Fic Commentary: Postcards from Wales

Aug 12, 2009 19:24

For ghost2, a fic commentary on my Seven, Mel and Ray Delta epilogue, Postcards From Wales. Due to the nature of the 'story', there are genuinely no spoilers below.

This was meant to be Seven/Ray. Or sort of anyway, but it ended up being an odd mix and more about why Mel left than anything else. I hadn't expected it to grow as much as it did and the intention was for four or five separate vignettes that would exist separately from each other - 'postcards', you see. In the end there were 10 sections (and they do kind of work separately), which does make it look a rather odd piece. And tried my 'broken' theme rather more I'd planned for. Heh.

But it's a play with what Ray might have been like as the companion and Mel and the difference between her two Doctors and perhaps what drove her away. With a little bit of Mel/Mr Burton on the side. (That was mostly a joke...) There's not a lot more to say about it than that, all told, but a few extra notes per chapter:

Mel's dad owns an avenger because that was the car we had in the early 80s. (A bright blue Avenger with black leather seats that burnt you in the summer).

I love that I'm not the only one who imagined Mel and Six playing games like Scrabble. (See eve11's wonderful SCRUPLES for proof!) And it was much fun to imagine Bored!Six in the night as well as Sneaky!Seven.

I tried to make Mel's dream have that proper inexplicable dream feel, with Random Things in it. I tried, anyway.

This is me doing Seven/Ray. You'll have to read really, really careffully to even guess. :lol: Oh, and hiraeth is a Welsh word that means longing for Wales (or your home country). It says a lot about the nature of Wales that the word exists. Lots of people suffer from it, including me, even though I'm only a quarter Welsh and have no right to. (Say the word 'Aberystwyth' for instance...)

Random Doctor conversations on carrot juice! One of my favourite things I've written. And, um, yes, Seven's 'friend' in this, is in fact the BFG. (I am a children's librarian, these things do slip in occasionally).

See, I said it was a bit Mel/Mr Burton, too, didn't I? :lol: (I like Delta and I also like Mr Burton, and he does save Mel's life.)

What's more, I still quite like it, so despite everything that's against it, I count it as an experiment that worked. (It probably needs a note on the front page saying: Yes, I know this LOOKS weird, but try it. Seriously, there's a point to all these random little pieces, yes...)

And thanks to ghost2 who not only read it and liked it but went round reccing it to people!!

ray (dw), seventh doctor, fic commentary, writing, doctor who, melanie bush

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