Very Important Ficathon!

Jul 14, 2016 21:17

astrogirl2 and I are running a ficathon! It is a terrible time to run a ficathon, because the internet in the middle of summer in the northern hemisphere tends to be deathly quiet, but that bit is my fault, not astrogirl2's, because I decided it was now or never, and then the now moved forward a bit because Remix might actually still happen before Yuletide. (I used my DW Minor Characters ficathon as a model while astrogirl2 has promised to write something so I don't have to if I get stressed.)

Anyway, it is a Once Upon A Time ficathon based around Storybrooke itself, and we would appreciate all the help you can give us in reaching the people who might be interested, as it's a newer fandom and mostly tunnelled down into its respective ships on Tumblr and less active on LJ and Dreamwidth. So if you know of a good place to pimp, or know of flisters who might be interested, if you were willing to pass on the news that would be awesome. (There are details at the comm (storybrookelife) and on the Tumblr post for how to join in if people don't have and don't want an LJ account. I am also happy for people to prompt/sign-up post by pm-ing me on Dreamwidth.)

You can find the LJ banner with coding all done for you here and I have a rebloggable Tumblr post here.

It is open for leaving prompts now and sign-ups will open from Saturday. You don't have to be taking part to leave prompts, so do feel free to drop some off to inspire someone else. Posting will run from 10th Aug to 7th September. The main requirement for fic is that they be 500+ words and are set in Storybrooke.

(This ficathon brought to you by astrogirl2 and me spending far too much time wondering about the people who make heritage trails in the middle of the Second Curse (for a town that's only existed since 1983 and spent its first 28 years experiencing effectively the same day over and over, frozen in time) or who runs the carpet cleaning services and do they have Opinions about getting scorches, blood etc. etc. out of our Heroes' (and Villains') carpets? Are they also Magic Carpet experts? But it is very much also for those who want to write about anything happening in Storybrooke of any kind, including OTPs being shippy and characters doing their stuff. Anyway, it is a thing! We hope to have more than one person signing up! \o/)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

storybrookelife, help!, once upon a time

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