What I've Been Up To: A Rope of Sand

Jun 01, 2011 22:25

- Over the weekend, I watched S1 of Arrested Development and fell in love. I've always been meaning to watch it, and so now I'm at that point where I'm wondering why I haven't gotten around to it sooner. I might watch it again while I'm waiting for orangerful to get back from England so I can borrow the rest, lol.

- I'm on episode 3 of Game of Thrones and it's getting increasingly addictive. I love the cast. So so much. EVIL BLONDE TWIN WAS GUY FROM NEW AMSTERDAM!? Just learned that. Doesn't make him less of a creep, but still cool. (I only saw the first episode of New Amsterdam but I thought it was really good.) Jason Momoa = hot. THIS GUY = totally played a random thug in Robin Hood, so I got a good giggle from that. And everyone else too. Just. Aaslfdjlsfj.

A question: Why do they call Sean Bean 'Ned' if his name is Eddard? How is that the right nickname? I want to read the books (and I probably will) but goddamn the names are all ridiculous x)

- I've finally finished S5 of Doctor Who and I LOVED IT! I'm still not sure I understand how everything happened, lol. How/when did he give River the book?? I'm not getting something. But whatever. The end still made me really, really happy. ♥ I love Rory!! God, one day I will make a "Hot guys with pointy noses" picspam. (Eventually. Someday.) They are my kryptonite.

- I've read "Never Let Me Go", which was still pretty depressing. Not quite as sad as the movie, because the movie played up the Kathy/Tommy a LOT more than the book, and Ruth was kind of less evil in the book, too. I loved them both, I think, but definitely liked the movie more. Now I'm reading "Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again" and I kind of hate it. Idk. I used to like ~superhero~ comics but I think I'm growing out of it or something, because I didn't like the first one, either. I'm like, get the fuck over yourself, Frank Miller. I just don't like it all anymore. It doesn't help that all the art is horrible, and I spend a majority of my time WTFing over how ugly everything is.

I'm trying to decide what to read next. I could finish some of the things I've started, I guess. I mean, I've got 7 books listed on GoodReads that I haven't finished, lol. But I still feel like something new.

- I've baked quite a lot in the past week. Sort of. Two angel food cakes, a lemon bundt cake, and a batch of chocolate chip cookies over the weekend. I'd never made an angel food cake before, so I was surprised how well the first one turned out. It was sooo delicious. I made the second one for someone at my moms work (and got paid for it) but I felt a little bad because it didn't taste the same. I think it was because I used a clear vanilla extract for the first, which is a bit stronger or something. I'm not really sure what the difference is, but I can tell there is one, basically, lol. I've also discovered that I hate making things for other people XD I like to eat what I bake, GDI! And this Martha Stewart recipe makes the best cookies, IMO. It's only a little different from the recipe on the back of the Nestle bag, but I've never been able to get that one to come out right. They're never EVER soft enough. (One day I'll have to make them side by side...) Sometimes when I make the MS one they don't turn out quite right either, but I think it's because I let the butter get too warm. Lesson learned though, cause this time they were PERFECT OM NOM

- ethe_real_ity got me L.A. Noire as a late birthday present last week, so I've been playing that and Assassin's Creed on and off. I'm working on my first Vice case now. It's pretty good, I'm just kind of waiting for some big plot thing to knock me off my feet. It just seems to be standard cop fare atm. And of course, I have to mention how great it all looks, the faces & expressions are blowing my mind, etc, etc. I mean, I found Brandon Keener wandering around the station on looks alone! I was like "THAT IS GARRUS' FACE!!!!"

I am a horrible driver though. And a horrible cop. And I still miss Bekowsky. Rusty was a lazy asshole, and I don't like this new Vice guy either.

- And I finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood two weekends ago. The beginning was kind of annoying, running around Monteriggioni with Lucy. It was too much like Prince of Persia and I am HORRIBLE at Prince of Persia so... DNW. And I had just been playing AC2, which I swear is a bit easier, idk. Maybe it's just me.


Anyway. As a whole, I still think Brotherhood is EVEN BETTER than AC2, if that is EVEN POSSIBLE!!?? Admittedly, I feel a bit 'meh' about the modern day plot, but THE REST OF IT!! I'm just going to flail over here in the corner. I'd love to talk about it, but I can't even form proper words. Okay. I'll start with:


Banter. Dear god, the banter in this game = ♥. I was really disappointed when the option to click on Altair's statue went away :C I wanted to make that my ringtone, lol. Also, I love Shaun Hastings. (!! I'll read "Yes Man" next! YESS problem solved. Thank you, Danny Wallace.)

I LOVED the Cristina missions. Of course at first I was like, WTF? when it popped up on my map. What's so damn important about her? But as soon as it started it was all "JK JK JK OMG FLORENCEEEE OMG 147666 OMG FEDERICOOO!!!" (I really like him, okay?) Every single one of those missions was a serious punch to the gut and I loved them. Oh my god, the second one with everyone's bodies was really hard for me :(

I love Ezio so much. His life just sucks and everyone he loves dies and I feel so bad for him but he is still SO BADASS and I love it & wouldn't change a thing because I guess I'm a horrible person that way. And yes, I would say he is one of my most favorite characters of any medium EVER. lovelovelovehim

I didn't mind the ending, but to be honest, that's probably because I spoiled myself for it. If I hadn't known she was going to get stabbed, maybe I would have felt something? Idk. And I will never know. BUT!! I decided to replay the series from the beginning so this time I could pay more attention to Abstergo, work on achievements and getting all those GODDAMN FLAGS, etc. AND I REALIZED SOMETHING! And I shat bricks. I SHAT. BRICKS.

So here's my big ~whatever~. Theory? (idk): After Al Mualim stabs Altair and he's all "OMG I'm still alive?!" Al Mualim is all "You saw what I wanted you to see." (and now I would like a drumroll please.....) Al Mualim has the Piece of Eden from the temple. The apples control minds and create illusions and he used it to create the illusion of Altair being stabbed. Who the hell knows why he didn't just kill him. I don't. I don't remember the plot of the first game, that's why I'm playing again! XD ANYWAY! Point of all this being: LOOK WHAT HAPPENED AT THE END OF BROTHERHOOD! I'm calling Desmond stabbing Lucy as being an illusion caused by the apple and Juno, to teach him a lesson or something idk, the end! That's my story and I'm sticking to it, GDI!

Okay, I just really wanted to get that down. Because I'm calling it. So... we'll see.

Andddd I'm getting tired of talking now. So. A few more things before I inevitably find myself in front of the 360: I love how everyone (Desmond/Altair/young!Ezio/older!Ezio) has their own animations. I swear to go AC2 Ezio is faster than Brotherhood Ezio and that is FANTASTIC. All through Brotherhood I was making fun of him for getting old. "YOU COULD'VE MADE THAT JUMP IN THE LAST GAME!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" x) And he's not even that old. He's only 40 something! It made me feel bad though, every time he fell. He really sounded like he was hurt x) Especially with that gunshot wound! I don't care how many years later it was, every time I flung him from a roof and he made that really wounded grunty sound I was like "I'M SORRY ABOUT YOUR ARM!!!" I felt really bad.

And the music. One of the best soundtracks ever. EVER!!

And now I'm really done talking.

asoiaf, doctor who, tv, arrested development, assassin's creed, video games, baking, l.a. noire

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