(no subject)

Aug 05, 2009 19:39

WIP Meme caught from clocketpatch and jjpor.

Post random lines from your WIPs.


He followed. “I don’t think it’ll be anything the St John’s Ambulance lot will have covered, then.”

The other woman turned and gave her a shy smile in turn that illuminated her rather plain face. “It is. And what else does it not contain? It is a bewildering sight - a mixture of a genii palace and a mighty bazaar. I do not think I shall entirely be able to keep away during my stay here.”

The trouble with the Doctor, thought Charley, was that, even when one was sitting happily on a woollen blanket in a meadow armed with an exciting novel and a sandwich or two, one couldn’t help wondering where he was and what sort of mess he was getting himself into this time.

“Yes?” said Leela, emerging into his line of view. “Do you have something to say about me, fat one?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice faltering. “I mean, that’s jolly clever and what have you, but I still don’t understand what someone did with the elephant.”

Just so that everyone knows why I did this when they trip over my lifeless body in the middle of the staff room. Assuming anyone notices, which they might not.

“I can assure you’re we’re perfectly harmless,” said the Doctor with a smile, on being confronted by a science officer with a scowl and a scanner and various members of Security keeping phasers aimed at him. He raised his hands, as did the two girls with him. “Well, aside from Tegan on a bad day.”

Then he stopped, a stillness in him that was emphasised by the silence that fell at the ending of the current song. His red eyes rested on Peri, seeming to glow. “Now this young lady - she should sing.”

Nell Wilson glanced at her friend. “And the worst thing is, she means so well. I’m not saying she can’t be an imp - she clearly has it in her - but she’s obviously trying hard to fit in with us. Where can she be from and who wished her onto us, is what I want to know?”

He pulled at the uncomfortable strap under his chin and sighed at the fact that life, no matter where he was, seemed intent on handing out ridiculous helmets.

"It always is," she said. "How do you know this isn't? And, anyway, I'm not interested in inexplicable slime, even if it is interfering with a tourist attraction."

"He seems to be a nice enough young man," said Evelyn. "Not in the least bit pompous, unlike some I could mention. I'm sure they'll cope."

"So," said the Doctor, "when I advised you never to trust the Master and avoid being alone with him at all costs, which part of that did you freely interpret as 'Oh, well, I shall just go and get engaged to him then'?"

"Of course not," he said. "Come on, Sarah. It'll make a change from Hangman."

"Well, it's got a set of very sharp teeth there. Harry, you stay here and I'll fetch the Brig - even if he has gone into First Class!"

writing, doctor who, wips, meme

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