Fic: Fallen (or How Charlotte Pollard Nearly Reformed the Master)

Nov 19, 2009 15:27

Title: Fallen
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word count: c. 3500
Characters: Charlotte Pollard, The (Delgado) Master

Summary: Charley’s waiting for the Doctor to return, but it isn’t the wrong Doctor she gets, it’s the wrong Time Lord altogether. This can’t end well. (Some spoilers in passing for BFAs Storm Warning and The Girl Who Never Was(I should ( Read more... )

fannish scribbles, charley pollard, delgado master, doctor who, big finish

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Comments 3

primsong November 19 2009, 15:33:11 UTC
I *so* need to get to hearing the audios someday, I don't know Charley, but a lot of folks apparently like her. Now Delgado!Master, oh yeaaah - he's always good for a read. I hope to get to this later today. :-)


lost_spook November 19 2009, 16:33:48 UTC
Oh, yes. I think you'd like a lot of them - proper classic Who! Sadly, there's little Three, of course, but Six and Eight's audios are particularly great. And Charley's all gung-ho and spunky 1930s, and India Fisher is just perfect at getting her right.

It's the Master's POV, so hope you can follow it!


clocketpatch November 19 2009, 20:34:49 UTC
Three does have a cameo in Zagreus. But then, half the Whonivese has a cameo in Zagreus. That episode is fantastic.


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