Very Important Ficathon!

Jul 14, 2016 21:17

astrogirl2 and I are running a ficathon! It is a terrible time to run a ficathon, because the internet in the middle of summer in the northern hemisphere tends to be deathly quiet, but that bit is my fault, not astrogirl2's, because I decided it was now or never, and then the now moved forward a bit because Remix might actually still happen before Yuletide. (I used ( Read more... )

storybrookelife, help!, once upon a time

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Comments 6

a_phoenixdragon July 15 2016, 04:13:02 UTC
I shall pimp!! (And connive and lust after a certain prompt, omg...)



lost_spook July 15 2016, 07:21:18 UTC
Thanks! (And you can claim it tomorrow, hee.)


liadtbunny July 15 2016, 15:51:57 UTC
I'm sure some of my f-listers must like new things!

Good luck with the ficathon:)


lost_spook July 15 2016, 17:33:40 UTC
You never know! And thanks. :-)


lycoris July 15 2016, 16:38:01 UTC
Oooh, good luck! I would totally take part but sadly, haven't watched much Once Upon a Time. I really, really must get into actually watching it, I was enjoying it and then just lost focus and it's all on Netflix, there's NO EXCUSE.


lost_spook July 15 2016, 17:34:34 UTC
LOL, I don't think you need to bring in excuses for having stopped watching things. A lot of people stopped OUaT, but I still like it. Fairy tale meta crack is just not something TV does every day, so i'm there, really.


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