A meme

Feb 07, 2015 16:41

Found in various places:

Ask me a question about one of my fics. It can be absolutely anything in any project and I will answer it the best I can -- even on current progress/plans.

If you'd prefer, you can also ask about my writing for a particular fandom, my writing as a whole, etc.

(I can't imagine what anybody would want to ask me, but I suppose if I post it, I might find out? Or not, understandably.)


And also, two more runaway_tales fics (which is where all my writing energies have been going lately, sorry):

Nothing Is Secret These Days (PG, 2467 words. 1959, Thomas Hallam, Edward Iveson, Amyas Harding, Julia Iveson.) “What sort of skeleton do you have in your closet, Edward, that you’d do this?”

Locked Down (PG, 1755 words. 1985, Michael Seaton, Louise Seaton.) Arran and Liesa, hiding out together.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- Comments there:

divide & rule, heroes of the revolution, fannish nonsense, runaway_tales, meme

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