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jjpor August 13 2009, 20:53:36 UTC
Some very well-chosen, thoughtful moments there, very illustrative of the interesting and at times very subtle relationship that they had ( ... )


lost_spook August 14 2009, 09:37:51 UTC
Heh. Tegan seems to be a parcel of the things that Five feels he's unfairly saddled with in this regeneration. I like to think that, given she's the first thing he sees (as far as we know) when he's just a Watcher, he blames her for his current state. :lol: (She does seem to have a mind that influences her surroundings - it's why the aliens are always after it...).

4. Yes, but I rather like Tegan's irrational moments - thumping Adric and escaping in the TARDIS and messing things up in Four to Doomsday, throwing herself at the console in Earthshock, so I'm torn.

Aw, poor Turlough! I mean, I know there was the orange hair and the dodgy eyebrows and the trying-to-kill-the-Doctor thing, but the Doctor always seemed to like him. And he does unexpectedly turn out to be a hero. (I can't help but wonder how Mark Strickson would have played it if he'd known Turlough's backstory all along, because the moment he gets it in Planet of Fire, the change is striking.)


jjpor August 14 2009, 20:42:08 UTC
Yeah, well, I guess that's another thing we can put down to Messrs Nathan-Turner and Saward and their...interesting...way of doing things... Don't get me wrong; I love Turlough, the weasel! His hatstand-wielding heroics in Frontios, his interactions with all of the sailors in Enlightenment, his sarcasm/cowardliness/treachery just about all of the time, all recommend him to me. Agreed that he is like a different character in his last outing, though, and not just because of the speedos (why did I have to mention the speedos?!)... ;-D


clocketpatch August 15 2009, 19:46:05 UTC
Because no discussion of Turlough is complete without the speedo??

Very nice gathering of moments above. I didn't quickly warm to Tegan, but as time goes on I find myself liking her more and more.


lost_spook August 15 2009, 20:20:39 UTC
I went from watching Ace to reading the target novelisations and Tegan I loved instantly. I love her awkwardness, her arguing, her good instincts, her generosity and her refusal to give up even when she probably should, even though the Doctor rarely appreciates any of these things.

I just - even though I had the B7 2 boxsets - bought the Guardian trilogy and Turlough is even more impressive with the commentary on. I love him. Mark Strickson always makes thing interesting, whatever else he does. And, considering at the start he doesn't know exactly how old Turlough is supposed to be, what he's doing at that school or anything, and he has to try and drop unconvincing rocks on the Doctor, it's even more so.

Besides, lovely exit. "Look after him, won't you? He gets into the most terrible trouble."


clocketpatch August 15 2009, 20:40:48 UTC
The Guardian Trilogy is out now isn't it? Drat. I've already spent my Who-budget for the year so I'll have to wait on that... (maybe by then it will have come down in price some?)

So, he didn't know how old he was supposed to be? That's a riot. Did he ever figure it out? In any case, his attempts to be 16 when he's clearly older than the Doctor are endlessly amusing.

And yes, his lovely exit, which is rather countermanded by Peri getting him killed in the Very. Next. Episode. lol


lost_spook August 16 2009, 19:14:41 UTC
I've been quite good, and since I'm technically on holiday... I am helpless to resist a Five DVD with commentaries! Sadly no Janet, even on Enlightment, but Terminus is v. amusing.

Well, they don't say as much, but given that nobody had any more info than we get in Mawdryn, probably not, which explains a lot. (And I think the assumption is that he's Sixth Form, so 17 or 18, anyway). And then decides he must be older, as he flirts with Tegan in Terminus. :lol:

That is because Five needs a Tegan. ;-D I'm always v. amused that Janet was supposed stay until the Twin Dilemma, because it's so hard to imagine Tegan playing quite the role that Peri does in Caves.


clocketpatch August 16 2009, 21:37:54 UTC
*tries to imagine that* Nope, not happening. Though, I can very well see Tegan running around trying to stomp the minime!Master in Planet of Fire.

By the way, how are the redone special effects on Enlightenment? I'm curious because 1. I thought the effects were quite good to start and didn't need redoing, and 2. rumour is that they spent more on that than the actual episode originally cost to produce.


lost_spook August 18 2009, 19:32:58 UTC
I've only watched the commentaries for the first two - I was having a slight break from Blake's 7 before I started dreaming snarky dialogue. So I haven't got round to Enligtenment yet & when I do, I shall do the commentary & save the shiny special edition for when I get to Five in my epic DW rewatching in order.

That is not much help, is it? I am also intrigued by the idea.


lost_spook August 15 2009, 20:24:14 UTC
I do like Frontios. It has the deadly hatstand, giant woodlice and the TARDIS completely blows up. And all those lovely little bits with Mr Range. What happened to all that failure-proof technology? "It failed.")

It was because I was watching the commentaries on the Guardian trilogy and it made me realise that when he starts off Mark Strickson doesn't even if know if Turlough is an alien of about 17, 18 who happens to be stuck in the school or if (as is the case), he's meant to be older than that. And if someone had planned... Still, what ifs will get us nowhere, except in fic.

Can we talk about the tasteful stripy top instead? Anything but the speedos! :lol:


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