fandom squee

Jun 14, 2007 00:09

HOMG you guys, I've totally fallen in love with Robert Pattinson and Tom Felton. AND ALL IT TOOK WAS LIKE, ONE HARRY POTTER MOVIE. Seriously. I'm a fangirlly puddle of goo ( Read more... )

harry potter, spunk fucking ransom, art

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A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 14 2007, 18:28:17 UTC
My dear, dear comrade. Allow me to prepare you for what comes next ( ... )


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 14 2007, 21:32:46 UTC
Aw, I already read your application. That's part of what made me so interested in the first place, lol.

lol and thanks for the heads up on the crazy obsession that's about to follow.

You know how you read to your parents? Well, my dad has seen all the movies (he hasn't read the books though) But I told him that I hated Harry/Gryffindor, that I wanted to be in Slytherin and that Voldemort is hot and gave me the biggest ":O" ever. He was like 'WHYY??? WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT?!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU" XD lol he freaked out. haha omg. that was fun.


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 14 2007, 21:40:16 UTC
Yeah. I like Gryffindors but Harry is just so... bland to me. I root for his team but I'm not sure I'd be his best friend. I'd totally have a crush on Ron, though.

The weird thing is, I don't think J.K. really thought through what she was doing when she wrote the Slytherin house. She said in an interview once that she was appalled at the Slythern/Voldy love and couldn't understand it. Okay, I can definitely understand that for Voldy (because, and I know it's cliche, but the parallels to his ideals and Hitler's are just way too strong for me to be all "I LOVE VODEMORT!") but Slytherins...? I think we just haven't seen enough of them; it just isn't possible that every single person sorted into Slytherin is a mean, evil, jerk who has little to no morals. I just don't see that. So I'm not sure she really wrote all that too well.

Hence, I fully support The Slytherin Love. :D

(Can you tell I'm at work and at a major lull in my day? =\)


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 14 2007, 21:58:03 UTC
I love Fred and George. Not so much Ron. I guess cause I've only seen two movies and read no books. So he bothers me.

I don't know much about Voldemort, besides him being evil and killing people. But its Ralph Fiennes! <3 <3 And I'm strangely attracted to him(Voldemort). But I'm not like 'HOMG-ILU-VOLDEMORT-WILL-YOU-FATHER-MY-CHILD-CAUSE-ID-TOTALLY-HAVE-YOUR-BABIES!'...

Mmm Slytherin.
Tom Felton has the best accent. Ever. It totally owns everyone elses.

Sometimes it creeps me out cause like me and Hitler are similar. Not in actions but like, we're both Taurus' and we both have the same bloodtype...It's unsettling.

OMG ARE YOU SO EXCITED FOR THE OFFICE OLYMPICS RESULTS?! I've been refreshing the page like, every 5 minutes. WE MUST WIN.


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 14 2007, 22:20:13 UTC
I don't mind if we don't win but I'm just really proud at how well our team did. Don't get me wrong, I think we will ROCK SOCKS (if not all types of hosiery). It was SO HARD not to vote for a Gryffie; they were all so good. I loved, loved, loved your Michael Scarn poster.

In the end I voted for that blue Harry Potter one with Dwight Crying and Jim as Voldy with "You will lose everything" on it. It was so perfect.

RE: HARRY POTTER - I got into it right after the release of the third book. It was Christmas and my dad was saying that they didn't have a lot for me and that I'm really hard to buy for, etc. etc. etc. We were getting food for our Christmas Dinner (so mom wouldn't be stressed out) and we passed the book stands, the big ones obviously being for Harry Potter. So Dad said that maybe that was a good idea, as everyone loved them ( ... )


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 14 2007, 22:45:25 UTC
Ours were getting a lot of votes! I LOVE WINNING! MUST. WIN.

I liked that one XD They were all so good. I ended up voting for Creed in the Iron Lung because it still makes me giggle hysterically. XD I also really liked the one with Michael as the 6 million dollar man that said 'cha-tatatata' over and over again XD

I disliked them on principal.
That's a little bit why I didn't want to start liking them. And I guess because I seem to LOVE everything, I needed something to not like. It's like I almost REFUSE to let myself like it. Even now, it's hard. But I can't believe I bought Teen Vogue...sigh. There are some nice pictures of Rupert though. They make me like him more.

That's how I was with Twilight/New Moon I bought Twilight, read Twilight and loved it so much I couldn't put it down, so I was up until 5am and had to be at work at 7am, so I was late to work because I slept in. When I got home, I ordered New Moon, was very tempted to get next day shipping but I'm cheap, so I suffered and waited. Got it, read it, repeat Twilight ( ... )


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 14 2007, 22:49:49 UTC
Whass Twilight? Always looking for more books to consume =9

I like Rupert, I just wish they wouldn't shunt him into the idiot role. It's sad, because that's not Our Ron. I do like that they all are getting better at acting - especially Dan. It's a relief to not have to cringe every so often at their delivery. =)


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 14 2007, 23:01:13 UTC
You've never heard of Twilight? Oh My. >) YAY! If I didn't live 3000 miles away from you, I would totally let you borrow my copy. Like NOW. I'm not good at summaries but VAMPIRE HOTNESS. That's pretty much it. And the author (Stephenie Meyer) is really really good at building up the action (i guess?) Its really really intense. <3 <3 I was only going to read a couple chapters and then go to bed, and I totally ended up reading the whole thing. I'd send you to the wikipedia, but there are WAY too many spoilers. This review on Amazon is pretty good though.


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness space_cadet June 15 2007, 20:58:56 UTC
I bought it on Amazon and it is winging its way to my home. :D I love Vampires and live HOTNESS OMGDOI, so I figured why the hell not XD


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness lostacanthus June 16 2007, 02:40:35 UTC
YAY! AWESOME! I can't wait for you to read it!

haha I just rented all 4 Harry Potter movies from Blockbuster, and am about to start marathoning. Woo! I. AM. EXCITED!


Re: A Lesson On My HP Sickness suicidetekky June 17 2007, 07:51:09 UTC
this is exact. and wonderful. love. <3


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