The Lost HoHoHo assignments have been sent!

Nov 13, 2009 17:45

If you signed up, but did not receive your fic exchange assignment, please email lostsqueemods at gmail dot com right away. Also, if in some horrid mix-up, I assigned you something you specifically said that you will not write, let me know immediately so that I can disappear forever from the internetz before I have to deal with reassigning all 40 ( Read more... )

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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Comments 28

janie_tangerine November 14 2009, 10:23:15 UTC
Thanks so much for organizing this! I can believe it's a lot of hard work. <33

And while my prompts are not what I usually go for I have no problem with them, it's totally stuff I can work with and it's all pairings I like, so I'm perfectly happy with mine. ;)


zelda_zee November 16 2009, 19:09:44 UTC
It'd be so much easier if there were fewer characters!

I'm glad you're good with yours. I figured for a writer as versatile as you are, they wouldn't present a problem.


valhalla37 November 14 2009, 17:03:14 UTC
Another round of thanks here! I love the variety of my prompts; one of them is right up my alley but I may even end up doing the most challenging/different one anyway. Can't wait to get started! :D


zelda_zee November 16 2009, 19:12:05 UTC
So glad you're happy with yours!


(The comment has been removed)

zelda_zee November 16 2009, 19:14:33 UTC
I was pleasantly surprised that more people signed up than did last year. I really hadn't expected that.

I'm glad you like your assignment. :)


hendercats November 14 2009, 22:19:18 UTC
You've done an amazing job, imho. Thanks so much for all your hard work pairing us up.

40! *shakes head in wonder*


zelda_zee November 16 2009, 19:15:29 UTC
You're welcome!


placating November 15 2009, 00:36:52 UTC
As a Lost HoHoHo newbie who slid in just before the sign-up deadline, I can only say thank you so much for the time and effort put into this!

And I hope my prompts don't cause any distress. I'm going be pretty thrilled just to have a story written for me at all; the suggestions I threw out are just suggestions!


zelda_zee November 16 2009, 19:17:03 UTC
You're welcome! Glad you'll be playing along this year!


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