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Comments 10

jjpor August 13 2009, 20:53:36 UTC
Some very well-chosen, thoughtful moments there, very illustrative of the interesting and at times very subtle relationship that they had ( ... )


lost_spook August 14 2009, 09:37:51 UTC
Heh. Tegan seems to be a parcel of the things that Five feels he's unfairly saddled with in this regeneration. I like to think that, given she's the first thing he sees (as far as we know) when he's just a Watcher, he blames her for his current state. :lol: (She does seem to have a mind that influences her surroundings - it's why the aliens are always after it...).

4. Yes, but I rather like Tegan's irrational moments - thumping Adric and escaping in the TARDIS and messing things up in Four to Doomsday, throwing herself at the console in Earthshock, so I'm torn.

Aw, poor Turlough! I mean, I know there was the orange hair and the dodgy eyebrows and the trying-to-kill-the-Doctor thing, but the Doctor always seemed to like him. And he does unexpectedly turn out to be a hero. (I can't help but wonder how Mark Strickson would have played it if he'd known Turlough's backstory all along, because the moment he gets it in Planet of Fire, the change is striking.)


jjpor August 14 2009, 20:42:08 UTC
Yeah, well, I guess that's another thing we can put down to Messrs Nathan-Turner and Saward and their...interesting...way of doing things... Don't get me wrong; I love Turlough, the weasel! His hatstand-wielding heroics in Frontios, his interactions with all of the sailors in Enlightenment, his sarcasm/cowardliness/treachery just about all of the time, all recommend him to me. Agreed that he is like a different character in his last outing, though, and not just because of the speedos (why did I have to mention the speedos?!)... ;-D


clocketpatch August 15 2009, 19:46:05 UTC
Because no discussion of Turlough is complete without the speedo??

Very nice gathering of moments above. I didn't quickly warm to Tegan, but as time goes on I find myself liking her more and more.


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