fandom squee

Jun 14, 2007 00:09

HOMG you guys, I've totally fallen in love with Robert Pattinson and Tom Felton. AND ALL IT TOOK WAS LIKE, ONE HARRY POTTER MOVIE. Seriously. I'm a fangirlly puddle of goo ( Read more... )

harry potter, spunk fucking ransom, art

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Comments 40

octagonal June 14 2007, 04:51:05 UTC
Robert Pattinson is just PRETTY. I miss Cedric.

You're going to just have to start liking Harry Potter. Yep. That's really all there is to it.


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 04:56:50 UTC

I'm trying to like it, but I just can't get into the whole magic thing. I like the uniform/outfits and I like the houses(The whole color-coordinated thing REALLY makes my OCD happy.) and I LIKE TEH PRETTY! But that's about it. :( But I'm trying lol.

*pounces off to make Cedric icons*


octagonal June 14 2007, 05:00:34 UTC
Haha, welll, um. At least you're trying! Cedric lures even the most anti-HP among us. TOO PRETTY. Oh, Robert Pattinson and his my-hair-defies-all-laws-of-physics look. LOVE.


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 05:09:57 UTC
Robert Pattinson and his my-hair-defies-all-laws-of-physics look

All of this is ALL HIS FAULT!


malakhai June 14 2007, 04:54:39 UTC
OMG wait. You have never seen them???

You should watch them all and read all the books before July 21st!!


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 04:59:43 UTC
lol Nope. I saw Chamber of Secrets a really long time ago and it was just 'eh' so I never watched anymore. I've been thinking about reading the books, but I really don't feel like it :/ I'll probably just watch the movies XD And normally I NEVER say no to a book. I'm just so reluctant to get sucked into this and I don't know why!


athenacqd June 14 2007, 14:47:28 UTC
Chamber of Secrets (the movie) was HORRIBLE. I never rewatch it. It's....ugh, it's awful. It's also where the bastardization of Ron began. He was fine in the first movie and an imbecile in CoS. It irritates me to no end. He was slightly improved in GoF but not much.

Which is one of those things that I guess makes no sense without reading the books, but Ron is my favorite character and the movies RUIN him. Argh!

ahem. sorry. That's a bit of a sore spot for me.

Anyway, the books are fabulous, honestly. You probably know enough to jump into them starting at book 3 where they really start to move to a much darker place. Interesting that you don't like Harry. I'm not sure how I would feel about him if I'd only seen CoS and GoF the movies. Those are...not Radcliffe's finest. And so much of what makes Harry sympathetic comes from getting inside his head which is hard to do in a movie.

And OMG I'm going to stop being analytical in what is clearly a fun, fangirly post. I...get a little wrapped up in HP.


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 21:15:22 UTC
lol So I guess I just picked the wrong movie to watch to try and get me into the fandom. :P

I didn't like him in Gof. I didn't like Hermione either. They were really annoying and whiney..
I can understand why you'd be pissed. Movies from books tend to do that a lot. You should be around when I start complaining about the movie Ella Enchanted, or about ANY Stephen King movie that they make out of a book. They are all so BAD! (well, with the exception of a few..)

I can't really explain why I don't like him. I guess it's just the fact that I've only seen those two movies. Those are...not Radcliffe's finest. Hee. I probably should go back to the beginning. BLOCKBUSTER HERE I COME! You won't give me a job, but at least I can still rent movies from you!

I...get a little wrapped up in HP.
LOL that's totally ok!
I like hearing what other people think :)


thereisnosp00n June 14 2007, 05:01:55 UTC
I have never watched the movies. Only because the books have so many more awesome stuff...

Oh but Tom Felton. *rawr* Draco Malfoy >>>>>>>>>> Harry Potter x a gajibafillion. Shoot, i don't even read the books for Harry. I read them for all the other totally awesome characters that are so much better than him... LOL.

I think i would be from a mix of houses. Slytherpuff, is what i refer to myself as. xD There's actually a quiz somewhere with that...


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 05:07:16 UTC
That is seriously the only reason I was thinking about reading the books. FOR EVERYONE ELSE. Because they're all a billion times prettier and AWESOMER than he is. he sucks. And I love Voldemort.

!!! OMG CAN I BE IN SLYTHERPUFF WITH YOU??!?! That would be so awesome! <3 haha


thereisnosp00n June 14 2007, 05:51:22 UTC
YES. BE A SLYTHERPUFF WITH ME. Because i love the loyalty of the Hufflepuffs but i don't quite fit in the other two houses. I think i read the description of a Slytherpuff and the gist of it is we're very loyal people but if you get on our bad sides or hurt the people we love the Slytherin in us escapes and you are pretty much facked for life in our eyes. We tend not to be very forgiving people when others wrong us... which is precisely the way i am, i guess. rofl.


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 20:35:24 UTC

lol I've taken this quiz a bazillion times and have gotten EVERY SINGLE COMBINATION EXCEPT FOR Slytherpuff! wtf!


_parttimeninja June 14 2007, 05:58:56 UTC
I'm so sad that poor ol' Ceddy Bear had movie. That's all we get. No fair, I say.

And LOL, sorting quizzes. I have way more fun with those than I should. XD (Slytherclaw FTW!)

I didn't even realize until now that there was non HP-fen on my f-list, hahaha. It will suck you in any way it can. Resistance is futile!


lostacanthus June 14 2007, 20:54:35 UTC
LOL I think I'm already totally sucked in, so you may have your work cut out for you. LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT TODAY. Teen Vogue. I'm not even going to read it. I just bought it cause they were on the cover. (Maybe I'll cover DRs face with Robert Pattinsons! ahahahha.)


A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 14 2007, 18:28:17 UTC
My dear, dear comrade. Allow me to prepare you for what comes next ( ... )


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 14 2007, 21:32:46 UTC
Aw, I already read your application. That's part of what made me so interested in the first place, lol.

lol and thanks for the heads up on the crazy obsession that's about to follow.

You know how you read to your parents? Well, my dad has seen all the movies (he hasn't read the books though) But I told him that I hated Harry/Gryffindor, that I wanted to be in Slytherin and that Voldemort is hot and gave me the biggest ":O" ever. He was like 'WHYY??? WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU" XD lol he freaked out. haha omg. that was fun.


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 14 2007, 21:40:16 UTC
Yeah. I like Gryffindors but Harry is just so... bland to me. I root for his team but I'm not sure I'd be his best friend. I'd totally have a crush on Ron, though.

The weird thing is, I don't think J.K. really thought through what she was doing when she wrote the Slytherin house. She said in an interview once that she was appalled at the Slythern/Voldy love and couldn't understand it. Okay, I can definitely understand that for Voldy (because, and I know it's cliche, but the parallels to his ideals and Hitler's are just way too strong for me to be all "I LOVE VODEMORT!") but Slytherins...? I think we just haven't seen enough of them; it just isn't possible that every single person sorted into Slytherin is a mean, evil, jerk who has little to no morals. I just don't see that. So I'm not sure she really wrote all that too well.

Hence, I fully support The Slytherin Love. :D

(Can you tell I'm at work and at a major lull in my day? =\)


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 14 2007, 21:58:03 UTC
I love Fred and George. Not so much Ron. I guess cause I've only seen two movies and read no books. So he bothers me.

I don't know much about Voldemort, besides him being evil and killing people. But its Ralph Fiennes! <3 <3 And I'm strangely attracted to him(Voldemort). But I'm not like 'HOMG-ILU-VOLDEMORT-WILL-YOU-FATHER-MY-CHILD-CAUSE-ID-TOTALLY-HAVE-YOUR-BABIES!'...

Mmm Slytherin.
Tom Felton has the best accent. Ever. It totally owns everyone elses.

Sometimes it creeps me out cause like me and Hitler are similar. Not in actions but like, we're both Taurus' and we both have the same bloodtype...It's unsettling.

OMG ARE YOU SO EXCITED FOR THE OFFICE OLYMPICS RESULTS?! I've been refreshing the page like, every 5 minutes. WE MUST WIN.


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