Sep 17, 2009 20:44

Ugh, today has been a hellish week. I've been going to my moms work to help do order entry for their trade show, which means getting up at 7, going to work at 8 and not getting home until 6:30 :((
It blows. It blows so much. I'm not used to getting up before 12, so this is really hard for me, lol

Anywho, I done some tv watchin' x)

I watched Vampire Diaries (OR 'VD') for the first time tonight )

glee, tv, supernatural

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Comments 2

ethe_real_ity September 18 2009, 17:38:16 UTC
idk, i kind of got the feeling that the show knew it was being cheesy/predictable? about the whole thing with kurt but still tried to be sentimental? like it's kind of the obligatory gay high school angst? and it seems like the show purposely doesn't take itself seriously for the most part? because yeah...even completely unobservant people who didn't watch the show could've seen that coming.

i am not sure how i truly feel about the show so far. i think i can only tolerate it because i know it's satire about high school and its ridiculous amount of self-centeredness.


lostacanthus September 18 2009, 23:58:54 UTC
Haha yeah, idk, it's like, even though I know that's how it is, it still kind of bothers me. :\ I don't want it to! I want to love it tons! But every episode there is something that makes me like :(


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