Jensen toward one of the empty stools.

Jensen slid onto the stool and took a bite of the pizza Jared handed him, gathering up his courage. He could do this. Talking to these guys was just like talking to one of his friends. Except he really had no idea what to say. Jensen knew he had nothing in common with this group of people. Their social circle was vastly different from his own. He turned to Tom and said the first thing that came to mind. "So Tom, I read in the paper that you and Mike will probably make all-county, maybe even all-state this season."

Tom raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? You go to the games?"

Jensen nodded. "Every one."

Tom frowned. "I never see you there."

Jensen shrugged. He and his friends made it a point to go to every game. It was Texas. Everyone went to the games. The town practically shut down on game nights so there wasn't really anything else to do.

Mike leaned across Tom and grinned. "So, Jensen, my man. How do you think we're going to do against Jamison on Friday?"

Jensen took another bite of pizza and thought about his answer carefully while he chewed. "Well, that's tough. Jamison has a pretty good defensive team this year. But with Jared's arm, Tom's bulk and your speed, you guys have a decent chance."

Mike's smile grew wider. "Hear that guys, Jensen says we're going to kick ass!"

That wasn't exactly what Jensen had said but he knew better than to correct Mike as the team hooted their approval. Jared gave Jensen a sideways grin before turning his attention back to whatever Chad was telling him. Jensen smiled to himself as Tom asked him another question. Things were going so well. The team was already starting to accept him.

Jensen glanced at the team around him, each guy talking animatedly to another. He felt like he actually belonged there, like he was a part of the group. With Jared's help, he'd truly be popular in no time at all.

Part Two

fic, fic: underneath this texas sky, fic pairing: j2, fic rating: pg13, fic challenge: whenboy

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