Fic: Games

Aug 19, 2009 19:55

I've just written a v. short little Blake's 7 fic - my first. I'm afraid it isn't in the least bit serious and is inspired by the thing in S3 that amused me the most.

(All Ages, Series 3, spoiler free. Words: 364)

Games )

fannish scribbles, cally (b7), del tarrant, vila restal, blake's 7, dayna mellanby

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Comments 2

paranoidangel42 August 19 2009, 20:18:29 UTC
Hee. I like your updating of Cluedo.


lost_spook August 20 2009, 19:32:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm very impressed that you stopped to take a look while feeling so bad last night. Hope things are a least a little better now? :-/


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