What I've Been Up To: A Rope of Sand

Jun 01, 2011 22:25

- Over the weekend, I watched S1 of Arrested Development and fell in love. I've always been meaning to watch it, and so now I'm at that point where I'm wondering why I haven't gotten around to it sooner. I might watch it again while I'm waiting for orangerful to get back from England so I can borrow the rest, lol ( Read more... )

asoiaf, doctor who, tv, arrested development, assassin's creed, video games, baking, l.a. noire

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Comments 5

ethe_real_ity June 2 2011, 04:38:08 UTC
Rory = amazing. I still need to rewatch S5 because I don't really know what the hell happened, either. XD ( ... )


lostacanthus June 2 2011, 21:08:26 UTC
but I feel like I'm more fascinated by what this game means within the bigger scope of the industry, how it will affect the progression of the medium, etc.
Alex and I were just talking about this last night! It's not a bad game and it's definitely not boring, but it's still a seriously impressive game. Here's an article. I haven't read it yet (avoiding ~spoilers~, idk if there are any or what) but it's basically about games being art and how movies are getting lamer? Also, you should join gamertree, if you're interested :) It's a comm for game discussion.


Yeah, Altair's voice is all kind of horrible. Worse than Mark Meer. (Ezio is sooo much better, even though he sounds a bit like Zevran. But it's endearing.) AND YES. DUNCANNN! LOL



ethe_real_ity June 4 2011, 17:13:54 UTC
No spoilers in that article - I took the risk, lol. It's true most movies are pretty lame these days, but I think that video games are susceptible to the same degradation. I remember reading something a while back that as gaming becomes more mainstream, yeah, there are some really nifty and innovative games out there, but there are a lot more shitty games, too. Video games do have a huge advantage over movies, though - they provide a level of interaction that movies can never even hope to tap into. It'll be a long time before the medium declines since it's still in its infantile stages, but I can still see it one day going the way of remakes and horrible sequels. Hopefully not in my lifetime, though. XD Maybe by then, it'll all be about ~virtual reality~

Sure, I'll join. :D It'd be nice to meet a couple more people who like discussing things like this.



lostacanthus June 5 2011, 01:30:52 UTC
YESSS! I poked around masseffect after you told me and found them talking about it there! HOW COOL!! And I think it's cool they're letting everyone vote but at the same time I'd rather they just use the default Jane, even if she isn't quite a looker lol. Maybe if they just updated her model, gave it the Sheploo treatment? idk.


littlepunkryo June 13 2011, 13:18:50 UTC
Stalking this post~ but I was laughing so hard at all of the moments Ezio was like "I AM NOT OLD!" because if he's bad about it THIS game? He's gonna be horrible in Revelations when he actually IS old enough to have gray in his beard/hair.


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