I've just written a v. short little Blake's 7 fic - my first. I'm afraid it isn't in the least bit serious and is inspired by the thing in S3 that amused me the most.
(All Ages, Series 3, spoiler free. Words: 364)
“I knew you were on to me,” complained Vila. “Nothing’s safe with you around, is it?”
Avon went so far as to manage what might be described as a smirk. “That sounds as if it were something I should rather say to you.”
“How did you work it out?” asked Dayna. “I’m not surprised at you winning by now, but we’d only just started.”
He shrugged. “A simple matter of deduction. If I thought it would be of any use, I would enlighten you, but I fear your limited intellects would fail to comprehend the sequence of logic that led me to my inevitable conclusion.”
“Modest, aren’t you?” mocked Tarrant.
Vila leant back in the chair. “Anyway, this is stupid. I’m hardly the murderous type, am I?”
“No, you have such an open and honest face,” returned Avon, flashing one of his rare grins.
Cally looked between them. “Oh, really. Why don’t we simply start again?”
“Because it’s no fun,” said Vila. “We’ve banned Zen; we’ve had to ban Orac and now it looks like we’ll have to ban Avon. There aren’t going to be any of us left at this rate.”
Dayna said, “Oh come on, let’s give it a try. See if Avon can guess again so quickly. I think he was cheating. I’m sure I saw him looking at the three I had in my hand.”
“You do wave them about under people’s noses,” put in Tarrant. “It’s difficult not to.”
Vila sighed, “Well, as long as it’s not Colonel Mustard on the asteroid with the utility belt again, I’ll give it a go.”
“The choice of weapons isn’t impressive,” said Dayna. “One laser gun, a bit of herculaneum piping, a utility belt. I could have come up with something much more interesting.”
Avon sighed. He had, of course, caught a glimpse of the three vital cards as Cally slipped them into the envelope, but it wouldn’t pay to tell them that. “Why not?”
“And I want to be Professor Peacock this time,” added Vila.
He raised an eyebrow. “Since even Colonel Mustard is stretching the imagination somewhat, I shall retain the counter.”
“Well, all right, then,” the thief said, with a grin. “I’ll have that Scarlet woman.”
Well, if they've got Monopoly and have a tendency to play board games on long voyages, what can you expect? I'm tempted to turn it into 'Five Games That Got Banned Aboard the Liberator' (although a snappier title would be good), if I can do five without just stretching a joke too far.