Sep 17, 2009 20:44

Ugh, today has been a hellish week. I've been going to my moms work to help do order entry for their trade show, which means getting up at 7, going to work at 8 and not getting home until 6:30 :((
It blows. It blows so much. I'm not used to getting up before 12, so this is really hard for me, lol

Anywho, I done some tv watchin' x)

Um, actually not that bad? SUPER SUPER predictable though. Like, seriously. And I think this broody-vampire guy is better than Edward, at least. lol. Like, the actor handles it better (BLASPHEMY, I KNOW WTF AM I TALKING ABOUT)
I really like the music too, but come on, playing "Gravity" when that one girl goes back to not!Edward? I was like, you must be joking. They have not known each other long enough for that song to have any meaning, jfc.
Ian Somerhalder is super fucking hot though. I MISS BOONE AND SHANNON SFM ;_;
I probably will not continue to watch this, but who knows.

Supernatural 5x02 "Good God, Y'all!"

:(((( IDK HOW I FEEL ABOUT THE ENDINGG. Totally sucks that they're breaking up, but I also can't wait to see what happens now, holy crap!!
I actually didn't mind Jo, and for a split second I was like, aww Jo/Dean! WAIT, WHAT? :| I am clearly not remembering how much I hated "No Exit". And I loved Ellen, especially when she slapped and yelled at Dean. That was a great scene.

I like that in the next episode Cas is like, substitute!Sam. AND OMG WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH JESS COMING BACKKKK. I'm like, THANK YOU. (Even if maybe she's Satan?? IDK WHAT THIS COULD BE BUT STILL, EXCITED!) Because seriously, it's like, after S2, Sam just completely forgot about her and started screwing all these girls (like that werewolf girl, wtf was that?? :|)! What the eff!

I cannot fucking wait for next week.

Glee 1x03 "Acafellas"

First of all, I'm sorry, but how could ANYONE not know Kurt is gay. Even if he hasn't "come out"... come on. I guess I should've been, idk, sympathetic or whatever with Mercedes but jfc I spent the whole time rolling my eyes and going 'ARE YOU SERIOUS???' Sure, it's good they're giving her backstory - I like that, as ridiculous as it was, but still. :\
It was really embarrassing watching her ask him when they were going to make it "official", and poor Kurt, saying he liked Rachel. (HOW CUTE IS IT THAT HE HAS A CRUSH ON FINN?) I really liked how that led into her little musical number though.
It was really touching when Kurt told her he was gay <33



lmfao, my god! Stephen Tobolowsky is fucking hilarious! And I never actually realized how cute Josh Groban is, like, damn. It was so adorable when he was hitting on Will's drunk mother xD

I kind of liked that Puck joined the Acafellas x) I love how it's turning out everyone can sing! x)
I wasn't so crazy about the Acafellas themselves, but I liked when they sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" at the beginning, that was really cool.

As for next week, I'm really looking forward to seeing Rachel sing "Taking Chances"! I love that song so much <3

glee, tv, supernatural

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