Fic: Fallen (or How Charlotte Pollard Nearly Reformed the Master)

Nov 19, 2009 15:27

Title: Fallen
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word count: c. 3500
Characters: Charlotte Pollard, The (Delgado) Master

Summary: Charley’s waiting for the Doctor to return, but it isn’t the wrong Doctor she gets, it’s the wrong Time Lord altogether. This can’t end well. (Some spoilers in passing for BFAs Storm Warning and The Girl Who Never Was).

(I should add I've not done anything more than tweak a word or two of a fic all day; I just had stuff written up, hanging about). I got this from a randomiser prompt: Charlotte Pollard/Delgado Master/Fallen through the cracks. I played about with it the other week, trying to get a prompt for a story for ghost2 and this came up & wouldn't go out of my head.

Thanks to clocketpatch for the helpful feedback (in response to my "I've just written this. Am I insane or does it make sense?" plea for help. Heh). And, sorry, I don't think I've changed anything barring an extra paragraph at the end!

Edit: Sorry, please be patient till it's up on the 'Spoon, as ever!

fannish scribbles, charley pollard, delgado master, doctor who, big finish

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