
Aug 05, 2009 19:39

WIP Meme caught from clocketpatch and jjpor.

Post random lines from your WIPs.


Evidence of current insanity here )

writing, doctor who, wips, meme

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Comments 13

persiflage_1 August 5 2009, 19:22:13 UTC
"So," said the Doctor, "when I advised you never to trust the Master and avoid being alone with him at all costs, which part of that did you freely interpret as 'Oh, well, I shall just go and get engaged to him then'?"

This one made me giggle. A LOT!


lost_spook August 5 2009, 19:23:59 UTC
Heh. Thanks. It did make me grin at the time, too. :-D


persiflage_1 August 5 2009, 19:29:09 UTC
Please to be finishing it soon so I can read it in context and find out just WHO the Doctor is chiding... And giggle some more!


clocketpatch August 5 2009, 21:22:52 UTC
“I can assure you’re we’re perfectly harmless,” said the Doctor with a smile, on being confronted by a science officer with a scowl and a scanner and various members of Security keeping phasers aimed at him. He raised his hands, as did the two girls with him. “Well, aside from Tegan on a bad day.”

Heh, that reads like it was nicked straight from an episode. Oh Fivey and your delightfully semi-sarcastic smile....


lost_spook August 10 2009, 10:55:53 UTC
Heh. He just can't resist a dig at Tegan, can he? ;-)


jjpor August 5 2009, 22:06:18 UTC
Well, now I want to know what they did to the elephant - the fiends! ;-D


lost_spook August 10 2009, 10:57:47 UTC
I make no promises, but the fate of the elephant has stopped that ridiculous TTR romp from going anywhere over the past 8 months. As soon as I went to post this replay, I came up with an explanation.


john_amend_all August 6 2009, 11:14:31 UTC
“Yes?” said Leela, emerging into his line of view. “Do you have something to say about me, fat one?”

Ouch. When Leela calls you something like that you're in a world of trouble :-)


lost_spook August 10 2009, 10:58:07 UTC



john_amend_all August 10 2009, 20:14:16 UTC
I'm jumping to conclusions here (and you've seen more of Leela's stories than I have, more recently). But I was reasoning: She's deliberately not using the fellow's name, though they seem to know each other. With the implied threat that he won't live long enough for her to bother remembering it...


lost_spook August 11 2009, 09:38:39 UTC
Absolutely! :-D


belantana August 7 2009, 07:37:46 UTC
Ha, so I read these as following-on paragraphs at first, and you need not imagine how confused I was. (Well, no wonder it's a WIP, I thought!)


lost_spook August 10 2009, 11:00:38 UTC
Heh!!! :lol:

Yes, I suppose I should have at least put bigger spaces between the lines of italicised alternate sets. :-D It would be rather odd, to say the least.


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