Fic: The Crackpots and These Women

Oct 03, 2005 01:23

Title: The Crackpots and these Women
Author: Wabbitseason
Rating: G
Words: 426 words
Summary: Sheppard couldn't get over the people in Atlantis.
Spoilers: Through "Conversion"
Main characters: Sheppard, Weir, McKay, Zelenka, Teyla
Disclaimer: I don't own Atlantis or her characters. MGM owns all.
Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
Author's Note: atlantis100 had a "West Wing" episode title challenge just before I joined. The challenge is long over, but I couldn't help writing this ficlet anyway. This title just screamed the Atlantis expedition.
Feedback: Yes, please and thank you. I've done a few drabbles, but this is the longest SGA piece I've done so far. So I'd love to know how I'm doing.


I don't even need to look to see who is arguing. McKay and Zelenka are at it again. They'll argue over just about anything, even whether the sky is blue. This will prompt intense calculations and furious exchanges, punctuated by Zelenka swearing in Czech and Rodney stalking off in a huff.

They're worse when they're drunk though. One particular night they tried to one up each other with the most outlandish known theories about Atlantis and how the Ancients might be responsible. After a lot of tequila and vodka, they started sounding like those "X-Files" conspiracy buffs to me.

Sometimes I wonder how I wound up here.

"Don't touch anything." I swear I didn't know what was going to happen when I sat down in that chair. McKay doesn't believe me, of course, believing I must be acting on some latent Ancient memory in my genes.

How did I wind up surrounded by this bunch of eccentric know-it-alls?

Oh, yeah. Her. She was the reason, part of it anyway.

I knew I was in trouble when Elizabeth approached me to join her expedition. Elizabeth was the type of woman you don't deny. I almost did anyway, but she had faith in me, when few people did, even myself. She's never backed down from that trust, even when I gave her plenty of reasons to stop believing in me. I've disobeyed her direct orders, I've pushed her away, and I've come within an inch of killing her. But Elizabeth stayed by my side throughout.

Elizabeth mixes me up inside. I don't know what to think or how to feel. I've kept those emotions locked away for longer than I care to think about. I've never quite told Elizabeth how amazing she is. If a fight ever came down to her and the Wraith, I'd take the odds on Elizabeth every time. But I hope to hell I never have to test that theory.

Teyla is different than Elizabeth, but similar. They're both strong and independent, used to standing up for themselves. They're used to leading, not necessarily taking orders. Teyla fits in better now, but she still can ask the most innocent question that reminds me she's not really one of us. She could have left with her people to the mainland. But she fights alongside us without a thought.

I can't get over them. I can't get over these people in Atlantis.

I complain about them. I laugh at their quirks. I give them grief every chance I get. But I'd protect them with my life.

wabbitseason, weir/sheppard

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