The Lost HoHoHo assignments have been sent!

Nov 13, 2009 17:45

If you signed up, but did not receive your fic exchange assignment, please email lostsqueemods at gmail dot com right away. Also, if in some horrid mix-up, I assigned you something you specifically said that you will not write, let me know immediately so that I can disappear forever from the internetz before I have to deal with reassigning all 40 of you.

(Yes, 40 - that’s eight more Santas than last year!)

Because the requests were incredibly varied this year, the match-up was difficult (to put it mildly) and I’m afraid it was not possible to give some of you your preference of what you best like to write. Several of you may even have been assigned someone who has one request that is something you stated you wouldn’t write, although I tried to avoid this as much as possible. Some of you may have ended up with the recipient you had last year. Please try to be flexible! We have a small fandom for a show with a large cast and that means lots and lots of different permutations of the sorts of things people like in their Lost fanfiction and a limited number of writers to cover all that ground. The diversity of requests was such that in a number of cases there was only one request for certain characters/pairings and if that request was yours and if you said that character/pairing was what you like best to write, then it was impossible to match you according to your preference.

What if you don’t like your assignment, but it is not something that you specified that you wouldn’t write?

You guessed it! Learn to love it, for you are SOS. I solemnly swear that I did not purposely try to f**k anyone up or screw with their muse, and if it seems that way, I regret it.

But you still have to write what you’ve been assigned. ;)

As I said in your emails, please refrain from posting details about your assignment anywhere public, and even if you got assigned your bestest BFF 4evah, please don’t spill the beans! It’s a SECRET, right?

That said, feel free to moan, whine and curse the heavens about the miscarriage of justice that is your assignment… or alternatively you may rub everyone’s nose in the fact that you got assigned exactly what you’d hoped for, thank you very much.

Thank you most sincerely to everyone who signed up. We are going to have such a jolly holiday season here at lostsquee, with 3-4 new Lost fics each day during the posting period. I know that with 40 awesome, dedicated writers we’re bound to have an incredible fic exchange!

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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