A meme

Feb 07, 2015 16:41

Found in various places:

Ask me a question about one of my fics. It can be absolutely anything in any project and I will answer it the best I can -- even on current progress/plans.

If you'd prefer, you can also ask about my writing for a particular fandom, my writing as a whole, etc.

(I can't imagine what anybody would want to ask me, but I ( Read more... )

divide & rule, heroes of the revolution, fannish nonsense, runaway_tales, meme

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Comments 24

persiflage_1 February 7 2015, 17:38:22 UTC
Maybe I should know the answer to this, but I am too tired to think straight, so gonna ask anyway and risk looking like the idiot I am. Have you written anything for 'Pirate Queen', the i-surrendered prompt I gave you? If so, where is it? If not, will you (please)?


lost_spook February 7 2015, 18:00:09 UTC
*hugs you gently*

I haven't written anything beyond the initial post, no. I haven't forgotten it, though, and I'd think I'm bound to do something with it at some point. I just seem to have stuck on some missing key point in what's going on - and sometimes you can brainstorm or write those things out, and sometimes you just have to wait for the information to come, and this is one of the latter. Definitely, if I get stuck in runaway_tales, I might write something for that, see if it gets something moving, because I really like what I have so far. I'm sort of saving it up, because, unlike gloomy AU fake 1970s TV shows, I could seriously see that one even being my next attempt at a novel or something - which, of course, I couldn't do until I feel better than I do currently.

So, in short, no, I haven't, but I've thought about it quite a lot, on and off, and, yes, I think something will defnitely come of it sometime - but I don't know when. Soon, if inspiration falls, or maybe I'll be sitting on it for a good while yet, I don't know ( ... )


persiflage_1 February 7 2015, 18:33:50 UTC
*hugs back*

Thanks for the comprehensive answer. I wasn't sure if I'd simply failed to pay sufficient attention.


a_phoenixdragon February 7 2015, 18:32:03 UTC
What is the 'easiest' character you have ever written and what made them easier to write than other characters/what drew you to them?



lost_spook February 7 2015, 20:21:52 UTC
Oh, I'm not entirely sure who the easiest character to write is - I think every character takes a little getting into. However, one I definitely found both easy and fun to write quite swiftly was Silver from Sapphire & Steel - if he's around, then improbability, horrors from outside of time, and flirting will inevitably follow, and what can't you do with that? Sapphire and Steel are pretty great themselves too. All cryptic pronouncements and being afraid of everything.



ladymercury_10 February 7 2015, 18:56:35 UTC
For the meme, what are your favorite/least favorite things about writing Doctor Who fic?


lost_spook February 7 2015, 20:25:11 UTC
Hmm. Favourite is probably... it crosses over with everything so easily! And relatedly, you can go anywhere with it, do any genre, any setting, anything you like. 50 years' worth of characters and all of time and space to play with - who can complain about that?

Least favourite is hard. I'm not sure I can think of anything - only hard things in any kind of writing (getting stuck, not quite getting it right, adventures that go flat, WIPs you can't finish, characters who aren't quite right). Particularly DW-related frustrations? I mean, I don't know, because it really is so flexible, isn't it? You don't have some of the limitations you have in other fandoms.


ladymercury_10 February 7 2015, 23:16:59 UTC
Yeah! It's such a versatile fandom. :)


flowsoffire February 7 2015, 21:09:39 UTC
Mmm… which Doctors/eras of Who have you written, and which were your favourites and less favourites?


lost_spook February 7 2015, 21:20:16 UTC
I was going to say that I'm pretty sure I've written all the TV eras and many of the spin-off eras, too, but I haven't yet written for the Twelfth Doctor - it takes a while to get to a new Doctor ( ... )


flowsoffire February 8 2015, 14:56:51 UTC
Indeed! There's all the getting to know him… ;)

60's!Who ftw! :D ♥


elviaprose February 7 2015, 22:05:20 UTC
Did anything surprise you, as you were writing, when you wrote Little Grey Cells?


lost_spook February 8 2015, 09:01:06 UTC
Oh, now, I wrote that one a long time ago! Let me think! Um, I think to be honest, it was one of those things that just came to me almost exactly as it was, and if anything surprised me, it was just how perfectly the B7 characters fell into the format without me doing anything, really.

I felt bad about making Jenna be the murderer, because obviously I don't think she would be normally. Well, unless she had a good reason. She probably had a good reason? There was a lot of money involved and also keeping herself out of jail, no doubt. :-)

Also ♥ for all the nice comments that went with your question! ♥)


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